131 liar: jajK! Vit$:ni:xxxsi . in ie-'n 1 1 w ,, f -vacai '' Yri-Weekty Astorian THURSDAY Sept. 18, 1S73 y Tide Table for Astoria. (From tables of United States Coast Survey.) High "Water.1 Low Water. Sopt. A.M. 111 . 9 491 A. M. i. m. 17 10 40. 18 11 32. .4 IS 3 ."i2 10 42f 5 1U 4 52 19 VI In 11 12 .... 05 . ....6 44 . .....7 12 . ....7 34 ....7 53. ....S 14 ....3 35 ....!) 02 ....9 35 ...10 20 ....0 0J. ....1 12 . 5 45 . 0 3.5 . 7 19 . 7 57 .8 33 . 9 05 . 9 39 .10 IS .11 08 jl 2-ia . 0 39 20 12 4o.!."...'.!- 21 0 12... 2i. 0 51... 23 .. 1 21... 24 2 02... 1 0S 1308. 1 oOJ. 2 ll1. 2 :W. 3 00-. 3 32. 4 2J . 5 3'! . 0 oi . 25 33 27 28 51 30 2 41 3 23 4 12 o 12 6 21 7 '61 3POIIT OF ASTORIA. Following i a list of vessels on the way to tills port, and a record of tho arrivals and de partures up to date: Disco, 73'3 tons, from South America. Fifeshire, 700 tons, from South America, Prof. Airy, 4-19 tons from South America. Santa Roa, 5'S tons, from South America. Island Belle, 313 tons, from South America. City of Lima, 315 tons, from South America. Br bk Spirit of the Dawn, Dixon, 091 tons, from San Francisco. Ger bk Theresa Behn, Steflin, 451 tons, from San Francisco. Bk "Windward, Snannard, 782 tons, loadincr in San Francisco for this port. Bkt Melanctkon, loading in San Francisco for this port. Haw bk Checola, lugg, from San Francisco for Callao, via Astoria, 11 days out. Tho barkentinc Free Trade left San Francis co for this port Sept. 0th. British bark Vesta, from Liverpool, to Jan kin & Rhodes 12ii days out August 12. British bark Sylhet, Liverpool, via Victoria, to Janion & Rhodes 93 days out August 12. Am. ship Loretta Fish from Shields via Cal lao 154 days out August 12. In Uic Ior J and ISivers. Steamer John L, Stephens from this port for San Francico, September 7th. American ship Otago, in ballast from Victo ria, to load with wheat for Liverpool, arrived SlsL British ship Privateer in ballast from Mexi co to load "wheat for Europe, arrived 31st. Bark "Wetterhorn sailed from San Francisco, August 13th, and arrived hero on tho 2Uth. Tho bark Rival, Capt, Clement, arrived at this poit from San Francisco Sept 10th. Br. bk "Windemere, 197 tons, from Victoria, arrived at this port Sept. loth. Arrived. Bk Clara Louise, Honolulu July 25 JJaily Paclsets, etc. Stoamor Emma Hayward.Captlloyt, arrivo from Portland, Mondays, "Wednesdays and Fridays returning on alternate days. Steamer Dixie Thompson, Capt. Babbidge, loaves for Portland Mondays, "Wednesdays and Tridays returning on alternate days. Steamer Mary Bell, Capt. Fisher, daily to Skipanon and return. Steamer Yaruna, to and from Fort Stevens. Capo Disappointment, and Unity Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. Steamer Meriimac, Capt. R. nobson, Knapp ton and various logging camps daily, towing vessels, etc. On the Bar Steam tug Astoria, Capt. "Wass, .and pilot boat California. Sloop Mary H., Capt. Poole, daily to and from Skipanon. Notice to Pilots, (and Ship Masters). Every Pilotor Ship Master who shall bring in to tho port of Astoria any ship or vessel having on board any persons or goods infected with Small-pox, Cholera, Leprosy, or other conta gious diseases, or which shall have had on board any such infections during the voyage, ox which ho suspects, from tho bad sanitary condition of tho vessel may bo capablo of pro pagating disease, shall anchor such ship or vessel below Smith's Point, and give immediate- notice to tho Health Officer In any viola tions of tho foregoing regulations tho law will bo strictly enforced. S. W. DODD, M. D.. Health Officer, Astoria. To Investors. Tho Northern Pacific Railroad Company has now built, ocmipped and put in operation, nearly .117 miles of its main line of road through an excellent coun try and along what is known