C43 Tri-Weekly Astorian THURSDAY Seit- 1S 1S73 There is terrible suffering in Shreveport, Louisiana, on account of yellow fever. The authorities appeal for financial aid to relieve distress. The annual communication of National Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows, met in Bal timore on the 15th. Pour Grand Lodges and 35 Encampments, were represented at the opening. The attendance will be full it is thought. The number of lodges at the close ofthe year, is stated at 5,045 with a membership of 385,097. Among the Postal changes for this coabt last week we note these: Appointments, S. R. Geddes, Pleasant Grove, Takima county, "W. T.; D. B.Jackson, PortGani ble; "Wm. Dean, Samish', Whatcom Co., "W. T.; S. P. Sahn, Tacoma; S. G. "Ward, Tumwater. Offices discontinued, Hock Greek, Stevens county, "W. T. The remains of Gen. Edwin S. jtfcCook, assassinated by an official at Yancton, Da kota, at a public meeting on Priday last, passed through Chicago on Monday, for interment at St. Louis. His cousin, Gov. McCook of Colerado, reached there on the same day, en toute to "Washington, and first learned of the General's death then. The steamer Ironsides,of the Milwaukee and Grand Haven line, foundered in a gale on the lakes on the 14th. The seas were fo heavy that nothing could could go out. Three of her boats reached shore with 23 persons on board. It is not known how much damage resulted from the gale which extended over the upper lakes. The Iron sides foundered within six miles of Grand Haven. The Kuk-Lux trouble in Kentucky will soon be settled, it is thought, without the interposition of martial law "which is not relished by anyone. A prominent lawyer of Cincinnati states that he has no doubt that the organization was a large one, but that many of the members wTere respecta ble citizens who have no sympathy with the mauraders, and that within ten days full disclosures "will be made of the secrets of the order. Things are quiet now, and people freely talk over the matter. Baron von Rhaden, late husband of Madame Lucca, published a card in Germany, denouncing her procur ing a divorce in New York, and de claring that he knew nothing of it till he read of her success in the pa pers. He announces his determina tion to have it annulled, but adds that he had previously commenced proceedings for a divorce in Berlin. One of the latest inventions is a portable traveling bed, which can be rolled up like a shawl in a cylindri cal package some two feet long. It consists of a light hair mattrass, in cluding single or double air pillows, a fine woolen coverlet, a camp-stool, attachments and cords for adapting the mattrass as a hammock and ap paratus for filling the pillows with air. It is reported from Coburg, Ger many, to the great digust, intimates a local journal, of all widows and maidens, that the Landtag has voted a resolution abolishing the so-called tax on celibacy, an institution of great sevice to the gentler sex. Un til now there has existed in Coburg a custom of educating a certain per centage from the bequests of every unmarried man, which his heirs were obliged to pay. CSuurcli XotSccs, Graco Church, (Prot. Episcopal) Row T A Hyland Rector, Divino services cverv Sundav fit 10)4 a m and? p ii; Sunday School at 1 i ii Congregational Church, Rev A W Tcnuv Pastor, Divine services every Sundnv at W a MandT i m; Prayer Meeting every Thurs day evening, Sunday School meets at 12 i 11. C JAXIOX. JA-IOX, RITOPFS k CO., Liverpool. Victoria, B. C. Janion & Rhodes, Importers and Commission Merchants Front Street, Portland. L!oyc37s Agents for Oregon YjmE PIONEER ENGLISH. nOFSE IX JL the city, and the founders of a direct lino of Clippor Ships between Livorpool and Port land, offer for sale the largest assortment of General Merchandise In Portland. 