CHJ esebehb 4JM-PlUUJUilajLllfcilSwiAil9Ki'.'igJ Tri-Weekly Astorian TUESDAY. 1 Nov. 11, 1873 fi35If you have city property to soil say by advertising in the Astoiu vx. so Clinrcli Xotices, Grace Church, fProt. Episcopal) Rev. T A Ilyland Hector, Divino services every Sunday at 10. a i JindT i m; Sunday School at 1 v m Congregational Church, Rev A "Vr Tcnny Pastor. Divine services every Sunday at W a .vandT i m; Prayer Meeting every Thurs day evening, Sunday School meet at 12 m SI"If you want to make a fortuno advertise what you have to sell in the Astokian. Temple Ioils;e Xo. 7 A. F. & A. if. Regular Communications first and third, Saturdays in each month, at o'ciocK i. m. !it tUn iTnJi Jn Asfnria. Members. of the Order in good standing are invited to at lend. By ordei of the W. M. 3eaver Louge No. 35, I. O. O.F. vV"Jf &k- Meet every Thursday evening. SSsE:- of 7 tiVlnnU- in thn ( )flrt Knllnw's abP J ' sill, corner of Cass and J cfl'erson '"' streets, Astoria. Members of the Order are invited to attend, By order, N. G, MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE. BY ORDER of the Board of Directors a sec ond assessment of twenty-five per cent, on The capital stock of the Astoria Farmers Com pany is made and re pared to bo paid to tho Treasurer of said Company. S. D. ADAIR, o'iltf Secretary. 'Established Twenty-two Years, S. J. MoOorniiok, PUBLISHED: Franklin Book Store ! BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, 1!) First Street, Portland, Oregon. Constantly on Hand, a full Stook of STANDARD SCHOOL BOOKS, And Staple Stationery. J.K. Gill& Go. (Successors to G. A. Steel & Co.,) IMPORTERS: WHOLESALE AND TiETAIL DEALERS IX BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Xo. 75 First street, bet "Washington and Stark PORTLAND, OREGON. THE WHOLESALE OUSTER CO. cx A. 3. Gross, Portland, .y iJy Agent riULS COMPANY IS NOW HEADY TO X deliver from ono to one thousand sacks of r resh Oysters, direct from their native element three times a week; wc can furnish all kinds, In any Quantity, at prices Defying Com petition. Customers can rely upon regular tri-wcckly supplies either in sunshine or storm We never Pail, and Always last the Sea hon Through. G. V. WARREN & CO,, oc2tf Atoria, Oregon. Patronize Home Manufactures. AINSLEY & DAVIDSON, Manufacturers and Dealers in Djdfs, Sash, Blinds, frames, Shutters, Brackets, And all kinds of Scroll Sawing. Having the best facilities and tho latest im proved wood working machinery for the manu facture ofthe above articles, can offer superior inducements to customers, and at San Fran cisco pi ices, at Xicolai IJros' Mill. Also, bet quality of Seasoned Codar Lum per, Ceiling, Kustic and Mouldings. Wo)d Turning in all its branches, Ballustcrs, Newell Posts, billiard Ualls, Croquet Sets, etc., at NICOLA L liltOS.' MILL AND FACTORY. Cor Second and E Streets, Portland. BURDETT ORGAN ii 0 flu LI DpRvxsTDearSir ThcBur dott Organ that I tried at your house SUITS ME .BETTER THAN ANY OTHER REED IXStRUMEXT i I EVER, HEARD. There is a variety and sweetness of tonoin these intru nionts unsurpassed, ia my opinion, and PI O Their 1'opularity Is very EASILY' ACCOUNTED for. FltAXK GILD EH. (Tho eminent American Pianist), Mad. Anna Bishop Concert Troupe. p 2 BURDETT ORGAN SEND' FOE,CI'RCULARS BEFORE YOU ' - "' ' v ' PURCHASE, TO GHATS MUSIC : STORE! 01 1 Fellows' jTemrdcvPortlandi PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS. Allen & Lewis, Shipping and Commission Merchants, and "Wholesale Dealers. 