Tri-weekly Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1873-1874, September 16, 1873, Image 2

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    C Z3
Tri-Weekly Atoian
TUESDAY Sept. 16, 1873
We are sometimes accused of
"pitplaing into Portland." But we
can assure all such accusers that
nothing is farther from our thoughts.
We wish Portland all kinds of pros
perity and are willing to lend an
honest hand to help her forward.
AVe lately made the metropolis of
Oregon a visit, and was pleased to see
that notwithstanding the hard times,
still the grading of the streets' was
being pushed vigorously forward and
buildings were going up in different
directions. It is true real estate was
" down," and those who were forced
tp sell were very unfortunate, but
this state of things cannot long exist.
If the price of wheat continues at the
present rates, not to say anything
about a further advance, it will so
improve the financial condition of
her people, that real estate will find
ready sale at handsome figures.
Portland, all things considered, is a
creditable city for this far Northern
and comparatively isolated portion of
the Union.
But while we admit this much, and
a great deal more, yet we most firmly
believe other towns will spring up
on this Northern coast, (and some
which have already an existence),
which promise at no distant day to
be her equal. This ought not to pro
duce jealously on the part of any one,
but, on the contrary, we ought to be
pleased with an increase of popula
tion, let it settle where it will within
our borders.
Astorians, and men who are ac
quainted with the Columbia Eiver,
are convinced that the shipping of
Oregon ought to be carried on at this
point, and men who know most about
navigation hesitate not to say that
such will be the case at no distant
day. But when this takes place,
Portland is not going to be the loser
by it. On the contrary, she will be
benefited, for then the farmer will
get a larger price for his grain, and
this money will be in the hands of
men who will spend it with Portland
merchants, for it is with them mainly
that the farmers of the Wallamet
must do business for all time to come.
If Astoria does not do the shipping
business of Oregon, then Tacoma will,
for that it must be done near the sea
is as certain as that deep-draft sea
going ships were never made to nav
igate fresh water streams. But
strange to say, it is thought by mauy
that Portland would rather see the
shipping of Oregon go to Puget Sound
than see it stop at this point. "Well,
if this be true, which we can scarcely
believe, then we must conclude that
predjudice alone is the motive which
dictates the choice. This as we have
already said, we do not believe.
Portland will yet join hands with
Astoria over this vexed question
and will make this place what she
light by nature and the laws of
commerce to be the shipping point
for this growing and productive State;
and in doing this she will add more
to her own material prosperity than
she could by any other course she
nrght pursue.
"Oregon is my long fancied ideal
home" said a friend in 2siles, Michi
gan, a few years ago. " It fills up all
that my nature demands.." Its mild,
Pacific climate, soft and dreamy at
mosphere; its intermediate; temper
ature of cold and heat; its productive
soil, grand forests, prairies, mountain
ranges, and snow-clad peaks; its gold
and silver, iron and coal; its absence
of tornadoes and terrific thunder,
this is sufficient to make a perfect
ideal state to the "Western, or New
England Citizen, or any other man.
The enchantment of distance added,
I suppose, somewhat to my friend's
enthusiasm. - ,
But circumstantial difficulties" and
an abundant lack of means and reso-
Jution ibrj.the long wearisome jour
ney by land and sea, keep the masses
jtrom realizing their long cherished,
' glorious ideal country as a home.
The Northern Pacific Bailroad, of
course, owes much of its original sug
gestion and enterprise to this expres
sion of Eastern sentiment. In lessen
ing at least, thirty per cent of the
time, difficulty, danger and expense
of reaching here by a northern route,
causes many to delay until the road
is completed. The distance, how
ever, will still remain too great to
cause anything like the tide of emi
gration that now floods into Kansas,
Nebraska and Minnesota; but it will
steadily increase without the reflux
which those and other States have
experienced. The States, West, South
and East witness a perpetual going
and returning, pulling up and going
farther in search of variety and an
easier subsistance. Numerous fami
lies from Arkansas, Missouri, Ken
tucky and Tennessee in search
of that "good land' 1 and expect to
find it in Texas, are disappointed
when they arrive there in everthing
except the easy acquisition of lands.