2SAppointcd Agents for J & R Ton nont's Celebrated brand of Ale and Stout; "Wm Younger & Co's Celebrated Edin burg ale; Gilroy Brothers & Co.'s Dundee Gram Sacks, Wool Sacka and J3urlap, STSole Agents for Blood, Wolfe & Co's Celebrated brand of ale and Stout; Ind, Coope & Co.'s Celebrated Burton ale; Wm McEwan's Celebrated Edinburg ale; Worthington's Liverpool Salt; Hock in, "Wilson & Co's Celebrated London Pickles and Sauces; J & J Armibtead's Celebrated Durham Mustard; J&ID .Grimond's Celebrated Dundee Hemp Mat ting and Carpeting; George Curling & Cos Citrates and DrugsjDunville's Irish Whis ky; Stewart's Scotch Whisky; Hill, Evans .& Cos English MaltTinegar; Noble's & Hoare's London- VarmVhos -John Fowler t& Coi Celebrated Steam -Plows; aula CLARKE, HENDERSON & COOK. This Space is Reserved ! -FOK- & Lmii aJf :dn8 if Dekum's Mew Building! Oorner First and Washington, 'ioIAXD, OREGON. HSK9BH i O BOSH UXzsJpS HOTELS. American Ex, Hotel Cor. Front and "Washington streets. PORTLAND, OREGON. L. P. W. QUIMBY,...- C. II. PERKINS. THE PROPRIETORS WOULD RESPECT fully inform the traveling public, that tho American Exchange having been recently im proved in all its departments, they aro now prepared to offer superior inducements to their patrons and the public in general, at reduced prices, Board and Lodging, Si to Si 50 per day, ac cording to room occupied. The American Exchange coach will always bo in readiness to convey passengers and bag gage to and from the Hotel, free of charge. CIIEMEKETA HOTEL Salem, Oregon. WESLEY GRAVES, Proprietor, K5Tho cheapest and best Hotel in the State. Erco Coach to the House. Cosmopolitan Hotel, (Kept on the European Plan,) ZIEBER & H0LT0N.... PROPRIETORS Corner Stark and Front streets, Portland. G. a. COOK. W. H. ANDRUS. Occidental Hotel, (Kept on the European Thin,) COOK & ANDRUS PROPRIETORS Corner First and Morrison stects, Portland. ACIFIC HOTEL Sikks &Quimby, Proprs. Main street, Olympia, W. T. Stage office. AILROAD HOUSE J. McGrath, Propr. Good meals, clean beds, moderate prices. Tenino, W. T., present terminus N P. R. R. St. Charles Hotel, Corner Front and Morrison streets, R. A. WHITE PROPRIETOR Portland, Oregon. THE ST. CHARLES IS THE ONLY BRICK Hotel in Portland; has been thoroughly re paired and refurnished since the iiro, and is now the most comfortable and convenient house in the State. v altf THE SEASIDE HOUSE. CLATSOP BEACH. MR. C. IT. DEXTER, Formerly of tho " Cliff House." - San Francisco, announces to his friends and tho public that ho has leased tho new and elegant Hotel recently erected by Ben Holladay, Esq., upon the sito of the old Summer House, at Clatsop Beach. The houso is elegantly furnished, and possesses all mod ern improvements. A largo and spacious Din ing Room, Billiard Room, extensive Parlors, Bath Rooms, Rooms en suite, etc., otc, all well arranged for tho comfort of Guests. Tho Grounds are beautifully laid out. A half-milo Race Track, with Shell drive; Croquet Ground Children's Play Ground, Swings, etc.. etc. Boats upon tho creek; plenty of Trout Fishing; a splendid Stablo, with Saddle Horses for thoso who wish for Equestrian rides over tho Beach; Bathing Houses, for Salt Water Bath ingand, in fact, everything necessary for tho Pleasure Seeker, the Tourist or tho Invalid. Ocean, Mountain, Forest and River Scenery, combined, mako this the finest Placo of Resort in tho World. Tho climato is oquable never subject to extremes of heat or cold and one of tho healthiest places upon tho Globe. Tho Table will bo unexcelled, and tho subscriber pledges himself that nothing will bo left un done for tho ploasuro and cointort ot his Mat rons. Terms moderate and satisfactory. CHARLES H. DEXTER. BAY-VIEW HOUSE:, (Fifteen Miles X orthwest of Astoria.) At Unity, Baker's Bay, W. T., THE UNDERSIGNED HAS PURCHASED tho above houso at this favorite resort. Having thoroughly renovated and furnished the Siimo with new material, it will bo kept in iirst-cla.ss style. Tho table will bo furnished with tho best tho market affords. Fresh Fish, Oysters and Clams in overy style. No pains will bo spared to make guests comfortable. Tho abovo house is only one and a half miles from tho Ocean Beach, where anglers may en joy rare sport. Boats, carrying passengers, will ply between Unity and Astoria, connect ing with Columbia River boats. Tri-wcekly stages will run between Unity and Shoal water Bay. JOHN HUNTER, Proprietor. summer house. clatsop beach. TCZf RS, CLOUTRIE WISHES TO INFORM JLvJL the public that sho has completed her largo now two-story houso, which is hard iini.