(33 TfcKlwr vms fi ' Tri-Weekly Astorian TUESDAY Oct. 21, 1S73 Sfeteoroloyieal Report Hours of Observation 7 ,, m. 2 and 9 r. m. By Louis Wibon liar I Thermometer ! Dir. I of I wind iSwbyW WbyS Oct. Rain Mcan McanLMnvjMinli-fall .14.0 5S.0 o'J7 .71 8 47.1) 31. 0 48 b .12 0 .12 1 .50 7 .3. 1 .72 7 f l (J 8. -4. . .. 7. . 'J. 10. 11. VI. IS. 14. 11. In. 17., IS., 1'L 30.010 30.H8! 2i.,S78i 2,772 S W East X E South 7141 .7.1 7i no! I2V"2 2,j: :J0,0 10 J0f0b7 :-W,228. l:KMii' 1 30, 1S! 130,2 if) 30,277 10-5015 .17 !i .11 0i .12 01 .10 ol .10 0 12 ol 44 Oj 4-10, 40 0 3S 7 1.S0 South South Xoith-E West XW .72 1 .11 -i r,:7 47 7 .1.1 (:; u .15 1 .112 .12 2 .12 S .12!! O.'jli IS 4 ! 1")", 451 40 48 4 .71 2 .118 0.02 VR !xw (North XE North 1 2 ', 0,:;). .7)01 410 W.221 30,00" (50 0 414 ."S1 41 0J Tide Tabic Tor Astoria. Froni tables of United States Coast Survcjv) High WatcrJ Low Water. Oct. A. M. 1. M. J A. M. 1. M. 11 40J 0 211. 0 428 1 01 1 2!i 5 48 .. .0 20 .. .. 47 .. .7 0J .. .7 35 .. .8 04 .. .8 36 .. .. G 11 .. V, .17 .. 7 37 .. 8 10 .. 8 41 .. J 23 ..10 0 1 .7.1 2 33 PORT OF ASTORIA. Following is a list of vessels on the way -to tiiis port, and a record of the arrivals and de partures up to date: Disco, 733 tons, from South America. l'ifeshire, 700 tons, from South America, Prof. Airy, 44'J tons, from South America. Santa Roa, o'8 tons, from South America. Moscow from La" U "ion Loading Aug M. Island Belle, 313 tons, from South America. City of Lima, 3M tons from South America. Bktn Portland,Gagc, loading for Portland in San L raneico. Bk Lorett Peacock, said to be loading in S. F. for Portland. Am. ship Lorcrta Fish from Shields via Cal lao 1-li days out August 12. i British bark Vesta, from Liverpool, to Jan ion Ac Rhodes 123 days out August 12. Bark Mariano, .140 tons, chartered for Liver pool via Portland, ballast from S. F. Briti-h bark Sylhet, Liverpool, via Victoria, to Jan ion & Rhodes 03 days out August 12. British ship Flercho. 730 tons, chartered to come from S. F., to load wheat for Liverpool, sailed Octf. 7th. In tBie lorl ami Rivers. Schr. IT. L.Tiernan, from San Francisco, ar rived October 20th at Astoria. City of Paris, substitute for ship Edith, from San Francisco, arrived October 13th. , Barkentjnc Jane A.Falkinburg,Brown. from Honolulu, arrived October 13th. Brig Pcrpotu:, McDonald, sailed from San Francisco September 2ith, arrived Oct. 11th Ger bk Theresa Behn, Stcfiin, 411 tons, from San Francisco arrived October 10 Br bk Romeo, 011 tons, from San Francisco, sailed October -Hli, arrived 10th Bkt Melancthon. Patterson, from San Fran cisco, arrived October oth. Br bk Spirit of the Dawn, Dixon, 001 tons, from San Francisco, to load wheat for Europe, arrived October iJth. Steamer Gussie Telfair, Gardner, from Puget Sound and Victoria, arrived Oct. oth. Clearances ami Iemriirc.s. Stinr John L. Stephens, sailed Oct 20th. Bark Rival, Clements, sailed for San Fran cisco Oct. 20th, Schr Suporior, sailed for San Francisco, ISth Schoonqr Margaret Crockard, sailed for San Francisco October 20th. . Bk Windward, Stannard, sailed for San F., October 20th. .Daily IacKet.s, etc. Regular weekly steamship in San Francisco trade, arrives on Tuesday and sails Saturday, Xorth Pacific Transportation Company. R ocular scnii-nionthlv stosimors. Outdo Tel fair and California for ports on Puget Sound, and Sitka, leave at advertised dates. Xorth Pacific Transportation Company. Regular tri-wcekly 0. S. X. steamer, arrives from Portland, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays returning on alternate days. Steamers Emma Hayward, Capt Babbidge, ftnd Dixie Thompson, in the grain trade arrive irregularly, semi-weekly