Tri-weekly Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1873-1874, November 15, 1873, Image 1

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Vol. 2.
Astoria, Oregon, Saturday Morning, Nov. 15, 1873.
No. 7,
gaogBfcwr.Mw.m.vj! r.
:a.;.vtJi:rAiArajLT.Tiiaii3i- jm..-h mr
aMonitor Building, Astoria, Ocoe,
. C. IREIbAXJD Ir2rietor
NJ.crijtoii Ztufcs:
Qno Copy one year. So 00
One Copy six months o 00
Uao Ciy three month? - -..-. 1 50
R45" Single X umber, Ten Cents. &
Advertising Rates:
One Insertion per square, lOiinesor lc;s...2 o0
!Each additional Insertion, per square 2 00
3l" aarly nd'ts per month, per square 1 50
L. P. Fisier, 20 and 21 New Ij crchants Ex
change, I- to act as Agent for the
Astoui w in San Francisco.
Any friend .vho feels an interest in the pros
perity of this region, is authorized to act s
Agent for ths paper, in procuring subscribers.
See fourth page for Poetry, cf.c.
Thanksgiving, Christmas, find New
Tear each come on Thursday.
Five hundred and seventy-one years
ago next Saturday the ship-compass was
r Testerda3- was foggy and damp, with
3io favorable winds fer sailing:, "but Shuster
continued to print )hotograilis.
VanDusen's store-cat works about six
toon hours out of twenty-four endeavoring
to capture one of Chun Ming's pigeons.
'When she gets one it will make her an ex
cellent meal.
The bark llival, Capt. Clements,
which came in from San Francisco
"Wednesday evening is partly loaded with
"ballast, which is being carted to Main
street from Capt. Flavors wharf.
Last evening aboutG o'clock a fine team
of work horses belonging to James W.
"Welch, became frightened and backed
off Capt. Flavel's wharf, wagon and all
togher. The horses, valued at about 350,
"were both drowned.
The frame for the new steam tug
building for Fred Congdon in Portland,
is partly out. "We are informed by Capt.
Fisher that the new craft will be ready
Tor business before the Simimering-viait-inr-Seaside-Season
of 1S74.
Messrs. Hobson & "Warren have pur
chased of Gapt. Eeed his market and stock
-consolidating the samewith their old es
tablished A.stoiia market, on Chenamus
street, .giving the firm additional facilities
for accommodaiing the trade.
Smoked Salmon, of excellent flavor,
put up by "Wm. Hodge of Clatsop, is to be
found in market now. A. J. Donaldson,
of the "Washington Market, has our thanks
for a sample iisli the same which we can
and do consistentiv recommend.
The Liberian bark Clara Louise,
hence for Honolulu, reached her port of
destination on the 7th ult. Her name and
Hag was changed at Honolulu, and she
was on the berth, October 15th, loading
for Astoria, as tlie British bark Mattie
It will be seen by card hi another
column that Mr. Fred Colbert, for live
j'ears proprietor ef the "New Restaur
ant," on Chenamus street, lias taken the
'Globe, and proposes making it a place in
every respect wortlry of the patronage of
the traveling public.
-Maps of H. J. Stephenson's recent
survey of township, seven north of range
nine west have been completed and filed
in the general Land Office, at Oregon
City, and at the office of Col. R. R. Sped--den,
Clerk of Clatsop county. Claimants
of lands in that township can now file at
any time.
H. A. Shaw, jr. who is becoming
quite an adept with, the brush, etc., in all
branches, such, as house painting, glazing,
paper-hanging, kalsomining, sign writing,
etc., is preparing to build a shop in this
-city and open a permanent business. His
numerous friends will be pleased to note
hh Euccess.
