Tri-weekly Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1873-1874, November 08, 1873, Image 1

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Yol. 2.
Monitor Building, Astoria, Oregon.
. c.iks:x,axi
fjH;serijtion Rates:
One Coiy one year & $
One Copy six months W
One Opy three month 1 oO
tiS' Single dumber, Ten Cents. SU
Advertising" Rates:
One Insertion per square, 10 lines or less...$2 f0
Each additional insertion, per square 2 00
Yoarly ndv'ts per month, per square 1 GO
L. P. Fisiifr. 20 and 21 Xcw Merchants E
change, is to act as Agent for the
Asiokun in an Franci-co.
Any friend who feels an inierct in the pros
perity foi this region, is authorized to act as
Agent for this paper, in procuring MiberiJiei.
The steam tng Merrimac return
ed from Portland Thursday morning
having "given bonds to appear in
Court" when she is wanted.
J. G. Coe has a class of mice
that -will eat up a trap but what
they "will get the bait set to catch
them. liis last trap is about one
third gone.
Mr. J. L. Stout, founder of Unity,
-was in the city on Thursday, lie is
pursuing the peaceful avocations of a
farmer now, at his ranch on the
weather beach.
The Oneonta Avith the British
ship Lord of the Isles, arrived in this
liarbor Thursday. The British ships
Lord of the Isles, and City of Paris,
have both cleared for Europe.
James Welch of this city and
Judge Philo 'Callender of Clatsop
plains are in Portland, attending the
United States Court as jurors. Judge
Cal lender was made foreman of the
On and after to-day, until futher
notice, the General Dilivery at the
Post Office in Astoria will close at G
p. m. instead of at 7 as heretofore,
except on evenings when the mail
-arrives too late for delivery before G,
then it will be kept open 15 minutes
-or more after distribution.
l1apt. George Flavel's large pile
driver was taken up to the site se
lected for Megler Brothers new can
nery on the Columbia river yester
day. They will make some exten
sive improvements there, requiring
over three hundred piles to be driv
en. J. II. Gist has been selected to
foremanize the work.
After making a statement con
cerning the Salmon fisheries of the
Columbia river, (not, wholly correct)
the San Francisco Chronicle has this,
which we enderse: If conducted with
judgement, and so as not to exhaust
the breeding source of the supply,
the salmon fisheries of the Columbia
may in future years support as many
people as do any of the great fisheries
of Europe or America, and be the
source of almost incalculable wealth
to that region.
"Omitting the more weighty
mutters.' ' We were reminded of this
saying yesterday, at the Post-office
in this city, where there was a letter
posted up: "held for postage." On
examining the surperscription of the
letter it appeared that the writer had
taken great pains to write " catte-corner-wise"
across the letter, orna
menting the letters and words of the
whole address with pen shade marks
and dots, so as to require care and
close attention from the post-master
in reading it and putting it in the
proper box, package, or mail. This
of course was observing closely the
"mint, anise and cumin" part; but
neglecting, as the writer did, to put
on the little stamp, the missive will
liave to go to the dead letter office,
unless the writer goes around and
puts on the stamp, in which case the
person named in the address will
never see the filagree work of the su
perscription. Tke Postmaster says
this is only one of several similar ca
ses t this office. No wonder then
that so many millions of letters find
their way to the dead letter office
every year, from the whole United
Astoria, Oregon, Saturday Morning, Nov. 8, 1873.
Common Coxmcil Proceedings.
Astori v, Nov. 1, 1S73.
The Common Council assembled in reg
ular session Mayor Kippen presiding.
Present Councilman Fen-ell, llobson,
Page, and W. W. Parker, Messrs. Chas.
Stevens Recorder, and G. W. Raymond
Absent Councilman Reed and Wright.
Minutes of previous meeting read and
A side walk was ordered to be construct
ed, under the supervision of the Street
Commissioner, on the north side of Sque
moque street, from Main to Lafayette str.,
on the petition of Bev. T. A. Ilyland and
lion. W. D. Hare, representatives on the
part of Grace (Episcopal) Church, and the
United States Custom-house and Post-office
Also, on petition of II. B. Parker and
Thomas Monticth, owners of the property
affected thereby, new side walk was order
ed on the north side of Chenamus street,
from Main io Lafayette street.
Petition for an oidinance to license ven
ders and retailers of fresh meats, was laid
on the table.
Renewals of licen-es for the Globe and
Columbia Bar saloons were allowed.
Committee report on the harbor survey
was placed on file.
3Jetitions of S. In. Arrigoni and Colonel
James Taylor relative to Avharf improve
ments, were temporarily laid on the table.
An ordinance was adopted granting F.
Ferrell permission to construct a wharf.
