Tri-weekly Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1873-1874, August 14, 1873, Image 1

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W ? - j
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Vol, 1.
Astoria, Oregon, Thursday Morning, August 14; 1873.
No. 20.
- TfiTWff.lf.YT.V vA STfVRT A W-
b f Ifi WW I a S a I W u M B 1BvHVl I W&' W A
Monitor Enilding, Astoria, Oregon.
. C. IRELASTO Proprietor
Subscription Kates:
One Copy one year. . $3 00
Ono Copy .-ix months - 00
One Copv three months .... 1 50
&5 Single Number, Ten Cents. u
Advertising Kates:
One l"nei tion pcrsiiunre, 10 lines or less...S2 50
Each additional Insertion, per square 2 00
Yearly adv'ts per month, per square 1 50
Ajreaits :
L. P. Pisiier, 20 and 21 New Merchants Ex
change, is authorized to act as Agent for tho
AfcTOKUv in San Francisco.
Any friend who feels an interest in tho pros
perity of this region, is authorized to act sis
Agent for this paper, in procuring subscribers.
The steamship California returned to
Portland yesterday under command of
Capt. Irving Stevens.
Mr, Foster, messenger of "Wells, Par
go & Co's Express on the Oriflamme, will
accept our thanks for valuable favors.
Likewise Col. "West, of the John L. Ste
phens. "We are informed that a movement is
on foot for a social party to he given in
Astoria this evening, for the benefit of the
sufferers by the Portland fire. It is a good
move, and hope it will be suceesful.
"What's the date of your bustle? was
what an anxious papa asked his eldest
daughter who was just going out for a
promenade, a,fter searching for the paper
containing an account of the Portland fire.
Mr. "Win. Palkinburg of Woody Is
land, will leave Oregon by the outgoing
nteamer for a trip to Europe. Mrs. P. will
accompany her husband to San Francisco,
and remain in California during his ab
sence. The schooner Bough and Ready ar
rived from Gray's river Tuesday evening
with the last of a shipment of stave bolts
got out for the Honolulu trade by J. D.
Pay and Mr. Thorson. They were pur
chased by Capt. Plavel.
Capt, Kippen and Prof. "Worthington
returned from their overland trip to Port
land on Tuesday. They seem to have en
joyed themselves very much. Capt. Kip
pen learned of his election as Mayor of
this city on arriving at Portland a few days
after the event.
Af toria Engine Company, No. 1, will
elect the annual officers at the next regular
meeting, September 0th. "
"Wc wish to call the attention of mill
men, etc,, to the advertisement of the
Oregon Iron Works in another column.
Hon. J. H. Mitchell, United States
Senator for Oregon, was in the city Tues
day evening on his return to Portland
from the Seaside.
The old -patrons and friends of SJ J.
McCormick, Portland, will find his card
in the Astokiax to-day. Mr. McCor
mick was a sufferer by the fire of last De
cember but was lucky enough to escape
unscathed from the late conflagration,
though it nearly reached his residence
The crew of the British ship Middle
sex refuted to hoist anchor and be oft'
Tuesday morning -when the tug came
alongside to take tne vessel, in tow for.sea.
Thev claimed that the crew was not lull,
and Capt. Massey was compelled to get
another man or two before those on board
would work.
Mr. H. S. Shuster of this city is tak
ing some very fine pictures of scenery,
and views about Astoria, which he is sell
ing to parties at 3 per dozen. He has
several nice views of Youngs river falls.
Strangers who are Ticking here should
secure a set of Mr. Shutter's pictures.
The barkentine Melancthon is loaded
at Knappton for "San Prancisco, and is
ready to depart. The following ships
were lying in the harbor at anchor, loaded
for outward voyages yesterday bark For
ward, for Melbourne, Garibaldi for Shang
hia, Meddlesex for Europe. The latter
sailed during the day.
Mr. S. D. Howe has sold his interest
in tha Olympia "Washington "Water
Works to Mr. "W. N. Horton, who now
owns two-thirds of the stock of that com
pany. Mr. Horton is an indefatigable
worker, and sells what he can warrant.
iSee advertisement of the company in an
other column. The last steamer from the
Sound brought over a quantity of this pipe
for the Salem works.
