U3 m. mfii ...up.j.f iwm.ni.nui ilim f i i a iiu WaWMMWM'f -- fe.i gfee -j &3MMBNfe!SB? WPIIINhlWBI WEEKL teriin: lilv.Vf-MF Yol. 1. Astoria, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, Sept. 9, 1873. No. 31. trrhrM'.Ti""-'"'-''-'--' -ta KK3iv ,nn'i,.-Vj;HVgjr.;.;i 'i-i .w 1 1- m, w ,, lt h.'b'-W"" 'w .JJL'.IXL W'J v..v--f. -."-- jwjjj'mwj . ir. -!iWL)U-?.j'eJ ..i ," & mmmmez- '"wMbinMM AS TEE ASTOEIAH. I'UHMSHnD KVERY TCE?DAY,TIIUIt.SDAY AND SATURDAY, Monitor Building, A.ctori;i, Oregon. 1. C IItEIAXI Proprietor .Su?scri2ti:t Kates: Ono Copy one year. ?" M One Copy r-ix months : 0 One Co;y three month- 1 0 kJ" Single In umber, Ten Cent-. " Aiver tisiiisr KsiJo.: One Insertion per ''iiini e, 10 line? or lec...S2 o0 Bach additional in-ertion, per square 2 00 Yearly uxlv'ts per montii, per S'liuiro 1 GO Agents: L. P. Fi-?;iFR, 20 and 21 New Merchant- "Ex cbange, i-authori'cd to act as Agent for the Astokmn in San Tunici-co. Any fiiend v ho fcl5 an intcre-t in tlic pros perity of thi region, i- authorized to act as Agent for thi paper, in piocuiing ?ub-ciibei CITT INTELLIGENCE. Astoria lias about 1,000 inhabi tants. Mr. Parker's new wharf is being pushed ahead with all possible speed. The city of Astoria is out of debt, and there is a coin balance in the Treasury. A force of men are at work on Mr. Gray's wharf. They are now cap ping the spiles. There arc three schooner on the way to Shoalwater Bay from San Francisco. The Yarnna brought to this city last evening from Knappton 66 thous and feet of timber for Air. Parker. The steamer Jane West is on the stocks at Westport receiving a new coat of paint and other improvements. Mrs. James Welch, was taken quite sick last Saturday morning and is confined to her bed. The typos of this office desire to thank Miss Ida Brown for a nice lot of plums. . Reed's Panorama is doing a heavy business on Puget Sound. Mr. Towle writes us he will be here on the loth inst. A large force of men are at work in Westport making extensive im provements in and around the can ning factory. Gen. llardic, recently here on a tour of inspection, is lying in Camp Bid well, having been seriously in jured in a late accident. The rise in flour has reached the Astoria market. The store keepers now charge $1 73 per quarter sack for the best brands. The annual election of the Asto ria Fire Company, No. 1, will take place this evening at the Company's engine house. The Gussie Telfair for ports on Puget Sound, sailed Sunday morning with a fuR cargo. She will return in the course'of ten days with a load of coal. The lumber for the gunnells, gins, and other timbers necessary for the construction of anew pile driver for the Farmers Warehouse Company arrived here last eveninsr. A large force of men are at work grading Wall street. When this work is completed Wall street will be the finest thoroughfare in town. It is already the most popular promen ade in this citv. r-We learn that the British bark Spirit of the Dawiij is under charter to load in the Columbia river with wleat for Cork. .She is G91 tons bur den, and her charter rates are 4 10s. The time for receiving contracts for the building of the farmers wharf and warehouse expired last Satuday. The bids will be taken under consid eration by the directors at their next. rcgular meeting," Sept.-lSth. - Dr. J. "Yelch is expected buck from Shoalwatr Bay on Friday next. The schooner Adelaide arrived i i yesterday from Young's Paver with a load of wood and bark. Redden Bros, new steamboat will be launched to-morrow at three U-ith a musical piece that displayed - I the performer's talent and proved The first piles for the new wharf j him to be a pianist of beautiful touch to be built by the railroad company a K wonderful execution J Mr. Al at Tacoma have been driven. j fred Wilkie then gave a Jjavatina The hydrographic survey in the I "Come into the Garden, piaud" vicinity of the Ilog's-back is being ' which affords his flexille tenor voice pushed forward with all speed under j a flllG opportunity for display. Mad the direction of Mr. Bandel. - j ame Aima bishop then appeared up- The