w friWeeMystmlarir TUESDAY Sept. 2, 1873 Posi Office Xoticc. Tlfc General Delivery at the Astoria I Vtoffiee will be open daily, (except Sun day.), from 8 o'clock a. m. until 7 p, m. t On Sundays from 1 to 2 o'clock p. m. .3ioney Orders issued from 8a.m, to 4. MAILS CLOSE: For Portland and intermediate offices, at 5 o'clock a. m. daily. For Skipanon, Seaside house, and Tilla mook, daily on arrival of the mail from Portland. For Forts Stevens and Cape Disappoint ment, Unity, Oystervillc, and Olympia 'Tuesdays and Thursdajv, at 7:39 a. m. ForKnappton, Grays river, Ivlaskanine, Youngs river, Lewis and Clarke, Teha 4:n valley, etc., irregular. - Clmrcli Xotices, Grace Church, (Prot. Episcopal) Rev. T A H viand Hector, Divine sorviees every Sunday at li4 a i and? r a; Sunday School at 1 i m Congregational Church, Rev A "W Tenny Pastor. Hiyino services every Sunday at 103 MUiidT v i; Prayer Meeting every Thurs day evening, Sunday School moots at 12 m To Investors. The Northern Pacific Railroad Company has now built, cauipped and put in operation, nearly ."517 miles of its main line of road through an excellent coun try and along what is known as the Valley Kouto to the Pacific; The finished portions already enjoy a large and fast increasing tiame. Tho sections approaching completion connect the chain of Lakes with the navigation of the Upper Missouri and Columbia rivers with Puget Sound, socuro at once a largo and 1 rofitable business and entitle the Company t j about 10,40l),000 .acres of excellent averago land in foe simple. With these accomplished results, the Com- any offers, and is now rapidly soiling; its First Morgage Bonds, for completing the construction and equipment of its road across the Continent After careful investigation, wo recommend these bonds as a well secured an unusually profitable investment. They have 30 years to run; principal and interest are payable in gold; .the interost (seven and threo-tenths per cent.) is equal now to about Sl4 per cent in . currency. Tho coupon .and registered bonds can bo exchanged for och I'thor, at tho pleasure of tho holder. Cold checks for the semi-annual interest on tho rezNterod bontfa aro" mailed to tho post office address of thotowner. Thee securities have tho following oleinonts of strength and safety: They are tho obliga tion of a strong corporation; they aro also a mortgago on tho Road, its right of way, equip ment? and franchises, and a first lean on it- net oarnings. In addition to this usually suf ficient security, there is pledged for the pay ment of the principal and interest a Grat of Land, averaging about 2-5.000 Acros por Mile fur tho entiro length of tho Koad. At tho average prico per aero at which othor Land Crants have thus far been sold, this real estate security will yield moro than $101,000 per lialo more than three times tho possiblo is-j-u& of lond. The Company has alreadr begun tho pro-cr-43 of redeeming-and cancelling'its first mort gage b nds, as they aro now being reeoived, at i.LO in payment and exchange for tho Com pany's lands. JAY COOKE & CO., Philadelphia, New York & Washington, Fioanoial Agents X. P. R, R. Co. ANTRAL MARKETStalls No. 27 and2S. Portland, Oregon. JOHXSOX & SPAT7LDIXG, Dealers in all kinds of FRESH MEATS, and 1 .Jokers of Beef and Pork. Tho highest price raid for all kinds of fat stock. j2:'tf ljILT JLuL Stamp, for stamping Lfnon and 1SD0 othor ariLdos. A silver-plated stamp of fine finish and perfect construction, with bottle of