Tri-weekly Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1873-1874, August 16, 1873, Image 1

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Yol. 1. Astoria, Oregon, Saturday Morning, August 16, 1873.
No. 21.
Monitor Building, Astoria, Oregon.
I. CIBELAXD Proprietor
Subscription Rates:
Ono Copy ono year. S-" 00 ,
vjne uopy six montns w
Ono Copy throo months .... 1 50
il& Single Number, Ton Cents. "
Advertising Kates:
One Insertion per square, 10 lines or le?s...S2 ."SO
Each additional Insertion, per square 2 00
Yearly adv'ts per month, por square 1 50
Agents :
L. P. Fisher, 20 and 21 Now Merchants Ex- '
.change, i- authorized to act as Agent for the
AsTouiv.v in San Francico.
Any friend who fools an interest in the pros
perity of this rogion, is authorized to act as
Agent for this paper, in procuring subscribers.
The "bark Edward James, loaded at
Weidler's mill for Hongkong, ia due at
Astoria on her outward voyage.
The bark Forward of ITong Kong is
at the dock in this city preparing for the
outward vo3Tage.
The new sloop, being built at the
Cape for the use of the government, will
be named " Columbia" in honor of our
glorious river.
The Rev.T. A.Hyland will preach at
fthoalwater Bay to-morrow, and the Rev.
3r. Burton, rector of Trinity Church,
Portland, will officiate at the Episcopal
Church in this place during Mr. Ilyland's
W. B. Clark, of Portland, is on a
visit to Astoria, and while here will wire
and brace up any " imitations" of sub
stantial furniture put together with an in
ferior quality of glue. "Call upon him at
Arrigoni's. lie will " go around" like a
piano tuner.
At Cape Disappointment a few days
ago our friend A. H. Johnson, of Portland,
set eyes on a beautiful pair of working
steers, as at as beeves, and we think he
would like to take them home with him
tor the " tender-loins " and" porter-house"
ihev contain
Henry T. Hudson, manufacturer of
notary seals, rubber stamps, door plates,
btxil letters of all sizes, molding letters,
stencil plates, of all sizes, key and bag
gage checks, corner "Washington and First
treets, Portland, Oregon, will make a
trip to Shoahvater Bay from this city to
day. Captain George Plavel's boat for the
new pile driver will be ready to launch to
day. It has been built bottom upwards,
and will be taken to deep water where it
-can Imj turned over, then beached and fin
ished. A new hammer, that will drive a
pile 20 inches in diameter at the butt,
will be cat for this, boat.
The steam tug Astoria took two ves
sels to sea on Thursday, the Garibaldi,
Captain Koyes, loaded with lumber for
Shanghai, and the barkcntineMelancthon,
Capt. Patterson, loaded with lumber for
San Pranciseo. Both vessels went off in
lino style after passing the outer buoy,
with a fair breeze and favorable current.
Pishing for Tom-cods is a rare sport,
but when nothing but a river Sucker will
bite, aud you know the water to be alive
with Sole, Flounders, Maiden-skate, Pog
iea, Eel, etc., etc., within a .mile of you,
it simply is disgusting. Such was our
luck at the Cape lat Thursday fishing
off the wharf when we could not get a boat
to take us to the buoy.
The barkentinc Jane A. Palkinburg
will be here in a few days to load for
Honolulu. The Oregonian is informed
that a number of passengers will embark
for a rouud trip to 'the Sandwich Wands
and. back. Already as large a number of
TMirsoas as the vessel can accommodate
have spoken for passage. Captain Forbes
is a clever officerthe Palkinburg is a fine
thip, and a good time maybe expected by
all who go.
A San Francisco dispatch of the 13th
say?: u The bark Wettcrhorn cleared in
ballast for Portland yotcrdav, to load
wheat for. England, making the fourth
veesol thu cleared "within the past two
months. These vessels were to load old
wheat which was in store in Oregon,
comprising about all th surplun left of
list year' crop." We do not know
whether to take this as oneot the blund
er of the telegraph" or to take it for grant
ed. Our unafstinding of the matter at
flrat w that the Wtturhorn would comi
in the interest of the Star line of regular
packtf, ' ' ' . ' .- ..;.