Those sea gulls, protected from indis
criminate slaughter by Young America
through the medium of an Ordinance of
the Astoria Common Council, are among
the handsomest birds that live, but as in
nocent as they appear, they are sometimes
terrible fighters. About twenty of them
.caused consternation in the bay yesterday,
.going for ahapless Shag that had chanced
lo have a monster craw-fish fasten upon
oneof "itswebj. letpresume itjvas a wist
understanding all around. The Shag suf
Ibredmost. v ' '"' ' -- -
Mr. Singlinger, for some time con
nected with the tinning business of Mr.
Nickerson deceased, has commenced
work at the new shop with Mr. Jackins.
The British ship M iddlesex hence for
Liverpool, was spoken September 20th,
kit. 2S.0I S., long. 12G.2S W., and the
Otago on the IGth ult., hit. 13.30 N., long.
116 W. '
. The schooner Superior, Capt. Sher
burne, from San Francisco, came in the
north channel "Wednesday evening, and
laid in Baker's bay until Thursday even
ing, arriving here on the 13th.
The painful rumor reached here yes
terday that Mr. Henry Kindred, chief
officer of the Dixie Thompson had lost one
of his hands while endeavoring to push
off a lender as the steamer approached the
dock. The report is that the hand was
wholly lost. We hope not, however.
The new Parker House, hotel and
Restaurant, lately fitted up in this city by
Mr. W. W. Parker, lias been formally
thrown open to the public l3r Messrs. Far
leman and Lawson, lesscs. The building
and everything about it is new and the
proprietors will be certain to please their
patrons. See advertisement, and give the
Parker House a trial.
The Orcgonian criticizes the Astoiii
ax because an old pioneer of Salem in
troduced a progressive idea at considera
ble length in these columns, showing the
relative advantages of travel to-day in
Oregon, over that of the days when Port
land was discovered, twelve miles below
Oregon Cit3 We might sr.ggc.-t the jxs
sibifity that perhaps the Orcgonian would
be a trifle interestintr to itsreaders. and
the public, were it to occasionally admit a
column or so into its pages upon similar
topics, or something else that could be
considered pure minded,
A correspondent at Oysterville informs
us that during the recent session of the
Count' Commissioners a quo waranto was
issued by Justice M. S. Griswold, com
manding the Board to appear and show
cause why they presumed not to allow a
certain claim. The matter was the subject
of curb-stone attraction for many days,
but when the question came up for judicial
action the Court decided that it had no ju
risdiction in the matter, and dismissed the
case. Oysterville is again quiet.
One of the daily commercial journals
of the Emporium informs us that " the
barks Webioot and Ellen Haake, from
San Francisco, were reported outside the
bar when the Merrimac left Astoria." How
this world is given to moving. Next we
expect to hear that the propeller Ellen
"Wcbfoot and. the Alice schooner barks
Haake, to illustrate, have arrived at their
docks in tow of the brig Dixie Thompson,
and .will immediately begin discharging
ballast for the Orient, and will take in :i
cargo of wheat for Kingdom come.
Dr. Dodd, health officer at this port,
informs us that the small-pox patient tak
en from the schooner Alice Haake is do
ing very well. He was one of the crew.
No new cases have broken out. Two of
the crew have previously had the disease,
and as there were so few on board perhaps
no new cases may occur within the time,
in which cae the vessel will bo released
from quarantine and permitted to pass up
the river. The public may rest assured of
one fact; that Dr. Dodd understands his
duty, and will attend to it.
Little Daisy May Case, daughter of
I. W. Case, esq., entertained a large party
of her juvenile lady acquaintances, on the
occasion of her tenth-birth day anniversary
last Thursday. The little folk began ar
riving about four o'clock p. m., and a very
happy time indeed was spent amongst
them by each until six o'clock. Such re
unions are profitable, and should be en
couraged. "The grandest days of this
life" said a noted writer, " are those spent
with children, listening to them recount
their victories, tell of their hopes, etc.,
little realizing their future uncertainties
of it all. who would not be again a
The Bulletin informs its patrons that
Congdon's "new steam tug Sedalia," Fred
Douglass engineer, is at Astoria. "We
were never much of a negro-worshiper, in
Democratic days, but if Fred Douglass is
out here engineering Congdon's new steam
tug Sedalia, as a matter of course there
should be some pride taken in the matter;
because, don't you see, to use that famil
iar phrase of an Oregon Printing-office:
" It will advertise our State abroad, and
do very much to bring Oregon into notice
before the world." Barber-us if we don't
beleive we are right glad to hear this Lit
of local news; and if Fred will call around
at our office we '11 givehim a knock-down
to our auctioneer, an't it Wright? and
just let him knock-down to the balance of
Sthe deer peops here who are dreamino-.