In this respect, however, it surpasses
California which, as the Texans say,
is overdone. But the extremes of
heat and cold in Texas (where horses,
cattle and buffaloes have frozen to
death as far South as Fredricksburg,
and the heat so enervating and op
pressive as to cause general inactiv
ity, debility and desease) lead not
a few to seek that good land in some
other quarter of the Union. Now
that Oregon possesses all that these
States lack, and all, or nearly all,
that of which they boast, has never
been gainsaid. The Southern Pacific
Eoad will bring many to California
with the ultimate view of knowing
what Oregon is before they finally
settle. And as California lands are
or soon will be beyond the reach of
the masses who emigrate for settle
ment, they will naturally fall back
upon Oregon.
The new populations of Kansas,
Nebraska, Minnesota and Colorado
have acquired an indomitable
mania for timbered lands. Through
Oregon is too far removed from them
at present, yet their desire for this
one feature of its great wealth can
never be eradicated. And some day
when the tide suits, those who can,
will embark for our shore. The in
terest and inquiry that Oregon awak
ens at this time are intense and wide
spread. The ornamental and useful
for the tourist and settler are in the
greatest variety and abundance.
Ilealth and comfort and easy living
are commonplaces with the Oregoni
ans. And its vast resources with its
100,000 population are yet scarcely
entered -upon. Its immense forests
of gigantic timber, its mineral moun
tains are unexplored. Its unsurpass
ed seasons and climate and grazing
for stock, its excellent fisheries of
noble Salmon and trout, and general
abundance of wild game, entitle it to
be called that " good land" which
the Mississippi and other States have
failed to prove of themselves. It is
the country for the poor or the rich,
the plain or the esthetic, for labor or
leisure, the good land of grains and
fruits and flowers, and all else that
the restless heart of man could de
sire. H.
IteecTs Panorama,
None of the journals in the local
ities where it has been shown to the
public have spoken of it except in
terms of highest praise, both on ac
count of the happy selection of the
subjects of the Views, and of the ar
tistic merit in the paintings them
selves. Col. C. A. Peed has been
identified wTith the interests of Ore
gon for more than twenty years, and
is familiar with the whole country
from Mount Baker southward, and
has used his best efforts to portray
upon canvas the chief points of in
terest in the vast natural panorama
that streaches along the heart of Ore
gon and "Washington for more than
500 miles.
Elder Black of Indianapolis, so
closely resembles P. T. Barnum, that
circus agents frequently rap him on
the back and call out, " How's things,
you old mud-turtle?"
Beaver XAdge "So, 35, ! O O. 3E
Vgtet Meet every Thursday evening.4
grat 8 o'clock, in tne Udd t ellows
-cr-?- Mnii-corneroi viuaiuiuouucRuu
'tfmv Erects, Astoria. Members ofethe;
Order are inritcd to attend. By order, NfG,
Administrator's Sale.
Y virtue of an order of the Probate Court
of Pacific Countv. Washington Territory,
1 will offer for salo to the highest bidder at
public auction, on Wednesday, Oct. 15, 187i,
all of the estato, rights and interest of Lilly
Kelley, deceased, at the time of his death, of,
in and to that certain lot or parcel of land sit
uate in Knappton, Pacific County, W. T., and
and particularly bounded and described as fol
lows, to wit : Commencing at a point on the
North bank of the Columbia River, thirty-one
(31) rods East of section lino dividing sections
seventeen (17) and eighteen (IS), thence run
ning Xorth till it intersects the East bank of
a little creek, or stream of water, thence
Xorth easterly along the meandeis of tho East
bank of said stream of water until it intersects
a due North and South lino forty (40) rods
East of the said section lino above destribed,
thence South to the Columbia Kiver, thence
West along said river bank nmo (!)) rods to
place of beginning, reserving the right of way
along said river bank above tho highest tides
for a public open roadway or highway, con
taining about ono G0-10Q acres more or less,
situated isi the North-wet quarter of tho
North-west quarter of section soventqen (17),
township No. nino (!) Noith, and range No.
