Tri-weekly Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1873-1874, August 07, 1873, Image 1

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    --, - ' '' " " ' '''T' ' ' ,',':5'il
Yol. 1.
Monitor Building, A?toria, Oregon".
Z. C. XREX.A3rii Proprietor
Subscription Kates:
One Copy one year.. S-'SOO
Ono Coj)y six month? 3 00
Ono Copy tliree months 1 50
r Single Number, Ten Cents. 15X1
Advertising; Kates:
One Insertion per square, 10 lines or lcss...32 50
Each additional insertion, per square 2 00
Yearly adv'ts per month, per siuare 1 50
L. P. FisiiKit, 20 and 21 Xcv Merchants Ex
change, is authorized to act sis Agent for the
Astokiw in San Francisco.
Any friend who fecl an interest in the pros
perity of this region, is authorized to act as
Agent for this paper, in procuring subscribers.
John "Welch has been appointed con
stable for Astoria precinct. He will make
an efficient officer.
The schooner Abe Lincoln, wrecked
about three years ago, near the ship yard,
ii plainly visible at Tow tide.
One mile of the new road from Port
Clatsop, on Lewis and Clarke river, is
now finished and read- for use.
One of the biggest forest fires of the
season was burning furiously in the vicin
ity df the entrance to Grays river last
It is not known who set fire to the
drift pile below Chinook point. Xo dam
age resulted from it, though it was rather
tropical for a day or two.
C. H. Dexter, mine hot of the Sea
side, was in the cit- Saturdaj, and he re
ports everything perfectly lovely at that
elegant retreat, and everybody happy.
The British ship Middlesex was re
leased from custody by the Deputy United
States Marshal Tuesday evening. The
claim upon which she was held was one of
D. Stimson & Co., for lumber furnished
i'.r dunnage.
Mr. A. B. Mullett, Supervising Ar
chitect of the United States Treasury De
partniG'it, came a passenger to Oregon by
the laxt steamer. He stopped at Astoria
a sufficient length of time to make an in
spection of the new Custom-house and
Post-office, which, by the way, we learn
he wa well pleased to find so neatly finish
ed aa it is.
Mr. Solomon H. Smith of Clatsop
Plains has left at our office an emblem of
the industrious" habits of the people of his
neighborhood in the shape of a mattox ;
handle, or hickory, half worn out by use i
in a man's hands the past year. In Call
ibrilia, where they have an idea Oregonians
never do any work, this implement would
be regarded as a curiosity.
The American ship Confidence was
ready to clear from this port for Cork for
orders, last evening. She will go out in
command of Capt. Howe, who came up
on the lat steamer to take her. Capt,
llowse, who has been in command of her,
we learn incidental goes to. China to as
sume a position as agent in the Oregon
Steamship Company's line
Daring the month of July there
were entered at the Custom-houe fourteen
arrivals and the same number of depart
ure at tliis port from the sea. This in
cluded six ocean steamers. Up to this
time in August wxj have had four steam
ers and two ships, Kegular eoasters do
not enter at the Custom-house under the
new law, and of this class of vessels a
number are employed in the San Pran-!
Cisco and Columbia liver trade.
Peace and prosperity seems to have
ultimately settled on the operations of the
Colunu a River Manufacturing Company
at Knappton. The property was turned
over to the creditors not" long since in San
Pranci-co, and the creditors organized a
committee, with Mr. II. Kinsey as Gener-"
al Agent, to work out the .problem as to
whetiwr 'he establishment, which cost over
100,000, is worth saving from bankrupt
cy. This committee have taken hold of the
work in earnest, and we are glad to hear
with a fine prospect of success.
A pack train of mules and horses was
loaded in this city Monday for Nehalera
mu . - ,.2 1 -r t t
valley. The tram wa ownedbyMH.L,
Jones, who informs ns that if the trail was
opencci irom iistona 10 jvuisKuume lann
the settlers in Nehalem valley could reach
here in ten hours, at xmy time, lins i a
matter that should be attended to at once
by Atoriana. The settlers have opened
twenty-one miles themselves, now n As
toria cannot turn out six men for a week
and open the trail ten miles on this end of
the route it hhould be regarded a, disgrace
ful btate of affairs. Put the Astoeian
down for one day's work and tend out a
delegation! to
iomto do the Job. ' i , "' JV
Astokia, Oregon,
Council Xroceeclius.
