en .' ' I'MiU'lt"1 lLL.WL TTTTTH ' I H " "1 II I ii mjn in i - ir Tri-Weekly Astorian ASTORIA, OREGON: C. IBEtAXD OEditor. l. N TUESDAY. Sept. 9, 187H 3Intlaiuc Anna Bishop. An eastern exchange of wide cir culation speaks thus: "Madame An na Bishop's singing is a thing to be watched and studied. The secret of her success is in her method. Xo voice, however naturally beautiful, can last if it be badly trained or badly managed, and if any ambitious young lady -wishes to preserve her voice for a whole lifetime, she must do as IMadame Bishop does that is, open her mouth and let the sound come clear from the larynx, without affectation or hindrance. Madame has been singing in public ever since 1807, and her method is as good now as it was then. Her voice is a little tired. She probably overtaxes her self, but otherwise there is no change since these twenty years. Dejaset, who is seventy-sjven years of age, still sings as well as she ever did, although her voice is thin; and so, if she chooses to remain on the stage so long will Anna Bishop. Madame was born in 1S14, and married in 1831 Sir Henry Bishop, the great compo ser of "The Chough and Crow," "Tramp Chorus," "Pretty Jane," "Pilgrim of Love," "Home, Sweet Home," and countless glees, songs and ballads. Sir Henry Bishop, died some years since. Madame Bishop's present husband's name is Shultz. Her maiden name was Riviere. In 1837 she began her public appearance at the provincial musical festival in England. In 1S45 she reigned su preme as an opera queen; in 184S she first tried her luck in America, and now, after twenty-five years of travel and good fortune, she elects to begin her farewell trip here. Her mezzo voce singing is still superb; her upper notes clear, sweet and resonant, her scales and shakes brilliant and facile, and her figure, gestures, attitudes and expression, exactly, precisely arid entirely like that they were when first she made her bow in America." The Olympia Itailroari. The railroad question continues to engage the attention of the people of Thurston county, Y. T., and more especially the people of Olympia. A San Francisco company propose to build the road by the 1st of July 1S74 provided the people transfer to them the lands the conditionally gave to rhe Northern Pacific Railroad, and ."?! 50,000 in county bonds, bearing 10 per cent, interest, and running 25 years. This road is to intersect the Northern Pacific at or near the Coal Hanks in Thurston county. AVc wish the pro pie of Olympia success in this enterprise, especially as the future prosperity of the town apparently depends on the construction . of this road. TJie New Trade IoIIar. The new trade dollar which is now "in circulatijn on this coast is a very handsome coin, having on the obverse the ligure of a female seated on a hale of cotton holding in her hand an olive branch, a sheaf of wheat leaning against the cotton. In the left hand the woman holds a scroll, o:i which is the words " liberty." At the base of the bale is the inscription, "In God wc trust," "1873." On this side also are thirteen stars in an outer circle. On the reverse is an eagle with spears and an olive branch in its talons; in large letters is the words, "United States of America," and "Tiade dollar." In small letters arc the motto of the Union,"E pluribus unum" and an explanation ol'thcvalueof the.coin, "420 groins, 900 fine." The trade dol lar is intendcdjespecially for circulation in foreign countries, and is therefore, made cual in value with the Mexican and Span ish dollar, those coins having been hereto fore finer and more popular among foreign nation with whom our merchants are brought in contact by commerce. The American trade dollar will be eagerly sought after by foreigners. C. P. Ferry of Portland has got " that house" finished in Tacoina, and moved into it. jtfark Twain is building a $40,000 house in Hartford. LOOK AT IT. Editor Asteriax: Steamer John L. Stephens, cleared from this port Sunday morning with 5,244 cases, 100 bbls. and 100 half bbls. Salmon besides Portland freight. Though but partially laden in the "Wal lamet