Report of the Street Commissioner for
the month of October was appioveu and
placed on file.
Quarterly report of city Treasurer David
Tngails, showing a surplus balance of $5 83
was appioved and placed on file.
Warrants were oidered in payment of
claim again-t the city as follews: David
Ingalb $12; J. W. Welch 6 25; Ed. A.
Taylor 30; A. Van Dusen 2 G2; G. W.
Raymond $0 50; Charles Stevens 834 30.
Repoiton the subject matter of the city
Cemetery was taken up, and the Recorder
-was instructed to collect amounts due for
lots, either by cash or note, forthwith.
Council then adjourned until the next
regular meeting, December 2d, unless oth
erwise ordered.
A post office has been established
at Fort Wrangle, Alaska.
There will be a childrens' service
with sermon at the Episcopal Church
on Sunday next at 1 p. m.
Spiritual Hall Astoria, is one of
the best halls in Oregon. We ob
serve that futher improvements are
being made to it.
On or about the 13th insr., Messrs
Lawson t&Farleman, present proprie
tors of the Globe, will open the new
Parker House on Main street. They
have proven what they can do by
way of keeping a hotel, in the Globe.
To-day Mr. Fayette Gere, who
has been employed on the hydro
graphic survey of Astoria harbor,
with Mr. II. J. Stevenson, C. E.,
leaves here for Portland, and will
soon take his departure for Urban a,
Illinois, his native home. All friends
of Fred will wish liim prosperity
wherever he may go. Jovial gooi
fellow good bye.
A fewT days ago quite a fete was
performed in pile driving at the
Farmer's wharf by Messrs. G. W.
Raymond, R. D. Adair, and T, H.
Reeves, and others on Capt. Flavel's
new driver. Twenty-three piles,
from 42 to 50 feet in length, and
from 18 to 20 inches in diameter
each, were driven to depths ranging
from ten to 12 feet each, in five and
a half hours. The hammer weighs
2,000 pounds.
Philip Condit and J. H. Halstead
of Clatsop plains recently returned
from an Elk hunt on Elk Creek, near
the line of Tillamook county. They
succeeded in taking the horns and
hide of one fine fellow, and some
considerable smaller game. Wolves
are abundant in tliat locality. The
best tiling they have to report is the
finding of a lanje tract of rich arable
bottom land, whieh is onhp waiting
settlement to develop a fine com
munity. - . ' .
' ' w,n t".'! Tf; -
The schooner Margaret Crockard has
gone to Humboldt.
The City of Paris takes about one half
her cargo for Queenstown from Astoria.
The Stcilacoom schooner Clara Light
has been sold in San Francisco for S,550.
The Norwegian bark Gungner, for this
port from Montievcdo via Victoria, reach
ed the latter port on the 2Gth.
The ship Cutwater, due at this port is
from Dunedin, New Zealand; and the ship
David Brown, from Newcastle.
The ship Puritan, hence lor Hongkong,
with a cargo of flour, was still at that poit
on the 27th of September, unengaged.
By some miscalculation the shipLoid
of the Isles did not get her full comple
ment of cargo in to about twenty tons.
The first steamer to lie at Capt. Flavel's
new dock ha been one of the wheat light
ers, of which there aie now four or five in
constant use.
The charter paity of the new Westport
schooner, Ettie Ma', has been changed.
We understand that Capt. John "West will
freight her with salmon for San Francisco.
It will be a dire disaster if the Columbia
should close with ice, leaving the bulk of
the grain crop unshipped. The wheat and
flour should be hurried to Astoria as fast
as possible, and not be kept waiting anoth
er year.
The schooners Carolitannd Louisa Mor
rison left San Francisco for Shoalwatcr
bay on the 2Sth. The Mary Zephyr, six
days from Shoalwater bay, arrived at San
Francisco on the 22d. She is probably on
the return voyage by this time.
The schooner Superior recently changed
hands in San Francisco, for $13,500. She
was built in Michigan for the Lake trade;
came around Cape Horn, has made two
voyages to the Columbia river, and is now
again on the way to this port.
The cargo of the Three Brothers for
Havre was valued at $190,000. It amount
ed to 87,333 centals wliQal 4,3G6 tons.
We should like to ee a cargo of such di
mensions leaving this poit, which is not
by any means an impossibility. It could
be done verj' easily, and we suggest that
Astorians induce some prominent shipper
like Messrs. George Howes, Fiiedlandor,
or E. E. Morgan's Sons, to make the trial
if our Oregonians will not. This would
settle the mooted question at once and for
ever. Real Estate Sales.
Following is a list of deeds recorded in
Clatsop county last menth:
John Adair and wife to the United States
part of lots 3 and 4, block 17, Adair's
Astoria, consideration 900.
