Gl EEeaoracza .o.fMs, Tri-Weekly Astorian TUESDAY Nov. 11, 1873 Meteorological Report Hours of Observation 7 a, m. 2 and 9 r. M. By Louis AVilson Bar Thermometer Idr. of wind Xov. Rain -fall Mcanj M can ! Max I M in 30,13U. 30,0 ;:j :M),021 21,8 S,72S 2H,Sio 2i),!lo8 30,02tf 30,153 4-VJi 4S.8 4'..8 51.0 50.0 5).2 NE NE SE East South South 4-i.l 48.0 4 .!t 312. 50.7 51.2 58 53.7 4. ". fi. 7. 8. . 10. rtf.Oi 55.81 58.9 1 5'U I West Tide Table for Astoria. (From tables of United States Coast Survey.) Hijrh Water.! Low Water. Xov. I A. M. I'. M. lLl A. M. P. M. 1 10 2.5 10 181. . 4 01 . 5 01 . 5 47 . 0 24 . 0 50 .735 . 8 15 . 8 51 .. 0 40 .10 34 . 0 07 . 0 58 . 1 40 . 2 30 . 3 2'5 4 20 5 32 0 3(5 7 28 S 14 8 50 0 44 ..11 10. ..11 21 3 4 5 7 8 !l 10 11 12 13 14 15 .-li 4 ;... ... o 10... ... l n... ... 2 00... ... 2 51... ... 3 41... ... 1 34... ... 4 20.... ... ti 2").... ... 7 20... ... 8 10... ... 8 57... ... 0 40... .- co ... 0 201 ... 0 5'5 ... 1 31i -' i:! ... 2 5.11 ... 3 32 ... 4 221 ... 5 2U ... i 32 ... 7 351 ... S 3I! ... 0 38! 43.21 42.7 4'i.O 4'1.4 0.02 50.0 0.57 47.7 0.1U 52.5 0.58 50.0 (.10 52.0 0. .".".'.."!! 11 10 03 CO all 33 0 30 1 41 2 44 3 44 VESSELS OX THE WAY. Following is a list of vessels on the way to this port, so far as we have been enabled to obtain a record of the same: Bark Rival, sailed from S. F.,20th. Bark Whistler, Simpson, from Bolivia. Ship David Brown, 905 tons, from S. F. Bark Windward, sailed from S. F., 4th, Ship Akbar, 00(5 tons, sailed from S. F, ... British bark Arouco, 002 tons, from Peru. Frof. Airy, 440 tons, from South America. Ship Sagamore, from Rio Janeiro, Sept 10. Island BelJo, 313 tons, from South America. British bark Loyal Sam, from Rio Janeiro. City of Lima, 315 tons, from South America. Barkentir.o Free Trade, sailed from S.F..3d. Sell Alice liaakc, sailed from S. F., Oct. 27. Barkcntinc Webfoot, sailed from S. F., 27th. British ship Ellen Goudy, from Callao, Sept. 27th. o Sch Superior, sailed from San Francisco Oct, 28th. Xor bark Gungner,GiJ5 tons from Rio Janeiro via Victoria British bark Admiral Fitxrop.o from Buenos Ay res, Sept 18. Ship Cutwater, Knowles, sailed from San Francisco, Uct- 31st- British ship Andromcda.o from Melbourn, via San Francisco, August 14th. Am. ship Lorctta Fish from Shields via Cal lao 151 days out August 12. Xorbk Navigator, Samsonsen, MO tons, from Rio Janiero 34 days out Ocl. 23L British bark Sylhct, Liverpool, via Victoria, to J anion .fc Rhodes J3 days out August 12. French ship Moscow, Martineau, 025 tons possibly 00 days out Oct. 20th, from La Union. Schr. Ivanhoo, from Coos Bay, in place of brig Sheet Anchor, which sailed from S. F.,on 31st, for Coos bayj IX PORT AXD RIVERS. Schr. If era, Miller, sailed from San Francis co Oct. 27th. Arrived Xov. bth. Brig Orient, McAllcp, from S. F., Oct 27th, arrixed Mo v. 8th. British bk Alloa, Ferrier, from Callao, Sept. 20th, arrived Xov, 8th. Stmr Idaho, P Mackie, from Fan Francisco. Arrived 2s ov. 4th. Schr. Lovett Peacock", sailed from San Fran cisco October 20th, arrived Xov. 3d. Xew barkentino Portland, Gage, from San Francisco arrived Xovomber 1st. Xor. barkElcctra, Bienlund,Montivcdo, ar rived N ov. 2d. American bark Mariano,540 tons, Ryder, ar rixed from San Francisco Xov. 2d. British ship Eskdalo, Jenkinsen, from San Francisco, arrived October 2uth. British bark Santa Rosa,5'8 tons.froni South America, arrived inside October 27th. British ship Fifeshiro, 700 tons, from South America, arrived October 27th. British bark Vosta, from Liverpool, to Jan ion te Rhodes, 103 days out arrived Uct. 22. British bark Disco, from South America in ballast, arrived October 2oth. CLEARAXCES AXD