River and drawing but 15K feet of water, the steamer was obliged to an chor till the deepest part of the channel was buo3Ted, then by choosing the mo ment of highest water and using a full amount of steam it was forced across the shoal of the "Wallamet though dragging in the mud. The steamer California also touched bottom in her last trip down the "Wal lamet. "Would it not be well to petition Con gress to construct a ship canal from Port land to deep water. One of the ships which lately arrived at Portland for wheat, grounded near one of the mouths of the "Wallamet River, al though in ballast, and did considerable damage to the tow boat. As the river lacks two feet of being down to low water it is puzzling to beholders how vessels that cannot reach Portland in ballast are to be taken away from there with cargoes unless they wait until the June freshet. If Portland paid ibr the extra expenses, losses, and dcla3's attending the dragging of sea vessels over shoals and through mud sloughs it would not be a matter of so much concern to the people of Oregon as it is. The farmers of Oregon pay it all in the depreciation of the prices of their products and increased charges of their imports. All the extra expense of getting a ves sel to Portland to cany away wheat, is deducted by the Portland merchant from the amount allowed the farmer for his grain. Let Portland pay these extra expense herself, who alone receives the benefit, and not tax them upon the earning? of the hard-working, poorly paid tillers of the soil, for those who dance should pay the fiddler, Q. TtXISCEULAXEO US ITEMS. Philadelphia is building a reservoir 104 acres in extent. A gardener in England claims to have discovered a method of varying the colors of flowers by means of chemical applications to the earth in which thev grow. The Treasury Department has decreed that persons sending for pub lic documents must hereafter forward stamps to prepay the postage. But this won't have-any effect on the cir culation of these standard works. The American people will have the Patent Office reports, whatever the price. Capt. Phillips a id the other offi cers of the City of "Washington ,, who wrecked that vessel on the co ast of Halifax, have been discharged by the Inman Company from their ser vice for their inexcusable neglect to use the lead while rushing through the ft dav after day- Austria has taken a decided step toward freedom. The l'ichsrath, or Imperial parliament, has abolished the old system under which its mem bers were elected by the 17 pro vincial legislatures, and in the future the members will be chosen directly by the people. This is an important change, and will serve to consolidate the discordant nationalities of which the empire is composed. One of the incidents of tlie demolition of "Washington Market, New York, was the following speech, delivered from the I top of a bex: "I anv Airs. Martha O'Don- ncll, the No. 1 fat woman of Washington Market. I came into this market weigh ing two hundred, and forty-five pounds. I have been here fifteen years, and have ! paid 1S a month', and have made 100,000, and intend to make 100,000 more. 1 have a farm of ten acres on Long Island, and support a husband like a gentleman and a family in luxury; and I give them fast horses and carriages with which to C11J037 themselves. I have stood the most intense cold in winter without a fire, and the greatest heat in summer, and have never taken cold or been overheated." Don Piatt has reached London. "When his landlady handed him his bill he remarked: " When you said extras were included, I suppose you mean included in the bill." She nodded, but refused to smile. Irs. Jefferbon Davis has purchased' a seashore residence just below Mississippi city, on the Gulf of Mexico. Yanderbilt is said to have bought a horse that can beat Dexter' s best time. lis Nellson, the pretty English actress, is the best woman swimmer that ever tried the surf at Long Branch. Once a careless man went to the cellar and stuck the candle in what he thought was a keg of black sand. He sat near it drinking wine until the