. If the population of Tacoma is made
up of the quality of loose adventures and
skinflints sucb as we could name leaving
this part of the country for that part, wo
exclaim: " Goodliest, gracious," and God
save any honest man who chanced to be
among them. ' Nobody worth mention
ing" has left Astoia for Tacoma.
The steamship Oriflrtmme, Captain
Bollcs, crossed the bar during the night
Tuesday, reaching her berth at the dock
here at 12 o'clock, where she remained
about two hours and a half, and sailed on
her course for Portland. It was a beauti
ful moonlight night.
Georgie, a little son of Thomas Logan
of this city narrowly escaped drowning at
the foot of Jefferson street yesterday after
noon. He was rescued by Mr. loyes
Welch, an attache of the Astoria
A precocious youth was asked by a
Portland attorney on the streets of Astoria
yesterday if there was any place in the
town where a man could get his boots
blacked? " No, sir;" was the prompt an
swer, " but you can get your eye blacked
most airy where about here."
The very heavy fires now so numer
ous throughout the United States should
be a warning for all cities, large and small
to be on the safe side. Astoria is none too
well protected against such calamities,
and it would be well for us to prepare bet
ter to contest against the destruction of
property by such agencies.
A difficult operation in surgery was
performed at Port Stevens last Tuesday
upon the foot of Mr. A. Johnson. It will
be remembered that Mr. J. received in
juries in his foot about a year ago which
rendered amputation almost certain, but
by the operation of Tuesday he will be re
lieved of iurtner pain, ana tne loot will be
Of those vessels in port at the present
time five are for foreign ports viz: bark
Garibaldi, loaded with lumber for Shang
hai; bark Porward, Capt. Whyte, loaded
with lumber for Australia; bark Edward
James, Capt. Wagcnor, lumber for Aus
tralia; bark Lient. Maury, Capt. Brockle
back, to load wheat for Europe; barken
tine Jane A. Palkinburg, Capt. Forbes,
loading for Honolulu.
The Port Townsend Argus is author
ity for saying that the fog Whistle at
Cape Flattery is almost worthless in conse-
quenceof a defect. It was intended that
the whittle should be heard at a distance
of ten miles, but, we are told, it can scarce
ly be heard three miles away. We un
derstand the thing was set wrong end to,
but the defect will be remedied immedi
ately. A knowledge of the superiority of the
quality of -leather manufactured here- by'
Mesrs C. Lienenwebcr & Co. is daily
growing among consumers. For instance
an interior dealer, sending to a Portland
house for an order, says: Send me the
Astoria leather, I believe it to be as good
as. Kirby's Santa Cruz." We feel certain
that no better leather can be produced
than is made here at tho. Hemlock Tan
nery, and the superabundant supply of
the finest quality of bark would make a
sure and profitable business for a thous
and tanneries if established here.
Conrt Proceedings.
Circuit Couht AV. "Y. Upton,
Tuesday was occupied in tho casoofC. II.
Bain vs. J. "W. White, a suit for tho recovery
of pay for extra work on a building. Tho jury
returned a verdict in favor of tho plaintiff for
tho sum of $008.72 coin yesterday.
E. C. Crow vs. Charles Gibbins et al. Decree
of foreclosure.
Tho following Grand Jury was sworn : Philo
Callcndcr, foreman ; S. B. Howard, Iliram
Carnahan, Madison Gftbson, P. W. "Wood, A.
C. Wirt, and George Davidson.
A. C. L'arnsworth ct, al. va George Flavel
et. al, leave granted to defendants to file sup
plemental answer and by consent of Council
this cause is dismissed as to Aiken & dicker
son Admistrators of a Crosby deceased.
0 P Mason vsll Liononwebcr,suit for eject
ment Plaintiff moves for judgemont on tho
pleadings, which was overruled, and leave
granted tho landlord to appear and defend.
Geo. Flavol vs. Ben llolladay et al. Defend
ants movo to suppress the deposition of M D
Staplos (sustained) Motion by plaintiffs to
make tho representatives of defendant Ainsloy
(deconscd) defendants Argued
Peter Sienerts and Edward Black admitted
to citizenship.
Henry Luck vs Wm Ealkinburg &rCo Do
murror to the complaint sustained and leave
granted to file an amended complaint
Milton Elliott vs James Welch, Dccroo of
foreclosure of mortgage.