in blissfull ignorance pf tlie honor' that
await them. . ,
A fever of excitement begins to
rage for gold mining in the Spring.
The mines are about evenly divided,
in the extent of fancy coloring, be
tween the routes of the North Pacific
Transportation Company, (Stickeen),
and the Oregon Steam Navigation
Company (Yakima). The greater
the distance the coarser the gold of
course. Our advice concerning either
camp would be to sar, simply: let
well enough alone, and stay at home
but if you do go be certain to take
grub and coin enough with you to
get back again. Remember Simili
keen, Peace river, and the starving
people who died in the endeavor to
reach civilization, after having been
most unmercifully bilked by just as
favorable stories as these now told,
of the marvelous richness of mines
in British Columbia, two years ago.
It is funny how ingeniously some
stories are told. In the published
accounts of the Stickeen mines every
man, mentioned as having made
strikes, " had to leave" for want of
grub, or something of the sort, yet
some of them only worked a few
hours, but "had to leave." This
varn is too thin.
The great watchwords of time
are "Education" and " Association."
Both their desiderata are fully recog
nised in this organization of Grays
so unprecedented in its growth; so
beneficial in its aims, so wide-reaching
in its influence. Of all combina
tions originating under strong neces
sities" for resistance, it is the least
revolutionary, the most patient and
progressive. It is no part of our busi
ness to foster enmities, and widen dif
ferences, between capital and labor;
but, on the contrary, 'to learn hov.r
these can be associated into a true
equality. Capital, in the bands of
educated labor, is not one tool but
many, the grandest piece of its com
plex machinery. The increasing sub
division and specialization of labor is
sufficient guarantee that the princi
ples of co-operation will never work
adversely to the interests of capital.
The Executive Committee of the
Centennial Horticultural Society met
at Philadelphia, October 1st, and
adopted resolutions providing for the
holding of an autumnal exhibition in i
1S7G by the American Pomological
Society, under the supervision of
Committees of the latter.
Bowen has sold the Brooklyn
Union to a joint-stock company of
local j)oliticians and capitalists, and
talks of selling the Independent also,
and going to Europe for a long resi
dence with his family. Which is a
very sensible tiling for him to do.
The Regents of Michigan Uni
versity refuse to appoint Professors
of Homeopathy, as ordered by the
Legislature, and the Circuit Court
gives them until November 7th to
show why a mandamus compelling
their obedience should not be issued.
School 3uulcs. Now is tho time to buy
School books lo conform with Iho now law.
For first introduction theroisa discount of u3
per cent. from retail prices, as follews:
Pacific Coast Retail. Introductory.
J'irst iioader '
Second Reader f)0
Third Header 75
3'ourth Reader 1 00
.Fifth Header. 1 tM
Speller. o5
Hopkins' .Manual of Amer
ican Ideas, (in place of
Sixth Header), 150 100
All of which may now bo found in Astoria,
at the store of I. V. CASE,
oc21eod Chenamus street,
Notice to Mamxers. San Francisco,
Oct. 31, 1S73. The Buoy painted Green,
marked wreck. in larsre white lfitters.hns
been replaced on the wreck of the Patri
cian. Twos;. Si. "Pttvt.-pr.
n!5 lw
Cant. U, S.N., Inspector.