Common Council.
Tho first mooting of tho now board of Council
men was held Thursday evening, Maj-or Kip
pon and all tho Members and officers elect be
ing present and qualified with tho exception
of Mr. Hobson. who is absent to Tillamook on
business. The oath of office having been ad
ministered Mayor Kippen took tho chair and
in a very neat and appropriate manner thank
ed tho pooplo for tho high compliment paid
him, and pledged his best endeavors for the
interests of tho city, during his torm of office.
Tho mombers drew for terms with tho fol
lowing result:
One year J. Hobson, F. Ferrell.
Two years C. U. Page, C. S. Wright.
Threoyears W.W. Parker, Grenvillo Heed.
Wm. Raymond filed his bond and took tho
oath of City Marshal; E. A. Taylor that of
Street Commissioner, and David Ingalls that
of City Treasurer,
The following .Standing Committees were
appointed by the Mayer:
llules and Regulations Messrs. Page, Park
er and Wright.
Streets and Public Property Messrs Hobson
Ferrell and Kecd.
Health and Police Messrs. Wright, Hobson
and Heed.
Finances Messrs. Page Parker and Hobson,
Firo and Wator Messrs. Wright, Page and
Tho committeo on streets and public proper
ty were authorized to confer with Astoria En
gine Company Xo. 1, with a view to fitting up
a Council room and Company room jointly, in
the Engine building.
On motion Captain M. M. Oilman was per
mitted to mako certain improvements to tho
water pipe on Main street in front of his prem
ises. Council adjourned.
The finder of a ladies' cloak, which
was lost at Spirtual hall Thursday even
ing, will oblige the owner bjr leaving it at
this office.
The party given at Spiritual Hall
Thursday evening was a very pleasant af
fair for all who were present. Dancing
continued until about 2 o'clock A. m.
That is one of the finest floors for dancing
in the state.
Buster, son of A. M. Snyder of Port
land, went to sea on the Garibaldi. Bus
is an active young fellow, and will make
a good ship master, should he prefer the
sea to laud for business.
"Who wants any further evidence of
the utterly worthless character of Tacoma
as a terminus than has been given. Is
not the position of the Astokiax upon
this point fully sustained by recent events?
It now seems that the Pacific Railroad
Company do not own a foot of land In or
about Tacoma.
Those large Elk horns displayed at
the Store of I. W. Case a few days ago
carhe from an animal which was killed by
two young men of Pish-hawk, 2VEr. W.
A. Poster and a son of B. "W. Gilmore.
Last "Winter the Elk had mired, and
while in that situation they cut its throat
with a knife-
Mr. II. R. Brown has closed fishing
for the season with a catch of about 430
barrels, and 1000 fre.h sold. If there
could be some better way of getting the
product of these Columbia river fisheries
to market the business cauld have been
more than doubled this year.
It will be seen that Mr. Grenville
Reed has purchased the partnership in
terest of Mr. A. J. Donaldson in the
market business on Main street, and will
continue as before to supply vessels or
families with all kinds of fresh and cured.
Thanking the public for past favors, he
would ask a continuance of the same,
feeling confident of his ability to give satis
faction. An up county paper has this: " The
ship Middlesex started to sea on Tuesday
morning. The tug hitched on, and the
vessel started soaward. She was compell
ed, however, to "return to the wharf after
proceeding a short distance. The difficul
ty was that the ship's crew was not com
plete, and the sailors on board refused
positively to start for sea until the full
complement were obtained. She is lying
fit. Awtftrin fivrmtinnr o fuw mn-pft tniu " I
Comment is unnpce.sary. The writer
hould have added E. and O. E. at the
bottom of the paragraph.
A party on the steam tug Astoria last
Thursday crossed Columbia river bar four
times, and n)t one of them was taken
with ea Mcknees. Hon., W. W. Page
and A. H. Johnson of Portland, and James
Milne of Oregon city were among thoparty
Judgo Page took the wheel at sand Inland,
going out vith the bark Mehlcthon in tow,
and reUirred the tug to Astoria. Capt.