A Ilinman vs James Welch, Decroo of fore
closure of mortgage.
Justice Court II. B.Parkor, J P
Yesterday tho cause entitled George Birch
ard vs. Thomas Dungan camo on for trial.
W. L. McEwan, Attorney, appeared for tho
plaintiff. Judgement was given in favor of
One Stato case was called, but was continued.
Passenger Iiist.
Following is a list of passengers arriv
ing by the steamship Oriflamme, Capt.
Fred. JBolles, Tuesday night, from San
Francisco :
E A Block,
K G Koads,
W Kapus,
E B, Geary,
A Bronson,
Win Thompson,
Martin Lupor,
II C Thompson,
E ltussell,
Mrs L Slowish and
Mrs I Loomis,
AV Weil,
M I Kinney & Bro,
Mrs T Slator,
T Dittenhoeffcr,
C N Schmidt,
W Killeridge,
E C Komblo,
Mrs S 11 Canfield and
J 11 Bines,
W bimmons
Hon James K Kelly,
Z B Sturges,
G W Parker,
I Giddon,
II Miller,
I Moore,
L C Gilbert,
Mrs L Wilson and child,
Mrs P A Nottidgo,
Mrs SE McKean and
Z E'Bamsoy,
J T Cruso and wifo,
P Mancict and 2 sons,
Mrs John Avery,
Mrs I E Powers,
Mrs E Gardner,
Kov N McLeod,
Lfcllein, USA,
Dr Cocl ranp. USA,
1 Dodson,
E A Sherman and wife,
J L Stoinor, Avifo and
52 U S Troops and 00 others.
From Chinook.
Chinook, W. Tm Aug. 15th.
Editor Asterian:
The beautiful and picturesque town on
the opposite side of the bay from Astoria
at, or near the mouth of the Columbia
river, heretofore noted as the refuge of fu
gitives from Justice, notorious in years
past for so many murders per annum, has
again furnished a sensation. But it has
been a long time " all quiet at Chinook,"
showing that the extension of law, the ad
vancement of civilization, and the increase
of knowledge may still save such a place
as this.
The event which calls forth theso re
marks was the firing of a gun by M. A.
McNamee, at the public officers last Sat
urday while opening a road across lands
claimed by him, or which he represents,
which had no other effect than the unseat
ing of a couple of ladies who were riding
in the vicinity.
The shootist, we understand, fearing the
consequences of his act, has taken a trip
for his health. Yours respectfully X.
A pretty scene was presented in this
harbor Tuesday evening. The steamer
Gussie Telfair coming in with th bark"
Forward-in tow, followed by, the steam
ship Galiforala towing theGarib'aldiboth
vessels loaded by Geo. W Weidler, one J
for Shanghai and the other for Melbourne
with dumber and snars. The steamer
Dixie Thompson had juat landed and the
Mary Bell -was ;ifi'the act of leaving lor
Skinanrm. whilprsthrVaruMtkrmbd.'intQ.
her biro and 'the Merrimaa .put -out--for.
Knlpr SQjmriy.yjWtcrmiTi
uar-. sywjun rua,pwkcpwr wiiwie
One of the heading firms in Portland
from whom we received a private letter on
Monday, closes with this 'expressien:
" Success to your Seaside city. JLt must-
attain to anjjl hold all your .clajm,for it.
Of course this makes it a little sour on the
outside, but no "help. The Columbia will
find its way to the Ocean, and the carry
ing trade must center at Astoria sOoneV or
later for transportation." Our friend is
tight, but we do riot ee any cause for sour
ness uon tho outside." The day that
Portland clasps bands with Astoria is the
uawnmg oi a new era in ,vne prosperity oi
Oregon. All cau prosper when th'us unit-
keJ &r more than to go along' as we always
have dqne,. andjbis united action would,
-r-Juhp Hunter has been appointed
Post-master at Unity, W. T.
The schooner Elnora arrived
from Klaskanine last evening, with a
cargo of hay to Thomas Logan.
The bark Forward took on 130.000
"feet of lumber ar Holladay's wharf in
mis city ro complete ner cargo yesterday.'sfcuefcday evening .presents UrivelilMioarycbemesli'ra(!omi
w'ttttlcnlife to grSsS 0&
We have.samples of potatoes growing
on vines, alluded to by our Fort Clatsop
correspondent, -which are worth looking
at. The production is a natural curiosity.
