Tri-weekly Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1873-1874, October 09, 1873, Image 1

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Vol. L
No. 44.
A S 1 1 In I A
Monitor Einlcfins, A.tofiat Oregon.
I. C IREIAXD Proprietor
.Subscription Kates:
One Oopy one year. ...-. -So 00
4ne Copy six months -
Ono Copy three months 1 :
fc5" Single Number, Ten Cents. 6Si
Advertising Kates:
One T?ertiftn per square, 10 lines or less.S2 oO
Kaeh additional Insertion, per square...... 2 00
Yearly adv'ts per month, por squaro . r... 1 50
L. P. Fi"hkr, 20 and 21 New Merchants Ex
change,! authorized to act as Agent for the
Astokiw in San Francisco.
Any friend who feels an interest in the pros
perity of tins rogion, "is authorized to act as
Agont for this pxper, in procuring subscribers.
Mr. Ernst Papmahl will open a new
find elegant lager beer hall in this city, en
Chenamus street.
Lieut. J. E. Bloom, Tj. S. A., is now
Rationed in this Military Department with
headquarters at Cape Disappointment,
VanDusen has just opened a line stock
of glassware, crockery, lamps, and clocks.
Call around and inspect both goods and
The name of Cliffton lias been given
to the new Salmon fishery below Westport
of whicli J. W. Cook, Portland, is the
principal owner.
Information from San Prancisco states
that the health of Jacob lvamm has very
considerably improved recently, and that
ho will probably return to Oregon next
Prom the appearance of the weather
last Tuesday one might conclude that the
time had come when it would be necessa
ry to dress every morning with an umbrel
la, but yesterday the sun shone so brilliant
that all such anticipations were dispelled.
Last Monday and Tuesdaj with strong
southwost winds, commercial interests be
tween Portland and the sea were subserved
by extra higlftides the highest of the seat-on;
and if the Ajax could 'have reached
Wallamet prior to the ebb she might have
got up to the emporium docks long before
"she did.
Three students of Yale College, who
have been out upon the great plains of
America, recreating for pleasure, and pros
pecting for profit, during the Summer va
cation, reached this city Monday evening.
Having had their season of sport they now
bend their course homeward by the most
attractive routes. One will go by steamer
and two overland,
Mr. J. H. Garrigan. one of our finest
artists, returned to Oregon by Tuesday's
sUjamer, from a six week's sketching tour
in California. Some of the best paintings
of Oregon scenery in existence are. from
his studio. The painting of Cape Horn,.
Columbia river, to be seen at this office,
is one of his productions.
Some complaint is made that the buoys
on the Columbia river bar, in this harbor,
and above, are in some cases undiatinguish
able, that red and black are "ring-streak--and-speckled."
This condition is owing
to the fact, perhaps, that the buoys are
oom uuiuub j uuswng jmu;us iui mi aiuus ui.
: : ,i . ii i.:,v. .H
sea birds. Government cannot prevent
Tiic Dim., , irom amng so-ana a lew rougn
nays win wasn ine ouoys anu muKe mem
a. k. again.
- .,i ? ... .1 - xv
Many people in Oregon arc interested
in wishing to know what is to become of
the appropriation made last Congress for
the erection of a light-house at Point Ad
ams? "Why it is that nothing is being
done to carry out the objects of such legis
lation as has been made upon this very
important subject? It ih one offho mot
urgent improvement, demanded by the
-commerce of the Pacific Northwest, and
.since Congress has provided for it, why is
not the work begun.
Referring to the proposed excursion
to this city the Benton (CorvallL,) Demo
crat says: " A grand excursion especially
for farmers and their farniliesbut for all
who may wish' to go, is being arranged.
The party will leave Albany October 20th
at an early hour, and go to Astoria the
round trip occupying four or five days, at
i cost ol $12 fare. JiiVcryDoay can avail
himself of this splendid opportunity of
seeing Astoria, and the many points of in
terest .in that vicinity. Two days at least,
will be spent in visiting these point. . Let
all go."
Ilobson & "Warren slaughtered a beef
' last Monoay that was a marvel of sweet
! ness and esculence. "We have no fears of
any successful contradiction when we as
sert that Clatsop county can beat the world
in flie production of beef. It is not to be
beaten for average and one like this takes
the prize.
The heroine of whom mention was re
cently made in these columns as having
rescued a ."porker from the murderous em
braces of bruin at the dead hour of night,
in the viciriHy of Smith's Point, was again
on the war-path last Monday, and armed
with gun and revolver followed a monster
bear a long distance. That lady is worthy
of some mark of State approbation. She
is the true mettle for the wife of a frontiers
man, and as such is deservedly prized.
