677 &ammMm tniiiri. .MTrf, i j. aMa..vr.--..,-. rifTTrerrirtiir left'SU. mmmmmtaammm W i'.i IMA .IO-p.A, jlJiI1' J J.7 ilk Ty T. 4 UTyifirTO r , yj Trfvr E 1 miatatmmmiamemmmmmemmmmEaama Mtt"4 "e Jm m m- m . .m. CIiAUKE, HENEESON '.COOK. ?,fw.,;iP!rtaEaf POBTLAKD ADTOJOTSEMERRR, LEGAL NOTICES. wmmmmmmwm m mmmmammmmmmmetees i , , ' - ' 4i-HTV ' TUESDAY. Sept. 30, 1873 , t f OTICE. . B Y ORDER OF THE BOARD of Directors ,- llll UJCUIiHJtvu. wi n uuu-utu JUt UUI1U Oil xao cajnuu $uw,h.-ui mo .asiona i? armors iKm juny ,is mado gnd required to bo paid to tho Treasurer of said Company. S. D. ADAIR, 2tf Secretary. ;NOTICE. - TTAVING;iET THE GLOBE HOTEL, and " JJL furniture, ..Jatoly occupied by me in this t uit , w AULosaraarieman a, Dawson, uie puu lic are hereby notified that the now firm will be rosponsiblajfrom this date, fonall bills con tracted in the name of said Globe Hotel. Up to, this data airbills will bo paid by mo, and persons indebted, to me are invited to " square accounts"- without further notice. Astoria, Septal, I87J.tf N. KOEFOED. ; $ain Street. - - Astoria, Oregon . PKAqJICAL JEWELLER. - rt-TTATCffES AWD CLOAKS nlnsmfid and rw JfV pairgdtbest manner, at rooms in, xuuuot o BftWiim,. JMOU C. B. PABLEVAl W, H LAfFSOX. v,(3;it&B:E Hotel, ,- Re-PpQiejLotlje Popular European Plan Farleman & fiawson, Proprietors TEG LEATE TOTNFORM their numerous j AJ friends and tte, traveling public generally t that they, havJejpeed the above-named Hotel iiuu ywvvaviMfiYnvwii iuo sumo in a nr-a ciass ,, manner. jTce. husowill be kept open day and , nignt. .iso (paint,wni be spared to it insure tho comfort of guests s20tf GanoskCek Laundry ., Jefferson street, Portland, Ci Jtf PASBON. Proprietor. WORK; OF- EVErYKIND done to order fnd.satjfacon guaranteed. Linen, etc from a. djsjapce, peatly returned through mes sengers on tho, various steamers of tho Colum bia river, " ' sUi George.'sA. Pease, .PacificJBoop.nd Shoo Store, j, X? now prepared to wait on his customers, At TheOkg3tand Again! S. "W. Corner First and Morrison Streets, 4 -orand, Oregon. SIOOiq.REWARD. The undoraigniil pay S100 00 reward to any person ajwill make known and convict tho pQrso'nwjiQ set his Salmon Houso on fire. . , FRED COLBERT. Astoria Sopt. 2th 1873, MaMfarinffHouse K.jf&EGOX. MV." .WAS Fuhdjfc Boberts, Corner Fits. -$p& Washington Streets, PORTIAS?, OREGON. FASMABII CLOTHIERS, tjflMBE'E&T VALUE FOR 'W&B &EAST MONEY. IU C. J VNION. Liverpool J.VNIOX, RHODES & CO., Victoria, B. C Janion & Rhodes, Iniportors and Commission Merchants Front Street, Portland. Lloyd's Agents for Oregon THE PIONEER ENGLISH HOUSE IN tho city, and the founders of a diro&t .line of Clipper Ships between Liverpool kf Port land, offer for salo tho largest asscetttiont of General Merchandise In Portland. Durhai GrhnondV Celebrkd'Dunde HemnMat- titig nd Carpftting; feoVge Cttrling & Cos 4 C&raterf and DnigsjUunville'tj Irifi Whib kv; Stewarts Scotch hfeky; Hill, KTns &G? EnglUb MaUVitierar;Nobte& lliHMI&Mfe arAlhn Jhn FoUrW v CA3MffJ? mftmJTMin. aula "Appointed Agents fpr J & R Tcn ncnt's Celebrated brandpf Ate atuTStout; "Win Younger & Cpf, Celebrated Edin luirg ale; Gurov Brothers & Cos Dundee Gram Sacks, WpplS&eks'ami Burlap. .krSole Agonts for Blood, Voffe & CVs Celebrated" braftdoTale and Stout; Ind, Coop(j &' Qo.'b' CelebraU- Burton ale; WmMeEanfi Qelebrated Edinburg ali-i "WortbinorfiinSiLiivGrnool Salt: Hock- in, 'Wilson StQo5 Celebrated London Picklt and "Aucesf t J & J Armistend'a (Vieb.-afcHl DurhathtKttetHra: J&HD This Space is Reserved ! -FOR- & I . Lm ,, 4. eij 1 3fi?l5'f ; ,i -eVf'Sai T f y A . . 