DEPARTURES. Stmr Gussio Telfair,Gardner, with coal from Xani&tno, arrivcd.No v. 4th. Sailed Xov. luth. Stmr Ajax. Bolles, from San Francisco with pa and mcd. arrived Xov. 3. Sailed Xov. Mh City of Paris, substitute for ship Edith, from San Francisco, arrived October lithcloarod for Quoenstown Xov. oth. British ship Lord of the Isles, Craigie, from Australia in ball&st, arrived Oct. 2-jth, sailed Xor. luth. REGULAR ASTORIA PACKETS. Regular weekly steamship in San Francisco trade, arrives ou Tue.vlay and sails Saturday, Xorth Pacific Transportation Company. Regular semi-monthly steamers, Gtisio Tel fair and California for ports on Puget Seund, and Sitka, .leave at advertised dates. .North Faufic Transportation Company. Regular tri-wookly O. S. X. steamer, arrives from Portland, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays returning on alternate days. Steamers Emma Hay ward, Capt Babbidge, and Dixie Thompson, in the- grain trade arrive irregularly, semi-weekly from Portland. Steamer Varuna, to and from Fort Stevens. Cape Disappointment, and Unity Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. Steamer Morrhuac, Capt. R Hobson, Knapp ton and various logging camps daily, towing vessels, etc On the Bar Steam tug Astoria, Capt. Wass, and pilot boat California. Sloop Mary 1L, Capt. Toole, daily to and from Skipanon. Colorado has astonished herself by casting a vote of about 22,000 at the recent j election for members of the lezislaturc ftp-ainfct twelve thousand, last Year. The ! llenver New triumphantly figures from thut vote a papulation of one hundred and J tweflty-llT thousand. ASTORIA MARKETS. ASTOKIAN OFFICK, XoV, 5. Following is a correct list of prices ruling in this market to-day: Sugars Crushed r N H San Francisco Gwldcn 12 Sandwich Island 12 Cotfec Costa Rica 25 Fresh Ground 37 Chocolate 37 Teas Young Hyson 75 Japan 5 1' lour Standard f) sack 1 75 Meal ri H sack 2 00 Crackers lb 10 Candles 2-1 Hico 10 Fine Salt r cwt. 2 25 Saleratust'to 12 Soda 12 Vinegar t gallon 50 Golden Syrup t gallon 00 Hams V lb 18jt20 Bacon V lb.. 13(5.15 Lard t. lb 1-?i lo Butter ti lb 30(t37 Eggs fl dozen 4) Cheese ii lb 20&25 Apples Green V- bushel 75 Peaches dried tl lb. 14(fi.l.S Honey "t lb nono Potatoes t1 lb lc Onions ? lb :jc Bran x cwt. Si 10; Shorts 1 75, Wheat, S2 25 Hay per ton SIS 00 Oats V lb 1 Oil cako " cwt 2 -o Hides, dry, t lb V2ca,Uc ' green "r lb 5 ( (c Deer Skins, "r) lb 25c Elk skins fi lb 15c STEA3IERS, STAGES AND SLOOPS U. S. MAIL AND EXPRESS. ram Astoria to Clalsoi) Beacli ! East HORSES! Good CARRIAGE! LEAVES ASTORIA EVERY TUESDAY, Thursday and Saturday Mornings. Arrive- Same Mornings at tho OCEAN HOUSE, GRIMES HOUSE, SUMMER HOUSE, And SEA SIDE HOUSE. REILRXIXG Leaves those Houses every Monday, Wednesday and b ridny, connecting with steamer to Portland each way. fttf" Distance twenty-four miles, faro $1.50. Jl. B. PA It K Ell. Proprietor, COLUMBIA RIVER PILOTS! P. JOHXSOX, M. M. OILMAN, H.A.SX01V, CREED, P. E. FERCIIEX. C. S. WRIGHT, Agent. ttSTOFFifK Corner of Main and Chenamus streets, Astoria, Oregon. George B. McEttax Boat Builder' ASTORIA, OREGON. TS PREPARED TO CONSTRUCT R0AT3 JL of every description, of the best materials, on short notico, and guarantees to givo satis faction. k" Beforo sending to San Francisco or else where, give me a call. ol ltf The Steam Tug Varuna Will leave Astoria evorv TUESDAY and SATURDAY :! Morning, for EORTSTEVEXS, CAPE DISAPPOINTMENT, And UNITY, Carrying Mails, Passengers and Freight. i;9, Other days of tho weok she will bo ready to go anywhere that business may justify. Is prepared to lighter cargoes, freight, hay, cattle and wood. J . 