J Tri-Weekly Astorian , SATURDAY,.... Sept. 13, 1873 ,F4 OMce 5Uce. . The General Delivery at the Astoria ;Postofficc Trill be open daily, (except Sun dayj), from 8 o'clock a. M. until 7 p, m. On Sundays front I to 2 o'clock p, M. Money Orders issued from 8 a. m. to 4. MAILS CLOSE: For Portland and intermediate offices, at 5 o'clock A. M. daily. For Skipanon, Seaside house, and Tilla mook, daily on arrival of the mail from Portland. For Forts Stevens and Cape Disappoint ment, Unity, Oysterville, and Olympia Tuesdays and Thursdays2 at 7:30 a. m. ForKnappton, Grays river, Klaskanine, Youngs river, Lewis and Clarke, Neha- cm vauey, etc., irregular. Cfetirefe Notices, Grace Church, (Prot. Episcopal) Row T A Hyland Rector, Divine services every Sunday at 10 a m and 7 p m; Sunday School atlPM day evening", Sunday School meets at 12 m ' AVCTIONEEHS. Oscar Kilbourn, AUCTIONEER Office 40 First st., Portland. X. B. EICHAHDSOir. S. I. JT. CILMAX. A. B. Richardson AUCTIONEER Cornor of Front and Oaksts., Portland, Oregon. Auction Sales of Real Estate, Groceries, General Merchandise and Horses. Sales Wednesday and Saturday. ST Largo assortment of Groceries, Liquors, etc., at Private Sale. Liberal advances made on consignments. A. B. RICHARDSON Charles S. Wright, AUCTIONEER Cor of Main and Chenamus 'Streets, Astoria. Goofls received on consign ment and sold to the highest bidder. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. TO.. L. McEWAS, PvESIDENT ATTORNEY, Astoria, Oregon. O. -J. MASON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, PORTLAND, OREGON. .Land Casw and Titles & specialty .- GEORGE n. DUKDAK. H. T. THOKrSOK. DUJKHAlvr cfe THOMPSON, Attorneys at Law, Portland. Office 109 First Street, opposite Occidental Roto!. ' xxxld DR. S. W. DODD, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, .ASTORIA,. OREGON. Dk. A. D. ELLIS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office on Stark Street, Portland, Oregon H.B.PARKER, JUSTICE ,OF THE PEACE, ASTORIA, OREGON. B5T" Always Ready for Businoss."ga A. YAN-DUSEN, NOTARY PUBLIC, Astoria, Oregon. 1H.H.NORTHUP, AT-pjRNEY AT LAW, Register in Bankruptcy), Office LnHoWeV Building. Portland. KRUMBIEN & GILBERT, ARCHITECTS AND DRAUGHTSMEN n , INVENTOR'S EXCHANGE ' Cree's Building Portland, Oregon. The Best Counsel; "tho Best Draughs- :men, and best thoonlvrolinhlf I Cftt aurt notice put through in Cllaiies K Bain? Contractor and Builder, Astoria. Plans, Specifications and Estimates made to Order, on Short Notice. -Ilpre-larod te fin order3 for any class of work, with promptness. aitJ H. Trenkmaim. LACKSMITH AND TOOL MAKER and manufacturer of of all kinds of Plaining .Honlding F asd Ttfning Tiols, ?fitufAkimic? stStened and Repaired, and all kinds of Saw Teeth mado and repaired and saws turned and straightened. Orders at- ivSr t0 promPU'- U. TRENKM ANN, HM 40 Front st, Portland. TO OR SALEFOUR PATHS np BARK ST? A "W A c rl .rfcfei $?iM Wooded, anil -. i..w wvjtu uusui v-i a per pair. KurAddrcss' THOMAS 1 IURNIE, HL Cat.hlamet,W.T. A street, Portland, Oregon. Boxes of ovory description constantly on hand, ana mado to order. Orders addressed to John Harlow, corner of First and E streets, will meet with prompt attonrion. jgtf JQHNSQN SPAIJiLpjNG,. Dealers in all - kinds V FREsfrfEATS anV packer of Beef and Pork, he hi-heit nrSn Mid for idl kind of fat stock. j0 Congregational Church, Kev A w Tenny Pastor. Divino services every Sunday at 10 vJ e Bf3 r0d Workmen, and best latent .Agent at Washingten: thoonlv rolinhln IJlHCe tfl Cftt -'fVIIf intartt-lnr. CLAEKE, HEDEHSON & COOK. This Space is Reserved ! FOR Clarke, iBfaf &' Cooi, '& 'fif i - bd n O f .1 ' " cil j O PI ) nam ' " ! 