4 1- : fit virv'r $ t j r1 O i t 1 tf Hi Hi .sr' n -j ' 1 f$H u' .J v . Qper Fisat and Washington F ' o o American Ex.. Hotel, Con Front and Washington street, PORTLAND, OllEGOX L. P. WrQUpiBY , C. II. PERIODS. THE PROPRIETORS WOULP RESPECT fully inform tho traveling" public, that tho American Exchange having been recently im proved in all its departments, they are now propared to offer superior inducements to their patrons and tho public in general, at reduced prices. Board and Lodging, Si to $L 50 por day, ac cording to room occupied Tke American Exchange coach will always bo in readiness to convoy passengers and bag gago to and from tho Hotel, free of charge. CHEMEEJSTA HOTEL S vlkm. Oregon. WESLEY GRAVES, Phopuiktor, M5TThe cheapest and best Hotel in tho Stato. Free Coach to the House. Cosmopolitan Hotel, (Kept on tho European Plan,) ZIEBER & HOLTON PROPRIETORS Corner Stark and Front streets. Portland. Q. 6. COOK. W. H. ANDRUS. Occidental Hotel, (Kopt on tho European Plan,) COOK & ANDRUS,... .-PROPRIETORS Corner First and Morrison stoots, Portland. ACIFIC HOTEL Sikks &Ouimbt, Proprs. Main street, Qlympia, W. X. Stage office. RAILROAD HOUSE-J. McGr vth, Propr. Good meals, clean beds, moderate pricos. Tenino, W. T., present terminus N P. R. K. Si Charles Hotel, Corner Front and Morrison slreots, R. A. WHITE PROPRIETOR Portland, Oregon. THE ST. CHARLES IS THE ONLY BRICK Hotol in Pertland: has been thoroughly re paired and refurnished since tho lire, and is now tho most -comfortable and convenient houso in tho Stato. altf THE SEASIDE HOUSE. CLATSOP BEACH. MR. C. H. DEXTER, Formerly of tho " Cliff House." San Francisco, announcos to his friends and tho public that ho has leased tho new and elegant Hotel recently erected by Ben Holladay, Esq., upon tho site of the old Summer Houso, at Clatsop Beach. Tho house is elegantly furnished, and possesses all mod ern improvements. A largo andspacious Din ing Room, Billiard Room, extensive Parlors Bath Rooms, Rooms en suite, etc., etc., all well arranged for tho comfort of Guests. Tho Grounds are beautifully laid out A half-mile Raco Track, with Shell drive; Croquet Ground Children's Play Ground,' Swings, otc.. etc. Boats upon tho creek; plenty of Trout iishing; a splendid fctablc, with Saddlo Horses for those who wish for Equestrian rides evor tho Beach; Bathing Houses, for Salt Water Bath ingand, in fact, ovorything necessary for tho Plcasuro Seeker, the Tourist or tho Invalid. Ocean, Mountain, Forest and River Scenery, combined, make this tho finest Place of Resort in tho World. Tho climate is oquable never subject to extremes of heat or cold and one of tho healthiest places upon the Globe. Tho Table will bo unexcelled, and the subscriber pledgos himself thai nothing will bo. loft un done for tho pleasuro and comfort f his Pat rons. Terms modorato and satisfactory. CHARLES H. DEXTER. BAY-VIEW HOUSE, (Fifteon Miles Northwest of Astoria,)" At Unity, Baker's Bay. W. T.t THE UNDERSIGNED HAS PURCHASED tho above houso at this favorito resort. Having thoroughly renovated and furnished tho samo with now material, it will be kept in tirst-class style. The table will lo furnished with tho best the market affords. Fresh Fish, Oysters and Clams in every stylo. No pains will be spared to make guests comfortable. The above house is only one and a half miles from tho Ocean Beach, where anglers may en joy rare sport. Boats, carrying passengers, will ply between Unity and Astoria, connect ing with Columbia River boats. Tri-weekly stages will run betwoon Unity and Shoal water Bay. JOHN HUNTER. Proprietor. SUMMER HOUSE. CLATSOP BEACH. MRS, CLOUTRIE