11. D. GRA V Agent, Astoria. Oregon Steam Navigat'n Co. STEAMERS THE ABOVE LINE T7-ILL LEAVE ASTORIA for Portland, T j three times a week as follows, until fur ther notice. Tuodays, Thursdays and Saturda3Ts, at 0 o'clock a. m. returning on alternato days, .f. U. AINSWORTH, President. ONLY REGULAR PACKET BETWEEN ASTORIA AND CLATSOP. Carrying the U. S. Wall! The well known sloop r2r MARY H., hs. L W POOLE Master Leaves Clatsop every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, on arrival of Stages, connecting at Astoria with tho steamer Dixie Thompson. riRoturning, leaves Astoria every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, connecting with the Coaches for tho Beach. Extra trips mado to accommodate the traveling public. EOR CHARTER. The fast sailing Sloop W. H. TWILIGHT, R M LOWE Master la now in readiness to Charter for Pleasuro Parties, Freight or Passengers. Head tuarterj Corner Main and Jefferson streets. Astoria. IN. JUSTICE'S COURT FOR THE PRE cinct of Astoria, otato of Oregon, County of Clatsop, 1. Cado, Plaintiff vs. 11. K. Stevens, Defendant. Civil action to recover money. To 11. K. Stevens, tho abovo named defend ant: In tho name of tho St:ito of Oregon, you are hereby ro iuired to appear beforo the un dersigned, a Justico of tho Peace for the pre cinct aforesaid, on the leth day of December, lJ7o, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at tho office of said J ustico, in said precinct, to unawor tho abovo named plaintitf in a civil action. 'J ho defendant will tako notice, that if he fail to answer tho complaint herein the plaintiff will take judgmont again't him for Sis 42 gold coin, and for costs and disburse ments. Given under my hand this Cd day of Norera W, 157& ClUKLKri STEVENS, Jujtic of tho Peace.- S ASTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. Headquarters ! Headquarters J I. W.CASE, Chenamus Street, Abtoria, Oregon, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries. Provisions, Notions, And General Merchandise, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, EATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, &c, "Which is being offered Cheap FOR CASH or PRODUCE ! "fe-AU the New School Boolcs. that onn j be had, and a great variety of Stationery juau jci;uvuu. jyx u Millinery and Fancy Goods. WE WISH TO CALL THE ATTENTION of the Ladies of Astoria and vicinity to our new stock of Millinery and Fancy Goods! Which wo offer at reasonable prices. Ladies living at a distance, favoring us with their or ders, will find them promptly attended to. H.M.MORRISGN, L.B.SPEDDEN Main street, Astoria, Oregon. s25 REMOVED, G RENVILLE REED, dealer in Fresh and Cured Meats Canned Fruits, Vegetables, etc., has removed to Chenamus street, in rooms formerly occupied by the old Astoria Market, FRESH BEEF, TORK, MUTTON, VEAL, HAMS, BACON AND LARD, MESS BEEF AND PORK, 1' Constantly on hand. KST Special attention paid to supply ingships. Tho best of everything the market can supply will bo found hero. ltf NOTICE. HAVING LET THE GLOBE HOTEL, and furniture, lately occupied by mo in this city, to Messrs. Farleman fc Lawson, the pub lic are hereby notified that the now firm will be responsible, from this date, for all bills con tracted in the name of said Globe Hotel. Up to this date all bills will bo paid by me, and persons indebted to mo are invited to " squaro accounts" without further notico. Astoria, Sept. 21, N. KOEFOED. Grlobe Ctyster Saloon N. KOEFOED, (Late Proprietor of the Globe Hotel, Astoria,) TS NOW PREPARED to servo his many JL friends and the public generally with OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE ! Also, GOOD ENGLISH ALE AND PORTER Call around at tho old Stnnil. nn