nino (U) West of the Wallamct meridian, to
gether with tho appurtenances. Tho salo will
Uiko place upon tho premises betwoon tho
hours of ten o'clock in thomorningnnd sunsot
on the above named day. Terms of salo cash,
in U. S. gold coin, ten per cent, on tho day of
salo, and tho balance on tho confirmation of
thesalaby the Probato Court, and the deliv
ery of tho deed. All payments to be in U. S.
coin, and all conveyancing 10 bo at tho ox
ponso of the purchaser.
Administrator of tho estate of Lilly Kolley,
Knappton, W T, Sept. 12, 187:).
Iho undersigned will pay $100 00 reward to
any person who. will make known and
convict tho person who sot his Salmon Houso
on liro.
Astoria. Sept. 12th 1S73.
Sheriff Sale.
upon a decree of the Circuit Court of tho
dtato of Oregon for tho County of Clatsop,madc
on the 13th day of August, 1S7:J, in whicli Alan
son liinninn is Plaintiff, and James Welch and
Nancy Welch are defendants, commanding
and directing me to sell lots ono, two, thrco,
four and live, in block ono hundred and twelve,
of Shivcly's Astoria, in the County of Clatsop,
in tho State of Oregon, or so many of them as
may bo sutliciont to pay and satisfy thesoveral
sums of money in said decree specified, to-wit:
the sum of three hundred and eighty-one and
fifty one-hundredths dollars,and interest there
on at one per cont. per month, in favor of said
plaintiff and against said defendant .lames
Welch; also, the further sum of forty dollars
for attorney's compensation, together with
costs and disbursements taxed at 21 ;o-l00 dol
lars, and costs to accrue on said oxecution, I
havo tins day levied upon all the right, titles,
interest and estate of the said James Welch
and Nancy Welch, in and to the said lots ono,
two, three, four and live, in said block ono hun
dred and twelve, in said Shively's Astoria, in
01at-op county, State of Oregon, and shall pro
ceed to sell the same at Public A action, to tho
higher bidder for cash, on tho -1th day of Oc
tober, LV7.J, at U o'clock im. of said day, at the
Coiut-houso door, in the County and State
above wiitten. W. 11. TWILIGHT,
Sheriff of Clatsop Co., Oregon.
Dated at Astoria, Oregon, this, 3d day of
September, lb73. sltf
thiough tho nowspapeis of tho State, tho
following named books have boon duly sel-jct-ed
as tho authorized text; books in tho branches
mentioned, in tho Public Schools of Uregon.for
Pour years commencing Oct. 1, 1S73.
Arithmktic Thompson's Now Graded Series,
(including Now Mental for primary classos
Now Rudiments and Now Prajtical), and
Brooks' Normal Mental, for advanced classes
Geography Montieth's Introduction to Man
ual, and Physical ana lmorinediato (both
Pacific Coast Edition).
Grammar CI irk's Beginner's and Normal.
Unitkd States History Barnes' Brief His
tory. Gexkrvl History Peter Parley's Universal,
(for beginners).
Penmanship Spencerian system and copies.
Hiciier Arithmetic Robinson's Progressive.
Geometry Algerra Brooks' ; Composition,
Genervl History Andorson's (advanced.
Physiology Steele's ' Fourteen Weeks."
Nuiurvl Philosophy Steolo's "li Wooks."
Chemistry Steele's "Fourtoon Weeks."
Botany Wood's Botanist and Florist.
Book Keeping Bryant and Stratton's (High
School Edition).
Tho readers and spellers will bo selected
about tho middle of September.