from 1 ortland. Steamer Varuna, to and from Fort Stevens. Capo Disappointment, and Unity Tuesdays, indays, and Saturdays. Steamer Merrimae, Capt. R. Ilobson, Knapp ton and vanous logging camps daily, towing vessels, etc On tho Bar Steam tug Astoria, Capt. Wass, and pilot boat California. Sloop Mary II., Capt Toole, daily, to and from akipanon. Post Office- Xolsce. The General Delivery at tli'e Astoria Pohtoffice will be open daily, (except Sun day), from S o'clock a." m. until 7 r, m! On Sundays from 1 to 2 o'clock p. m. Money .Orders issued from S a. m. to 4. . MAILS CLOSE; Por Portland and intermediate offices, at '5 o'clock a. M. daily. Por Skipanon, Seaside houe, and' Tilla mook, daily on arrival of the mail from Portland. Por Ports Stevens and Cape Disappoint ment, Unity, Oysterviile,aiid Olympia Tuesdays and Thursday&, at 7:30a, m. Por Knnppton, Grays river, Eloskanine, Youngs river, Lewis and Clarke, Neha arn valley, etc., irregular. Clmrcli Notices, Grace Church, (Prot. Episcopal) Rev. T A Hyland Rector, Divino services every Sunday at 1U x it and 7 1 m; Sunday School at 1 l u Congregational Church, Rev A "W Tonny Pastor, 'Divine services every Sunday at 10 a m and7 f m: Prayer. Meeting every ThurS tday.enjng, Sunday. School meets at 12. ji 1J 11 -17.. HO co ., 21 0 -20., 22 1 0 34 1 17.. 34 2 30.. 31 3 lii.. ASTORIA MARKETS; Astoria Offick, Oct, 20. Following is a correct list of prices ruling in this market to-day: Sugars Crushed t1 ib ::....14 San Francisco Golden :::...12 Sandwich Island .i:...l2 Coffee Costa Kica ?. ..tu.21 Fresh Ground o7j Chocolate : Teas Young Hyson..." 7o Japan 01 'Flour Standard ?J sack 1 7.1 Meal Y i sack : 2 00 Crackers ? lb 10 Candles 21 Kico 10 Fino Salt? cwt 2 21 Saleratusf'lb Y. Soda Y1Z inegar t4 gallon -10 (jolden Syrup t gallon o'24 Hams t' lb lb20 " Bacon xx M I3(a 11 Lard?, lb 15&1 Butter f lb ; 30(a3K Eggs dozen 37' ', heese ? lb 20(12.1 " Apj)los Green ri bushel 7.1 Peaches dried d lb U(ii IS Honey t'..'!. ; 110ne Potatoes ? lb ic Onions l It :.....:...Vc Bran ? cwt, Si 10; .Shorts $1 7.5, heat, 2 2-1 Hay per ton $10 00 Oats lb : :.... i Oil cake t1 cwt 2 2j Hides, dry, r lb 12cltllc " green "rUb 5; 0c Deer Skins, ? lb 2oc Elk skins ? U Mc STEAJIERS, STAGES A2ZD SLOOPS U. S. MAIL AXD EXPRESS. From Astoria to Clatsop BeacI ! Past HORSES! Good CARRIAGE! LEAVES ASTORIA EVERY TUESDAY, Thursday and Saturday Mornings. Arrive Same Mornings at tho 0CEA3T HOUSE, GRIMES HOUSE, ' SUMMER HOUSE, And SEA SIDE HOUSE. RETURXIXG Leaves those House? every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, connecting with steamer to Portland each way. &-Distance twenty-four miles, fare 1 .10. ' 11. B. PAltlvER. Proprietor. .' COLUMBIA RIVER PILOTS! P. JOIIXSOX, M. M. GILMAX, ILA.SXOW, G.REED, P. E. FERCUEX. C. S. WRIGHT, Agent. 3-0n'rK 'Corner of Main and Chenamus streets, Astoria, Oregon. The Steam Tug Varuna rUf Will leave Astoria ovcrv &X1-AM i TUESHAY and SATURDAY PORT STEVEXS, CAPE DIS.UP0IIS"T3IES'T, And USTITY, Carrying Mails, Passengers and Freight: W3 Other days of the week she will be ready to go anywhere that- business mav justify. Is prepared to lighter cargoes, freight, hay, cattle and wood. J . H. D. G RAY Agent, Astoria. OXLY REGULAR PACKET BETWEEN ASTORIA AXD CLATSOP. Carrying the U. S rtfail! The well known sloop -Jx. MARY H., & L W POOLE MaStcr Leavf s Clatsop every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, on arrival of Stages, connoccting at Astoria with the steamer Hixio Thompson. Returnill!?. lonvo Asfnrln nvni-i. Timpn,. .JLliursday and Saturday, connecting with the oacnes ior tne Jieacii. Jvxtra trips made to accommodate the traveling