The sloop Mary- II., Captr Poole,
brought ahuge load of. wool v'h ides,
etc., from SkLpanon on Tuesday for
Kahn Bros, of Portland. f' '
Gold in New York to-day, 115J. i
Portland Lepcal Tender rates, Sol
buying; S6 selling.
General Ord is in Salt Lake on an
inspecting tour, and proceeds to
Many strangers are leaving Vienna,
and the number of visitors to the ex
position decreases daily.
The office of Master of Rols""has
been offered to Sir John, Duke of
Cambridge, and declined.
One of the Grass Valley stage rob
bers, named Dribblesbce, was arres
ted at Coloma. Part of the property
stolen was found on him.
The Agricultural Department re
ports that the probable wheat yield
for 1S73 will be two hundred and
twenty million bushels.
The steamship Alabama, for New
York, was spoken Tuesday last a con
siderable distance west of the locality
where portions of a wreck were seen.
The argument in question as to the
jurisdiction of the court in the Webb
Young divorce case is completed in
Salt Lake. The court has reserved
the decision.
Fifty-eight car loads of wheat, ag
gregating 2S0 tons, arrived at South
Vallejo Friday evening. Receipts of
wheat have been very, heavy during
the past week, and as no vessel is
now loading grain is accumulating
There is only one question connec
ted with the Virginius which is con
sidered of sufficient importance to
justify an examination, namely,
whether that vessel was about two
years ago sold to one of the South
American republics, as stated at that
time. If so, the Virginius is now
sailing under papers of the United
States, to which she has no right.
The trial of eight members of the
Hip Yee Tong Society for conspiracy,
was resumed in San Francisco on
Monday. Several Chinese witnesses
corroborated the testimony of Yet
Sang, the man from whom the defen
dants tried to extort money. The
trial will not be concluded to-day.
The wife of Yet Sang is a very unwill
ing witness. She sa'd she dared not
tell all for fear that Hip Yee Tong
would kill her. She ventured, how
ever, to testify about having been
sold to a keeper of brothel, and see
ing money, as her price, paid to
members of the society. Dr. Loomis
was sworn.
On Saturday, Snow Attorney-General,
moved for an order of the court
for a grand jury for the September
term. Judge Emerson asked U. S.
Attorney Carey if he wished a grand
jury. The latter replied that as the
Territorial court had already intima
ted that no jury could be legally em
panneled under existing laws, he did
not wish to go through the farce of
criminal examination, or of trial sim
ply to have it set aside. Immediate
ly thereafter the conrt held that the
Territorial Legislature had taken the
subject from tlie court and given it to
the Clerk, who had nothing to do
with it.
A new mining excitement has brok
en out in Nevada, this time the mines
are said to be nearer Battle Mountain
than any other point on the Railroad
a somewhat significant allusion to
town'site speculators and toll roads.
An Elko dispatch of the 11th says
the mining excitement is unabated.
Miners of that State express the ut
most confidence in the new district of
Cornucopia. New ledges were being
unearthed which from present ap
pearance insured the district's being
one of the richest of Nevada. The
Stage Company's agent gives the ex
act distance from Elko at sixty-six
miles', with a prospect of having the
distance shortened five miles within
the next few days. About four hun
dred men are -al and near the new
diggings. The average number Ieav
ingJElko daily is fifty.
Governor Austin and Mayor Prack
ett of Minneapolis had two interviews
at Long Branch with tho President
regarding the Manitoba affair, and
explained the whole matter from, the
beginning, dwelling especially on the
cruelty with which -the prisoners are
treated by the Manitoba authorities.
They also sought to impress upon the
President the necessity for speedy ac
tion, as they leared that 'people m
Minnesota, unless something was
on the British Government, which
would be followed by further action.
The President then asked the Gover
nor and Mayor to reduce their state
ments to writing, which they did, and
the paper was forwarded toSecretary
Fish, who will bo visited to-day 'by
its authors.
A. Washington dispatch of the, 10th
discussing the Massachusetts liquor law
quotes as follews:
" The Sentinel, the organ of the Brew
ers Association of the "United States, which
is published here, makes a very signifi
cant statemont relative to the trial of four
teen German restaurant keepers in Wor
cester, Mass., which has just been conclud
ed. It states that these fourteen Germans,
every one of whom was in possession of a
license for which ho had paid the H. S.