Afnin sfrnnf and givo these articles a trial. ocltf Dr. S. Kinsey, DRUGGIST AXD APOTHECARY, Astoria, Oregon. PHYSICIANS AND FAMILY PRESCRIP tions filled from tho PUREST DRUGS, either at day or night. A full stock of "WINES AND LIQUORS, EOll MEDICAL USE, PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, OILS BRUSHES, ETC., iv. Orders from tho Country solicited, and carofully and promptly filled. Washington Market, Main Street , Astoria Or eg on t (Noar Holladay's Wharf.) A J. DONALDSON would respectfully an- nounco to his old patrons and tho public in general that he hits re-opened his old stand as abovo and will at all times keop on hand a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS! Which will be sold at lowest rates, wholesale and retail. Special attention given to supply ing ships. oc7tf BLACKSMITHING FC. CARR IS HAPPY TO INFORM t his old friends and customers, and all others who wish to patronuo him, that he has At the Old Stand, And is again prepared to do all kinds of Black smith work, from making an Anchor Flue, to a Plow Shear. Main street, Astoria. aulH G. W. LAMBy ASTORIA OREGON HORSE SHOEING, Blacksmithing, and , General J obbing done to order, and satis faction guaranteed. Horse Shoeing specially attended to. ocltf F. FERRELL, AT THE Astoria Stealn Saw Mills, ASTORIA OREGON. Is now prepared to fill any kind of Orders for ZU3IBJSM, On short notice. Address, F.FEftRELLt . ;A'storia-Sto&m Saw Mills, ocw Astoria, Oregon. m ASTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. Established in Astoria in 1849. NEW GOODS. CHEAP GOODS. A. VAN DUSEN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Corner of Main and Chonamus streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. IS NOW OFFERING FOR SALE ONE OF tho largest and most complete assortments of General Merchandise ever beforo brought to tho country, and to buyers For Cast) will offer the Most Flattering Inducements In tho lino of DRY-GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, AND CAPS. ROOTS AND SHOES FANCY GOODS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, GENTS' FURNISHINGS, A Complete Stock of Every Article, TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. 05TGivo mo a call, and bo convinced that my goods are of the best quality, and as cheap as can bo bought of any kouso in tho Stato. A. VAN DUSEN. OCCIDENT HOTEL, S. N. ARRIGONI Pbopihetor. Astoria, Oregon. THE BEST FURNISHED, MOST CONVE nient and in every respect popular hotel in Oregon. Owing to its location it is considered A Very DeHglitf ol Summer Resort. XKSMagnificent Suits of Rooms for families. Tho table is supplied with tho choicest delicai cies of tho season. AVino and Billiard Room attached to tho Hotel. S.N. ARRIGONI, Occident Hotel Block, Astoria, "Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Choice Brand Liquors The Finest in the Market CONSTANTLY ON HAND! "Which will bo sold in lots to suit purchaser Hot, Cold, and Shower Baths ! AT OCCIDENT HOTEL, 11AIK DRESSING SALOON. "VV3I. Uhleniiart Proprietor. nT Special attention paid to LADIES' and CH1LDKEVS IIAIK CUTTING Wd'l'rivato Entrancsfor Ladies" C. It. FAKLKMAX. "VV, 11. LAVSOK. Gtlobe Hotel, Ive-Openedon the Popular European Plan Farleman & Laivson, Proprietors BEG LEAVE TO INFORM their numerous friends and the traveling public generally that they have leased the above named Hotel and propose to conduct the sumo in a fir-t class manner. Tho houso will bo keptopen day and mgiit. No pains will bo spared to insuro the comfort of guests. n2Utf H. B. Parker ! Importer and Dealer in Wines, Liquors, Cigars TOBACCO, GIlOCEPxIES, ; PROVISIONS, Etc., Etc. WcTlTollnday's "Wharf, Main