United States to Rinehait Brown 14.72
acres town 9 north range 7 west.
State of Oregon to F. Tilcn 80 acres
town 7 north range 9 west, 100.
State of Oregon to David Odam eighty
acres town 7 noith range 9 west, $100.
Henry F. Fisher to Feid F. Fisher lot
8 block 70, Olneys Astoria, $150.
Philip Gcarhait to George W. Siferd
lots 3, 4 and 7, block 19, Lexington, $200.
D. W. Wallace to Trustees of the town
of Clatsop Plains, tract of land adjacent
to the town of Lexington, ibr town purpo
ses, consideration $1 GO.
United States to Charles Stevens 323.
27 acres town 8 north range 9 west.
R. W. Morrison to First Prebbyterian
Church of the incorporation of Clatsop
Plains, tract of land ibr Church purposes,
ten acres $1 00.
United States to Wm.Blackmore 40.97
acres town 9 north range 7 west.
George Kellogg to Joseph Kellogg lots
5 and G, block 104, Olneys Astoria, and a
certain tract of land in Benton county, 1.
George and Joseph Kellogg to Joseph
Knott above described propei ty. SI, GOO.
State of Oregon to C. A. McGuire SO
acres town 8 north range 6 west, 1G0.
United States to Joseph Jeflers 645.37
acres, town 8 north lange 9 west.
Estate of John P. Ward bankrupt to
Byron Z.Holmes assignee, all interest of
said bankrupt in and to real or personal
estate in Clatsop county.
A. Cloutrie and wife to School District
No. 10, Clatsop, one acre for school pur
poses, 1 00.
An accidental -lire an a defective flue
atthe Officers1 Quarters Fort Cape.DUap
pointment, did slight damage yesterday
re - T're,TirrrBJ. Lrjm?.i.c7:
mmm dispatches.
T5bc i'rice of Gold.
Portland, ' Xov. 7. Gold in New
York to-day, 1081 ; Portland Legal
Tender rates, 90V buying, and 9U
islisccnaiieoiis News.
The revolution in Sonora is ended.
Forty houses were burned in Con
stantinople Tuesday.
The Xew York bricklayers are on
a strike, owing to the reduction of
Mike McCoole was arrested in St.
Louis on Tuesday for the murder of
Patsey Marley.
There is a prevailing feeling of
satisfaction in Berlin at the collapse
of Court de Chambord.
An attempt was made to burn Leb
anon Pa., on Saturday last. It was
fired in five different places.
The total number of admissions to
the Vienna Exhibition from the open
ing to the closing was 7,250,000.
George II. Bradbury, President of
the Pacific Mail Company, is stop
ping at the Occidental Hotel. San
The International Bridge was for
mally opened over the Niagara river
on Monday. Several passenger and
freight trains crossed.
The Spanish steamship Murillo,
seized at Dover for sinking the emi
grant ship Northfleet, has been con
demned, and will be sold.
From the best data can be obtained
the First National Bank of Washing
ton will pay its creditors from pres
ent assets about 50 per cent.
Girard the Prussian subject, who
was arrested by the Cartagena in
surgents, on a charge of being a spy
from Madrid, has been released.
The Texas and California Company
failed to meet its heavy obligations
maturing last Monday, and over $300,
000 worth of its paper wont to protest
The total disbursements of the
United States Mint Department dur
ing October, exclusive of interest on
the principal of the public debt, $14
832,S65. Three steamers are now constantly
plying between Wallula and Celilo,
carrying down full cargoes each trip,
and yet they are unable to take away
the grain as fast as it ofibrs.
m Between $700,000 and $800,000 in
silver of various denominations will
be coined at the Philadelphia Mint
this mouth. 37,000 trade dollars
coined in Nevada have found their
way into circulation.
The election of the Tammany coun
ty ticket in New York is generally
conceded, with doubts as to JDonahu I
lor the Supreme Court, and the con
trafcis e-xriMnpnnlv in thA ARsomhlv
and Senate districts.
and 5Qn,tn iHefnK,
Chris Raflerty, who murdered Po
liceman O'Meara in Chicago about a
year and a half ago while the latter
was about to arrest him on a warrant,
and who has been twice convicted
and sentenced to death, has secured
a new trial from the Supreme Court.
After three years of steady labor,
day and night, the Enterprise ora
paiiy of Sucker Hat, California, have
completed a bed-rock tunnel, 2,500
feet long. The tunnel opens a Tai
amount of rich mining ground.