barkentine Webibot went to sea on Satin day la-t. The tug Astoria took her oyer the bar. where she met a lair wind which will probably take her to her des tination (San Francisco) in lc-s than a week. The Webibot loaded with lumber at Knappton. After the middle of this month the Portland river steamers will only run to this place three times a week. A 2"ctition ought to be gotten up and sent to the Postmaster General ask ing for a daily boat to this place from Portland. We believe it can be had by asking for it. Surely the impor tance of the two cities demand it. Astoria is badly in need of a lum ber yard, where all kinds of lumber might be had. This would be a great convenience, and would greatly fac ilitate building. At xwesent it is very inconvenient to get some kinds of lumber, especially lumber that is well seasoned. Ye.tcrday afternoon, about 3 o'clock p. M. an alarm of fire wa given in thi city which proved to be at the Occident Hotel. It seems as if some per.-on in pacing along the street, had set lire in two places one about twenty-five feet from the oth er, fortunately some person came along and discovered it in time to extinguish the lire before any damage was done. The new schooner Annie ar rived yesterday from Young's Biver with a load of hard wood. This is the first time the Annie has been in this port. She was built this summer by Air. Peter Severs, who has spared no pains to make her as substantial a craft of her kind as floats in these waters. Peter, may you always have fair wind and tide, and may your new craft be the means of replenish ing your treasury. A soldier from Fort Stevens dis covered a dead body on Clatsop beach on Saturday last and brought word to town to that effect on Sunday. Sev eral chinaman immediately started for the beach, as they expected this body was that of chinaman Charley who was lost off the Mary Bell some four weeks ago, but the body proved to-be that of Indian Jim, who has been missing for the past three weeks. Mr. Woods, Air. Jordon, of Knappton, W. T., and Mr. Miller of Knappa, Oregon, has purchased the Saw-mill near Bruce Port, belong ing Capt.ltedellandwillputitin run ning order immediately. A saw-mill in the vicinity of Shoalwater Bay has been needed for a long time. We hope these gentlemen will meet with success ; they certainly deserve to as they are industrious and economical men. This mill was constructed about four years ago, and has been lying idle almost ever since. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Occidkst.. Astoria, Sept 8. F Gere, D FFox, Klaskanine; J Miller, Knappton; W Krzyzanowski, Port Town send; Henry Morgan, England; "W Cur rier, J S Miller, Geo. Weidler, Air. Ken zie, James Taylor, Thomas Black, K Chapman, Poitland; Ed Boacne, John Rents, Survey party; A G Allen, John S Moore, Sargt Ellis, Fort Stevens; Airs. M P Dendy and family, Portland; Mrs Conner,- San Francisco. Tlie Concert. Madame Anna Bishop and her troupe made this city a visit on Fri day evening last, when the mu sic loving population turned out in large numbers to hear her. : Mr. Frank Gilder opened the concert j "A Luce di Quest' Aniina," which was well received by the audience, and an encore being insisted upon she reappeared and gave " Comin' thro' the Bye," in so pleasing tones ind style that at its closq she was greeted with a storm of 5 applause. Mr. L. G. Gottst halk then, rendered "Infeliec by Yerdi" in a manner that evinced his capability as a bari tone to be first-class. lie has a voice of great volume and compass and was a favorite after he had sung a single stanza. He was also encored, as were all the members of the Troupe there after as they appeared in the differ ent parts assigned them. A piano solo, in part second, by Mr. Gilder was a marvel of execution and glori ous music. At its close the pianist was again called to the front by an imperative encore, and then gave " God Save the Queen," with varia tions and as finale that grand old piece and Yankee Doodle at the same time. The duet, "Sunset," by Mad ame Anna Bishop and Mr. Wilkie, and the closing trio by these two and