t31 r Tri-Weekly Astorian SATURDAY. Nov. 15, 1S73 Meteorological Re2ort Hours of Observation 7 a, m. 2 and 9 i. m. By Louis "Wilson liar Thermometer Dir. of wind Nov. Rain -fall Mean, Mean; Max iMin 1.... 2.... 30,1 :!U 30,0'B .10,024 .j,sr, 2-S72S lM,Siloj 4.5.2 4S.M f2.2 o;).7 51.2 ii3.8 r-.7 U ."iS.1 .10 1 4S.S l'J.S 51. 0 50.0 TA2 4:J.2 42.7 4M) 48.4 50.0 NE NE SE East South South 0.)2 0.57 0.10 0.58 0.10 0. (i W.0 1 47.7 7 av-i 50.0 52.0 50.S 5J.4 00.4 Wct NE Wct SV 10 30,12. li..J.2.07 12 1-.9.9.0 48.0 52.'J4S(j J 7J 47 7j y-i 30,00 ii 50 41 0.321 TIJe Tabic for Astorfti. (From tables of United States Coast Survey.) High "Water.! Low "Water. Nov. 11.... 15.... ElZ A. if. i A. M. V. M. ... 8 10 7 :tt ... S 57 S 30? ... 9 40 ! .'J81 1 40 2 ::o 3 2 ... 1 41 ... 2 4 1 ... .) 4 i .... 4 41 .... 5 42 ... o :;i ... 7 21 ... 8 00 .... 8 34 ... 9 10 ,..10 00 Im.. ..10 21 10 841. 4 10 17 10 ." 11 271 4 49 IS 11 ."0 ao oojj 5 22 19. 0 15... .all 5S... 20.. 21.. oo 27.'. 24.. 25.. 0 59... 1 43... 5 28... 3 15... 4 01... 5 5'j... o 52... G 48... 0 2;i.... 1 03.... 1 30.... 2 21.... 3 07!.... 4 00k.... 5 0SP.... 0 228.... 5 33 7 09 7 4S 8 31 9 37 ill 40 10 os ii :ji n e: co co 0 2S 0 21 VESSELS ON THE "WAY. Follotving is a list of vessels on the way to this port, so far as wo have been enabled to , obtain a record of the same: Ship David Brown, 905 tons, from S. F. Bark "Windward, sailed from S. FM 1th, British bark Arouco, 002 tons, from Peru. Ship Sagamore, fiom Rio Janeiro, Sept. 19. Island Belle, 313 ton', from South America. British bark Loyal Sam, from Rio Janeiro. City of Lima, 315 tons, from South America. Rarkcntiro Free Trade, sailed from S.F..3d. British ship Ellen Goudy, from Callao, Sept 27th. . Bktn Melancthon, Patterson, sailed from S. F.,:nov. 11th. Bark Whillcr, Simpson, from Bolivia, via San Francisco. British bark Admiral Fitzrop.o from Buenos Ayrc, Sept. 18. Ship Akbar, 90 tons, from S. F chartered for Cork, .Nov. (ith. British bk Mary E. Bay, 15S tons, from S.F., chartered for Cork, Xov. 0th. Am. ship Lorctta Fish from Shields via Cal lao 154 days oat August 12. British ship Andromcda.c from Mclbourn, via San Francisco, August 14th. Xorbk Navigator, Sainsonsen,fiOO tons, from Rio Janicro 54 days out Ocl. 2d. Briti.-h bk Mattie Macleay, Forbes, loading at Honolulu October 15th, for Portland. Britih bark Sylhet, Liverpool, via Victoria, to Janion &, ilhodes )3 days out August 12. French ship Moscow, Martineau, 025 tons liossibly bO days out Oct. 20th, from La Union. TX POUT AXD RIVERS. Sell Alice iTnakc, S. F., arrived Xov. 11th. Bark Rival, fromS. F.,2Uth, arrived Xov. 12. Schr. Ivanhoc, from Coos Bay, arrived Xov. 11th. Stmr. Oriflammc, Connor,from S.F., arrived Xov. 11th. Stmr California. Haves, from Si Mm. nrrii-n1 Xov 10th. Xor. barkEIectra,Bienlund,Montivedo, ar rived Xov. 2d. Brig Orient, McAllop, from S. P., Oct 27th, arrived Xov. 8th. Ship Cutwater.Knowlcs, from San Francisco, arrived Xov. 11th. Stmr Idaho, P Mackie, from Fan Francisco. Arrived JSov. 4th. Bktne Wcbfoot, Whoelwright, from San F., arrived Xov. Hth. British ship Prof. Airy, from South America, arrived Xov. 12ih. BritHi bk Alloa, Ferrier, from Callao, Sept. 20th, arrived Xov, 8th. Sch Supcrior,Sherburne,from San Francisco, arrived .November 12th. British bark Disco, from South America in ballast, arrived October 2oth. British ship Ekdalo. Jenkinson, from San Francisco, arrived October 2:ith. Norwegian bark Gungner, from Bio Janeiro, via ictoria, arrived Xov. 11th. British ship Fifeshire, 700 tons, from