The vegetable dealers and growers
of San Francisco resolved to stand
by each otlier in resisting the order
of the Board of Supervisors driving
their wagons off the Sansome street
stands. The price of vegetables ha
advanced in consequence of their ac
tion. The house of Jay Cooke & Co.,
which borrowed froin. the First Na
tional Bank of New York $100,000
has since the failure withdrawn $200,
000 in Central Pacificbonds deposited
with the security for 8200,000 advanc
ed them before ilieir failure. The
creditors are to investigate the pro
ceedings. The strike of the engineers and
firemen on the East Tennessee, Vir
ginia and Georgia Railroad threat
ens to assume & dangerous character.
Some of the employes Saturday pre
vented the freight train from leaving
by uncoupling the cars. The night
passenger and all freight trains have
been discontinued. Col, Baxter, at
torney of the road, is now addressing
the employes, explaining to them
No. 4
.RZkWW.,iJ.!ln'm-rv.JLi- i, ,j nisg-ryryi
the trouble. They are subjecting
themselves and advising non-interference
with operations of the road.
The Kansas Pacific, St. Louis and
Southwestern, and Central branch of
the Union Pacific failed to pay their
semi-annual coupons on Saturday.
The Directors say twenty million
dollars in securities, to be used as
bonus to raise the necessary means
to meet the interest on the bonded
debt to liquidate the greater part of
the floating debt was of no avail.
Money could not be procured during
the present pressure.
The disposition of employes in the
East, so far as their feeling and pur
poses can be judged, is to reduce the
number, of hours work, and not dis
charge or furlough employes. At
least a dozen prominent firms in New
York City have made known their
intention to prevent the discharge of
men and women employed by them,
but to reduce the work to a few hours
per week while hard times continue.
The rumor that Government pro
poses discharging a large number of
employes engaged at Navy Yards and
other public works, is denied by the
Secretary of the Navy. lie believes
it the duty of the "Government in
such a crisis as the present to give all
the aid it can to the material inter
ests of the country.
The Treasurer of the Chespeake
and Ohio Railroad says in a circular
to the bondholders that the only
way to re-establish credit is to refund
the entire floating debt in income
bonds, to be paid out of the net earn
ings of the road.
has secured to his family one mil
lion dollars by a gift to his children.
It is reported a pool has been form
ed for the purpose of saving the
house of Claliin A Co., and that five
millions have been raised for that
Falling timber, during the prevalence
of high winds in this region Thursday
night, made so much noise that the sounds
were mistaken for minute guns at the Fort,
and many supposed it was a signal lor
some vessel in distress happilyit was not.
Dr. I. M. King, former bilk of the
Herald, manages to worm into the San
Francisco dispatches to the Portland press
pretty freolv. He has cheek enough to
cause a flash most anywhere, which prob
aly account for it. He is a "nice" man
to hare around a hospital or a balloon; as
Mrs. Partington would express it: "If
1 tnere is anybody under the cannister of
JaoaYen that 1 have m utter exere?ence,u is
the fansilfyer going about like a boy con
structor, circulating his calomel upon hon
est folk."
The map of the hydrographic survey
of the harbor of Astoria has been complet
ed by H. J. Stephenson, G. E., and assis
tants, and accepted by the committee of
the Common Council. It is really one of '
the finest specimens of the kind we have
ever ie en, and exceed;
and exceeds the expectation oi
the committee. Bubides which, it has the
: merit of correctness, is accurate in every
particular, and hereafter, when improve
ments are contemplated in our harbor, Or
along the city front, the work may b un
dertaken understand in gly. According k
this survey Astoria has a excellent front
sgo along the lines of high and low water,
and to the deep channel, as any city iu the
world. The wharves owned by ben Hol
laday, Caut. llobson, and F. Ferrell, are
represented on the map a they exi-t at th
present time. Those of Capt. Flavel, and
tho Farmers' Company, as contemplated.
Mr. Stephenson leaves for Portland this,
Excavations recently made at Ostia,
& small maritime town of Italy, have
brought to light two questionable master
pieces of ancient sculpturex One is a mar
velously executed head of Apollo, in tho
very best utyle, like the celebrated statue
in the Vatican, the other is an alleged head
of tho Sun, equally remarkable for its
sculptural perfection. These two precious
relics of ancient art -have been deposited in
the collection of antiquities of Mont Pal
atine, to which place the art critics flock
in crowds to admire and extole their fin
ished beautv.
A firm at Detroit, Mich., is frzeeing
fish to send East during the Winter. The
fish are kept in salt and ice 24 hours, after
which they are packed in refrigerators,
the temperature of which is 20 or 25 de
grees. The firm will put up 80 tons da
ring the next thirty days.
Massachusetts finds it imposiblo to get
young men to work her farms. The State
r eittabliphed an Agricultural Colletro at a
cost of between-$300,000 snd500,u00,and
lr&r graduated t$n farmery. tu ,