best Indelible Ink, Ink Pad, and three entiro Al 1 Labcts enclosed in a neat box, with full in fractions, sont prepaid for only SI .10. Tho bc-t thing for the prico ever invented. Agents wanted. II. C. Barnard & Co., 314 Olive street, I i. ijuius, hiu. aiui n WELLS, FARGO c&CO.'S EXPKESS. ITAYIXG ESTABLISHED OFFICES IN 1. all parts of Oregon, Washington and Idaho 'territories, wo aro prepared to do a General Express and Freighting business in all its branches. - Fronrht.ar Paekago will bo called for in any lnrt of the.city (by giving proper notice) and forwarded with dispatch to any part of the world, through our own and connecting Ex Presses, at Greatly reduced, rates. COLLECTIONS MADE, .and Commissions for Purchase- of Goods, otc, etc., will recoivo prompt attention. Wo shall continuo to DRAW EXCHANGE a- usual on all tho principal citios of tho Unit ed states, the Canadas and Europe, and to soil TELEGRAPHIC EXCHANGE whn desired. WELLS, FARGO & CO. A. x DysRt.Roajdent Agent, Astoria. L. P. FISHER, ADVERT I SING AGENT, Room? 20 &, 21 Merchant's Exchange, Cali fornia streot, San Fiane-feeo, SOLICITS ADVERTISEMENTS AND SUB-.-criptions for tho Tri-Wkkki.y Astoria and for papers published in California, Orogon andNbvada; Washington, UUh, J daho, Mon tana, Colordo, Aruona and adjaeont Territo- tho Australian Cukmioa, tho AtlanUc S4atcs and Eurdpol ADVERTISING Has created many a now business.; 3 las onlrjce many an old bustee; Has revived many a dull business; Has rescued many ajost ouyiness; . Has saved manya failing business; Has preserved many a largo business; Andinsuros success in any business. GERARD'S SECRET Stophen Girasd wed to -.ay jn old ag: "I havo always considered advertising liberally and lone to be the irreat medium ofsuccess'in businev, and the prelude to wealth. And I'have made it an irvaribfo i-de to advertise in'duli tinfes as well as thn busiest, long experience showing that rupney thus spent is well laid out. as "by continually keeping my business beforothe public it ha .-ectired many sales lliaTl othorwiso -woald hive lost." ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS. KEE? your" NAM1T BEFORl-Ttho PUBLIC Judicious Advertising Insures .r7- AFOBTJJNEf If Businoaa i dull.-ADVKRTISE! jlf usiMw k feriBkADVERTISE! i CiflitX amirdi4n;t iMTiRjat9rii; rjs ftandwicu islands, tboBsUisl) Possessions IMexiean ports, Nicaragua, Panama, Valpa raiso. Japan and China: New Zealand and a i? has xy7iHti'pMtfslip'wkkthe'SlHifl't'' a ud that o ml d :tk'e4TniB'g ,1 clar&ehenderson&g0Ok:. This Space !s Reserved.! FOR MM A j t i K wl ( , . Slitfti IrV Vs r-J J 'A .lU O f il if. a. n j .7 hi ; u T -. "c 1 2 ' 0 :iB1t! V .&"- " HI b3 o o m u i : .: l MT4tMv . . .. ! - If.:."" Delcum's Maw Buildinr! r TlJL Z Z.L,.:: . & .'yornor i?iret axig M( asiington, n. UlWi. , j 1 POSWLAKIV llOfEES". American Ex. Hotel, - Cor. Front and Washington streets. ' ' PORTLAND, OREGON. L..P. W. QUBIBY C. U. PERIONS. THE PROPRIETORS WOULD R13SPECT fully inform tho traveling: public, that the American Exchange having been recently im proved in all its departments, tltcjwaro now prepared to offer superior inducements to their patrons and tho public in general, at reduced prices, Hoard and Lodging, SI to Si oO per day, ac cording to room occupied. Tho American Exchange coach will always bo in readiness to convey passengers and bag gage to and froin tiio Hotel, Tree of charge. CIIEMEKETA HOTEL-S.vi.Ksr, Or boon. WESLEY GRAVES, Pkoi'KIktor, ?TThe