as tho Yalley Route to tho Pacific. Tho finished portions already enjoy a largo and fast increasing traffic. Tho sections approaching completion connect tho chain of Lakes with tho navigation of tho Upper Missouri and Columbia rivers with Puget Sound, secure at onco a largo and profitable business and entitle tho Company to about 10,400,000 acres of cxcollent average land in fee simple. With these accomplished results, tho Com pany offers, and is now rapidly selling, its First Morgago Bonds, for completing tho construction and equipment of its road across tho Continent After careful investigation, wo recommend theso bonds as a well secured and unusually profitablo investment. They have 30 years to run; principal and interest aro payable in gold; tho interest (seven and throe-tenths per cent) is equal now to about & per cent in currency. Tho coupon and registered bonds can bo exchanged for each other, at tho pleasure of tho holder. Gold checks for tho semi-annual interest on tho registered bonds aro mailed to tho post offico address of tho owner. Theso securities have tho following elements afstrenirthandsafety: They aro tho obliga tion of a strong corporation; thoy aro also a mortgage on tho Road, its right of way, equip ments and franchises, and a first lean on its not earnings. In addition to this usually suf ficient security, thero is pledged for tho pay ment of tho principal and interest a Gra.t of Land, averaging about 23,000 Acres per 3lilo for tho entire length of the Road. At tho average prico per aero at which other Land Grants havo thus far been sold, this real estato security will yield moro than 101,000 per mile moro than threo times tho possible is sue of bonds. Tho Company has already m begun tho pro cess of redeeming and cancellingits first mort gage b jnds,, as thoy tiro now being received, at 1.10 in payment and exchange for tho Com pany's lands. Y J AY COOKE &.QQ.t . PhiladelphiaVNew York & "Wasnington, . .financial Agents N. P. R. R. Co. ASTORIA MARKETS. Astorian Office, Sept, 15. Following is a correct list of prices ruling in this market to-day : Sugars Crushed lb jn San Francisco Golden -2 Sandwich Island s Coffee Cota Rica Froh Ground .L? Chocolate 'A Teas Young Hyson SI Japan Flour Standard sack 1 in Meal t sck 2 00 Crackers "$ lb 10 Candles 2- Uico 10 Fine Salt V cwt .1 2o Saleratuslb : :....V2 Soda 12J4 Vinegar gallon 50 Golden Syrup '& gallon 55 Hams f lb 1U18 Bacon V 1 13lo Lard f lb 1510 Butter V lb 3037 Eggs '$ do.en 3o Cheese Ti lb 2025 Apples Green bushel 75 Peaches dried ft lb. 141S Honey ft lb 37 Potatoes ft lb lc Onions ft lb 3c Bran ft cwt., $1 25; Shorts $1 75, Wheat, 2 25 Oil cake ft cwt 2 25 Hides, dry, ft lb 12c&14c 4 green ft lb 5 (s, O'c Deer Skins, ft lb 25c Elk skins ft lb lie STEAMERS, STAGES AND SLOOPS V. S. MAIL AND EXPRESS. from Astoria to Clatsop Beacli ! East HORSES! Good CARRIAGE! Y EAVES ASTORIA EVERY TUESDAY, JL4 Thursday and Saturday Mornings. Arrive Same Mornings at tho OCEAN HOUSE, GRIMES HOUSE, SUMMER HOUSE, And SEA SIDE HOUSE. RETURNING Leaves thee Houses every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, connecting with steamer to Portland each way. tfFDistance twenty-four miles, fare $1 30. II. B. PARKEK, Proprietor. The Steam Tug Varuna rU "Will leave Astoria every uLkl n TUESDAY and SATURDAY i55?s Morning, for PORT STEVENS, CAPE DISAPPOINTMENT, And UNITY, Carrying Mails, Passengers and Freight. Y9-. Other days of the week sho will bo ready to go anywhere that business may justify. Is prepared to lighter cargoes, freight, hay, cattle and wood. J . II. D. GRA Y Agent, Astoria. Oregon Steam iftSay. Co. SvjTOTICE-Boats of the O. S. i.M X. Company will leave As toria as follows : FOR PORTLAND, and intermediate points Daily, every Morning (Sundays excepted), at