Church Notices.
firnco Church, (Prot. Episcopal) Rev. T A
Ilylnndlteiitor, -Divine- services every Sunday
at. 10 a ji and.7 r m; Sunday School at 1 r ji
Congregational Church, Rev A ."VV" Tenny
Pastor, J.)ivne scrviccs.every "Sunday ax, W
a m arid 7 p" m;- Prayer greeting every Thurs
day evening, SuntTay School liiects at 12 m
TMtRAPH dispatches.
Tlie lr;co of Golil.
Portland, Nov. 14. Gold in New
York to-day, 106; Portland Legal
Tender rates, 91i buyingr and 92
Miscellaneous "rTcwso.
Bismark lias been appointed Presi
dent of the Prussian Ministry.
Richard Hayes McDonnell, late of
San Francsco, was accepted as a fifth
juror in the Tweed case.
A corps is being formed of Ameri
cans alone to proceed to Cuba. They
will probably be returned corpses
t:iot alone."
Two men who committed the rob
bery on the Peck Island Railroad
have been captured and are in jail at
Wellington, Kansas.
General Luperon has been recalled
to the command of the Insurgent
forces San Domingo and will make a
supreme effort to triumph or be anni
hilated. The feature in the recent election
in Illinois was that in 29 counties
where women were candidates for
County Superintendents of 'Schools,
11 were elected.
T-hc loss of the steamer Ismalia is
fully credited at the Ship News Ex
change. She had no passengers.
She was last seen on October 2d off
the coast of Nova Scotia.
Reports from the manufacturing
sections of New England are more
cheering. There is news of a resum
ption of business in several places,
and of running the manufactories on
increased time.
Secretary Delano will, in his an
nual report, renew his recommenda
tion that a census be taken in 1875,
the result of which could be publish
ed in season for the Centennial cele
bration of Independence.
The Louisville and Nashville rail
roads will reduce the wages of their
officers and employes 10 per cent,
after the 16th insL Other Southern
roads will do the same. "Wonder if
a corresponding reduction in rates of
fare, etc., wrill take place.
The seamen of New York are to
have a grand street parade, with a
view to influencing Congress to repeal
the act creating shipping commission
ers for the different ports in the coun
try. Ship owners and masters, it is
stated, are preparing a formidable
petition in favor of a repeal of the
There are great rejoicings throug
out Mexico over the adoption of
amendments and additional articles
to the National Constitution, abolish
ing peonage and separating Church
and State. An extensive coup d'etat
plot has come to light. Well known
politicians are compromised by rev
elations. A Paris dispatch of the 10th -says:
It is believed the compromise offered
by the Right will be accepted, and it
is thought that the crisis is over.
A deputation will visit the Count de
Chambord to request him to abandon
his claim to the throne in favor of
an Orleans Prince.
An enthusiastic Cuban meeting
was held in New Orleans on the 10th.
Resolutions were adopted condemn
ing the barbarity of the Spaniards
and calling on the Federal Govern
ment to recognize the Cubans as bel
ligerents and requiring an indemnity
and apologr for recent outrages on
American citizens.
Official returns are published of
elections in 94 of the 102 counties in
Illinois, leaving only eight to be
heard from. Forty-nine of these
counties have been carried by the
Farmers' ticket; 15 by the regular
Republican organization, and 17 by
the Democrats. The farmers or anti
monopolists victory has been almost
unparalleled. They have carried 49
counties against the organization of
Democrats or Republican party.
A letter from Havana," dated the
5th, has the following account of the
execution of the Yirginius prisoners
at Santiago de Cuba: Four prisoners
were shot at a place made famous by
previous executions, and in the usual
manner, kneeling. All marched to
the spot with firmness. Bambetta
and Ryan showed marked courage,
although the former was slightly af
fected toward the last. Two others
were quite broken down be. fore they
were bandaged, but. bore orp at the
last and never flin erred ' a moment.
.Th ey died without ' fearoi; regret.