V "(. MWXV,
mfu t u.r Ti,a n ,.n ,
Di-aip intment to Astoria, fourteen . ever uera oi was tne young laav who vou ;u8t fecl me." "Good
, with only ordinary isttjam. in oao s wusnea "When she waShiiBfcedif she i-rhnnHimir!" "Good! No.
and eieYin'minut- l naa no' oeen courting sleep. one it's vet and nasty."
m, - , i I 1 - I I r W . n- I " V-- - w- - - ,
Court Proceeding.
Circuit Court "W. "W. Upton, Judgo,
Since our last report tho Court has disposed
of business as follews:
Poter St Androw vs Issnc E, Bell. J udg
moRt by default for $:0o 10 and cost.
C. II. Bain vs J. W. AVhito. Verdict of judg
ment for S'lOS 72, and costs for plaintiff.
Stato vs A. Wandory, A. Corno and Luko
l.uko ,
Taylor; suit for trespass. Defendants arra
cd on tho 14th and allowed until tho loth to
Similar action was taken in similar suits
growing out of road matters, against E. Black
and Luko Taylor.
Stato vs W. II. Gray motion to dismiss ap
peal ovorruled and causo submitted to Jury.
Hans Anderson was admitted to citizenship.
Stato vs F. E. Howard, Illegal voting ar
raigned defendant and leave granted to plead
The thermometer yesterday indicated
79 in the shade, Northern exposure. It
was the hottest day for years in Astoria.
Mr George Woodward of Portland,
mention of whom is made in another
part of this paper is agent for the
above Insurance Company for the
State of Oregon. He will leave to
day for Unity and will return next
Tuesday. If any of our readers want
to insure we can recommend them to
,,,,., , . .,
iur. woouwaru. concerning tne !
Company, the Bulletin of the 13th
say's this:
This time-tried and fire-tested company
is always at the front in the fire insurance
business. It has paid losses on the Paci
fic Coast amounting to 60G,703 98. The
income of the Company last year was 3,
G14,716 55. Organized on a firm financial
basis, the Phoenix has for many years
faithfully prosecuted an extended fire in
surance business in every State in the Un
ion successfully and well, encountering
obstacles and crumbling them, meeting
emergencies and proving equal to them,
moving vigorously forward in its noble
work, with "malice toward none and !
charity for all," encouraging enterprise
by substantially guarding it, and building
up the watc places made by the fife
In no one instance in its hUtory has the
old Phoenix asked for a day's extension,
for want of means to respond to its con
tracts. Even its heavy losses in the Troy,
Portland (Maine), Vicksburg, Chicago
and Boston conflagrations were met with
that liberality, promptness and dispatch
which have ever characterized the opera
tions of the solid old Phoenix of Hartford.
Its losses paid in Portland during the
last seven months aggregate fifty thousand
dollars, and every loss has been promptly
paid in cash.
The Phainix operates under a joint con
tract with the Home of New York and the
North British and Mercantile Insurance
Companies, whereby a policy in the
PhcEnix is guaranteed by over $22,000,000,
gold. This combination is the strongest
insurance guild in the wTorld, anc? at once
makes a lhoenix policy the strongest in
the marktt.
True to the core. A good apple.
A sound judge A musical critic.
Nature's tailoring A potato patch.
The largest moth ever known The
The Turf Affection 1 Ossification
of the heart.
Rabbit poachers are said to be par-
i ticular to a hare.
The hornet is beautifully defined j
to be the red hot child; pf nature.
Th snrpst. W5iv to lnsft vour hpjilt.h
. is to kccp drinking other people's,
A rnpn s ROmfitimoa won bv th
head, but the legs generally land all
the money.
Book-keeping may be taught in a
single lesson of three werds: Never
lend them.
If you should lose your nose, what
would you do? Take the first one that
turns up.
What requires more philosopy than
taking things as they come? Part
ing with things as they go.
When does the captain of a vessel"
commit selfmutilation? When he
I ULf UI1ra anu 1C5"Cb ms "anas
j on b01lrd-
It is a curious fact that, while beaux
jare permitted to go in the way Ihev
J are bent, belles are expected to go
' the way thev are told.
I Bashful The most bashful
Gold in New York to-day, 115.
Portland Legal Tender rates, S51
buying; SGA selling.