stroet, Aitoria. John W. Gearhart, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Chenamus street, Astoria, "Wholesalo and Retail Dealer in Hay, Grain and Feed ! A GENERAL ASSORTMENT of Groceries, FLOUR, RACON HAMS. SHOULDERS, LARD, BUTTER. CHEESE, EGGS, Eve. Motto "Smnll Profit on Cash Sale?." Con signments solicited. tf Oregon Bakery! Main St., (Holladay's "Wharf,) Astoria. Of agon. CHARLES HINDER, Proiwetob. FltESII BREAD, CAKE.SPIES.CRACK era and i'ilot Bread, alwaya on hnd. A RESTAURANT J kept in connection with tho Bakery, vhtre meals can be procured at all hours. or Oysters in every style in th geafoa.- J Astoria Bakery! Corner of Main and Cass street, Astoria. IIENRY JACOBS Pkoprihtob. BREAD, CRACKERS, PILOT BREAD. Cakc..Groceries and Previsions of all kinds always on hand. hip uteres furnished. Wft Connected with tho esUfelirimtit U Reading lUom. Cigara and Lager BesrMfT Baths! fefPi Baths JfcV ASTOEL1 ADVERTISEMENTS. New Stock of Goods ! CLOTHING OF THE BEST STYLES, AND THE VERY BEST QUALITY, AT REASONABLE PRICES. EVERYTHING ELSE IN PROPORTION. At The Old stand of SUMMERS. TAKE NOTICE. This is an extensive stock of well selected good3, in great variety, which I am now opening. Old Patrons, Friends and tho community in general, are invited to call and inspect both Goods and Prices. G. SUMMERS, Chenamus street, Astoria, H. S. Sinister, Photographic Artist, At tho old Stand, Astoria, Oregon. PETER 11 FOX, MERCHANT TAILOR, Cornor of Main and Jefferson streets, Astoria. CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS CUT AND made to order. Cleaning and ropairing. Otto Dufek, Main Street - - Astoria, Oregon PRACTICAL JEWELER. TTJTATCHES AND CLOCKS cleaned and re- T T paired in the bett manner, at looms in Linder'H Kef-tuurant. t?2- tf WELCH'S GOOD SAMARITAN COITOUND. For Curing Rheumatism, Sprains , Felons, Boils, Bruises, Burns, etc., etc. DIRECTIONS APPLY EXTERNALLY to tho parts affected; rub in well, and in severe cases cover with thin cloth, tied or fas tened on with caro. V arranted to euro, or greatly alleviate, in all cases named in this label. A singlo bottle will cure or prevent days of tho most excruciating pain, and not unfre quontly save the life of the suffering patient. Jicc, $1.00 per Bottle. l'KKPARKD KY J. "WELCH, ASTORIA, Oregon, A. SMITH, LATE OF LA PORTE, INDIANA. fiff" Having commenced business in Astoria I am prepared to do all kinds of j ainting, Graining, 1 a per Hanging. Glazing, etc., in a workmanlike and satisfactory manner. .Satis faction guaranteed, both us to pi ices and work. Charles H. Bain, Contractor and Builder, Astoria. Plans, Specifications and Estimates made to Order, on Shoit Notice. Is Drenared to fill orders for nv dso nf I work, witu promptness. al t HENRY BERENDES, ROOT MAKER! j Chenamus street, Astoria, Oregon. 3. Manufactures to order the best qualify of .boots and Shoes Repairing of all kinds'" M. MEYERS' ASTORIA BREWERY! HAVING ALL THE MACHINERY XEC wary for fir?t class work.skilllul Brewers and uping none but tho beet quality of materi als, the l roprietor is propared to Manufacture LAGR BEER ! In any quantity, from a single j ottlo to a J5AUKEL, ASD J'UT JT t I- in good eon- Astoria Market ! CHJIh'AML'HSTKKKT AsToKIA. HOBSON d- WARREN, Wholesalo and Retail Dealur in all kinds ! Fresh and Cured Meats! Butter, Fggs, Cheese, Hums, Bacon and Lftrtlf Canned Fruits and Vegetables, ot. 1. , A t'onrtuntly onhand Bar-ynlpggnpphed at lowsKt rates. Estafelisked 1867. Hemlock TANNERY ? ff. LEIDEN WEBER, H.KOWX, PiMTue.-' JfMftarfMUreftlkUfcef&ea&w anion ror smpnient or iniiMeuiate use. fami lies and keepers of Public l.oues promptly and regularly supplied. M MEYER, 1 iop r