cheapest and best Hotel in tho State. Froe Coach to tho House. Cosmopolitan Hotel, (Kept on tho European Plan,) ZIEBER & IIOLTON... PROPRIETORS Corner Stark and Front street-, Portland. Rl ARD HOUSE. H. Caz in v.v, Proprietor. View street, Victoria, British Columbia. EMPIRE HOUSE J. O'Rrikn, Proprietor. Opposito Railroad depot and Steamboat Landing, Kalama W. T. Tho best and cheap est Hotel in Kalama. G. 15. COOK. VT. H. AXDRUS. Occidental Hotel, (Kept on the Europoas Thin,) COOK & ANDRUS .PROPRIETORS Corner First and .Morrison steets, Portland. ACIFIC HOTEL Sikks &Quimhy, Proprs. Main streot, Olympia, W. T. Stage ollice. A1LROAD HOUSE J. McGrvtu, Propr. Good meals, clean beds, modcrato pi ices. Tenino, r. T., present terminus N. P. R. R. St. Charles Hotel, Corner Front and Morrison streets, R. A. WHITE PROPRIETOR Portland, Oregon. HE ST. CHARLES IS THE ONLY RRICK Hotel in Portland; ha been thoroughly re paired and refurnished sinco tho liro, and is now tho most comfortable ami convenient house in tho State. altf SUADIEK HESOPvTS. THE SEASIDE HO USE. CLATSOP BEACH. MR. C. II. DEXTER, Formerly of tho " Cliff House." San Francisco, announces to his Friends and the public that he has leased tho new acd elegant Hotel recently erected by Ren Holhiday, Esq., upon tho site of the old Summer House, at Clatsop Reach. Tho house is elegantly furnished, and possesses all mod orn improvements. A large -and spacious Din ing Koom, Billiard Room, extensive Parlors, Bath Rooms, Rooms en suite, etc., etc., all well arranged for the comfort of Guests. Tho Grounds arc beautifully laid out A half-milo Race Track, with Shell drive; Croquet Ground Children's Play Ground, Swings, otc, etc. Boat upon tho creek; plenty of Trout Milling; a splendid Stable, with Saddlo Horses for thoso who wish for Equestrian l ides over the Beach; Bathing Houses, for Salt Water Bath ingand, in fact, everything necessary for tho Pleasure Seeker, the Tourist or the Invalid. Ocean, Mountain, Forest and River Scenery, comuined, make this the finest Place of Resort in the World. The climate is eiuablo never subject to extremes of heat or cold and one of tho healthiest places upon tho Globe. The Table will bo unexcelled, and tho subscriber pledges himself that nothing will bo left "un done for the pleasuro and comfort of his Pat rons. Terms moderate and satisfactory. CHARLES J I. DEXTER. BAY-VIEW HOUSE, (Fifteon Milos Northwest of Astoria.) At Unity, Raker's Ray, Y. T., THE UNDERSIGNED HAS PURCHASED tho iibovo house at this favorito resort. Having thoroughly renovated and furnished the same with. now, material, it will bo koptin first-class stylo. The table will -bo furnished with the best tho market affords. Fresh Fish, Oysters and Clams in ovary stylo. No pains will bo spared to mako guests-comfortable. Tho above house i only one and a half miles from the Ocean Beach, where anglers may en joy rare sport. Boats, carrying passengers, will ply between Unity and Astoria, connect ing with Columbia River boats. Tri-weokly stages will run between Unity and Shoal water Bay. .1011 N J I UN TE I i , Proprietor. CLATSOP HOUSE, SKIl'AOX LANDING. A. C. WIRT, PKOrKIETOK. Is propared to entertain tho public. Horses and Coach, with Baggago agon and careful drivors to convey parties to any point. SU3IMEE HOUSE. CLATSOP BEACH. MHS, CLOUTR1E WISHES TO INFORM tho public that ;ko h:is completed her largo now two-stqry .lujugo, which is hard finished throughout,. and is now proparod to roceivo visitors at this well known report GUIDES HOUSE, CLATSOP BEACH. W nuiiiKil Ifniiit nnnn fnr -llii inf rf Minininf "t)f guests during tho season,.iis usual E. MIL WAIN, 9o Front iml sw Iir.