"The rain upon the roof5' is a pretty
nice thins:, when well sung, but if you
happen to domicile in an old, antiquated
j dwelling, with consumptive shingles that
will not resist the " patter, patter, of the
rain," etc., it knocks all the poetry out of
the beautiful ballad, and for the want of
better houses there Are several such rook
eries in use in this city now. Almost any
thing in the shape of a house finds willing
tenants here this fall.
The North Pacific Transportation Co.
dispatched the steamship Ajax, Captain
Fred BollcfromSanPmnciscoatseven.
o'clock last Sunday morning for Portland L
simultaneous with the departure of the
John L. Stephens, Captain Francis Con
nor, from this port for San Francisco. The
Ajax reached her dock here in fifty-five
hours, but 17 hours was necessary for her
to make the intervening 110 miles, to get
to Portland.
"Within three weeks the Sedalia
will be ready to make the trial trip.
The Coos bay News, of the 24th
ult, says the new barkentine Port
land " is a beauty and will make a
name for speed. Long may she float,
an honor to the skill of Oregon me
chanics.' '
J. B. Knapp, Esq., founder of
Knaprton, just across the bay from
Astoria, has made more valuable,
permanent, improvements, perhaps,
than any other man in Pacific county,
and is yet engaged. He is now con
structing a public road from Knapp
ton to Shoalwater bay.
Several passengers by the Ajax
from San Francisco, left the steam
ship at Astoria, and took the Emma
Hay ward for Portland Tuesday even
ing, preferring not to be delayed on
the river. Captain ,T. C. Ainsworth
President of the Oregon Steam Nav
igation Company was of the number;
also the Purser of the steamship and
Wells Pared cO Go's messenger.
It may be safe for newspaper
reporters to anticipate events decid
ed upon beforehand, as in the case of
the recent hanging, at Klamath, of
Captain Jack and his Modoc confed
erates, but to say that a vessel has ar
rived from sea when she only has a
pilot on board outside, or that a ves
sel has gone to sea when she only set
her signal for a tug boat, will not pan
out. We've learned this much.
Pilot Johnson was placed on board
the British bark Spirit of the Dawn
last Sunday. We reported her arriv
ed. She was not in at 4 o'clock last
; evening. jLiuiL me jrnvaieer was
rm. .. ii. . -n
i finally taken to sea Oct. 6th," was
aiso incorrect. At 4 o'clock last even
ing she was still at anchor at Sand
Island. Furthermore we know not.
The total assessible property of Co
lumbia count' amounts to 315,4S2.
The best wajT to get out timothy seed
is to thrash it with a flail for although" a
machine will work more rapidly, yet the
seed which it cuts and wastes more than
overbalances the advantages.
It is rumored that Starr Bros, have
disposed of the .steamers North Pacific
and Alida to the Northern Pacific Railroad,
Company. And that Captain Pinch will
shortly arrive from San IjYancisco with
the steamer Olympia to run on Puget
Sound. t
There is no single item in connection
with the farmers' business that attracts
more of his attention that more excites
his ire, or gives him greater satisfaction
than good or bad roads, and yet there is
no subject in which he is more persistently
perver.e and careless.
True Worth is in being, not seemingj
In doing, each day that goes by,
Some little good, Not in dreaming
Of great things to do by and by.
For, whatever men say in blindness,
And spite of the' fancies of youth,
There's nothing so kingly as kindness!
And nothing so royal as truth.
An old man found a rude Bear in his
orchard stealing apples, and desired him
to stay away, but the black rascal told
him plain17, by his conduct, that he would
not, " "Won't you," said the old man,
"then I will scare you away." So he
hung up some brown breeches under his
favorite tree; but this only made Bruin
laugh, to think that the old man should at
tempt to scare him with an article that
never frightened a strong-minded woman.
" Well, well," said the old man, u if nei
ther word nor breeches will do, I will try
what virtue there is in pills;" so he put a
liberal dose into a long iron tube, in con
nection with a potion of black powders,
whicli are very efficacious in stubborn
cases, witn water proor. cap over it, witn
inbtmctions to force the thief to
. f, -n, ,, lin nffnW i tn nMaa n
take the pills
4 a. ilU wwvuiiiiyuvv w s XJJJ i
certain line. The dose was promptly ad
ministered at bed-time; and they operated
in just two minutes.