WISHES TO INFORM tho public that she has completed her large now two-story house, which is hard finished throughout, and is now proparod to roceivG visitors at this well known resort. GEIMES HOUSE, CLATSOP BEACH. VISITORS WILL FIND THE ABOVE named House open for tho entertainment of guest during tho season, as usual H. Trenkmann, BLACKSMITH AND TOOL MAKER and jowmuwtuxor at of all kinds of PlaJniQgc Jhydin, ni Turning Tools, Saws of all kL&is Straightened and Repaired, and all kinds of Saw Tooth wado and repaired and saws turned a&d straightened. Orders at tended promptly. 11. TRENKMAN X, aul&f 40 Front st, Portland, Ifew JZtifacco, Cigar and Notion Housel 59 Front st.f Portland, Oregon, (Opigfito Cosmopofitas HoteL) L Dittenhoefer, Focaerly coaaectcd with' tVssenAai: Co., ' " ',1s riowf Opening tm ii.. ketarjd'Uka; j4aure inoxering ,tho xua to hM.qldfrlendc; coetoi9r8,rand febirA4o goo lerallyyjUpric duitwiefy competitwu. W-''jL-:iei-eii 'jfctark tmsi&ett 1 4pf5we fa Portland,- ffc:ur.4r him !llr fcpftKar vtkk .tofcttrnntsiof 4fc6 trad tftiw NtothftattCjoast, aadith ere fore Jii tocXi h1lHl-:ttl es- neekllyior'Ua4t. u k.i rJjtittf ONE OF THE LARGEST AN MOST va ried assortaMDts of Tobaccos (Scars and W. Jackson & Oo.? Ttonl Street, Poitlund, Iiapcrrters and Wholesaler Dealers fa (Jroclicryf QUusstoarCf Cuten. Wetted Ware, Wooden Ware, Coed Oilf FumhhingSf Etc. Etc. And aba A&hifor Perkins & House's Patent MetaHkr Kerosene ox Coal Oil Safety Lamps! KS Our stock having been selected nnd ship ped direct to us from manufacturers in the East and Europe, we are propared to sell to the trade at such rates as wo think will induce trade. nui2 tf THE Celeliratefl Spectacles anil Glasses Manufactured by Lazarus &. Morris, Hartford, Connecticut, ANEW METHOD OF FITTING GLASS es to tho eye of Tany person who cannot sparo tho time to come and select for them selves. Any person who will send us a copy for samplo of tho smallest sized type that they can read at an ordinary distance, can bo fitted to glasses that will suit tho oyo. L. C. HENRICHSEN, & Co., Sole Agents, 1UD First; stroet, Portland. au7 Allen & Lewis, Shipping and Commission Merchants, and Wholesale Dealers. 18, 20 and 22 North Front st, Portland Oregon San Francisco effice: Corner of California and Front Streets. James Laidlaw. Henry James Gate. Laidlaw & Gate Importers and Commission Merchants, 23 Front Street, Portland. Oregon. London Agenteu BEDFERN, ALEXANDER & Co. S. G-. Skidmore, Druggist and Apothecary, Has Romoved to his NEW AND ELEGANT STORE, 111 First St., next to L. C. Henrichsen's, Portland, Oregon. ' au7 OREGON BOOT AND SHOE STORE! S. M. BIRR, J. C. KINGSLKV. BAJtlt & KINGSJbEY, PRINCIPAL RETAILERS OF THE STA ple brands of Eastern, California and Ore gon Roots and Shoos, No. 183 First street cor ner Yamhill, Portland Oregon. US" With our long experience and small ex pense we aro enabled to sell cheaper than any other house in tho city of Portland. As the proverb goes 81 00 saved is $2 00 made: Call and see and give us your trade. BARR & KINGSLEY. CRACKER MANUFACTORY Oregon Bakery, F. OPITZ, Proprietor, Pirfct Street, near Vine, Portland, Oregon MANUFACTURE all Mnd of Fancy Bis cuits, Crackers, Pilot, Ship and Naval Bread. Orders addressed as above promptly attended to, auU tf GotoC.A.SHEPPARD'S! Corner of Yamhill and First streets, POPvTLAND OREGON, POR Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries GROCERIES Grocorie3 Gpperjcs Groceries Gflceijo? Groceries GWJcrJcs Groceries Grcerioi Groceries Groceries Groceries Grocorios WLIQLESA QR RETAIL. ftSTTho bo?t stock of STAPL inOrogon. a)l gQQds rrap stock of STAPLES and TEA E. MILWAIN, do Fropf and HO HiSfrflefe Portjahd, Oregon. i, WHOLESALE aII) ItETAIL DEALER in Stovos, Shect-lrpn, Tin-pto, -ete. Plumb ing and Gas fitting-cheaper ian' any 'other houso in town. ' OTTO TJJ0ER Xo. 1 North-Fronj; SirtocJ, Portland. fEALER IN WINES AND LIQUORS AND &J Manufacturer etc.. etc Solo adeluhia Brew tho kee or bottle. Goods delivered to any. part ,of tho City, C ENTRAL MARKET, StaliaNo. 