-t Street Portluud, Orogon. KA. WHOLESAJ.E AND RETAIL DEALER in staves, SheoMron, Tin-plate, etc, I'luiub ing and lias fittiug cheaper than any other house in town. OTTO TREUEK. No. 1 North-Front Stroet, Portland. ; -TIEALER IN WINES AND LIQUORS AND JJ Manufacturer'of SvrutJs". Cordials. Bifters. e.tc. otc fctolo figcpLfyr Jolya ellaod JL'lul adelnhia Brewery, Sah 'FranciscoV Beer hy 1 f La L'Ap Ar linttla '' 'VI Godi deliVaredto asy yartof the City. ' PORTLAWTMTISEMENT. "W. Jackson & Go. Front Streot, Portland, Importers and Wholesalo Dealers In Crockery, Glassware, Cutlery, Plated Ware, Wooden Warcf Coal Oil, JFurnisliings, Me., Me. Aiidalso Agents for Perkins & House's Patent Metallic Kerosene or Coal Oil Safety Lamps! tfETOurstock having been solected and ship ped direct to us from manufacturers in the East and Eurone. we am nreimred to soil to f the trado at such rates as wo think will induce trade. aul'2 tf the It 8S Manufactured by Lazarus &, Morris, Hartford Connecticut, NEW METHOD OF FITTING GLASS cs to the eye of any person who cannot spare the timo to come and olect for them selves. Any person wiro will send us a copy for sample of tire smallest si.ed type that they can read at an ordinarv distance, can be fitted to glasses that will suit the eye. L. C. HENRI CIISEN, & Co., Solo Agents, 1U!) First street, Portland. au7 Allen & Lewis, Shipping and Commission Merchants, timi Wholesale Dealers. IS, 20 and 22 North Front st, Portland Oregon San Francisco effice: Corner of California and Front Streets. James Laidlaw. Henry James Gate. Laidlaw & Gate, Importers and Commission Merchants, 23 Front Street, Portland. Oregon. London Agents: REDFERX, ALEXANDER & Co. S. Gr. Skiclmore, Druggist and Apothecary, Has Removed to his NEW AND ELEGjLNT STORE, 111 First st., next to L. C. Hcnrichscn's, Portland, Oregon. au7 Claims on the IT. S.? AND ON ANY STATE. ALL KINDS OF MILITARY, NAVAL and Indian Claims, Modoc War vouchers, collcctod by the undersigned. Money advanc ed on tho awards of tho Auditors, 15" Persons having business with Depart ments at W ashington,and with any ttate, will please apply to " C. M. CABTER, Attorney for Claimants, au7tf . Portland, Oregon. AL I) E E T B AH T S C II, Pianos Maker ai Tuner, Cornor Third and Salmon Streets, PORTLAND. ----- yQRKGON. UPRIGHT PIAN0S.MADE TO ORDER. C'Pianos and Organs Repaired and Tuned. ALL AVOKK Cl U VNTKKP. OREGON ROOT AND SHOE STORE! S. M. I5AKU, BAKU J. C. KINGSLKV. .p. KIX-GSLJEIl CI JVJLJI-WUJ--Ui , PRINCIPAL RETAILEKS OF THE STA Ilo hrands of Eastern, California and Ore gon Roots and Shoes, No. L'tt Eirst street cor ner Yamhill, Portland Oregon. its' With our lonjr oxperieneo and small ex pense wo are enahled to soil cheaper than any other houso in the city of Portland. As tho provorh goes SUM) saved is $2 00 made: Call and see and give us your trade. BAKU At K1NGSLEY. CRACKER MANUFACTORY Oregon B a k e r y, F. OPITZ, Proprietor, Firt Street, near Vine, Portland, Oregon M VNUFACTURE all kinds of Fancy Bi D Bread. Orders attended to. addressed as above promptly null tf GotoG.A.SHEPf&RD'S! Corner of Yamhill and First streets, PORTLAND ft41J, dMZGOX, FOR- Groceries GrocorieS Grocerios Qrocories "Groceries Grocwiles Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries ' 'Groceries Groceries GROCERIES 'Groceries (Jro,ceries ' Groceries' 'Groceries Groceries "Groceries Groceriejj Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries"" Grocerios WHOLESALE OR ET.UL. , - . -ii .i . ?1the best stock of, STAPLESnKjl ?EA. ivrfyu. iu swwu ,wrruifflk, All M s iIeg;- :Nri'cirs; I !' 