Now, the ladies of Astoria, if they pre
fer smooth and glossy ringlets to friz friz
zles, can obtain a supply of lavender
scented Bear's oil at Dr. Kinsey's elegant
Drug Store, on Main street, Astoria.
N. B.- If the Doctor declines to pay for
the above advertisement, let him send the
Editor of the Astortax a " family" bot
tle of oil. -32sop,
A French paper gives the fol
lowing particulars regarding street
sweepers in Paris: A superficies of 11,
320,000 metres to be swept daily, at a
yearly cost of labor of 295f. metre.
2,550 persons are employed in this
work, among whom are 1,750 women,
who receive If. 2Sc. a day. The
day's work begins at tfiree o'clock in
the morning in summer, and at four
o'clock in the winter, and ends at
four in the afternoon;
the half day
ends at ten o'clock. The
work in brigades; forty-one of these,
each composed of a chief and thirty
men, work for a whole day, and sev
enty more, each composed of a chief
and twenty sweepers, are employed
for half the dav.
Charley Kamm caught a fine lot of j
Salmon trout in Klaskanine creek last
The third biennial session of the
Washington territory legislature convened
on Monday last at Olympia.
Trouble is brewing in the Ha
waiian Kingdom, and our next news
may be of an exciting nature.
Major James Lotan has been ap
pointed Superintendent of the Wal
lamet Iron Works, vice J. II. Moores,
Official notification of the resig
nation of Colonel David Taggart, from
the position of Paymaster in the Uni
ted States, has been made.
The Valley papers complain of
smoke. Judging from the tone of
some of their remarks there must be
a little brimstone mixed with the
-Now comes the Coos Bay News, with
its " patent outside," more than doubled
in size, at an expense of 210. Can't you
make her "register" Tom? Success to
the News.
The Olympia T.anscnpt of-the 4th
says : " A turbine water-wheel, rated at
75 horse-power, has been shipped for the
"Water Pipe Manufactory. Extensive ad
ditions are being put up at. their; works.
Cause increase of business. Mr. Horton
informs us that an order has been received
by the company for water-pipe to be" sent
to "China."
The Price of Gold.
Portland, Oct. 8th. Gold in New
York to-day, 111; Portland Legal
Tender rates, 89 buying, and 90
The Plague Stricken Cities.
Memphis, Oct. 4. There were 21
yellow fever interments on the 3d and
twenty-six more to-day. The Odd
Fellows are treating 24 yellow fever
patients. They have lost eight. They
have exhausted their supply fund
and ask help from Odd Fellows' Lodg
es throughout the country. The St.
Andrews Society earnestly appeal to
brethren elsewhere for pecuniary
Montgomery, Ala., .Oct. 3. There
was one death from yellow fever and
some new cases to-day.
biiiiEVEFOirr, Uct. 4. mere were
7 deaths from yellow fever to-day.
Cairo, Oct. 4. The Mayor has
issued a proclamation quarantining
all steamers from the lower Missis
sippi river.
Little Rock, Oct 4. The city and
county authorities to-day quarantin
ed the Memphis and Little Eock
Railroad, the southern division of
the Cairo and Ashton road, and the
river "below, owing to the reported
spread of fever along the river and
in Memphis.
New Orleans, Oct. 3. By order of
the President 5,000 army rations will
be shipped to Shreveport to-morrow
for the benefit of sufferers. There
were 17 interments at Shreveport to
day from yellow fever. Alfred Sa-
villc, telegraph manager, who came
here from Memphis a few days ago,
is dangerously sick. Two Catholic
priests of the Society of Jesus left to
day for Shreveport. Twenty female
nurses left for Memphis this evening.
They were sent by the Howard Asso
ciation. Louisville, Oct. 4. The Board of
Trade made extensive collections in
aid of the Memphis and Shreveport
sufferers to-day.
Chicago, Oct. 5. The committee
appointed by the Board 'of Trade this
morning raised in an hour -$1,500 in
cash for the relief of Memphis.
Miscellaneous News.
New York, Oct 3. Aflhirs in finan
cial circles continue to improve.
Only one thousand shares of various
stocks were sold out under the rule
for delinquent parties. The Bulletin
announces the suspension of the
Peake, Opdyke ct Co., a large dry
goods house. Their liabilities
amount to 2,500,000.