27 and 28, Portland, Oregon. : JOHNSON & SPtf LBINO Deslew is all Una of FRESH MEATS, and packers of Beef an4 Pork. Tci ert rie ViZ for all luadi of fat il$L " " 'J?t of Syrups, Cprrfjals, Bitters, agent for Jojn Y vffid'd Phil ury, San Ixoneisco. Beer by ,, .."1 . . SiKexiff Sale, BY TIRTtK OF AN EXECUTION inetT upon a decree tf She C irtuit Court, f the ot.iie of Oxegon for tho County of Clatsopnadc oathelUh day of August, Ib7 5. in w inch Alan son H Soman vs 1 laintttT.and James eteh ami Naney. Welch are defendants, commanding and directing mo lo sell lots one, two, three, four and five, in block one hundred and tw elve ofliJvel.v'3 Astoria, in the County of Clatsop, in the State of Oregon, or &o many of them a may bosulheient lo pay and satisfy the several sinus of money in said decree pecified, to-wits the sum of throe hundred and eighty-one and fifty one-hundredths dollars,and interest there on at one per cent, per month, in favor of said plaintiff and- against said defendant Jamct? Welch? Im, the further sum of forty dollars for attornev's compensation, together with costs and disbursements taxed at 24 t-10O dol lars, and costs to accrue on said execution, I have this day loviodupon all tho right, title, interest and citato of the said James Welch and Nancy Welch, in and to tho said lots one, two, throe, four and five, in said block one hun dred and twelve, in said bhively's Astoria, in Clatsop county, State of Oregon, andhall pro ceed to sell the samo at Public A action, to tho highest bidder for cash, on the 4th day of Oc- tobei, liwo, at 1 o clock i.m. said day, at the Court-houge door, in tho County and State above written. W. H. TWILIGHT, - Sheriff of Clatsoo Co.. Urwnm- Dated at Astoria, Oregon, this, JJti Ur of September, li7.i. i Administrator's Sale. Y virtue of an order of tho Probate Court I Of .PnpJfio fVllinfv Wneliinrrtnn Tan-Unn 1 will offer for sale to tho highest bidder at Public auction, en; Wednesday. Oct. 15, 1K7S. auoi meesiaie.ngnts and intercut LaljT Kelley, deceased, at the time of his death, of, in and to that certain lot or parcol of land sit uate in Knappton, Pacific County, W. T and and particularly "bounded and described as fol lows, to wit : Commencing at a point on th North bank of tho Columbia Kiver. thirty-on (31) rods Eastof section lino dividing section! seventeen (17 and eighteen (18). thonce run ning North till It intersects tho East bank of a little creek, or stream of water, thence Northeasterly along tho meanders of the East bank of said stream of water until it intersect a duo North and South lino forty (4J rods East of tho said section lino abovo destribed thence South to tho Columbia Kivor, thohce West along said river bank nino (9) rods to place of beginning, reserving the right of way along said rivor bank abovo tho highest tides for a public open roadway or highway, con taining about one oU-lUO acres moro or lcs, situated in tho North-west quarter of tho pthfT U if h tho nnnnrtnnnrnng 'I n aln r!lt tako plnco upon tho premises between the hours of ten o'clock in tho morning and sunset on the above namod day. Terms of salo cash, in U. S. gold coin, ton per cent, on tho