'PrarlnTOfiiim. ' 'Wjikkkak, Under the Act of tliu Logife-. lative ftM'fibly of the State of Oregon, entitled " an Act to protect litigant-J ap prdvec!" Octoljer 24th, 1S70. Tho Tiu AVekkly Astqp.iax, a nejwpnper pub Halted at Astoria Clattop County Orogonr ha been designated to pnblisli the legal and judicial advertisements for the county of Clatsop in the State of Oregon. "Whereas, The proprietor of ai(XTRi "Weekly Ahtokian has tiled with the Count3r Clerk of i-aid county of Clats.oj written stipulations accepting the condi tions of said Act, together with a bond approved as the law directs, with a proper return and notice thereof to this office, ae coi cling to law. Now, therefore, the slid Tri-Weekly Astorian is hereby proclaimed to be ap pointed and confirmed as the medium through which all legal and judicial ad-vcrti.-ement for the County of Clatsop in the State of Oregon slmll be publiaiiecl for the period authorized by law. In testimony whereof I have hereunto get my hand and caut-ed the seal of the State of Oregon to be affixed, at the Executive office in the city of Salem this twenty fourth day of July a. d. 1S73. By the Governor, (' ll Ji. X'. UIVU V JVLV. t'ZS T t- I Attest: S. F. Chaimvioc. Secretary of State. "Writ of Special Election. To the Sheriffs of the several Countksj within the State of Oregen: "U'hkkkas, At a general election held on the third day of June, a. n.f 1&72, tho Hon. JosKfU S. Wilson Avas duly elected Representative of tho Stato of Oregon in tho Forty-third Congress of the United States; and Wiikukas, Sinco the said electior, said otBco has hecomo vacant hy the death of said ineun bont; and Whkrkxs, By provision of tho Constitution of the United States, and tho laws of this State, it has become tho duty of thoOovernor there of to issuo his writ of election to fill such va cancy; Now, theroforo, I, L. F. GnovKn, Governor of tho State of Oregon, do horeby command you and each of you to notify tho soveral Judges of Election within and for your soveral counties, to hold a special election of Repre sentative in Congress to fill tho vacancy afore said, on Monday, tho VI) thirteenth day of ( 'ctobcr, K-7-J, and that you cause all proper noticos to bo given thereof accrding to 'lar. Ciiven under my hand and tho seal of tho State of Oregon, at Salem, this tenth day of July, a. i). 1&7.J. L. S. L. F. GR0VER. Atteat: S. F. CiivmvicK. Secrotary of Stato Oregon. SliorilF Sale BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION inued upon a decreo of tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon, for tho County of Clatsop, made on the l-th day of August, IS7.'?, in which Eli C. Crow h plaintilF and Charles Gibbin. George Flavel, Hiram B. Parker, and C. H. Page are defendant-", commanding and direct ing mo to sell lot two in block fortv-four, of .McClure's Astoria, in the County of Clatsop, in tho Stato of Oregon, to pay and sathfy tho several sums of monoy in said decree speciQed, to wit: Tho sum of eight hundred and forty tive dolla s in gold coin, in favor of said plain tiff against said Charles Gibbins, with interest thereon in gold coin atone percent, por month also, the further sum of two