public. POR CHARTER. The sloop HECTOR, mJ'V"5 HGn Purchased by tho undersigned, will hereafter bo in readiness to carry freight to any accc-siblo point. Tho Hector has good accommodations for keeping freight dry and can carry 20,uf)0 feet of lumber. For pnrticu lars, inquire of P. J 011XS0X, Astoria. POll CHARTER. The fsist sailing Sloop -v W. I. TWILIGHT, &.. R M LOWE .. Master Is now in readiness to Charter for Pleasure Parties, Freight or Passengers. Head luartcro Corner 31am and JolFerson streets. Astoria. F.TERRELL, A,T THE Astoria Steam Saw Mills, ASTORIA OREGOX. Is now prepared to fill any kind of Orders for LUMBER, On short notice. Address, V 1,,-RT?1J17T.T. Astoria Steam Saw Mills, Astoria, Oregon. ocltf IsTTMBER. LUMBJEJR. THE COLOMBIA RIVER-MAHDFACI1IRIH& Co, 3rE Ni!SLDAILY MANUFACTURING from 'A .000 in JO iwnf ..ri n 2i. . - - . . , -,--- i.,vUvn.ii ui iu uiiiuovery best kinds and mmlittr nf r.-.i ...u:i ,, esold in lots to suit purchasers. Address, K. K1XSEY, General Agent and Superintendent, snt Knappton, Y. T. NOTICE. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD of Diroctors an assessment of twenty-five per cent, on tUo capital stock .of tho Astoria Farmers Com pany is made and required to bo puid-to tho Ireasurpr pf said Company. r S. D. ADAIR, SJU. -.. ,.,-.. -fcocrctary. . 'ASTdRIA ADVERTISEifENTS: Headqnarters ! Headquarters! Chenamus Street, Astoria, Oregon, Wholosale and Retail Deafer in Goods, Clothing, Groceries. Provisions, Notions, Dry Ai;D General Merchandise, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, HATS AND CAPS, ROOTS AXl) SHOES, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, &c, .. Which & being offered .. Cheap FOR CASH or PRODUCE ! ..All the NewScliool Books, that can "be had, arid a great variety of Stationery just received. jvi tf Millinery and Fancy Goods. XVE WISn TO CALL THE ATTEXTIOX T T of the Ladies of Astoria and vicinity to our new stock ol Millinery and Fancy Goods! Which we offer at reasonable prices. Ladies living at a distance, favoring us with their or ders, will iind them promptly attended to. H.M. MORRISON, L.B.SPEDDEN Main street, Astoria, Oregon. s2o Dr. S. Kinsey, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, Astoria, Oregon. PHYSICIANS AXD FAMILY PRESCRIP . tions filled from tho PUREST DRUGS, cither at day or night. A full stock of A INES AND LIQITORS, POR MEDICAL USE, PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES OILS BRUSHES, ETC., t Orders from the Country solicited, and carefully and promptly filled. Washington Market, Main Street, Astoria Orecjo7i, (Xcar Ilolladay's Wharf.) A J. DONALDSON" would rcpectfullv an- nounce to his old patrons and the public in general that he lms re-opened his old stand as above and will at all times keep on hand a PULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY -OK- FRESH AND CURED MEATS ! Which will be sold at lowest rates, wholesale and retail. Special attention given to supply ing ships. oc7tf BLACKSi&ITHING FC. CARR IS HAPPY TO INFORM HIS old friends and customers, and all others who wish to patronize him, that he has isiisiness. At the Old Stand, And is again prepared to do all kinds of Rlaek smith work, from making an Anchor Jj'Jue, to a Plow Shear. Main street, Astoria. aula G- W. LAF&B, ASTORIA OREGOX HORSE SIIOEIXG. Rlacksmithing, and General Jobbing done to order, and satis faction guaranteed. Horse Shoeing specially attended to. ocltf EDUCATIONAL. Private. School. Squemoque Street Astoria Under tho Management of tho Egv. Mr. and Irs. Hylaiifl, Re-cpcned on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1873 fiSS-Tuition per quarter, in advance, S7 