-hed throughout, and is now prepared to receive vi-itors at this well known resort. GRIMES HOUSE, CLATSOP BEACH. ISITGRS WILL FIND THE ABOVE named House open for the ontertainment of guests during the season, as usual H. Trenkmann, B LACKSMITII AND TOOL MAKER and manufacturer of of all kinds of Plaining, MayMiogi anil Turning Tools. Stirs of all kinds Straightened and Repaired, and all kinds of Saw Teeth mado and repaired and saws turned and straightened. Orders at tended to promptly. H. TREXIvMAN N, aulfctf 40 Front st, Portland, New Tobacco, Cigccr and Notion, J louse ! 59 Front st., Portland, Oregon, J (Opposite Cosmopolitan Hotel.) T. DittenJioefer, Formerly connected with Wasserman & Co., Is now Opening ONE OF THE LARGEST AND MOST va ried assortments of Tobaccos, Cigars and Yankee Notions, over imported into this mar ket, and takes pleasure inotFering the same to his old friends, customers, and tho trade gen erally, at prices that defy competition. n&. Eleven yaars business experience in Portland, has mado him fully familiar with the wants of the trade Of tho Northwest Coast, and therefore hi stock lias been selected es- l pecially for tho trade. au'i'itf , PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS. W. Jackson & Co.? Front Street, Portland, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Ci'pckery, Glassivare, Cutler?, Flated Ware, Wooden Ware, Coal Oil, Furnishings, Etc., Etc. And also Agent for Perkins & House's Patont Metallic Kerosene or Coal Oil Safety Lamps! K35" Out stock having boon selected and ship ped direct to us from manufacturers in tho East and Europe, wo aro prepared to sell to the trade at such rates as we think will induce trade. aul2 tf THE MSrt "i IT. Manufactured by Lazarus tic Morris, Hartford, Connecticut, NEW METHOD OF FITTING GLASS es to tho eye of any person who cannot sparo tho timo to come and select for them selves. Any person who will send us a copy for sample of the smallest sized type that they can read at an ordinary distance, can bo litted to glasses that will suit tho eye. L. C. HENRICHSEN, & Co., Solo Agents, 109 First street, Portland. au7 Allen & Lewis, Shipping and Commission Merchants, and Wholesale Dealers. 18, 20 and 22 North Front st., Portland Oregon San Francisco office: Corner of California and Front Street5?. Jamos Laidlaw. Henry James Gate. Laidlaw & Grate, Importers and Commission Merchants, 23 Front Street, Portland. Oregon. London Agents: REDFERN, ALEXANDER & Co. S. Gr. Skiclmore, Druggist and Apothecary, lias Romovod to his NEW AND ELEGANT STORE, 111 First st., next to L. C. Ilenrichson's, Portland, Oregon. au7 OREGON ROOT AND SHOE STORE! S. Jr. IURR, J. C. KIXGSLKY. BATIK cO KINGSLEY, PRINCIPAL RETAILERS OF THE STA plo brands of Eastern, California and Oro gon Boots and Shoes, No. l.'?o iirst street cor ner Yamhill, Portland Oregon. dST With our long oxperience and small ex penso we aro enabled to sell cheaper than any other houso in the city of Portland. As tho provorb goes SI 0U saved is 2 00 made: Call and soo and give us your trade. RARR & KINGSLEY". CRACKER MANUFACTORY Oregon Bakery, P. OPITZ, Proprietor, Pirst Street, near Vine, Portland, Oregon MANUFACTURE all kinds of Fancy Bis cuits, Crackers, Pilot, Ship and Naval Bread. Orders addressed as abovo promptly attended to, aul4 tf QotoQ-A.SHEFPA'S! Corner of Yamhill and First streets, PORTLAND OPvEGCXN, FOK Groceries Groceries Giocerie? Groceries Groceries Groceries Gioceries Giooeries Groceries- Groceries Groceries Groceries GROCERIES Grocoiics Groceries Groceries N Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceiios Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. fiGTTho bct stock of STAPLES and TEA in Oregon. All goods warranted. E. MILWAIN, 93 Front and !)