Government the sum of $20 have been
fined in Worcester, Mass., and sent to
the House of Correction for six months,
and ordered to find 100 bail not to violate
the anti-beer law for one year, because
they had sold fermented liquor. The Sen
tinel sajTs Massachusetts takes the fouith
rank in the manufacture of fermented
liquors among the States, and is only ex
ceeded by New York, Pennsylvania ,and
Ohia. Massachusetts paid last year to the
Federal Government $530,280, as tax on
malt liquors, and for the first nine months
of the present fiscal year, S-174,531, as
against $404J399, for the same time last
year. The Government of tho United
States recieved for eveiy barrel of beer
thus seized or destroyed the sum of SI.
The Government officials have continued
to collect the Federal tax, and thus indi
rectly to encourage tho manufacturer to
break the law. The question now arrises,
What is the Government to do in Massa
chusetts? If it is unlawful in Massachusetts
to manufacture and sell beer, the Govern
ment cannot legally collect taxes, and the
money forced out of brewers by Federal
officers must be returned to them. If it i.
proper and just to ruin manufacturers and
dealers of fermented liquors and confiscate
their property, it must be right to do the
same with those engaged in the manufac
ture of whisky and tobacco. If the Fed
eral Government quietly submits to be
despoiled of revenue in Massachusetts, let
it be despoiled of the samo olsewhere"
A Dutchman went into a Grand
Gift Concert office and inquired for
ticket No. 9. He wanted either 9, or
99, or 999, or 9,999, or 99,999, But no
other number would satisfy him. On
inquiry as to his reasons for the
particular number, the following
facts in his life were learned.
He camo to this country when 9
years old. After he had been here 9
years he got married. Nine months
after tho wedding his wife gave hint
a child. The baby when 9 days old
was christened. He lived with his
wife 9 years and during that period
she presented him with nine chil
dren. Then he had a fuss with her,
and she banged him over the head
nine times with the stave of a beer
keg, from the effects of which he lay
in bed nine days, lie loft that wife
then, and had "been a grass-widower
just nine years on the day he applied
for the ticket. He hoped with ticket
jNo. 9 to enough to recup
erate his finances, which were re
duced to the sum of $9, which he of
fered for the' ticket.
On being informed that the number
he called for were all sold, and that
the tickets were so nearly ajl gone
that selected numbers could hardly
ever be furnished, and that those
who wanted tickets at this late day
should count themselves lucky to get
any numbers at all, he rolled up his
eyes in Jiorror, stuck his hands deep
into pockets, and started off for a
-drink of beer, nine glasses of which
he got on the outsido of before he
quit. It is to be hoped he will call
again in a few days, when it is ex
pected only nine tickets will be left,
and that ho will then take them all.
' , t- - A . ' 1
' Gfdl.iReed'-s n'ahornma of Oorm-k
is srreif of iVi tneHigHettnnisJhyi
ui wjjo nave seen li.
The Olympia papers "ain't
afraid" to-copy from each other , and
give credit a thing commendable,
the same which might be introduced
with, prdpriety in Portlapd. '
A portion of 'the Kalama Beacon
office is to bo used n publishing ithe
" Northern Pacific Head Light," a
Railroad organj at Tacoma. Bro.
Money has enough material to print
all the papers! thy, Railroad company
may neecV'on.the pacific division.
Lord Ghief Justice Cockburn has
inHfc madesa iftlr . A Mrs JTiii Vm?
neat once, would take the, case in- 'examined ,aa a witiiess in the Tieli
their own harnds. The president borne ca stated .that k!a foiri-imi.
(according to dundispatch) gave'the el even, children, whereupon liisITtm
fGovernor and .Mayor to understand jor.-obnrYthe-'hd'alwavs understood
fthafeunless thennKtter-'wa&Jdisii6fMTitiWtwSltrt.i..L-,: ,.:. u.m. jh -
.. ::k r 'r.-tw:Tr3tyi. J"
riAd ii iftili'WMntiglW UffiglT ftffigT
coznrulitfd Ihf court.
M in reasonablcj.timo4adenfandfcin
! unmistakable terms would be made