18, 20 and 22 North Front st, Portland Oregon San Francisco effice: Corner of California and Front Streets. James Laidlaw. Henry James Gate. Laidlaw & Grate, Importers and Commission Merchants, 23 Front Street, Portland. Oregon. London Agents: REDFERN, ALEXANDER & Co. EAGLE AND ENCELSIOR ODA WORKS! R. J. Walker, Dealer in Sansfiparilla and Cider, All kinds of Syrups, Porter, Ale and JJrandy Coloring. Paw Tinnf citirl Ad- CJftrtrtf Soda, Portland, Oregon. "' slG ! JANIOX, RHODKS & CO., ! Viirfnrin. I. (1 i R.C JANIOX. Liverpool. Janion & Rhodes, - Importers and Commission Merchants Front Street, Portland. Lloyd's Agents for Oregon THE PIONEER ENGLISH HOUSE IN the city, and the founders of a direct lino of Clipper Ships between Liverpool and Port land, offer for salo tho largest assortment of General Merchandise I In Portland. "Appointed Agents for J & R Ten- ! ncnt's (Jelebrated brand ot Ale and Stout; "Wm Younger & Co's Celebrated Edin Imrg ale; Gilroy Brothers & Co.'s Dundee Gram Sacks, "Wool Sacks and Burlaps, '.. --.--- .-.-'-. . . . , .i ifc bole Agents ior Blood, Wollc & Co's Celebrated brand of ale arid Stout; Ind, Coope & Co.'s Celebrated Burton ale; Wm McEwan's Celebrated Edinburg ale; "Worthington's Liverpool Salt; Ilock in, "Wilson & Co's Celebrated London Pickles and Sauces; J & J Armistead's Celebatod Durham Mutard; J & II D Grimond's Celebrated Dundee Hemp Mat ting and Carpeting; George Curling & Cos l Cf 7hc Ti -aa"i- i Ti- it V a"Bcn Holladay, Esq., upon the bite of tho old : Stewart's Scotch Ahiky; Hill, Lvans Summer jiouse, at Clabop Reach. The house & Cos Lngli-h Alalt Vinegar; JNoble's & is elegantly furnished, and possesses all mod- itoare's Jjondon Vaim-hos; John bowler ! cv; Cos Celebrated Steam Plow. au!2 George L. Hibbard, Shipping, Storage, and Commission Merchant, Xo. 21 North First str.. Corner of Ash, Portland, Oregon. "T"E ATflR TNT OHKUOX' nnil Pnltfornln lrn- U duce, also importer of and Wholesale J rlonlnr in C. A. A-1!. Af. IlihbnVd'- nninhrntnil Hand dLade Boots and Shoes. tt&Call and examine my stock before pur clnusing elsoAvJiere. Consignments solicited. nL. All busihess entrusted to me will receive prompt attention. slotf W. Jackson & Co., Front Street, Portland, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Crockery, Glasswai'e, Cutlery, Plated Ware, Wooden Ware, Coal Oil, Furnishings, Etc., Etc. And also Agents for Perkins k House's Patent Metallic Keroseno or Coal Oil Safety Lamps! S" Our stock having been selected and ship ped, direct to us from manufacturers in the East and Europe, wc aro prepared to sell to the trade at such rates as we think will induce trade. aul2 tf THE Manufactured by Lazarus & Morris, Hartford, Connecticut, NEW METHOD OF FITTING GLASS-es- toihe eve of any ncrson who nannnt. sparo the tiuio to eouje and. select for them- w- -ui. 'tiiMii liU lllll SCJiU ll il CIIDV to glasses that will suit the eye. L. C. H'EXRICUSEN, & Co., Solo Agents, juj r irst street, rortiand. au D. VT. WILLIAMS. GKOEGKT.MYKRS. Williams . & Myers,; Xo. 5 Central Block. Pront&t., Portlandv Commission Merchants ' Dealers in Groceries and Oregon Produce, Grain, Plour, Mill Feed, - Bacon, Lard, etc. Ample Fire-Proof Storage, Consignments Solicited. ...! a,-San PrancUco Agent, " lt$ i"G?ifITCHIiEBtv213rlayhtrceL HOTELS. American Ex. Hotel, Cor. Front and "Washington streets. PORTLAND, OREGON. ' ! L. P. W. QUiMBY C. II. PERKINS. THE PROPRIETORS "WOULD RESPECT fully inform tho traveling public, that tho American Exchango having been recently im proved in all its departments, they are now prepared to offer superior inducements to their patrons and