r0. MRS. A. P. MERCER, Teacher of Prof. E. A. PvOetxs' r laiio m r -i- Alse: Harmony and Thoroughbase! ttsr Tho OXLY COXdSE SYSTEM which will stand Artistic Criticism, and furnish tho material upon wliich every educated Teacher can base their own peculiarities of instruction, it presents in a new light, based upon Xatu ral Laws, the art of Execution and Science of Music ftfr"Kooms at Uesidence, Astoriau 1) mi Mir wl C!i PORTLAND, OREGON. t. Rev. R. AY. Morris. D D. R. W. Laing.M A, AjLD Rev. DoE. ,) ennings, M A .... Wm. M. Darker, A Miss L A Buss E. T. Coleman, R A K-.Yarndley Miss Maria Emory Rector Head Master Senior Master Junior Master Preceptress ..Drawing Master ....Music Teacher Matron Tho Christmas Term began September 1st. and ends Januarv loth, lbli. Tho following (Easter) Term begins January lf'th, and ends Juno oth, lb74. 'alio course of study extends from Primary Branches to the Third year of an University Course. Send for Catalogue. St. HELEFS HALL, A Boarding and Day School for Girls, con ducted by tho Misses Rodnoy, under tho su pervision of tho Kt.Rov.B.N'istar Morri DD Bishop of Oregon and Washington Territory! Ihe School Year will be divided into two tcrm of twenty weeks cacK"beMmung qn tho firt' Mnday in Soptember, aYid' -on-Monday the 2fctnof-January,-rfc$end'for.t;atalogiiQ.. g AglORIA ADVEKTlBfeMENTC.- Esiablislaed 'in Astoria in 1819 NEW GOOXS. CHEAP GOODS. A. VAF DUSEH, Wholesalo and Retail Dealer in GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Corner of Main and Chenamus streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. IS NOW OFFERING FOR SALE OXE OF the largest and most complete assortments of General Merchandise ever beforo brought to the country, and to buyers For Cash will offer the Most Flattering Inducements In the line of DRY-GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, AND CAPS, . BOOTS AND SHOES PANCY GOODS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, GENTS' PURNISHINGS, A Complete Stock of Every Article, TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. flSTGivo me a call, and bo convinced that iny goods are of the best quality, and as cheap as can bo bought of any kouso in the Stato. A. VAX DUSEX. OCCIDENT HOTEL, S. N. ARRIGOXI Propriktor. Astoria Oregon. TIIE BEST FURNISHED, MOST COXYE nient and in every respectpopular hotel in Oregon. Owing to its location it is considered A Very Delightful Summer Resort. AST-Magnificent Suits of Rooms for families. Ihe table is supplied with tho choicest delica cies of tho season. Wino and Billiard Room attached to the Hotel. S- N. ARRIQON1, . Occident Hotel J3loc7:7 Astoria, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Choice Brand Liquors Tho Pincfct in tho Market CONSTANTLY ON HAND! Which will be sold in lots to suit purchasers Baths! '" . Baths 'jOATHSj$' Hot, Cold, and Shower Baths ! AT OCCIDENT HOTEL, nAlE DRESSING SALOON. "WM. Uhlenuart Proprietor. ffsr Special attention paid to LADIES' and CHILDREN'S HAIR CUTTING iWPrivato Entrancefor Ladies'STW C. P.. FARLEMAN. ft. H. LAWSOX. Globe Hote., Re-Opened on tho Popular European Plan Farlcman & Zazuson, Proprietors BEq LEAVE TO INFORM their numerous fnonds and tho traveling public generally that they have leased tho abovo named Hotel and proposo to conduct the same in a tir-t class manner. 'Ihe house will bo koptopen day and night. Xo pains will be spared to insuro tho comfort of guests. . s'JOtf H. B. Parker ! Importer and Dealer in Wines, Liquors, Cigars TOBACCO, GROCERIES, PKOYIS10NS, Etc., Etc. ftTHolladay's Wharf, Main street, Astoria. John W. Gearhart, COMMISSION AIERCHANT, . Chenamus street, Astoria. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Hay, Grain and Feed ! A GENERAL ASSORTMEXT of Groceries, FLOU H , DA COX, 1 1 AMS, SHOULDERS, LARD, BUTTER, CHEESE, EGGS, Etc. Motto" Small Profits on Cash Sales." Con signments solicited. tf Oregon Bakery! Main St., (nolladays Wharf,) Astoria, Oregon. ' CHARLES BINDER, Proprietor. FRESH DREAD, CAKES, PIES, CRACK crs and Pilot Dread, always on hand. A TvESTAUEANT Is kept in connoctien with tho Bakery, where meals can bo procured at all hours. &5 Oysters in ovcry stylo in tho season.! Astoria Bakery! Corner of Main and Cass streets, Astoria. ' HENRY JACOBS..". Proprietor. READ, CRACKERS, TILOT BREAD: LaKos.Hrocerios and frftviionnf nllfcinrlc always on hand. Ship.sforcs furnished. . ..nSConnecjtcdwith the e.'.tabhmcntis a R eajiing Room. Cigars and Lager.Boer served. ASTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. New Stock of G-oods ! CLOTHING OP THE BEST STYLES, AND THE VERY BEST QUALITY, AT REASONABLE PRICES. EVERYTHING ELSE IN " PROPORTION. t The Old stand of SUMMERS. TAKE NOTICE This is an ostensivo stock of well selected goods, in great variety, which I am now opening. , Old Patrons, Friends and tho community in general, aro invited to call and inspect both Goods and Prices. G. SUMMERS, Chenamus street, Astoria, H. S. Sinister Photographic Artist, At tho old Stand, Astoria, Oregon. ' PETER H. POX,. WfERCHANT TAILOR, Corner of Main and JofTorson streets, Astoria. CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS CUT AXD made to order. Cleaning and repairing. Otto Dufnee, Main Street - - Astoria, Oregon PRACTICAL JEWELER. " "WATCHES AXD CLOCKS cleaned and re T T paired in tho best manner, at rooms ii in .DiiHiers liestaurant. s.tf "WELCH'S GOOD SAMARITAN COMPOUND. For Curing Rheumatism, SXrains, Felons, Boils, Bruises, Burns, etc., etc. DIRECTIOXS. APPLY EXTERNALLY to tho parts affected; rub in well, and in sovero caes cover with thin cloth, tied or fas tened on with care. Warranted to cure, or greatly alleviate, in all cases named in this label. A single bottle will cure or prevent days of tho most excruciating pain, and not unfre quently save the life of the suffering patient. Price, $1.00 per Bottle. ritEPARED RY J.WELCH, ASTORIA, Oreoox. A. SMITH, . LATE OF LA PORTE, INDIANA. JRST Raving commenced business in Astoria lam prepared to do all kinds of Painting, Graining, Paper Hanging. Glaving, etc., in a workmanlike and satisfactory manner. Satis faction guaranteed, both as to prices and work. Charles H. Bain Contractor and Builder, Astoria. Plans, Specifications and Estimates made to Ordor, on Short Notice. Is prepared te fill orders for any class of work, with promptness. ; alri HENRY BERENDES, ROOT MAKER! Chenamus street, Astoria, Oregon. W&. Manufacture's to order the best quality of Roots and Shoes Repairing of all Mnds"M M. MEYERS' ASTORIA BREWERY! HAYING ALL THE MACHINERY NEC essary for first class work, sMlltnl 1 rowers and using none but the best quality of materi als, tho Proprietor is prepared to Manufacture LAGER BEEB, ! In any quantity, from a Single ottle to a BARREL, AiD PUT IT bl' in good con dition for Shipment or immediate use. 1 ami lies and keepers of Public JLtouses iromptlv and regularly supplied. M MEYEL , rop r Astoria Market ! Ghexamtjs Stree- .ASTCT.IA. IIOBSON & WARREN, Wholesale and Retail Dealors in alljunds of Fresh and Cured Me'sftsl' Butter, FggSj Cheese, llama, Bacon and LcnU Canned Fruits and Vegetables, ,.-,,, Constantly on hand, fisr Ships supplied at lowest rates. ' . Established 1867. w -T . - m h jmv -?... iddLeHilOCK TB.JN JNJ&Xi 1 1 G.LEINEXWEBER.Y '- - IkfcROW. . '.jPnciwfcTiH. ... f5-lianufaetuxC.a.iiKie.of3Latfaer'rvr ?