South America, arrived Octo?er z7th. American bark Mariano, 549 tons, Ryder, ar rived from San Francisco Xov. 2d. Schr. Hera, Miller, sailed from San Francis 3D Oct. 27th. Arrived Xov. Mb. New barkentino Portland, Gage, from San Francisco arrived November 1st Schr. Lovott Peacock, sailed from San Fran cisco Uctober20th, arrived JNov. b'd. British bark Santa Rosa,5'5S tons.from South America, arrived inside October 27th. British bark Vesta, from Liverpool, to Jan ion i: Rhodes, 193 days out arrived Uct. 22. CLEARAXCES AXD DEPARTURES. Xo vessels have passed out since our last re port REGULAR ASTORIA PACKETS. Regular weekly steamship in San Francisco trade, arrives on Tuesday and sails Saturday, North Pacific Transportation Company. Regular semi-monthly steamers, Gusie Tel fair and California for ports on Puget Sound, apd Sitka, leave at advertised dates. Xorth Pacific Transportation Company. Regular tri-weekly 0. S. X. steamer, arrives from rurtiand, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays returning on alternate days. Steamers Emma Hay ward, Capt Babbidge, and Dixie Thompson, in the grain trade arrive irregularly, semi-weekly from Portland. Steamer Varuna, to and from Fort Stevens. Cape Disappointment, and Liiity Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. Steamer Morrimac, Capt R. Hobson, Knapp tnu n,1 rInn l..Zl:7; n Z .I.Tl..1 V"". ' vwscl? etc k" ""i -;i wo j supplies, euncr m sunsnmo or storm On tho Bar-Steam Arfnrfn. Pnnf wa. ! We never Faflf and Always loat He Sea- aod pilot boat California. -.1 1a 1 a rn i-A V -" f "" """l Sloop Mary IL, Capt Poolo, daily to an! ifoa. bkipanon. ASTORIA MARKETS. Astorlvx Okfick, Nov, 12. Following is a correct list of prices ruling in this market to-dny: Sugars Crushed t lb 14 San Francisco Golden 12 Sandwich Island .12 Coifee-Cota Rica 25 Fresh Ground 37 Chocolate :-7 Teas Young Hyson 75 Japan 05 I4 lour Standard ? sack 1 75 Meal V H sack 2 00 Crackers lb 10 Candles 25 Rice 10 Fine Salt r cwt 2 25 SalcratusJu 12 Soda 12 Vinegar t1 gallon 50 " Golden Syrup "g gallon 00 Hams Y lb 1620 Bacon lb 13&15 Lard t ! 15fi 10 Buttor t lb 30(3,3 Eggs dozen 4) " Cheese V' lb 20(j25 Apples Green t bushel 75 Peaches dried ft lb ; 1418 Honey t'.O none Potatoes ? lb ic Onions V, lb ;jc Bran V cwt.. Si 10; Shorts Si 75, Wheat, S2 25 Hay per ton 18 00 Oats Y lb X Oil cake f cwt 2 2j Hides, dry, lb 12c "14c " green r4 lb 5 Qv Oc Deer Skin?, V lb 25c Elk skins "f !b 15c STEA3IE116, STAGES AXD SLOOPS U. S. MAIL AXD EXPKESS. From Astoria to Clatsop Boacli ! East HOUSES! Good CARRIAGE! J EAVES ASTORIA EVERY TUESDAY, Jul Thursday and Saturday Mornings. Arrive Same Mornings at the OCEAN HOUSE, GRIMES HOUSE, SUMMER HOUSE, And SEA SIDE HOUSE. RETbRMvG Leaves those Houses every Monday, Wednesday and Fridav, connecting with steamer to Poitland each wav. &&' Distance twenty-four miljs,fare $1 50. 11. B. PARKER, Proprietor. S&. COLUMBIA BIS PILOTS! P. JOIIXSOX, II. A. SXOAV, P. E. FERCHEX. M. M. GILMAX, CREED, C.S. "WRIGHT, Agent. ixrOvvcr. Corner of Main and Chenamus streets, Astoria, Oregon. George B. McEavan, Boat BuiiderM ASTORIA, OREGOX. TS PREPARED TO COXSTRUCT BOATS X of every description, of the bes-t materials, on short notice, and guarantees to give satis faction. VJefore sending to San Francisco or else where, give me a call. olltf The Steam Tug Varuna "Will leave Astoria every TUESDAY am) SATURDAY Morning, for FORTSTEVEXS, CAPE DISAITOIXTAEEXT, And UXITY, Carrying Mails, Passengers and Freight. KS- Other days of the week she will be ready to go anywhero that business may justifv. Is prepared to lighter cargoes, freight, hav, cattle and wood. J.li.D.GRAr Agent, Astoria. Oregon Steam Navigatn Co. STEAMERS THE ABOVE LIXE "WILL LEAVE ASTORIA for Portland, 1 1 three times a week as follows, until fur ther notice. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 0 o'clock a. m. returning on alternate days. J. C. A1XSW ORTH, President. OXLY REGULAR PACKET BETWEEN ASTORIA AXD CLATSOP. Carrying the U. 8. Mmll The weU known sloop MAEYE, 5 L W POOLE Master Leaves Clatsop every Monday, "Wednesday and inday, on arrival oi Stages, connecting at Astoria with the steamer Dixie Thompson. Returning, leaves Astoria every Tuesday, lhursday and Saturday, connecting with the Coaches for tho Beach. Extra trips made to accommodate the traveling public. EOll CHARTER. The fast sailing Sloop W. E.TW2ZiIGET, 2k R M LOWE Mnster Is now in readiness to Charter for Pleasure Parties, 1 reight or Psissengers. Head (iiarteij Corner Main and Jefferson streets. Astoria. THEHOISAiS OYSTER CO. N r j jL. 8. Gross, Agent, Portland, Oregon. THIS COMPAXY IS XOW READY TO deliver from one to one thousand sacks of Iresh Oysters, direct from their native element three times a week; we can furnish all kinds, 111 any Quantity, at prices Defying Com petition. V.,UUR,..c.an .rui UV"n TOgUiar tH-WOOKly WT1 'I'llYVlllwtl CV4- L AAX VJVALiJ. oc2tf G. Y. "VVABREX & CO,, A.:..:.., '.rcgon. ASTOEIA ADVERTISEMENTS. Headquarters ! Headquarters ! 11 1 j jkj. . Chenamus Street, Abtoria, Oregon, "Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Provisions, Notions, And General Merchandise, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, HATS AND CAPS, roots a:std SIIOES, RLANKETS, ELAjS1stELS, &c, "Which is being offered Cheap FOR CASH or PRODUCE ! "SKg-All the Xew School Books, that can he had, and a great variety of Stationery jubt received. jyi tf Millinery and Fancy Goods, XV"E WISH TO CALL THE ATTENTION T T of the Ladies of Astoria and vicinity to our new stock of Millinery and Fancy Goods! Which wo offer at reasonable prices. Ladies living at a distance, favoring us with their or ders, will find them promptly attended to. H.EVI.IVIORRISOW, L.B.SPEDDEN Main street, Astoria, Oregon. s23 REMOVED. RENVILLE REED, dealer in Fresh and V.X Cured Meats Canned Fruits, Vegetables, etc., has removed to Chenamus street, in rooms formerly occupied by the old Astoria Market, FRESH REEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEAL, HAMS, BACON AND LAKD, MESS REEF AND PORK, lUT Constantly on hand. rnT Sl)CCfal attention paid to supplyingships. The best of everything the market can supply will be found here. Jtf NOTICE. HAVING LET THE GLOBE HOTEL, and furniture, lately occupied by me in this city, to Messrs. Farleman A: Lawson, the pub lic are hereby notified that tho new firm will be responsible, from tin date, for all bills con tracted in the name of said Globe Hotel. Up to this dato all bills will be paid by me, and persons indebted to me are invited to " squaro accounts" without further notice. Astoria, Sept. 21, lbT.J.tf N. KOEFOED. Globe Oyster Saloon K- ECOEFOED, (Late Proprietor of the Globe Hotel, Astoria,) TS NOW PREPARED to servo his many JL friends and the public generally with OYSTERS m EVERY STYLE ! Also, GOOD ENGLISH ALE AND PORTER Call around at tiic old Stand, on Main street, and give these articles a trial. ocitf DRU 1RY, Astoria, Oregon. PHYSICIANS AND FAMILY PRESCRIP tions filled from tho PUREST DRUGS, either at day or night. A full stock of AV1NES AXD