hundrod and sixty-five dollars and eighty-four cents in gold coin, in favor of George Flavel against said Charles Gibbins with intorcst.tlieroon.iu gold coin, atone per cent, per month, fioni tho 'Jbth day of October, lh72, and also the further sum found due to tho said Hiram B. Parker on hi judgment against thesaidCharlesGibbins.and the costs and disbursements taxed at S '. AVlCw dollars, and eots to accrue upon s-siid execution I have this day levied upon the saidlot two in said block forty-Tour, in said McCluro's A toria,iin Clatsop County, and Stato of Oregon, and upon all the buildings and improvement- situated thereon, and thereunto belonging, and shall pioceed to sell the samo to tho highest bidder for cash. in gold coin, on tho Jst day of October. LS7.5, at two o'clock v. ji. of said day at tho Comt-houso door in tho County acd Stato above written. AY. H. TWILIGHT, Sheriff ' Clatsop County Oregon. Dated Astoria, August 27th, li7.!. uist Administrator's Sale "VT0TICE TS HEREBY dim', that in pn iN euanco to an order of salo, boaiing dato August 1Mb, 1.V78, from tho Prohato Court of Pacific County, Washington Territory, com manding mo to sell at public salo the following described property, to-wit: AH of tuo right, title, interost and possession of tho lato Julius .Mack, had and acquired from J,fcJ. M. Van Clove, together with his proofs, in and to all that piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being on or adjoining tho Xaselle river, in Pa cific county, N a.-hington Territory, and known as the Van Cleve claim, together with all im provements therounto belonging. Now, there fore, on Friday, tho U.th day of September lb73v I will sell to tho highost bidder fur cash, tho abovo described premisos at public salo, rn front of tho Court-house in Oysterville, at one o'clock p. m. ROBERT TUKNEK, Admr of tho estate of Julius MaeK August 20th, 1S7;. au2w.i ' Summons. N THE C1RCURT COURT OF THE SXATE of Oregon for thu county of (.latsou. ' Caseo C. Anderson, Plantiff, vs. Lowjis $. Anderson, Defendant: To Lewi- P. Anderu tho defendant, In tho name of tho State of Orogen: You aro horeby required to an swer tho complaint filed against you in th above entitled sujt, at tho first term of Faid Court to be hold at As-iorm in and for ?aid County and State next after .-ix woeksfrom tho dato of this Publication. And if you fail so flu answer, the plaintiff will apply to tho Couit for tho relief demanded therein, which i u Dissolution of tho marriage oontf act tvith yotx By order of tho Court. 31. L, .UoEWAN. Atty. fbf Plaintiff! Hated July 2Ub. 187-t. j2toiT. Dissolutipn f Co-Partuorsklp, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVETTHATTHE Co-1'artnvship heretofore existing key twecn Doiuildi'on & Reed, in tho Market bMr noss, has been dissolved, -and tho undenignil havjng purchased the intcrestof A. J. lonald--on 'therein, will continuertho;bu?iness us be fore atrtllo alM stand on MnSn 'stroet Ail debts duo tho lirm will bo pa.id to jne, and vict versa. m " HUES VlLLK KEElv. " Astoria, Auguajfcl. lt7 it aul-l-lvr For Sai heap for Cash ! GOOD SUBSTANTIAL DWELLING noa containinsr sevcn Tovms. '"Lower rcbina hard tini-dicd, together with throe acres of good Garden 'Land, all UndoF good" fonco. Or chard, Barn and SUfcle, -Store-rooms "WTio houso and other building,- situated at Slip- mt&AM- y.ftyu tJtiuuiir xiwmriuerjrtiriKJUiars. ftte.lQ lfty,t lV.o$ward Jk Co. Portland ? 7 f rv Lil" ti. M j;ia LL ) .t . -. . - , i