Attorney General Williams has de
cided that no spirituous liquors can be
introduced into the Indian countrv
without an order from the War De-
partment, and that the jurisdiction of
of that Department is exclusive of all
other authorities.
A Washington special says proceed-
nf Psmtnin TnnV nnri nth or MnrWc
were received at the War Department
on the 12th. It is believed that the !
Court has found .ill miilfcv nml i
sentenced them to be hanged.
Pnllmcino. flivnmnlonffln.nnn. I
tinental brethren, says the Pall Mall
Gazette, English Roman Catholics
-. w.w .i -, i ""i"v va. ivii v.vii .
are now arranging a pilgrimage to
Paray Le Marial, a small village some
distance from Pans, which has ac
quired its reputation as a center for
pilgrimages from the fact that accord
ing to Catholic belief, just 300 years
ago our Saviour appeared there to the
blessed Margaret Alocagua, and in
trusted to her a message to propagate
the worship of the Sacred Heart.
The English pilgrimage is being or
ganized under the auspices of a very
influential committee, at the head of
which are the Duke of Norfolk and
Earl of Denbigh, the Secretary being
iJLora waiter iverr. ne pilgrimage
JLord Walter Iverr. The nil
ic nrorfico,! frt cfovf v t,i
I u ivvii vmuViU vj uum v liuui JUIIUUIJ Jlk
Tuesday, September 2d. The pil
grims will reach Paray Le Marial on
Wednesday. Having performed their
devotions on Thursday they may re
turn to London by Friday night or
Saturday morning.
After carefully comparing and review
ing the estimate of the loss by the fire in
Portland Maine last Saturday, it is put at
about 500,000. The total insurance heard
from is $200,000.
Aditional reports from the scene of the
Wahasset disaster on the Potomac river,
now place the number of lost at 71.
An investigation into the cause of the
disaster will be made.
Geo. N. Saunders, who was conspicuous
iu A-tnn ,.. r.,i;inni.i.;.. ? ,; I VI.. 11. Illflll. Ill V ,! lllllllllllirTll.
his residence in Seventh street, of heart
.-.., . . .... : j v,...v. i.
Washington, August 12 The Special
Commission have sent to the Department
of State a full report on the irregularities
charged against Gen. Thomas F. Tan
Buren and his replies thereto, together
with the correspondence, evidence and re
ports connected therewith. The corres
pondence is voluminous and touches upon
all points involved in the management of
the American department, such as recep
tion of money by Tan Buren for the privi
lege of erecting bars, restaurant and other
things heretofore published. The Special
Commission find the Commission to Ti
enna has been managed corruptly for per
sonal purposes to the great detriment of
the American department and in violation
of American honor, and has exposed the
United States to national humiliation at
Tienna and throughout the world. The
evidence shows no taking of money by any
member of the Commission with the ex
ception of Gen. Tan Buren and Mr.
New York, August 12. There was
much excitement to-day among petroleum
dealers, caused by a heavy decline in the
prices of crude ami refined oil, in the face
of the fact that shipments from this city
this year up to the Uth inst., have reached
the unusual amount of 78,000,000 gallons.
The chief cause of the decline is said to he
an increase in supply, resulting from the
produce of eight new wells in Pennsyl
vania, which are j'ielding an average of
500 barrels per day.
It was recently announced by aiilvarioi othe-r devices. T1'1C chlb
Iowa editor that a certain patron of
his was "thieving as usual." lie
declares ho wrote it " thriving."
The reader will remember the
ostler spoken of by Sam Waller, who
wrote his last will and testament
upon a stable door. A Tennessee
man has just published and declared
his testamentary intentions upon a
paper collar, which passed probate
well enough, though it was found a
little unhandy for filing.
Our correanondMit tcloffpanhs us a
fif.rilrinrt' inarjiimn nf fho rliftVrnnnr in
" a rr x
the domestic habits of the East and
West. Here, the Queen and every
woman in England is wont to keep
hot water in a can; there, the Czar
and all his courtiers delight in keep
the Kahn in hot water. London
A Frenchman, learning English to
some purpose, replied tniis to the
salutatiens: u How do you do, mon
sieur?" "Dp vat?" "How do you
find yourself?' J "I never losea mv-
self." "How doyou feel?" "Smoeih:
it's a bkd
Beau Brummels are wearing the
English double-breasted white duck
vest, dotted or striped with black.