the public in general, at reduced prices. Board and Lodging, $1 to Si 00 per day, ac cording to room occupied. The American Exchange coach will always be in readiness to convey passengers and bag gage to and from the Hotel, free of charge. RT ARD H OUSE . H. C.vz vit vx, Proprietor. View street, Victoria, British Columbia. CHEMEKETA HOTEL Salkm, Oregon-. WESLEY GRAVES, I'koi'uiktor, fiSTThc cheapest and best Hotel in the State. Free Coach to the House. Cosmopolitan Hotel. (Kept on tho European Plan,) ZIEBER & IIOLTON PROPRIETORS Corner Stark and Front streets, Portland. G. U. COOK. V. II. AXDRUS. ccidentai Hotel, (Kept on the European Plan,) COOK & ANDRUS .PROPRIETORS Corner First and Morrison steets, Portland. THMPIRE HOUSE J. O'Brikx, Proprietor. i JLi Opposite itaiiroau ucpot anil ftteamooat i Landing, Kalama V. T. The best and choap I ost Hotel in Kalama. -.. .. , . .. i . .-t. i ACIFIC HOTEL Sikks &Quimuy, Proprs. Main strcot, Olympia, V. T. Stage otlice. I EAILROAD HOUSE J. McGrath, Propr. Good meals, clean beds, moderate prices. I Tonino, V. T., present terminus N P. R. R. St. Charles Hotel, Corner Front and Morrison streets, R. A. W nITE PROPRIETOR Poitland, Oregon. THE ST. CHARLES 10, THE ONLY BRICK Hotel in Portland; has beon thoroughly re paired and refurnished sinco tho lire, and is now tho most comfortable and convenient house in the State. altf TILE SEASLDE HOUSE. CliATSOP BEACH. ME. C. H. DEXTER, Formerly of tho " Cliff j House." San Francisco, announces to his ' friends and tho public that he has leased tho I new and elegant Hotel recently erected by crn improvements A largo and spacious Din- in;r Jtoom. Jiiuiam lioom, extensivo ranors, Rath Jlooms, Kooms en suite, etc., etc., all well arranged for the comfort of Uucst. The Grounds are beautifully laid out A half-mile RacoTrack, with Shell drive; Croquet Ground Children's Play Ground, Swings, etc., etc. Boats upon the creek; plenty of Trout Fishing; a splendid Stable, with Saddlo Horses for those who wish for Equestrian rides over the Reach; Rathing Houses, for Salt Water Lath ing and, in fact, everything necessary for tho Pleasure Seeker, the Tourist or tho Invalid. Ocean, Mountain, Forest and River Scenery coinoined, make this the HnetPlacc of Resort in the orld. The cliniato is enuable never subject to extremes of heat or cold and one of tho healthiest places upon tho Globe. The Table will bo unexcelled, and tho subscriber pledges himself that nothing will bo left un done for tho pleasure and comfort of his Pat rons. Terms moderato and satisfactory. CHARLES 11. DEXTER. BAY-VIEW HOUSE, (Fifteen Miles Northwest of Astoria.) At Unity, Raker's Ray, AV. T., TnE UNDERSIGNED HAS PURCHASED the above house at this favorite resort. Having thoroughly renovated and furnished the same with new material, it will be kept in lirst-class style. Tho table will be furnished with the best the market affords. Fresh Jbish, Oysters and Clams in every stylo. No pains will bo spared to mako guests comfortable. Tho above house is only ono and a half miles from the Ocean Reach, where anglers may en joy rare spoil. Roats, carrying passengers, will ply between Unity and Astoria, connect ing with Columbia River boats. Tri-wcckly stages will run between Unity and Shoal water Ray. JOHN H UNTER, Proprietor. SUM 31 El! HOUSE. CLATSOP BEACH. MRS, CLOUTRIE WISHES TO INFORM tho public that fcho has completed her largo new two-story houo. which is hard hnished throughout and is now prepared to receive visitors at this well known resort G1!IMES HOUSE, CLATSOP BEACH. ' TC'TfPrkTC" irTT r I.fv-rv nmn i -nir-r-, ot ots uunng the reason, aa usual S. Gr.eSkrdnTore, Druggist and Apothecary, lias Removed to his NEW AND ELEGANT STORE, 111 First St., next to L. C. Henrichsen's, Portland, Oregon. aiw OREGON W0'.TaVd SHOE STORE! s. M. BARK, pa it it J. C. KINGSLEY.