7iii i;H iv , f Dekum's'New Building Corner First and "Washington, rOKTLANI), OKEGON. o o HOTELS. American Ex. Hotel, Cor. Front and Washington streets. PORTLAND, OREGON. L. P. W. QUISIBY C. II. PERKINS. THE PROPRIETORS WOULD RESPECT fully inform tho traveling public, that tho American Exchango having been recently im proved in all its departments, they are now prepared to offer superior inducements to their patrons and the public in general, at reduced prices. Board and Lodging, Si to 81 50 per day, ac cording to room occupied. The American Exchange coach will always be in readiness to convey passengers and bag gago to and from tho Hotel, free of charge. CHEMEKETA HOTEL-Salem. Oregon. WESLEY GRAVES, Proprietor, KSTho cheapest and best Hotel in tho State. I4 roo Coach to tho House. Cosmopolitan Hotel, (Kept on the European Plan,) ZIEBER & HOLTON PROPRIETORS Cornor Stark and Front streets. Portland. RIARD HOUSE. H. Cazaban, Proprietor. View street, Victoria, British Columbia. EMPIRE HOUSE J. O'Brien. Proprietor. Opposite Railroad depot and Steamboat Landing, Kalama W. T. The best and cheap est Hotel in Kalama." G. b. cook. vr. h. andrus. Occidental Hotel, (Kept on tho European Plan,) COOK & ANDRUS PROPRIETORS Corner First and Morrison steets, Portland. ACIFIC HOTEL Sikes &Quimry, Proprs. Main street, Olympian W. T. Stage office. RAILROAD HOUSE-J. McGrath, Propr. Good meals, clean beds, moderate prices. Tonino, W. T., present terminus N P. R. R. St. Charles Hotel, Corner Front and Morrison streets, R. A. WHITE PROPRIETOR Portland, Oregon. THE ST. CHARLES IS THE ONLY BRICK Hotel in Portland; has been thoroughly re paired and refurnished since tho firo, and is now tho most comfortable and convenient house in tho Sta.te. altf SUMMER RESORTS. THE SEASIDE HOUSE. CLATSOP BEACH. MR. C. H. DEXTER, Formerly of the "Cliff Houso," San Francisco, announces to his friends and tho public that he has leased the new and elegant Hotel recently erected by Bon Holladay, Esq., upon tho sito of the old Summer Houso, at Clatsop Beach. The house is elegantly furnished, and possesses all mod orn improvements. A large and spacious Din ing Room, Billiard Room, extensive Parlors, Bath Rooms, Rooms '-en suite, etc., etc, all well arranged for-the- comfort of Guosts. The Grounds are beautifully laid out. A half-milo Race Track, with Shell .'drive; CroquotGround Children's Play Ground, Swings, etc.. etc. Boats upon the creek; plenty of Trout Fishing; a splendid Stable, with Saddle Horses for those who wish for Equestrian rides ever the Beach; Bathing Houses for Salt Water Bath ingand, in fact, everything necessary for the Pleasure Seeker, the Tourist or tho Invalid. Ocean, Mountain, Forest and River Scenory, comoined, make this the finost Place of Resort in tho World. Tho climate is oquable never subject to extremes of heat or cold and one of tho healthiest places upon tho Globe. Tho Table will bo unexcelled, and tho subscriber pledges himself that nothing will bo left un dono for tho pleasure 'and comfort of his Pat rons. Terms moderato and satisfactory. CHARLES H. DEXTER. BAY-VIEW HOUSE, (Fifteen Miles Northwest of Astoria.) At Unity, Baker's Bay, W. T., THE UNDERSIGNED HAS PURCHASED the above houso at this favorite resort. Having thoroughly renovated and furnished the same with now material, it will bo kept in hrst-class style. The table will be furnished with the best the market affords. Fresh Fish, Oysters and Clams in every style. No pains will be spared to make guests comfortable Tho above honsnis nnlvnnn nnrl n