LIQUORS, FOB MEDICAL USE, PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, OILS HEUS1IES, ETC., Orders from tho Country solicited, and carefully and promptly filled. Washington Market, Main Street, Astoria Oregon, (Near Ilolladay's Wharf.) A J. DONALDSON would respectfully an- nounce to his old patrons and tho public in general that he has re-opened his old stand as above and will at all times keep on hand a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AftD CURED RflEATS ! Which will be sold at lowest rates, wholesale and retail. Special attention given to supply ing ships. oc7tf BS.CKSMITHING C. CAItR IS HAPPY TO INFORM i his old frinnds nnrl pnsfnmprs nn1 all others who wish to patronize him, that he has Hesunieci Business, At the Old Stand, And is again prepared to do all kinds of Black smith work, from making an Anchor FJuo, to a Plow Shear. Main street, Astoria. aul'J ASTORIA OREGON HORSE SHOEING, Blacksmithing, and . . General Jobbing done to order, and satis taction guaranteed. Horso Shoeing specially attended to. ocitf F. FEftRELL, AT THE Astoria Steam Saw Mills, ASTORIA OREGON. Is now prerared to fill any kind of Orders for LUMBER, On short notice. Address, F.FERRELL, Aatoria Stcau Saw Mills. 0i;- Aatoriu, Oregon. Dr. S. Kmsey, UtflST AKDAPOTIlEa ASTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. Established in Astoria ill 1819. NEW GOODS. CHEAP GOODS. I V Ad. J.1 JLF W kJ Jt-S Aa ) "Wholesale and Retail Dealer in GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Corner of Main and Chenamus streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. IS NOW OFFERING FOR SALE ONE OF the largest and most complete sxssortmonts of General Merchandise ever boforo brought to the country, and to buyers For Cssh will offer the Most Flattering Inducements , In tho line of DRY-GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, AND CAPS, ROOTS AND SHOES FANCY GOODS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, GENTS' FURNISHINGS, A Complete Stock of Every Article, TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. U35Givo mo a call, and bo convinced that my goods are of the best quality, and as cheap as can be bought of any house in tho Stato. A. VAN DUSEN. Bramers Coffee Stand NOW OPEN. Chenamus Street, Abtoria, Oregon. THE PUBLIC NOW SUPPLIED WITH a superior quality of Hot Coffee, Cakes, Oysters, PigTs-Feet, Confectionery, Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, Notions, etc. BSTGive me call, at the ne;v Stand, Rrown's Building. oc2Stf CC3DEE3T HOTEL, S. N. ARRIGONI Pp.oi-kirtob. Astoria, Oregon. THE BEST FURNISHED, MOST CONVE nient and in every respect popular hotel in Oregon. Owing to its location it is considered A Very SeHglitf vOL Siunrner Resort. '"Magnificent Suits of Rooms for families. Iho table is supplied with tho choicest delica cies of the season. Wine and Billiard Room attached to the Hotel. S. ft. ARRBGONI, Occident Hotel Block, Astoria, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Choice Brand Liquors The Finest in the Xarket CONSTANTLY ON HAND! Which will bo sold in lots to suit purchaser Kot, Cold, and Shower Batks I AT OCCIDENT HOTEL, HAIR DRESSING SALOON. "WAl. TJiilexiiakt Pkopkijstor. inr Special attention paid to LADIES' and CHILDREN'S HAIR CUTTING JvPrivato Entrance for Ladies "s H. B. Parker ! Importer and Dealer in r Wines, Lienors, Cigar TOBACCO, GROCERIES, v PROVISIONS, Et., St. AvT Holladay's Wharf, Main street, Astoria. John W. G-earkart, COMMISSION MERCHAJfff, Chenamus street, Astoria. Wholesale