The Tegular session of the-Common i
Council was held Tuesdaj7 evening at the
Council Chamber at the usual hour, Pre
sident I. "NY. Case in the chair.
Councilmen present : Messrs. J. Badol
let, A. Van Dusen, G. "W. "Warren and
D, K. Warren.
The minutes of the previous meeting
were read and approved.
Petition from "Y. H. Gray and others,
asking permission to construct a wharf and
warehouse, was granted.
It was ordered that license be issued to
S. 2s". Arrigoni on filing papers, etc.
City Marshal Chance reported sale of
lot 4 block 144 for delinquent taxes on
street improvement, and returned the war
rant which was placed on file with the re
port and return of sale
Street Commissioner's report for July,
showing the amount of work performed on
.roads, (lGo), tax collected (79 27), and
the progress of work on "Wall street The
two former matters were placed on file,
and the latter laid over tor the new board
The treasurer was allowed until next
Monday to file his report
The street committee reported Benton
street satisfactorily graded by Messrs Corno
and Ellis
The subject of cemetry lota was laid
over for the new board.
"Warrants were ordered in payment of
claims against the city as follews: D. C.
Ireland advertising $17 50 ; Judges and
Clerks of the election 20; M. S. Sessions,
street work, 20 60; C. H. Bain, setting
grade stakes and monument 3 50; "Wm.
Chance, street Commissioner, S0 25;
Marshal fees 2 50; J M Chance, labor on
streets 10 SO; George Flavel, merchan
dise 9 45; CXi Parker merchandise 1 75;
Charles Ptoss, hauling, 5 50; F Perrell,
lumber 31 OS.
An ordinance permitting "W H Gray
and others to construct a wharf, as peti
tioned for was adopted
"Wm Chance tendered his resignation as
city Marshal, which was adopted
On motion the Council adjourned
The cargo of the Confidence was com
plete yesterday. It amounts to about 40,-
OOObushels'of wheat, (19,429 sacks), valued
at 37,150.
The soop "W. H. Twilight was dis
masted in a heavy gale of wind going to
Clatsop last Tuesda3r. The mast was broken
in two places.
The steamer Mary Bell brought the
barkentine Melancthon
to Cementville
, on the 5th, where she will complete cargo
lor San Jjrancisco.
The Schooner Adelaide arrived from
Deep river with a cargo of wood yesterday.
She was becalmed and it took several
hours to cross the bay.
. Bishop Morris is expected here to
morrow. Saturday he will visit Clatsop
returning here to officiate at Grace church
Sunday. Monday he will leave for Shoal-
j water bay, spending some time at Oyster-
"Wm. Pox, of the 23d Infantry Band,
writing to his father Peter H. Pox, of this
city, from Prescott, Arizona, under date
of July 21st, gives an account of two sui
cides recently committed there. One of
these, Quartermaster Sargeant Honney,
was formerly well known here, as Sar
geant Major of the Pourth Infantry at
; Port Vancouver. The other man, Collins,
I wftK a member of Company k 23d In
A petition was presented at the Coun
cil meeting of Tuesday evening last, and
an ordinance passed granting "W. H. Gray
his associates and aligns, the pi ivlige of
erecting a wharf along the city front 100
feet Past from Benton streets Tho wharf
to be uniform in height and front to that
erected by Ben Hoftaday at the foot of
Main strept. Commencing at the "West
end of said wharf running -westerly two
blocks, including the privilege of wharf
ing the East half of Benton street, from
low water line to high water.
Handsome Slcoiv A few days ago,
while at the Cape, our attention was at-
I tracted to a very handsomely modeled
s, now in 0f construction there
. for Government use, by Mr. J. "W. Mun-
yon. lins' new cralt is zs feet m lengtli,
cum J-iiio m. v oitnu is j 11,1,1 ill. itucwi,
(31 feet over all);-l2K jeet beam, provided
jroomy Fockers. The -workman Jiip is o
j the bet order.1" The decking beinc pu
lor large cockpit, ample cabm, and.
woricmapnip is or
decking beinc: nut
down of inch rx)ards?Q(igewiso,:dr:eHed
to Vyi inches, and the keel and other parts
proportionally neat. She is .to be rigged
with a 27 feet sail 23 feet hoH, 12 .feet
on the gatr, ymeet boom : Xiib.16.fQet .on
the foot), and as . the hasi-AniJexcellont
J.'model will possibby lhahc some ihbt-time.