hnirmilnc from the Ocean Beach, whero anglers may en joy rare sport. Boats, carrying passengers, will ply between Unity and Astoria, connect ing with Columbia l;ivcr boat3. Tri-weekly stages will run between Unity and Shoal watcr Bay. JOHN 11 UN TE K , Proprietor. CLATSOP SKIPANON A. C. WIRT, HOUSE, LANDING. PROPRIETOR. Is prepared to entertain the public. Horses and Coach, with Baggage Wagon and careful drivers to convey parties to any point. SUMMER HOUSE. CLATSOP BEACH. MRS, CLOUTRIE WISHES TO INFORM the public that sho has completed her large new two-story houso, which is hard unisneu throughout, and is now prepared to receive visitors at this well known resort GRIMES HOUSE, CLATSOP BEACH. VISITORS WILL FIND THE ABOVE named Houso open for the ontortainment ot guests during tho season, as usual n. E. MIL WAIN, vo Front and SH First Street, Portland, Oregon. tta- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER in ciuvcs, onect-iron, im-plato, etc. Plumb ing and Gas fitting cheaper than any "other houso in town. OTTO TREUER. No. 1 North-Front Street, Portland. EALER IN WINES ANDLIQUOU5 AND luanuracturor ot Kyrups, Cordials, Bitters, . ete. Solo noiif fur .! nlm U'ftll,nlj,ik:i- etc adelphia Brewery, San Francisco. Beer by the keg or botllo. Goods delivered to any part of the City. PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS. W. Jackson & Co., Front Street, Portland,, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Crockery, Glassivare, Cutler), Flatted Ware, Wooden Ware, Coal Oil, Furnishings, Mc, Etc. And also Agents for Perkins & Home's Patent Metallic Kerosene or Coal Oil Safety Lamps! tTOurstockhaving been selected and ship ped direct to us from manufacturers in tho iiastand Europe, we aro prepared to sell to tno trade at such mtf9!s ita i.;ni- .-:n :.i..- trade. .aul2 tf THE :t Manufactured by Lazarus & Morris, Hartford, Connecticut, ANEW METHOD OF FITTING GLASS es to tho oyo of any porson who cannot sparo tho time to como and select for them selves. Any porson who will send us a copy for sample of tho smallest sized typo that they can read at an ordinary distance, can bo fitted to glasses that will suit tho oye. L. C. HENRICHSEN, & Co., Solo Agonts, 109 First street, Portland. au7 Allen & Lewis, Shipping and Commission Merchants, and Wholesale Dealers. 18, 20 and 22 North Front st, Portland Oregon San Francisco effice: Corner of California and Front Streets. James Laidlaw. Henry James Gate. Laidlaw & Gate, Importers and Commission Merchants, 23 Front Street, Portland. Oregon. London Agents: REDFERN, ALEXANDER & Co. S. Gr- Skidmore, Druggist and Apothecary, Has Removed to his NEW AND ELEGANT STORE, 111 First st., nest to L. C. Henrichsen's, Portland, Oregon. au7 Claims on the XL S., AND ON ANY STATE. ALL KINDS OF MILITARY. NAVAL and Indian Claims, Modoc War vouchers, collected by the undersigned. Monoy advanc ed on the awards of tho Auditors, KSr" Persons having business with Depart ments at Washington, and with any Stato, will pleaso apply to C. M. CARTER, Attorney for Claimants, au'tf Portland, Oregon. ALBERT BARTSCH, Pianos Maker ai Tier, Cornor Third and Salmon Streets, PORTLAND. OREGON. UPRIGHT PIANOS MADE TO ORDER. CST-Pinnos and Organs Repaired and Tuned. ALL WORK GUAR VXTKKD. OREGON BOOT AND SHOE STORE! S. M. BARR, J. c. KIXGSLKY. jjajrh c kingsljey, TIRTXnrPAT, HRTA1T.KTIR m? TUT? C'IM X plo brands of Eastern, California and Ore- gem jioots ana SMioes, io. 1) Jtirst street cor ner Yamhill, Portland Oregon. t&Fj With our long experience and sma'.l ex pense wo are enabled to sell cheaper than anv other houso in the city of