Mr. Gottschalk, were received with marked favor by the auditory, and were each heartily encored. If the applause bestowed upon the perform ers during the entertainment be a criterion to judge by there can be no opinion except that it was a complete success. The people of this place were af forded another opportunity to hear the Madame and her troupe on Sat urday evening. The house, as on the former occasion, was full, and the entertainment gave equal if not greater satisfaction than on the pre vious evening. Madame and her party were highly pleased and sur prised with the reception they met with in our small but growing city, and carry away with them kind re collections of the place. Common Council Proceedings. A special meeting of the city Coun cil was held at the Council room Fri day evening, Mayor Kippcn presid ing. All the members of the Council were present except Mr. Ilobson. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. An ordinance was passed granting the Astoria Farmer's Wharf Co., the right to build a wharf at the upper end of this city. The petition to make a side walk on the South side of block 24 was re ferred to the committee on streets. The Council adjourned to meet the first Tuesday in October. An effort is being made to have the name of Mt. Banier changed back to original Indian, Tacoma. A marriage recently occurred near Walnut Hill, in Warren county, Kentucky, in which the bride was only eleven years old and the groom thirteen. A private letter from Fort Klam ath says that Captain Jack and Ue rest of the Modocs are all well except Curly-headed Doctor, who is ill most of the time. Capt. Jack gives no signs of fear as to his ultimate fatc: telegraph dispatches. The United States. Portland, Sept. 4. Gold in New York to-day, 11G; Portland Lesal Tender rates, So buying, and SG selling. I J. KENTON, -N. J.. Sont. n. U fli , mp j burning of the Fashion Steed Farm at the Kcarllr streefc terminus. Stable here, many valuable horses ' In -ern county Lindsey and Can jwere lost, including Budd Doble's ' ec for Senate and Assembly, re ' Harry B., and President Grant's Cin- I spectively, carried the county. The j drella and Blackhawk Maid, worth j 10,000. Among those saved with great difficulty were Goldsmith Maid, Lucy and Bos land. Boston, Sep.4. Col. C. IT. Russell, of Milton, has purchased the celebra- l ted Kansas stallion Smuggler at a i price above S'50,000. I A late edition of the Journal to ! day claims that Washburne is six i ahead in the number of delegates, as follew: Washburne, 192; Butler, 1S6; doubtful, 14. The billiard match between Daly and Gamier for the championship and diamond cue has been posponed to the 28th. of October. The Tribune commenting on the California election says a majority of legislators elected are opposed to the railroad monopoly, and the probabil ities are that the Senator chosen to succeed Casscrly will be independent of the great railroad interest that has so long controlled the politics of the State, and made such selfish and tyrannical use of its power. The Leg- islature being of that complexion, George C. Gorham's public service will continue in the capacity of Sec retary instead of member of the U.S. Senate. Page McCarthy, who killed Mor decia in a duel, cannot be tried at present, owing to the severity of his own wounds. lie will give bail in ?1 0,000. New Yokk, Sept. 5. Information has been received that the mail steamship plying between Hongkong and Yokohama has been beached at Swatow, and will prove a loss. Her mails and passengers are saved. St. Louis, Sept. o.F. M. Yardi, late Deputy U. S. Collector at Kan sas, has been indicted by the grand jury at Jefferson City, as a defaulter in the sum of four thousand dollars, and was arrested yesterday by the U. S. Marshal. Fokt Bmdc;ek, Sept. 5. The ex ploring party of Prof. Marsh, of Yale College, returned after an absence of six weeks in the regions of the Uin tah mountains. The trip was very successful, and many important dis coveries of extinct animals were made. The party leaves this morn ing via Salt Lake for the Pacific. Pacific