Philadelphia, Oct. 3. It is stated
from Washington that the firm of
Jay Cooke & Co. will soon make a
proposition to their creditors for the
purpose of enabling it to resume
business. They propese to pay every
cent they owe, both principal and
New York, Oct. 4. Bradlaugh, in
his lecture at Stein way Hall last
night, had a large audience. He
stated that one object of his visit to
America was to enable English Re
publicans and workingmen to obtain
a fair hearing from the American
public which they could not obtain in
England, and from American news
papers that unprejudiced treatment
that English papers would not accord.
At the close of his lecture an English
clergyman named Brynety stopped
upon the platform and began to dis
pute the assertions of Bradlaugh, ad
vancing arguments to refute them.
His language was not altogether
courteous, and he was greeted with
mingled hisses and cries of " Go on."
New York, Oct. 4. The steamship
City of Antwerp, with Capt. Bud
dington and his associates of the
Polaris on board, has arrived. While
the steamship was coming up the
Bay the IT. S. steamer Tallahassa
went alongside and took on board
Capt. Buddington and his men and
steamed to the. Navy Yard. " Captain
Buddington remarked to a reporter
pleasantly that he wTas under martial
law and could not make any state
ment concerning his eventful voyage.
The Caniain and associates seemed
in excellent health.
By Atlantic Cable.
Paris, Oct. 3. Republicans are re
doubling their efforts to thwart the
designs of -Monarchists. Theirs, Du
faure and Periere will hold a confer
ence next wTeek. All sections of the
Left are united, extremists promising
to submit to the guidance of moder
ates. The Republican journals of
every shade of opinion support can-
didates for the Assembly who pledge
themselves to vote for a Republic,'
without regard to their antecedents.
Count de Chambord will issue a man
ifesto this week. Ex-President
Thiers, since his return to Paris, has
received visits from a large number
of deputies of the Left.
Paris, Oct.4. The Gaulois having
announced that a list would be open
ed at its office for the enrollment of
all persons who desire to join aBona
part league, the Minister of the inter
ior has issued an order forbidding
the carrying out of the project. Re
publican members of the General As
sembly are hastening to Paris for
consolation to adopt a line of action
in opposition to the. scheme of the
Thiers has written to the Mayor of
Nancy, declining to visit that town
until the present -crisis has passed.
He says that- the Left must -defend
the Republic, the principles o-f 17S9
and the tri-color, without which a
counter revolution would be odious
and a revolting lie.
Rome, Oct 2. The Pope yesterday
in an address to delegation of 300 of
the faithful used the following werds:
.u Confusion has entered the enemy's
camp. They strive to induce me to
leave Rome but I never will."
Common Council Proceedings.
Astorii, Oct", 187:1.
The Common Council assembled in reg
ular session Mayor Kippen presiding.
Coimcilmen present Messrs. Page, Per
rell, Parker, Reed and Wright.
Minutes qf last meeting read and ap
proved. Pntition for a side walk on the south side
of block 24, from T. A. Hyland, read, also
n remonstrancA from John Badollct and
Joseph Corno, all of which was referred to
the committee on streots, etc
Petition for an ordinance for construct
ing a wharf in front of lots 5 and 6, block
119, Shiveley's Astoria, by S. N. Arri
goni, referred to committee on streets,
wharves, &c.
Also a petition for the removal oi tne
woodpile in Chenamus htreet, and in front
of Job Ross's jhop, by Job Ross. Re
ferred to committee on htreets.
The committee to whom was referred
the proposition of Mr. Stevenson, of Port
land, for making a hydrographic survey
of the harbor of Astoria reported that they
had contracted with said bteveuson to do
the work as proposed by him
. The committee on room reported ver
bally that the probable cost of fitting up
the Firemana' Hall would be about 75.
Referred back to the committee with in
struction to fit it up for the use of the
The Street Commissioner submitted his
monthly report. Referred to the commit?
tee, en finance.
Claims against the city audited and or
dered paid: P. Sherman, for filling cross
ings at the intersection of Benton andCon
comly streets, $194: P. Ferrell, for lum
ber, 75 G3; G. W. Lambfor smith
work, 1; D. C. Ireland, "for printing, 4;
I. W. Case, for merclmndise, 16 13; C.
Stevens, Uucorder fees to Aiigust 14,
$35 15; J. W. Welch for draying lumber,
6 2tJ. Referred to the committee on
finance. David Ingalls, kfeor and lum
ber, $9.
Councilman Fago grespnted a bill for
the construction of wharf and warehouse
by i Porrell and his associates within the
corporate limits of said town. Read first
ana second time, and referred to .the com
niittoo on ?trocfc, wharves, &c.