i'ortland. As tho proverb goes SI 00 saved is $2 00 made: Call and sec and give us your trade. EARR & KINGSLEY. CRACKER MANUFACTORY Oreg-oii Bakery, F. OPITZ, Proprietor, First Street, near Vine, Portland, Oregon MANUFACTURE all kinds of Fancy Bis cuits, Crackers, Pilot, Ship and Naval bread. Orders addressed as above promptly attended to, au!4 tf QotoC.A.SHEPPARD'S! Corner of Yamhill and First streets, POKTLAXD OrvEGON, FOR - . HI Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries. GROCERIES Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries f "WHOLESALE OR TvETAIL. AST Tho' best stock of STAPLES and TEA in Oregon. All goods warranted. . GelelJrateflSBec LEGAL NOTICES. Proclamation. "Whereas, Under the Act of the Lo5i? Intive aembly of the State of Oregon, entitled " an Act to protect litigant" ap proved October 24Xh, 1S70. The Tr V eekly Astoria a newspaper puti htfhed at Astoria Clatsop County Oregon, has been designated to publish the leeal and judicial advertisements for the county of Clatsop in the State of Oregon. "Whereas, The proprietor of said Tri weekly Astoria has tiled with tliu County Clerk of said county of CUtop written stipulations accepting the condi tions of said Act, together with a bond approved ay the law directs, with a propor return and notice thereof to this office, ac cording to law. Now, therefore, the said Tri-"Weexj. Astoriak is hereby proclaimed to be aj- pomieu ana connrmea as the medium through which all legal and judicial ad vertisements for tho County of Clatsop m the State of Oregon shaft be published for the period authorized by law. In testimon y whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the State of Oregon to be affixed, at the Executivo office in the city of Salem this twenty fourth day of July a. d. 1S73. By the Governor, rri . L.F. GROVEK. 1 l. cs Attest: S. F. Chadwick, Secretary of State. Writ of Special Election. To the Sheriffs of the several Counties within the State of Oregen: Whkrkas, At a general election hold on tho third day of June. a. d., 1872, the Hon. Joskwi b. N iLSox was duly elected Representative of $0 Stato of Oregon in the Forty-third Congress ot the United States: and Whkrkas, Since the said election, said offico has becomo vacant by tho death of said incum bent; and Whkrkas, By provision of tho Constitution pf tho United States, and tho laws of this State, it has becomo the duty of the Governor there of to issue his writ of election to fill such va cancy; Now, therefore, I, L. F. Orovkr. Governor of the State of Oregon, do hereby command you and each of you to notify tho soveral judges of Election within and for your sovoral counties, to hold a special election of Repre sentative in Congress to fill the vacancy afore said, on Monday, tho (IS) thirteenth' day of Octobor, 1S7S, and that you cause all proper notices to bo given thereof according to law. Givon under my hand and tho seal of tho State of Orogon, at Salem, this tenth day of July, a. d. b'.. L. S. L. F. GROVER. Attest: S. F. Chadwick. Secrotary of Stato Oregon. Sheriff Sale BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION iwu! upon a decree of tho Circuit Court of th Stato of Oregon, for tho County of Clatfou. mado on tho Hth day of August,.1873, in which Eli C Crow in plaintiff and Charles Gibbins. (ioorge llavel, Hiram R. Parker, and C. H. Page are defendants, commanding and direct ing mo to sell lot two in block forty-four, of McCluro's Astoria, in the County of CiaUoy, in tho Stato of Oregon, to pay and satisfy tha several sums of money in said decreespfciflad, to wit: Tho sum of eight hundred and forty five