Coast Items Nevada, Sept. 3. Work has com menced on the new Court House, which promises to be one of the fin est buildings in the State when com pleted. Wells, Fargo & Co. shipped to New York yesterday and to-day 690 pounds of Golden Chariot bullion, valued at 1 .lo,198. Parties arriving from Silver City, Idaho, report the mines looking ex ceedingly well in that section. Sutter Cijeek, Sept. 5. Twelve men were suffocated by foul air here to-day. The workmen in the 300 foot level of the Lincoln Gold Mine, tapped the old mine this morning. The gas immediately filled the mine, and only five men out of seventeen escaped. The bodies have not 'et been recovered. Most of the victims are men with families. Otis is ahead on the count for May- or, and McKibben for Sheriff. The chances for Murphy for District At- torney are improving, and he may bo elected by 209 majority, Growlev is falling off. Roach (Democrat), for j Senate, claims a majority of 300., Ilalladie (Tax-Payer) will be elected. About S,000 ballots are yet to be counted. The Clay street endless chain rail- road cars made their first trip to-day - mo uvuuuiiv jjl tixi j.iiiui;iioi; vivj.i balance of the county ticket is half Republican and half Democratic. In Eldorado, Frazcr (Republican) for the Senate, is defeated. The contest for Assembly is close, and will have to be determined by offi cial count. In Tulare county, Fowler, for Sen ate, has carried the county. Lindsey, (independent) has carried Kern and Fresno counties, and is un doubtedly elected. San Fjiaxcisco, Sept. 5. Crowley, for Chief of Police, admits his de feat to-day by an 'estimated majority of 2,500. It is possible that Barlett, for Sen ator, on Tax-payer's tickets, is de feated, as well as Widber for School Superintendent. Bauer, for Treas urer, is probably beaten. No com plete ward returns yet. Poreign News. Italy, Sept. 4. J. AY. Wetzel, a former resident of St. Louis, commit ted suicide by taking strychnine, last night. Financial trouble was the cause. ILvrLiFAX, Sept. 5.-Five letters from Sydney, Cape Breton, say the settle ment of the West Bay, Grand Lake, has been almost demolished by the recent gale, as was Baydale. Twen ty houses were blown down in Port Caledonia. About twenty five Amer ican schooners were more or less damaged, fifteen of the crew of the steamer Saltwell have arrived at Halifax. Fifteen more of the crew are missing. It is supposed that they were drowned. The Captain's, boat is the only one known to have-, reached shore. Havana, Sept. 4. The Captain General has published a decree order ing immediate institution of proceed ings for the public sale of all estates,, properties and effects taken possesion of by the administration, and being: the property of the State in con sequence of the former owners par ticipating in insurrection. A decree has been issued that on and after October 1st one-half of du ties on articles of luxury imported must be paid in gold. Yalencla, Sept. 4. The Socialists have been sentenced to death by the Tribunal of Justice in this cty. Why Ih It ? Editor Asterun: Wheat is now quoted in San Francisco at 2 17K to $2 20 percental. As Oregon wheat is the best quality it should be worth at Astoria 2 20 per cental if placed upon the same shipping terms. But ad mit that owing to the very recent begin ning of our foreign trade, vessels cannot be had immediately from foreign ports- but must be hocured from the diengaed tonnage of San Francisco, then wheat should rate at 2 00 per cental here as the vessels will come from San Franci-co to this port in ballast for 20 cents per cen tal, or $4 00 per ton on their carrying ca pacity. From Salem to Astoria wheat can be brought in barges for 10 cents per cental, leaving 1 90 per cental for its value there, j'et the Portland papers quote it worth but$l 70 at Portland. Who gets the farmer's loss of 30 cents per cental ? Astoeian. The Philadelphia-man-who won a fortune- in the Havana lottery' has been getting, crazier and crazier e.-er. Knee his good luck. . Bis. latest Jn;, vestment-is ireemeterv. r ' i1-:' vi '. v u ftu . i .Iiit tsLm& W "J