- KINGSLPY, RINCIPAL RETAILERS OF THE STA plo brands of Eastern. California and Ore gon Roots and Shoes, No. 1.h First street cor ner Yamhill. Portland Oregon. KS" With our long oxpcrience1and small ox penso we are enabled to sell cheaper than any other houso in tho city of Portland. As the proverb goes SI 00 saved, is $2 00 made: Call and see and givo us your trado. ' ..' ,ty BARR& KINGSLEX VnSCELLANEOL'S. ASTORIA Eeal Estate Directory And Correspondence Bureau. lams, Wii Lots or Blocks, ADVERTISED, SOLD, OR EXCHANGED. INFORMATION FURNISHED. Ey D. C. IRELAND, Agent. iXrT' There aro so many inquiries concern Real Estate in and about xVstoria, and there being no particular way for buy or and seller to meet each other, wc have concluded to open a REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY, in this Oflice. Parties having property to sell, or unrt.ios wishing to liurchnn will lm .. imittcd to use our columns, for the purpose oi eueciingsucn transiers, at mere nominal charges. Send descriptions, price, etc., that people may know what you have for sale. in OR SALE JO Description. AlcCluro's-Astoria .. Lots. ..(six lots) . 4 . 10 . 11 ik. Price. Jl t-.nO J1 100 01 100 01 100 ill 100 HI 100 ill 100 12 XSET Thoso lots are well worth tho money thoy aro each 50 by 100 feet, vory well situated for residence property. Terms reasonable. oc30 FARM FOR SAIiE. QO A ACRES GOOD LAND, situated on the D&J Danks of Lewis and Clarke river, and known as tho Shane Homestead! Is offered for salo at the cheap rato of SI 2o per acre. Address, F. FEKREL, si'tf Astoria Steam Saw-mill. For Sale Cheap for Cash ! GOOD SUBSTANTIAL DWELLING Houso containing seven rooms. Lower rooms hard finished, together with three acres of good Garden Land, all under good fence. Or chard, Barn and Stable, Store-rooms, Wood house and other buildings, situated at Skipa non Landing For further particulars, apply to Ferry. Woodward A: Co, Portland or to RICHARD HORSON, Astoria. FARM FOR SALE. ACRES GOOD FARMLNG LAND on Klaskanino Creek is offered for salo very cheap for cash. The location is line: One and a half miles from tlio Lower Landing on the Military Road, and on the Railroad Survey. A fii'bt class location for a Hotel, Summer lic&ort, or Dairy JRancli. Forty acres of this ground borders on Klas kanino creek. There is an orchard of ."00 trees on the place. A bargain is offered. For par ticulars inquiro of D. C. IRELAND, aul'.i im-' Astorian Office. Private School. Squemoqtje Stkekt.: Astoria Under tho Management of tho Rev.. Mr. and Mrs. Hyland, Re-opened on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1873 3T Tuition per quarter, in advance, $7 50. MRS. A. S. MERCER, Teacher of Prof. E. A. IlouuIs, American IMfor Piano Forte Alse: Harmony andThoroughbaso! fiST Tho ONLY CONCISE SYSTEM which will stand Artistic Criticism, and furnish tho material upon which every edueated Teacher can base their own pcculLnritSes of instruction, it presents in a now laght, based upon Natu ral Laws, tho art of Execution, and Science of Music ffctTKooms at Uesidonce, Ap&nia"eatt E. MILWAIXV 93 Front and U5 Eirst Sireefe, Portland, Oregon. vsl. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER in Stoves,, Tin-plate, ete-. P&ibiB ing and Gas fitting cheaper thari any other houso in town. Canon Creek Laundry Jeftereon street, "Portland, G. 31. PATTEPvSON.... --Proprietor. XYORK OF EVERYKIND dono to order T f and satisfaction guaranteed. Linen, eta from a distance, neatly returned through mes sengers on the vnrious steamers ef tho Colum bia river, sl(i WELLS, FARGO & COS EXPRESS.. HAVING ESTABLISHED OFFICES IN all parts ofOregon, Wash incton and Idaho Territories, wo are prepared to do a General Express and ireighting- business in all its branches. Freight or Packages will bo called for Eh anjs part of the city (by giving proper notieo) am? forwarded with dispatch to any part of tlxe world, through our own and connecting Es pressos, at Greatly reduced rates. COLLECTIONS 3IADE, a"nd Commissions for Purchase of Goods, etc., etc., will receive prompt attention. Wo shall continue to DRAW EXCHANGE as usual on all the principal cities of the Unit ed States, the Canadas and Europe, and to sell TELEGRAPHIC EXCHANGE when desired. WELLS, FARGO Jc CO. 'A. VajtDuse:?, Resident Agent, Astoria. LTTMBEB. LTTMBEB. 'THE COLUMBIA RIVEMANUFACTURING Co, ARE NOW DAILY MANUFACTURING from 30,000 to 40,000 feot of tho all tho very best kinds and quality of Lumber, which, will be 'sold in lots to suit purchasers. Address, ; K. KINSEY, , ; ' General AgontjandiSupenntendent, a. -tf i w Knappton, W. T. CLARKE, HENDERSON & jCOOK. This Space is Reserved! tVf FOR & LEADING DRY-GOODS MERCHANTS, Dekurrs New Building! Corner First and "Washington, PORTLAND, OREGON. PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS. New Tobacco, Cuar and Notion. House! 59 Front St., Portland, Oregon, (Opposite Cosmopolitan Hotel.) T. Dittenhoefer. 7 Formerly connected with Wasscrman & Co., Is now Opening ONE OF TnE L AUG EST AND MOST va ried assortments of Tobaccos, Cicars anai "Yankee Notions, ever imported into this mar ket, and takes pleasuro in oilering the same tw his old friends, cstomers, and the trade gen erally, at prices that defy competition. Xlgk. Eleven years business experience in Portland, has made him fully familiar with the wants of the trade of the ISorthwest Coast, and therefore his stock has been selected es pecially for the trado. au2(itf A. BiiTcliarcl .Dealer in. New and Second-hand Furniture Spring, Ilair, Feather, Aioss, "Wool, and Pulu Reds, ltfankctfr, Spread, Sheets, Pillow.-, Pillow Cabes, etc- Highest "furniture (Skidmore's Building,) Corner of First and Taylor Streets, Portland, Oregon. slG CENTRAL MARKET.Stalls No. 27 and 28. Portland, Oregon. JOHNSON" & SPATJLDIN-G, Dealers in all kind of ERESIL MEATS, and packers of Jieef and l'urk. Tho highest price price paul ior alL kinds ot fat stock. j2Stf THE ONLY ManufactunngHouse IX OREGON. Fishel & Eoberts, Corner Firbt and "Washington Streets,. PORTLAND, OREGON". ' IASHMABLI CLOTHIERS. THE PEST VALUE' FOR THE JLEAST MONEl CRACKER MANUFACTORY Oregon Bakery. P. OPITZ, Proprietor, ' !Fmt Street, near Tine, Portland, Oregon MANUFACTURE all kinds of Fancy Bis cuits, Crackers, 1'ilot, Ship and NavaK Jirend. Orders addressed, as above promptly attended to, aul4 If ' OTTO TREUEPv. -No. 1 North-Front Street, Portland. DEALER IN WINES AND LIQUORS AND' .Manufacturer of Syrups, Cordials, Ritters. etc., etc. Solo agent for J ohn W elland's Phil adelphia Brewery, San Francisco. Leer by tho keg or bottto. , w .! Goods delivered to any rart of the City. P ORTLAND BOX FACTORY-orth" Front street, JfortlaBU.Uregpn.. .... Poxes of, every, doFcription constantly, on hand,, and 'order. Orders addrpssodto-John Harlow?1 corner of First and E s&&, 'Willi meet with prompt attention-. " " .".t .'iaH