candle burned low; nearer and nearer it got to the black sand; near er and nearer, until the blaze reach ed the black sand, and, as it was noth ing else but black sand, nothing hap pened. Emma Black living in a small town on the Mississippi, saved a man's life the other day in a curious way. He was fishing and tumbled oirt of his boat, and being unable to swim, would have perished had not the maiden, discovering his danger, swam out to him antl throwing into his hands her black hair, four feet in length, towed him to the land. Gold in New York on the 3d was 116. In Portland yesterdav legal tenders were at 85V selling at SGA, buying Beaver Lodge !No. 35, I. O. O. F. ,yjz Meet every Thursday eveninjr. 5iat s o'clock, in the Odd Fellow's K-'f' ilnll, corner of Cass and Jcil'crson -Jfirc streets, Astoria. Members of tho Order arc invited to attend. Jy order, N. G, JXEW ADVEIOTSEMENTS L U3XBEB. J, UMBER. THLCQLUMBIA RIVER-MANUFACTURING Co. A HE NOW DAILY MASUFACLT1UXG fioiu 80,000 to iO,0vK)fcet of the all the very best kinds and quality of Lumber, which will be sold in lots to suit puiohascrs. Address, K. KIXEY, General Agent and-Superintendent, sHtf Knappton, W. T. Sheriff Sale. Jf X 1X1 U 1J VX .lV Xl.lUJj 11U l.-SUCU upon a decree of the Circuit Court ot tho Mate of Oregon for tho County of Clatsop,madc on thel-Uh day of August, LV7.5, in which Alan son liinnian is Plaintiff, and James Welch and Nancy Welch are defendants, commanding and directing me to sell lots one, two, three, four and live, in block one hundred and twelve, of Shively's Astoria, in tho County of Clatsop, in the State of Orciron, or so many of them as may be sufficient to pay and satisfy the several sums of money in said decree specified, to-wit: the sum of three hundred and eighty-one and fifty one-hundredths dollurs.and interest there on atonoper cent, per month, in favor of said plaintiff and against said defendant .James Welch; also, the further sum of forty dollars for attorney's compensation, together with costs and disbursements taxed at 21 3-100 dol lars, and costs to accrue on said execution, 1 have this clay levied upon all the right, titles, interest and estate of tho said James Welch ancf vancy Welch, in and to the said lots one, two, three, four and live, in said block one hun dred and twelve, in said Shively's Astoria, in Clatsop county, State of Oregon, and shall pro ceed to sell the same at Public Aaction, to tho highest bidder for ca-di, on tho Jth day of Oc tobei, 1.S7.5, at 1 o'clock im. of said, day, at the Court-house door, in the County and Stato above written. W. II. TWILUJUT, Sheriff of Clatsop Co., Oregon. Dated at Astoiia, Oregon, this, .5d day of September, 1S7 sjtf SCHOOL BOOKS. AS HAS ALREADY REEN ANNOUNCED through tho newspapers of the Stato, tho following named books havo been duly select ed as the authorized text books in the branches mentioned, in tho Public Schools of Oregon,for Pour year commencing Oct. 1 , 187;. AuiTHMirnc Thompson's New Graded Series, (includintr New Mental for primary classes New Rudiments and New Practical), and Rrooks' Normal Mental, for advanced classes Gkogr.yimiy MontLeth's Introduction to Man ual, and Physical, and lmcriuediatc (both Pacific Coa.t Edition). Guvmmak Clirk's Rcginner's and Normal. U.nitki) Stati.s History Raines' Rrief His tory. Ukxkuyl History Peter Parley's universal, (for beginners). Pkxmaxshu' Spencerian system and copies. roll SCHOOLS OK AUVV.XCKI) CRADKS. High Kit A rithmktic liobinson's Progressive Higher. G i:om i:try Algkrra Prooks' ; Composition, Hurts'. Gknkryl History Anderson's (advanced. Physiology Steele's " Fourteen "Weeks." Nvri'Ral Philosophy Stcelo's "11 Wcoks." Chkmlstry Steele's "Fourteen Weeks." JJotany Wooil's Botanist and Floi it Book Kkkimxg Bsyant and Stratum's (High School Edition). Tho reader-! and spellers will bo selected about the middle of September. The law requires that the books selected shall be introduced into all the Public Schools of the State, "on or beforo the first day of Oc tober, lb7.." Put the act, (owing to an inad vertent omission in framing