Tho law roquires that tho books sclocted
shall bo introduced into all the Public Schools
of the State, " on or before tho first day of Oc
tober, lb3." But tho act, (owing to an inad
vertent omission in framing it), did not go into
effect until throo months after the close of tho
session, and as there has been some unavoida
ble delay from other causes, the text-books
havo been adopted at so late a day that it
would bo a hardship upon thopations of tho
schools to insist upon having tho introduction
of tho " authorised" series completed by tho
day named in tho law. Under these circum
stances the State Board of Education has con
cluded to take tho responsibility of extending
the time so as to secure tho giadual intioduc
tion of tho books that havo been adopted.
Hence, though it will be expected and required
that all the Public Schools of the Stato shall
begin in good faith " on or boforo October 1st,
lST-V df the books can do procured by that
time), to introduce tho " authorized" scries,
they will be allowed until March 1st, lb71,
to complete the introduction. (By the ordor
of tho Superintendent of Public Instruction for
the State of Oregon.)
In tho meantime, let District Directors,
Teachers, and all others having authority, see
to it that the books which havo been selected
are introduced as rapidly as possible, After
Octobor 1st, 1S7., tho purchase of any other
books, for use in Public Schools, than thoso
named above, is most strictly forbidden
" And any District neglecting to so provido
for tho introduction of tho 'authorized' sorios
of text books, shall forfeit its proportion of tho
School fund for the succeeding yoar, and every
year theroaftei Hntil all of said series aro in
troduced," :School Laws, Section 12).
-Superintendent of Schools
auOOt for Clatsop County.
tise ON LOT
Fishel & Roberts,
Corner Firtt and "Washington Streets,
Por the Construction of the Astoria Farm
ers' Company's "Wharf and "Warehouse.
SEALED PROPOSALS will bo received by
tho Board of Directors of tho Astoria Farm
ers' Company, for the construction of a Wharf
and Warehouse, until tho 0'th day of Soptcm
bor, at 12 o'clock m. Bids will bo ontortained
For the Whole, or any Portion of the Work I
Tho Company will furnish all materials, For
further particulars, enquire at tho ofiico of the
Company. Tho Board reserve tho right to re
ject any or all bids.
By ordor of tho President
au2titd S. D. ADAIR, Sccrotary.
George A. Pease,
Pacific Boot and Shoe Store,
Is now prepared to wait on his customers,
At The !d Stand Again I
S. W. Corner First and Morrison Streets,
Portland, Oregon.
can now be seen at tho Agricultural store
of Knapp, Burrell it Co., Portland. Tho Hall
safes aro supeiior to any now in use, nre abso
lutely liro proof Books and papeis deposited
in tho Hall sates, aro wariantcd not to mould.
These Safes all havo
Hall's Patent Combination Lock!
Without oithcr Key or Key-hole.
Prices Ninety Dollars and Upwards!
Y&.Many leading h'ouscs in the Stato havo
already been supplied with theso safes, and
over $7!l,000 worth havo been sold to prominent
Bankers, Merchants and County officials in
California. WAI. B. Wl LSIUKE,
Agent Paciiic Branch, Ball's Safe
a2Stf , and Lock Co,, San Francisco
Schools !
Bishop Scott Grammar School,
Will "Re-open in Portland, on
Private School.
Squemoque Street Astoria
Undor tho Management of tho
Re?. Mr. and Irs. HyW,
"Will Re-open on
C3f"Tuition per quarter, in advance, $7 50.
mm JU
Stamp, for stamping Linen and 181K) other
articles. A silver-piateu stamp oi nno nnisn
and perfect construction, with bottle of best
indelible Jnk, Ink Pad, and three entiro Al
phabets, enclosed in a neat box, with full in
structions, sent prepaid for only SI .7). Tho
best thing for tho prico ever invented. Agents
wanted. II. C. Barnard & Co., 314 Olive street,
St. Loui, Mo. auotf
all parts of Oregon, "Washington and Idaho
'1 erritones, we arc mepareuto clo a general
Express and Freighting business in all its
Freight or Packages will be called for in any
part of tho city (by giving proper notice) and
forwarded with dispatch to any part of tho
world, through our own and connecting Ex
presses, at Greatly reduced rates.