b o'clock. Returning, leave Pertland: FOR ASTORIA, and intermediate points On Daily, every Morning (Sundays excepted), at U o'clock. J. C. ALNSWORTH, Pros ONLY REGULAR PACKET BETWEEN ASTOltIA AND CLATSOP. Carrying the U Sc StfSail! The well known sloop MARY H., yfp?. L W POOLE Master Leaves Clatsop every Monday, "Wednesday and Fi iday , on arrival of Stages, conneecting at Astoiia witli tho steamer Dixie Thompson. Returning, leaves Astoria every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, connecting with tho Coaches for tho Reach. Extra trips made to accommodate tho traveling public. k COLUMBIA effifi PILOTS! P. JOHNSON, II. A. SNOW, P. E. FERCHEN. M. M. GILMAN, G.REED, C.S.WRIGHT, Agent. CSrOrFicn Corner of Main and Chenamus streets, Astoria, Oregon. EOR CHARTER. Tho sloop HECTOR, ;. Having been purchased by tho undersigned, will hereafter bo in readiness to carry freight to any accessible point Tho Hector has good accommodations for keeping freight dry and can cany 20,000 feot of lumber. For particu lars, inquire of P. J U11A SON, Astoria. EOR CHARTER. Tho fast sailing Sloop rg. W. H. TWILIGHT, ?. R M LOWE Master Is now in readinoss to Charter for Pleasure Parties, Freight or Passengers. Headquarter, Corner Main and Jefferson streets, Astoria. ORTLAND BOX FACTORY North Front streot, Portland, Oregon. Boxes of overy description constantly on hand, and made to order. Orders addressed to John Harlow, corner of First and E streets, will moot with prompt attention. j29tf Private School. Sqtjemoque Street... Astoria Under tho Management of tho Be?. Mr. it In Sylai, Will Re-open on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 18ri3 ids' Tuition per quarter, in advance, $7 50. ASTORIA advertisements: New Stock of Goods! CLOTHING OE THE BEST STYLES, AND THE VERY BEST QUALITY, AT REASONABLE PRICES. EVERYTHING ELSE IN ' PROPORTION. At The Old stand of SUMMERS. TAKE NOTICE This is an cxtensivo stock of well selected goods, in great variety, which I am now opening. Old Patrons, Friends and the community in general, are invited to call and inspect both Goods and Prices. G. SUMMERS, Chenamus street, Astoria, BLACKSMITHING C. CARR IS HAPPY TO INFORM HIS i old friends and customers, and all others who wish to patronize him, that he has isesuxxieci Business, At Tiit Old Stand, And is again prepared to do all kinds of Black smith work, from making an Anchor FJuo, to a Plow Shear. Main stieet, Astoria. aul'J "WELCH'S GOOD. SAMARITAN COMPOUND. For Caring Rheumatism, Sprains, Felons, Boils, Bruises, Burns, etc., etc. BIRECTIOXS.-APPLY EXTERNALLY to tho parts affected; rub in well, and in severe cases cover with thin cloth, tied or fas tened on with caro. Warranted to euro, or greatly alleviate, in all cases named in this label. A single bottle will cure or prevent days of tho most excruciating pain, and not unfre quently save tho life of the suffering patient. Price, $1.00 per Bottle. rilKPARKD BY J. "WELCH, ASTORIA, Oregon. EL S. Sinister, Photographic Artist, At tho old Stand, Astoria, Oregon. A. SMITH, LATE OF LA PORTE, INDIANA. B35 Having commenced business in Astoria I am prepared to do all kinds of Painting, Graining, Paper Hanging. Glazing, etc., in a workmanlike and satisfactory manner. Satis faction guaranteed, both as to prices and work. Charles H. Bain Contractor and Builder, Astoria. Plans, Specifications and Estimates made to Order, on Short Notice. Is proparod to fill orders for any class of work, with promptness. al tt LTJ3IBJEB. LU3IBER. THE COLUMBIA RIVER HAHDFACTUBIIG Co, RE NOW DAILY MANUFACTURING from :0,000 to -10.000 feet of tho all tho very best kinds and quality of Lumber, which will be sold in lots to suit purchasers. Address, K. K1NSEY, Goneral Agent and Superintendent, sStf Knappton, W. T. MISCELLANEOUS. J. K. Gill & Co., (Successors to G, A. Steel & Co.,) IMPORTERS: "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN BOOKS AND STATIONERY. No. 75 First street, bet "Washington and Stark PORTLAND, OREGON. DRIARD nOUSE. II. Cazaban, Proprietor. View street, Victoria, British Columbia. Established Twenty-two Years. S. J. McConriick, PUBLISHER: Franklin Book Store! BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, 19 First Street, Portland, Oregon. Conbtantly on Hand, a full Stook of STANDARD SCHOOL BOOKS, :, - ' And Staple Stationery ASTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. Established in Astoria in 1849. NEW GOODS. CHEAP GOODS. A. VAN DUSEN, "Wholesale and Retail Dealer in GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Corner of Main and Chenamus streets, ASTORIA, OREGON". IS NOW OFFERING FOR SALE OXE OF the largest and most complete assortments of Goneral Merchandise ever before brought to tho country, and to buyers For Cash will offer the Host Flattering Inducements In tho lino of DRY-GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES EANCY GOODS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, GENTS' FURNISHINGS, A Complete Stoclt of Every Article, TOO 2TUMER0US TO MENTION. HSTGivo mo a call, and bo convinced that my goods are of tho best quality, and as cheap as can bo bought of any houso in tho State. A. VAN DUSEN. MPS. A. S. MERCEE, Teacher of Prof. E. A. Robbies' American Methoftfor Hano Forte Alse: Harmony and Thorough base! 835- Tho ONLY CONCISE SYSTEM which will stand Artistic Criticism, and furnish tho material upon which overy educated Teacher can base their own peculiarities of instruction, it presents in a now light, based upon Natu ral Laws, tho art of Execution, and Scienco of Music arRooms at Residence, Astoria" Dr. S. Kinsey, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, Astoria, Oregon. "PHYSICIANS AND FAMILY PRESCRIP Ji. tions filled from tho PUREST DRUGS, either at day or night. A full stock of "WINES AND LIQUORS, EOlt MEDICAL USE, PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, OILS BRUSHES, ETC., WSu Orders from tho Country solicited, and carefully and promptly filled. Greuville Reed, (Successor to Donaldson & Reed), Dealer in all kinds of ERESH AND CURED MEATS, CANNED ERUITS, VEGETABLES. FRESH BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, YEAL, HAMS, BACON AND LARD, MESS BEEF AND PORK, J3T Constantly on hand. J) Special attention paid to supplyingships. Holladay's wharf, Astoria. H. B. Parker ! .Importer and Dealer in. Wines j Liquors, Cigars TOBACCO, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Etc., Etc. Rirolladay'5 "Wharf, Main street, Astoria. John W. Gearhart, COMMISSION MERCHANT,' Chenamus street, Astoria. "Wholesalo and Retail Dealer in Hay, rain and Feed ! A GENERAL ASSORTMENT of Groceries, FLOUR, BACON, HAMS, SHOULDERS, LARD, BUTTER, CHEESE, EGGS, Etc. Motto" Small Profits on Cash Sales." Con signments solicited. tf Oregon Bakery! Main St., (Holladay's "Wharf,) Astoria, Orogon. CHARLES BINDER, Proprietob. ORESII BREAD, CAKES, PIES, CRACK- a ers anu rnot ureau, always on nana. A RESTAURANT Is kept in connccti&n with tho Bakery, where meals can bo procured at all hours. lUiST Oysters in every style in tho season'ga Astoria Bakery! Corner of Main and Cass streets, Astoria. HENRY JACOBS Proprietor. BREAD, CRACKERS, PILOT BREAD, Cakes.Groceiies and Previsions of all kind3 always on hand. Ship stores furnished. IKS, Connected with tho establishment is a Reading Room. Cigars and Lager Beer served. PETER H. FOX, Corner of Main and Jefferson streets, Astona.' CLOTHING- OF ALL TOND CUTA) made to order. Cleaning and repairing. ASTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. Headquarters !