Men rather favor decollete costum-'
es, because the more they see of real
lovcable ladies the better they like
A German paper savs that American
girls make themselves conspicuous at-
I f lirA'-irtii-rio TTi.-r-o?f ?-kfi lvir f Vini f f'nrnnrl
aized braids."
Gauze veils are now fashionable,
ci , , , .
be until sunburnt
"ecKiea laces are co
dcncc Of hcauty in W
ices are considered an evi-
Walking boots are now made with
lu" 1 uil" "CClS ami tilC SOldl
low, broad heels and the sole fitted to
, i ,-, r. . nw r
f Vmu Ul t Ul? IOOC -LVCi i e nn
ished w;thout bows or buckles, or
fancv adornments of anv kind, and
depend wholly upon their neatness
and adaptability.
The rage for filagree ornaments of
oxydized silver is increasing. The
favorite model is a square "five bar
red" gate clashed in the middle and
adorned with spynx, or other antique
heads and charms. This fastens the
belt. The side attachments for um
brella and vinaigrette should match.
A feature of the toilette growing in
importance is the rug for the neck.
Medicis and Elizabethan cutis are
taking the place of the modest ruffle
of lace or pleating of muslin, which
succeeded the time-honored collar;
and ithe dimensions continue to in
crease in the same ratio, it is impossi
ble to tell where it will end.
Good taste no longer permits extra
vagant costumes for street wear.
Elegant simplicity is the rage with
the most aristocratic, and light cash
meres, in modest colors, and even less
expensive fabrics, are altogether
sought for walking suits and common
wear. Women of refinement are so
sickened by the trailing silks and
velvets of the shoddy element that
they seek the other extreme.
A sudden freshness and simplicity
has crept into the fashions. Whether
it will remain- is questionable, but it
is good at least while it lasts. Paniers
have been abolished ; the enormous
tournures have disappeared. Already
dresses which are puffed up in huge
bunches look old, and the straight
redingote simply distinguished
carries everything before it. The dis
tinctive parts of the latest costume
are the redingote, the belt of" black
velvet and its attachments of oxydized
silver, and the umbrella.
Irish linens are in high vogue, and
instead of half-a-dozen grades of plain
bufF we have innumerable tints, col
ors, quantities and styles of materials
to select from all cased upon raw
linen. Buff linen, in fact, has lost
taste it is remanded back to its orig
inal uses. Brown linen, the natural
color of some kinds of flax, is the
fashionable fabric so highly orna
mented with a combination of em
broidery and braiding, or with pure
needle-work alone, as to merit no
longer the appellation of simple.
What is it that has rained upon vs
such showers of umbrellas ? that lis s
all at once raised the umbrella into
an article de luxe of the greatest im
portance ? Every shop is full of them,
and the prices range from ten to
twenty-five dollars. The rccei t
styles are of the finest twilled silk,
changing dark blue or plum color into
black. The handles are of cornelian,
agate, ivory or solid silver, finisln d
as crosses, or straps with buckles, as
handles are losing their prestige. rJ he
newest designs close into as slender
a device as a gentleman's sword cane.
A body buried in North Carolina
ten years ago was lately exhumed,
and found clothed all over with i
thick mass of moss, alive and growi g.
Although "built fifteen centuries
age, the wails about Constantinople
are still perfect. Originally there
"erc- rony-uiree gaies; now omy
i . r.i. .
bt-TUU cxiaia
Somebody asks if the Indianapolis
Alderman, who was cured of all de
sire for tobacco by being thrown from
his buggy fj was killed by the acciden t.
The question ja an impertinence.
One ofthe survivor of the wreck
ed steamer Atlantic has brought suif
against the owner for2?100,(K)0 clai;
iug that he has. been disabled for liiu
by reason .of having his legH frozen.
Captainv8hendan, submarine dive ,
has gucc&sded in recovering tw.
third of the light ryriori of the carj'o
of the City of Washington. The
heary portion, iron and teel. will iti
retWTtrgd is tact.