and Retail Dealer is Hay, Grain and Fe& ! A GENERAL ASSORTMENT of Groci, FLOUR, BACON, HAMS, SHOULDERS, LARD, BUTTER, CHEESE, EUS. Bte. Motto " Small Profits oh Csh Sales." f n signments solicited. jf Oregon Bakery! Alain St., (Holladay's Wkarf.) Astoria, 0 CHARLES BINDER, Pbop:ki?o. FRESH BREAD, CAKES, PISS, CP.ACX ers and Pilot Dread, always on has 4. A RESTAURANT Is kept in connection with tko Bakery, tritae f meals can bo procured at all hours. t& Oysters in orery j-tyle in tke geacearVtt Astoria Bakerjl Corner of Main &n& Ctuse streets, AelbSth. HENRY JACOBS Pjiomww. I alway tju Connected with tho ertabliahmeat Ik a P.eading Koora. Cignrc aud Lugor wi mr. Baths! fe?af Baths Jffth S v" Si READ, CRACKERS, PILOT 15RB1D.. Cakes.Grocories and Prvi icnu of ail t Ui s on hand. Ship stores famihtd. ASTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. New Stock of Goods! CLOTHING OF THE BEST STYLES, AND THE VERY BEST QUALITY, AT EEASONABLE PRICES. EVERYTHING ELSE IN PEOPORTION. t The Old stand of ERS. TAKE NOTICE. This is anoxtensivo stock of well selected goods, in great variety, which I am now opening. Old Patrons, Friends and tho community in general, aro invited to call and inspect both Goods and Prices. G. SUMMERS, Chenamus street, Abtoria, H. S. Sh uster Photographic Artist, At the old Stand, Astoiia, Oregon. PETER H. FOX, RfiERCHAT TAILOR, Corner of Main and Jefferson streets, Astoria. CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS CUT AND made to order. Cleaning and repairing. Otto Dufneh, Main Street - - Astoria, Oregon PRACTICAL JEWELER. "WATCHES AND CLOCKS cleaned and re- T Y paired in tho best manner, at rooms In Binder's Restaurant. s'iltf WELCH'S GOOD SAMARITAN COMPOUND. For Oaring Rheumatism, Sprains, Felons, JJoils, Uruiscs, Hums, etc., etc. BIRECTIONS.-APPLY EXTERNALLY to the parts atlccted; rub in well, and in severe cases cover with thin cloth, tied or fas toned on with caro. Warranted to cure, or greatly alleviate, in all cases named in this label. A singlo bottle will cure or proven t days of tho most excruciating pain, and not unfie quently savo the life of the sufieiing patient. Price, simper Bottle. l'RKPARKD IIY J. WELCH, ASTORIA, Orkgon. A. SMITH, LATE OF LA PORTE, INDIANA. JK"Having commenced business in Astoria I am prepared to do all kinds of Painting, Graining, Paper Hanging. Glazing, etc., i:i a workmanlike and satisfactory manner. Satis faction guaranteed, both asto prices and work, Charles H. Bain, Contractor cind Bui'.der, Astoria. Plans, Specifications and Estimates made to Order, on Shoit Notice. I Tironared te fill orders for nnv flnsa nf I work, with promptness. al tt HENRY BERENDES, a T.OOT Q MAKER! Chenamus street, Astoria, Oregon. S Manufactures to order the best qualitj f Boots and Shoes Repairing of all kinds ""i M. MEYERS' ASTORIA BREWERY! 'AVING ALL THE MACHINERY NEC . ensarv for firt class wurk.BTvillfnl T'r.u-ra ana UFing none but tne bst quality of matai nls, Iho Proprietor is prei ared to In ny quantity, from a Singlo Pottle to a BARREL, AND i LT IT I V in god con dition fur Shipment or Immediate uso. 1 ami lies and keepers of Public House prdinptly and regularly supplied. M MEYRii, lioi- r Astoria Market ! ChjikjuXUB Street Atixi-:iA. HOBSON WARREN, "Wholesale and Retail Dealers in all kii.ds of Fresh and Cured Meatsi Butter, ggs. Cheese, Mams, JJason (end Lard Ckumed Fruits and Vegetables, Constantly On hand. fill?" Phius BU null oil n.t 1nvu-t r:ifoc Vj-r-ZJ Hemlock TANNERY ! t.LEINKNWEliEK,! X-. l.u K, j PpowtyTeHS. SUHM