COLLECTIONS MADE, and Commissions
for Purchase of Goods, otc, etc., will receive
prompt attention.
Wo shall continue to DRA"tt EXCIIANGE
as usual on all tho principal cities of tho Unit
ed States, tho Canada? and Europe, and to sell
A. Yak Desen, Resident Agent, Astoria.
Badger's Music Store
Sole Agency for tho
heading- Instruments of tho YfmrlS
fini-hed and elegantly designed. Acknowl
edged by jtho greatest living Pianists Lw.t,
Kubonstem and Leutner to Lethe most re
markable Pianos in cxitanco for Power,
Sweetness Durability, Lrilliancy and Perfec
tion of Touch
"Wonderful Cabinot,
The most important invention of. tho day ca
pable of producing immenso powera.well Hr
overy shade of delicato musical expression.
83T Call and examine beforo purchasing.Tfa
wNo. 113 Third Strcot, (near tho Postofljee),
rortland, Oregon.
Established Twenty-two Tears.
S. J. McCormick,
Franklin Book Store I
19 First Stroet, Portland, Orogon.
Constantly on Hand, a full Stook of
And Startle Stationery.
J.JL G-ill & Co.r
(Successors to G. A. Stool & Co.,)
No. 7o First street, bet. Washington and Stark
J. Kraemer & Co.,
Importers of and
"Wholesale Dealers in
47 Front Street, Portland, Oregon.
J of Mens', Boys', and Youths' French Calf
and Kip Boots; Ladies', 31 issos and Childrons
Shoes of all
grades, and also
a full lino of
auH tf
janiox, nnoPKs co.,
Victoria, B. C.
Jainion & Rhodes,
Importers and Commission Merchants
Front Streot, Portland.
Lloyd's Agents forOregorv
tho city, and the founders of a direct lino
of Clippor Ships botwocn Livorpool and Port
land, offer for salo tho largest assortment of
General Merchandise
In Portland.
"Appointed Agents ibrJ&RTen
nent's Celebrated brand of Ale and Stout;.
"Wm Younger & Co's Celebrated -Edin-burg
ale; Gflroy Brothers & Co.'s Dundee
Grain Sacks, Wool Sacks and Burlaps.
5rSple Agents for Blood, Wolfe &
Co's Celebrated brand of ale arid Stout;
Ind, Coope & Co.'s Celebrated Burton
ale; "Wm McEwan'a Celebrated Edinburg,
ale; WortliingtonTs Liverpool Salt; Hock
in, "Wilson & Co's Celebrated London
Pickles and Sauces; J & J Armktead's
Celebrated Durham Mustard; J & H D
Grimond's Celebrated Dundee Hemp Mat
ting and Carpeting; George Curling & Cos
Citrates andDrugsjDunvilIe's Irkn "Whis
ky; Stewart's Scotch "Whisky; Hill, Evans
& Cos English Malt Vinegar; Coble's &.
Hoare's London Yarnishos; John Fowler
& Cos Celebrated Steam Plows. - aul2
Office Oregon IrovWorkf, South Front St..
Portland, Oregon, April 2i, lbTS.
At a meeting of the Stockholders of the Ore
gon Iron Works, it was resolved to continue
tho business. We shall continuo the business,
as heretofore, and havo added the manutacturo
Rout's Patent Similtanian Head Blocks for Saw Kills!
A great saving of labor alse:
Robb's Pa-lent Gang Edger, and Gang Latb Mill !
Wo would invito careful inspection of our work
and solicit the patronage of Mill and Steam
boat men. U e havo on hand a large assort
Persons wishing business in our lino should
givo us a call, as wo aro prepared to do work as
low as good material and workmen will war
rant. J.A. RORR,
J-Jtf Supt. Oregon Iron Works.
COME AND SEE fD,v,,l4.
my fancy iroultry
A J ME3LER, Chenamus stroet