Iambetta .and -.Ryaifw6r -killeoljit
tlie first discharge. '
No more bills of the Texas Pacific
Construction- Company will be allow
ed to go to protest, and thus John
Welsh will arrange an extension
with the holders. Colonel Scott says
the failure of the company is virtual
ly attributable to the scarcity of
money and the consequent inability
to dispose of bonds,
A Paris dispatch says the Right
not only agreed to extend MacMa
hon's term of office to five years, but
have consented that he shall be offi
cially designated President of the
Republic. By these concessions the
Right have gained one Republican
member, and now have a majority
in the Committee on Prolongation of
the President's powers. Theirs, on
the 9th, said that the Monarchists
had suffered a check, and that a con
servative republic was assured.
Our Government is not satisfied
that the Yirginius was entitled to the
protection of the United States. It
is true she sailed from New York un
der American register, but it has
been charged she wras sold to Quesa
da some fifteen or eighteen months
ago, at Curacoa, and since that time
has been sailing under both Cuban
and Venezuelan flags. The indica
tions are that the Spanish Govern
ment is disposed to act in a perfectly
honest manner with the Unitecl
A Washington dispatch says the ex
ecution at Havana is condemed in
official circles as brutal, and when
all the facts attending it shall become
known, should it appear that inter
national law had been violated, im
mediate measures will be taken to
maintain the dignity of this Govern
ment, but the Secretary of State has
an idea that the Spanish Government
will not be slow to make due repara
tion as far as in its power,, judging
from the friendly disposition evinced
toward the United States and by ex
pressed desire to cultivate more inti
mate relations of peace.
A Washington correspondent had
an interview with Secretary Fish re
garding the shooting of the passen
gers of the Virginius, and the Sec
retary said it was a cold-blooded mur
der. No one denies that Ryan and
his confreres were in the commission
of the Cubans. If an American is
willing to enter into the service of a
foreign power, he does so at .his own
risk, and has no right at every turn
which proves inimical to his own in
terest or life to ask the intervention "
of our Government He has volun
tarily left to battle for another power.
It would have been much more cred
itable to the Cuban authorities to
have kept their officers at home,
doing service where it was valuable.
The Secretary added that he sympa
thizes with Cuba,, but could not ren
der aid in any manner which will
conflict with the amity of nations.
Ex-President Allen, of the Pacific
Mail Steamship Company comes to
the defense of Stockwell in a state
ment made in his answer to a com
plaint made against him, from which
we quete: "During the year 1873 tho
P. M. S. S. Co. owned a certain amount,
of stock of the Panama Railroad Com
pany, but the company disposed of it
during the same year to friends of
Stockwell, and that when he became
President of the company it had 27,
000 shares of Panama stock. He
often said it was desirable to obtain
more funds, and Stockwell sold 15,
000 shares of the stock at $100. The
remaining 12,000 shares were hypoth
ecated or loaned for the account of
the company!. The proceeds of all
thescoperations wore used bythe com
pany in transacting its regular busi
ness. It is also alleged that these
securities were largely enhanced in
value, so that the company actually
profited to the extent of one million
dollars by the operations of its Presi
dent. After the hypothecation of
the 12,000 shares the stock began to
fall, and the securities of the company
were pledged to secure those with
whom the transactions had been
made. These securities were after
ward purchased by Stockwell, and in s
payment thereof he gave mortgages
and notes of the Howe Sewing Ma
chine Company. This left Stockwell
to pay the company's debt of 12,000,
000, with interest, for these suits were .
brought after a careful examination
by the Directors, who agreed to the
adjournment of the claims on Stock
well's payment to the company of
$10,000,000. Tho capital stock 1
worth now abount $2S0,000.
A. J. Donaldson,, with an eyctojhe,
27th, and to conform with the GovpfnorV
Proclamation, which helms posted i'rf'fiUHJ,
'ofnce,'has sent ct for'alltKfeTlilVn'ksgivr,
ing turkcybhe can findf'anftlficlLneSktflllttr4
have in reason to fill the hill.