( First Street, Portland, Orogon. - 2U WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER in Stoves, Sheet-iron, Tin-plate, otc. Plumb ing and Gas fitting cheaper than any other house in town. OTTO TREUER. No. 1 North-Front Street, Portland. DEALER IN WINES AND LIQUORS AND Manufacturer of Syrups, Cordials, Bitter, etc., etc. Solo agent for John Wellund's Phil adelphia Brewery, San Francisco. Beer by tho keg or bottle. Goods delivered to any part of the City. CENTRAL MARKET, Stalls No. 27 and 28. Portland, Oregon. JOEDtfSONT &PATJLDIKG, Dealers in all kinds of FRESH MEATS, and packors of Beef and Hork. Tho highest prico pnid for nil kinda of fat stock. xj'13tf LEGAL XOTICES.rr BSkerii? Sale 1 VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION issned . fupon decree of the Circuit Court of the- .ij m urcgon, tor tlio County ot Llatsotu cu. rlnfnnl.-t .-. t ' i ; ii ,,u' cummantunsr anu uirect t?. wl i-ot t-wo in blck Forty-four, of AUCLlUie'S Astm-m in L t i e -,ix ' XJ. iS-? t0 ofr0reSn. to pay and satisfvthb ?Sr ffi -f monroy.1V saW decree specified, to wit: Ihe sum of eight hundred and forS ive dolla.8 in gold coin, in favor of said plSn tiff against said Charles Gibbins, with intorST thereon in gold coin atono per cent, per month also, tho further sum of two hundred and sixty-fjvo dollars and eighty-four cents in cold com, m favor of George Flavol against laid. Charles Gibbins with mterost thoroon in olii coin, atono nor cont. per month, from tho 2StL day of October, 1872, and also tho furthorsum found duo to tho said Hiram B.Parker on his judgment against the said Charles Gibbins.anct tho costs and disbursements taxed at $:5 H5-10O dollars, and costs to accrue upon said execution 1 have this day levied upon the said lot twi. jn said block forty-four, in said McClure's As toria, in Clatsop County, andStato of Orogois and upon all the buildings and improvement situated thercoa, and thereunto belonging, and shall proceed to sell tho samo to tho highost bidder for cash in gold coin, on tho 1st day aT October, 187:5, at two o'clock i jj. of said dar at tho Conrt-houso door in tho County aiul State abovo written. W. 11. TWILIGHT, Sboriff , , , . . Clatsop County Oregoit Dated Astoria, August 27th, 1S73. auSat Sheriff Sale. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION issnod upon a decreo of tho Circuit Court of the fctate of Oregon for the County of Clatsop.mado on the 13th day of August, 1S7.J, in which Alan son llininan is Plaintiff, and James Welch and Nancy W elch aro defendants, commanding and directing mo to sell lots one, two, three,, four and live, in block onchundred and twelve, of Shively's Astoria, in tho County of Clatsop, in the State of Oregon, or so many of them as may be sufficient to pay and satisfy thosovoral sums of money in said decree specified, to-wit: the sum of thrco hundred and eighty-one and fifty one-hundredths dollars,and interest there on at ono per cent, per month, in favor of said plaintiff and against said defendant James Welch; also, tho further sum of forty dollars for attorney's compensation, together with costs and disbursements taxed at 21 ;o-l00 dol lars, and costs to accrue on said oxecution, I havothisdav levied upon all tho right, titloa, interest and estato of tho said James Wolca and Nancy Welch, in and to the said lota one, two, three, four and five, in said block ono hunr drcd and twelve, in said Shively's Astoria, in. Clatsop county, Statoof Oregon, and shall pro ceed to sell the samo at Public A action, to tbo highest bidder for cash, on the 4th day of Oo tobei, 187.5, at 2 o'clock p.m. of said day, at ihe Court-houso door, in tho County and St&to above written. W. II. TWILIGHT, Sheriff of Clatsop Co., Orogon Dated at Astoria, Oregon, this, 