it), dill not go into ftffoftunt.il throe. montli3 after the close of the session, and as there has been some unavoida ble de-lav from other causes, the text-books have been adopted at so lato a day that it would bo a hardship upon the patrons of the schools to insist upon having the introduction of tho " authorized" series completed by tho day named in tho law. Under these circum stances the Stato Board of Education has con cluded to take tho responsibility of extending the timo so as to secure tho gradual introduc tion of the books that have been adopted. Hor.co, though it will be expected and required that all the Public Schools of the State shall begin in good faith " on or before October 1st, lt7:," (if the books can do procured by that time), to introduce tho " authorized" scries, they will be allowed until March 1st, 1871, to completo tho introduction. (By the order of tho Superintendent of Public Instruction for the Stato of Oregon.) . In tho meantime, let District Directors, Teachers, and all others having authority, see to it that tho books which havo been selected are introduced as rapidly as possible, After October 1st, 1873, tho purchase of any other books, for use in Public Schools. than thoso named abovo. is most strictly forbidden " And any District neglecting to so provide for tho introduction of tho 'authorized' scries of text books, shall forfeit its proportion of tho School fund for tho succeeding year, and every .year thereafter until all of said series aro in troduced," (School Laws, Section 12). W. A.TENNEY, - . Superintendent of Schools auOOtf for Clatsop County. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE OXLY ManufactiiriiigHoiise IX OREGON. Fishel & Roberts, Corner Firsst and "Washington Street PORTLAND, OREGON. f ASHMABLE CLOTHIERS, AXJ MAXlTACTrRERS. THE BEST VALUE FOR THE LEAST MONEY. PROPOSALS For tlio Construction of tho Astoria Farm ers' Company's "Wharf and "Warehouse. QEALED P11OP0SA LS will be received by O the Board of Directors of the Astoria Farm ers' Company, for the construction of a. Wharf and Warehouse, until the ith day of Soptein bor, at 12 o'clock m. liids will be entertained For the Whole, or any Portion of the Work ! The Company will furnrdi all materials, For further particulars, enquire at tho office of the Company. The Board reserve tho right to re ject any or all bids. ly order of tho President, au'it.td S. 1). ADAIR, Secretary. George A. Pease, Pacific Boot and Shoe Store, Is now prepared to wait on his customers, At The Old Stand Again ! S. W. Corner First and Morrison Streets, Portland, Oregon. HALL'S PATENT Fire andBurglar Proof SAEES ! SAEES ! ANUMBEll OE THESE SUPERIOR Safes can now be seen at tho Agricultural storo of Ivnapp, Burrell Ac Co., I'ortland. Tho Hall safes are superior to any now in use, are abso lutely lire proof Books and papers doposited in the 11 all safes, are warranted not to mould. These Safes all havo HalPs Patent Combination Lock! Without either Key or Key-hole. Prices Ninety Dollars and! Upwards! ft). Many leading houses in the State have already been supplied with these safes, and over 7!),U()t) worth have been sold to prominent Bankers, Merchants and County officials in California. W'M. B. W1LS1UKK, Agent Pacific Branch, Hall's Safo a2Stf and Lock Co,, San Francisco Schools ! St. HELENS HALL, AND THE 1 Grammar S 1 Will lie-open in Portland, on MOXJDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st, 1S73. Private School. Squemoque Street Astoria Under tho Management of tho Rev. Ir. ami Irs. Hjlaul, "Will lie-open on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1873 K2T Tuition per quaitcr, in advance, $7 30. ILL'S PATENT IMPROVED SPRING Stamp, for stumping Linen and loOO other articles. A silver-plated stamp of fine finish and perfect construction, with lottle of best Indelible Ink, Ink Pad, and thrto entire Al phabets, enclosed in a neat box, with full in structions, sent prepaid for only sloU. The best thing for tho price ever invented. Agents .wanted. II. C. Barnard & Co., oil Olive street, St. Louis, Mo. auo tf "WELLS, FARGO & CO.S