day of salo, and tho balance on tho confirmation of the salo by tho Probato Court, and tho deliv ery of the deed. All payments to be in U. S. coin, and all conveyancing to bo at tho ex pense of tho purchaser. J B KNAPP. Administrator of tho estate of Lilly Kolley, deceased. Knappton. "W T, Sept. 12, 1SW. 4w (4U Summons. STATE OF OREGON, County of Clatsop Justice Court for tho Precinct of Astoria. John . Gearhort, plaintiff,f Civ1 action Chinaman Jim, defendant J "cover money. To Chinaman Jim, the above named defend ant: in the name of the State of Urogon, You are hereby required to appoar boforc the un dersigned, a Jm-tico of tho Peace for the Pre cinct aforesaid, on tho thirty-first day of Octo ber, a. d. 1673, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the ofiico of snid Justice in said Precinct, to answor tho abovo named plaintiff in a civil action. 'J he dofendant will take no tice, that if he fail to answer the complaint herein, tho plaintiff will takejudgment against him for nineteen dollars (!:), and disburse ments of this action. Given under mv hand, thw ltli dnv nf Sr tember, a. i. 1S7J. H. B. PAKKEK, s):ow J. P. for Astorja Precinct L. P. FJSHER, ADVERTISING AGENT, Rooms 20 & 21 Merchant's Exchangt, CIli fornia street San Francisco, SOLICITS ADVERTISEMENTS AND 8UI" scriptions for tho Tri-Wkkklt Astokiajt and for papers published in California, Oregon andNovada; ashington, Utah, Idaho, Mon raiso, Japan and China; New Zealand and tho Australian Colonies, tho Atlantic St&tec and Europe ADVERTISING Has created many a new business; Has cnlargod many an old business Has revived many a dull business; Has rescued many a lust Dusineo; Has saved many a failing businoss; Has preserved many a largo busine And insures success in any business. , GIRARD'S SECRET. Stophen Girard nd to say in old age: "I havo always considered advertising liberally and long to bo tho great, medium of success in business, and the prelade to wealth. And I havo mado it an irvariblo rule to advertise in dull times as well as the busiest, long eAperionco showing that mony, thus spent i woll laid out. as by continually keeping my business beforo tho public it ha secured many salos that 1 otherwiso would have lost." ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS. KEEP your NAME BEFORE tho PUBLIC. Judicious Advertising Insures A FORTUNE' If Business is dull ADVERTISE!. If Business is brisk, ADVERTISE? xMTTheman who didn't believoin advert ing has gone into puitnership with tho Sbria, and that official doe the advertising. For Sale Cheap for Cash ! GOOD SUBSTANTIAL DWELLING Houo containing seven rooms. Lower room hard finished, together w ith throo acres of good Garden Land, all under good fenco. Or chard. Barn and Stable, Store-rooms, Wood houso and other buildings, situated at SRipft non Landing Forfurther particulars, apply to Ferry. oodward & Co, 1 ortland cr to RICHARD 14QBSUNt Astoria- FARM FOR $AL$. , ACRES GOOD FARMING LAND sin 11itatfn?na fvl- la nR'au.l r..-. sale very cheap for cash. The location is fine: One and Jialf rnihis from tio Lowct LandingWn the Military Road, und on tfre Railroad Survey. A firht class location for a Hotel, Suinmar leV or Dairy Kanch.. Forty acres of JfrU ground borders o Kle kamne creek." Tfcere i an orchard of 300.tre o the place. A fcafrgain js offered. For p- rortn-west quarter ot section seventeen (17), township No. nino (9) North, and range No. Tlino (!Jl Wpst nf th(S Wnllnmnt mnriiliun in. tana, lolorao, Arizona and adjacent Territo ries; Sandwich Islands, tho British Possesions Mexican norLs. Ninarfttriia. Pflnnma Valnu. yi y "&