3d day of September, 1873. altf Administrator's Sale. BY virtuo of an ordor of tho Probato Conlt of Pacific County, Washington Territory, I will offer for sale to tho highest biddor a public auction, on Wednesday, Oct. lo, 1S73, all of tho estate, rights and interest of Lilly Kelley, deceased, at tho timo of his death, o in and to that certain lot or parcol of land sit uate in Knappton, Pacific County, W. T., and and particularly bounded and described a3 fol lows, to wit : Commencing at a point on tbo North bank of tho Columbia River, thirty-ono (31) rods East of section lino dividing sections seventeon (17) and eightoen (IS), thonco run ning North till it intersects tho East bankof a littlo crook, or stream of wator, thenco N6rtheasterly along the meandors of tho East bank of said stream of water until it intersects a due North and South lino forty (40) rods East of the said section line abovo destribid, thenco South to tho Columbia River, thonco West along said river bank nine (U) rods to place of beginning, reserving tho right of way along said river bank abovo tho highest tldoa for a public open roadway or highway, con taining about ono oO-lOO acres moro or loss, situated in tho North-west Quarter of tho to gether with the appurtonances. Tho sale will take placo upon tho premises betwoou to hours of ten o'clock in tho morning and sunset on tho abovo named day. Tonus of sale cash, in U. S. gold coin, ten per cent, on the day of sale, and tho balanco on tho conflraiation of tho sale by tho Probate Court, and tho doli ory of tho deed. All payments to bo in U. S. coin, and all conveyancing to bo at tho ox ponso of tho purchaser. J B ICNAPP, Administrator of the estate of Lilly Keller, deceased. Knappton, W T, Sept. 12, 1S73. 4w alt? Admit? i stmt orTs Sale TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that in pnr JL i suance to an order of sale, bearing dote August lbth, 1&73, from the Probato Court of Pacific County, Washington Territory, com manding mo to sell at public sale tho following described property, to-wit: All of tho right, titlo, interest and possession of the late Julius Mack, had and acquired from J, S. M. Van Clove, together with his proofs, in and to all that piece or parcel of land situato, lying and being on or adjoining tho Naselle river, in Pa cific county. dshingtonTorritory, and known as tho Van Clevo claim, together with all im provements thereunto belonging. Now, there fore, on Friday, the IHh day of September 1S7S, I will sell to tho highest bidder for cash, the above described premises at public sale, fa front of tho Court-house in Oysterville, at one o'clock p. m. HUBERT TURNEK, A dmr of tho ostato of Julius Maci. August 20th, 1.V73. au2rfwrt For Sale Cheap for ash ! TIOOD SUBSTANTIAL DWELLING Houso containing sovon room'. Lowor rooms hard finished, together with throe acres of good Garden Land, ail under good fonce. Or chard, Barn and Stable, btore-rooms, Wocd house and other buildings, situated at SkiDa- vhon Landing For further particulars, apply to Ferry. oodward & Co, 1 ortland or to RICHARD I40BSON. Astoria FARM FOR S&ISE. ACRES GOOD FARMING LAND on Klaskanino Creek is offorod far sale very cheap for ca'h. The location is tine: One and a half mile? from the Lovrer Landing on the Military Eoad, and on the Kailroad Survey. A firbt class location for a Hotel, Summer Kesort, or Dairy Ranch. Forty acres of this ground borders on Klas kanino creek. There is an orchard of 300 trees on the place. A bargain is offored. For par ticulars inquire of D. C. IRELAND " nulu Inr Astorian Office EMPIRE HOUSE-J O'Brikn- Proprietor. Opposite Railroad denot and-StnaiviKni. iding. Kalama W. T. Tho host and chStp- cat Hotol in Kalama. Vi" ?7 V," tut-J-uia uay ot August, lbTtf, m whi oL vi M, lamtitF and Charles Gibbins, ueorgo Jblavel. llim.,, n nnvi..n .i n ia Pa en urn j orth-west quarter of section sovontoon (17). township No. nino () North, and rongoNQ. nine !l) est of the allamot moridian.