- Headquarters ! I. W. CASE, n L liVholosalo and Retail Dealer, in , , Drj Goods, Clotting, Groceries, Provisions, Notions, A2H) GEranAii Merchandise, - WISHES TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PUB he that he has a very superior and well selected Stock of Goods in the abovo line, be sides which may bo found-in groat variety, tho best quality of - CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, HATS AND CAPS.; ' ' ' BOOTS ANTD SEfoES, " ' BLANKETS, FLANNELS, &e., ' "Which is being offerecL ......... ' j Cheap FOR CASH or PRODUCE ! 3T Having had years of experience I think I know tho wants of,tho people, and as this' stock is nearer comploto, and embraces a GREATER VARIETY than any other stock ' in Clatsop county, I will guarantee that you will do as well, if not bettor, by trading with mo than at any other establishment. R;S"Having reduced my expenses materially of lato I proposo to givo my customers tho benefit of tho reduction, and any person who doubts whether I will sell as cheap as any ono FOR CASH! can bo convinced by giving me a. call at Hoadquarters, ' Case's Corner," Chena mus street, Astoria. I. "W. C. 3. N. ARR1CON5, Occident Hotel Block, Astoria TYholesalo and Rotail Dealer in Choice Brand Liquors The Einest in the Market CONSTANTLY ON HANDL Which will be sold in lots to suit purchasers OCCIDENT HOTEL, S. N. ARRIGONI. Propkietok. x Astoria, Oregon. FfHIE BEST FURNISHED, MOST CONYE JL nient and in every respect popular hotel irr Oregon. Owing to its location it is considered A Very Delightful Summer Resort fiMagnificent Suits of Rooms for families. Tho table is supplied with tho choicest delica cies of tho season. AVino and Billiard Room attached to tho Hotel. Is, Baths Hot, Cold, and Shower Baths I n ! AT OCCIDENT HOTEL, HAIR DRESSING SALOON. YVM. UnLENHAUT ....Pbopeietob. tfBT Special attention paid to LADIES' and CHILDREN'S HALlt CUTTING 1ST" Private Entrance for Ladies tS GLOBE HOTEL. Main Street - - Astoria, Oregon. , N.KOEEOED, PROPRIETOR. This Houso has been Tefitted and newly fur nished in tho neatest mannert and guests will find all their comforts well attended to. Tho Tablo always supplied with tho best of tho season that tho market affords. i"Thoso who desiro to havo a good squaro meal go to tho Globe. Terms moderate. HENRY BERENDES, Fashionable maori Chenamus street, Astoria, Oregon. 2. Manufactures to order tho best quality of Loots and Shoes Repairing of all kinds "SH M. ASTORIA MEYERS' BREWERY! "STAVING ALL THE MACHINERY NEC JQ. essary for first class work, skillful Brewers and using none but the best quality of materi--als, tho Proprietor is prepared to Manufacture IiAGER BEER ! In any quantity, from a Single E"ottlo to a BARREL, AND PUT IT UP in good con dition for Shipment or Immediato use. Fami lies and keepers of Public Houses promptly and regularly supplied, M MEYER Prop'r, Astoria Market ! Chenamus Street Astoria. HOBSON & WARREN, "Wholesale and Retail Dealers in all kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats! Butter, Fggsx Cheese, Mams, Bacon and Lard! Canned Fruits and Vegetables Constantly on hand. 3 Ships supplied at lowest rates. REWARD OFFERED. UNGr LEE OF ASTORIA "WILL PAY A reward of Thirty Dollars To any person -who will Recover the Body of Charley, the Chinese Cook, "Who was drowned from tho stoamboat Mary Bell, near Tongue Point, abovo Astoria, on Saturday, August 16th, 1873, while in the act of dipping a bucket of water. The probability is that tho body will drift out to sea and bo thrown upon tho beach eithor at Clatsop, or to tho north of tho Capo. Deliver to Hung Lee's V ash house, Astoria- aulSWm. G.LEINENWEBERO. -J fcr. H.SROWN, j"PRor.BiF.TORS. BST Manufacture all kinds of Leather &a Baths! "fes yyi - a n-wEr Jif Established 1887. jjj Hemlock TANKESY ! t .-J o