dolla.s in gold coin, in favor of said plain tiff against said Charles Gibbins, with inttrwt thereon in gold coin atone per cent, per month also, the furthor sum of two hundred and sixty-five dollars and eighty-four cents in tfphi coin, in favor 0f George Flavol again?t id Charles Gibbms with intorest thereon in fold coin, atono per cent per month, from the ?Sth day of October, 1872, and also tho further ni found duo to tho said Hiram B. Parker ori hU judgment against tho said Charles Gibbins.and thecosts and disbursemontstaxed at $M 3.V10Q dollars, and costs toaccruoupon said execution I have this day levied upon the said lot two' in said block forty-four, in said McCiure's At tona, in Clatsop County, and Stato of Oretun, and upon all tho buildings and improvements situated thereon, and thereunto belonging, and shall proceed to sell tho samo to the highest' bidder for cash in gold coin, on tho 1st day of October. 1&73, at two ojlock v. u. of said day at tho Court-house door in the County- an4 State above written. W. H. TWILIGHT, Sheriff n J, . , . . Clatsop County Oregon. Dated Astoria, August 27th, lh7tf. auSVt Administrator's Sale NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that In pur suance to an order of sale, bearing date .nugu&b icin, ici.j, irom mo rroDato Court of l'acific County, Washington Territory, com manding me to sell at public salo tho following described property, to-wit: All of the right, titlo, interest and possession of tho lato Julius iMack, had and acquired from J,S. M.Yan Clove, together with his proofs, in and to all that piece or parcel of land situate; lying and being on or adjoining the Nasello river, in l'a cific county, ahington Territory, and known as tho Van Clevo claim, together with all im provement" thereunto belonging. Now, there fore, on ! riday, tho lsth day of September liuii, 1 will sell to tho highest bidder for cash, tho above described premises at public salo, in front of tho Court-houso in Oysterville. at ono o'clock p. m, ROBERT TURNEH, Admr of tho estate of Julius Mack. August 20th, 187:J. au2Uw.l Summons. N THE C1RCURT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon for the countv of rintni Cassco O. Andorton, PlantitF, vs. Lewi? P. Anderson, Defendant: To Lewis P. Anderson tho defendant, In the name of the State of Orogen: You are hereby required to an swer the complaint filed against vou in tho above entitled suit, at tho first term of said Court to bo held at Astoria in and for said County and Stato next aftersix weeks from tho date of this Publication. And if vou fail so to answer, tho plaintiff will apply to tho Court for tho relief demanded therein, which is a Dissolution of the marriage contract with vou. By order of tho Court, WA1 . L. MeEWAN. Atty. for Plaintiff. Dated July 2Hh. 187-X j2i oV. Dissolution of Co-F&rtnersKi, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIYET THAT THE Co-Partnprship heretofore existing be tween Donaldson ic Reed, in tho Market bui ncss. has been dissolved, and tho undersigned having purchased tho intofostof A. J. Donald son therein, will continuo the business as be fore at tho old stand on Main strcot. All debts duo tho firm wril bo paid to me, and vice Astoria, AugustLi, 187:. aulo-lw For Sale Cheap for Cash! NOOD SUBSTANTIAL DWELLING Hon 0 A containing seven rooms. Lower rooms hard hashed, together with three acres of gocd Garden Land, all under good fonco. Or chard, Barn and Stable, Store-rooms, Wood house and other buildings, situated at Skina non Landing I or further particular?, apply to leny. W oodward & Co, Portland or to RICHARD HOBS.ON, Atori.