EXPRESS. AVIXG ESTABLISHED OFFICES IN all parts of Oregon, Washington and Idaho Territories, wo are prepared to do a General Express and Freighting business in all its branches. .Freight or Packages will bo called for in any part of the city (by giving proper notice) and forwarded with dispatch to any part of tho world, through our own and connecting Ex presses, at Greatly reduced rates. COLLECTIONS MADE, and Commissions for Purchase of Goods, etc., etc., will receive prompt attention. Wo shall continue to DRAW EXCHANGE as usual on all the principal cities of tho Unit ed States, tho Canadas and Europe, and to sell TELEGRAPHIC EXCHANGE when desired. WELLS, FAKGO & CO. A. Vax Dfskx, Resident Agont, Astoria. mscellaneous. Badger's Music Store Sole Agency for tho X.calin Instruments of tlic M'orltl HALLETT, BAYIS & 60 PIANOS ! POWERFULLY CONSTRUCTED. Highly J. finished and elogantlyde.-i0-ned. Acknowl edged by the greatest living I ismists LNt, Kubenstein and Loutner to be tho most re markable Piano? in e.itanco for f ower. Sweetness. Durability, Liilliuncy and Pei fic tion of Touch GIORG-I WOOD'S k co; (Boston) "Wonderful Cabinet, ORGANS! Tho most important invontion of the day ch pablc of producing innuendo power, as well as every shade of delicate musical expression. 3T Call and examine before purchasing.'' 5 TV. K. BADGER No. 113 Thhd Street, (near the rostofiioc Portland, Oregon. Established Twenty-two "Years S. J. McCormick, PUBLISHER: Franklin Book Store 1 BOOKSELLEK AND STATIONER,. 10 Eirst Street, Portland, Oregon. Constantly on Hand, a full Stook of STANDARD SCHOOL BOOKST And Staple Stationery. J. K. Gill & Co.r (Successors to G. A. Steel & Co.,) IMPORTERS: "WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL DEALERS IX ROOKS AND STATIONERY- No. 73 First street, bet "Washington and Stark PORTLAND, OREGON. J. Kraemer & Co.r Importers of find "Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES,, 47 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. OEFEiV TO TH JO TPADE FULL LINES of Mens', Boys', and Youths' French Calf and Kip Boots; Ladies', Misses and Childrens Shoes of all grades, and also a full line of" Slippers.. aul4 tf it. c. janio.v. Liverpool. JAXIOX, KHODKS & CO., A'ictoria, B. C. Janioii & Rhodes, Importers and Commission Merchants Front Strcot, Portland. Lloyd's Agents for Oregon THE PIONEER ENGLISH HOUSE IX the city, and the founders of a direct line- of Clipper Ships between Liverpool and Port land, offer for sale the largest assortment of General Merchandise In Portland. "Appointed Agents for J & B Ten nont's Celebrated "brand of Ale and Stout; "Win Younger & Co's Celebrated Edin burg ale; Gilroy Brothers & Co.'s Dundee Gram Sacks, Wool Sack" and Burlap, JJ& Sole Agents for Blood, AVolfe & Co's Celebrated brand of ale and Stout; Ind, Coope & Co.'s Celebrated Bui ton ale; "Wm McEwan's CelebiatedEdinburg ale; "Worthington's Liverpool Salt; Hock in, "Wilson cs Co's Celebrated London Pickles and Sauces; J & J Armistead's Celebated Durham !NIutard; J & H D Grimond's Celebi ated Dundee Hemp Mat ting and Carpeting; George Curling & Cos L urates ana jji ugsjuunviiie's rin nis- iwan Xoble's & Fowler & Cos Celebrated Steam Plows. aul2 NOTICE. Office Orkgox Iron Works, South Front St. " Portland, Oregon, April 2o, lh7:j. At a meeting of the Stockholders of tho Ore gon Iron AVorks. it was resolved to continue tho business. We shall continue the business, as heretofore, and havo added the manufacture of Robb's Patent Similtanian Head-Blocks for Saw Mills! A great saving of labor alse: Robb's Pa-lent Gang Edger, and Gang Lath Mill ! Wo would invito careful inspection of our work and solicit the patronago of 2V1111 and Steam boat men. Wo liavo on handa largo assort ment of OREGON 2tt A1E STOVES! Persons wishing business in our lino should give us a call, as wo aro prepared to do work as low as good material and workmon will war rant. J. A. KOBB, j2!:tf Supt. Oregon Iron Works. fFFANCYlPoultry A J MEGLER, Chcnamua street ky; Stewart's, Scotch AN hiskv; Hill, & Cos English tfalt Yinecar: Hoare's London Ynrnish: John