Thursday Morning,
Church Xotices,
Grace Church, (Prot. Episcopal) Rev. T A
Hyland Hector, Divine services every Sunday
at 10 a 3i and 7 p m; Sunday School at 1 r m
Congregational Church, Rev A AV Tenny
Pastor- Divine services every Sunday at 10
a Mand7 p m; Prayer Mooting every Thurs
day ovoning, Sunday School meets at 12 ji
The Ajax arrived at San Prancisco on
A detachment of troops which left the
Ports in this vicinity for the Modoc war,
have returned. Col Miller, of Pt Stevens,
who took an active part in the war, is again
at his home One and all will be gladly
It is reported that the Ku-Klux in
Owen and. Henry Uounties arc getting
very bold. They visited the Louisville
packet with the evident intention of doing
mischief and were only deterred by threats
of the officers of the boat who were well
Movement of Vessels.
Following is a list of vessels on the way to
this port, and a record of the arrivals and de
partures up to date:
Schooner Hera, from Melbourne,
British bark Lieut. Maury, sailed from San
Francisco July 80th.
British bark Yesta, sailed from Liverpool,
April 12th.
British bark Shylct, Liverpool, via Victoria,
British bark Oneata, 5SS tons, McDowell,
fromTync via Molendo and Callao, arrived
from Moiendo at Callao 22d.
British ship Loretta, 1,011 tons, from Tyno
via Callao. Sailed March 0th.
British hark Duncairn, Chambers, from
Tyno via Bombay, Arrived at Bombay prior
to April 22d.
British bark George A. ITolt, Norton, from
Wear via New Zealand, Sailed Dec. 20th, 1872
Passed tho Lizard Feburary 0th.
Arrived Departd
Str. John L. Stephens SanF, Augusts
U. S. str Shubrick, San Fran. August 2
Str California, Sitka, August 1
BktneMolancthon, San Fran... July 29
Bk Clara Louise, llonlulu July 25
Bark Edward James San Fran..July 13
Ship Confidence,San Francisco..July 12
)r ship Middlesex. London July 10
Bark Garibaldi, Hong Kong Juno 20 t
Bark Forward " June 23
Tide Table for Astoria.
nigh Water.!
Low "Water.
August, a. r.
T. .-.12 5ii..
y 0 '4x.
10 1 3U..
11 2 21..
12 3 13..
13...'. 4 OD..
14 a 11..
13 0 10..
10 7 21..
p. M.
A. M.
p. r.
...11 53H.
... 1 48J.
... 2 201.
... 2 54.
....3 25 j.
....3 51.
....1 2H.
....5 018.
....5 5-m.
501: .
...0 43 .
...7 30 ,
...8 19
...8 51
...0 2
...9 5S
..10 25
..10 55 ,
...0 09 ,
..l 10
. u U3
. 7 07
. S 02
. 8 52
. 9 41
.10 28
.11 io
ill 3?a
. 0 37
Xoticc to Pilots, (and Ship Masters).
Every Pilotor Ship Master who shall bring in
to the port of Astoria any ship or vessel having
on board any persons or goods infected with
Small-pox, Cholera, Leprosy, or other conta
gious diseases, or which shall have had on
board any such infections dining the voyage,
or which ho suspects, from tho bad sanitary
condition of tho vessel may bo capablo of pro
pagating disease, shall anchor such ship or
vessel below Smith's Point, and givo immedi
ate notice to the Health Officer In any viola
tions of the foregoing regulations tho law will
be strictly enforced. S. W, DODD, M. P..
Health Officer, Astoria.
To Investors. Tho Xorthern Pacific
Railroad Company has now built, equipped
and put in operation, nearly .317 miles of its
main line of road through an excellent coun
try and along what is known as the Valley
Kouto to the Pacific. Tho iimshed portions
already enjoy a large and fast increasing
traffic. The sections approaching completion
connect the chain of Lakes with the navigation
of tho Upper Missouri and Columbia rivers
with Puget Sound, secure at once a largo and
proiitablc business and entitle tho Company
to about 10, lK,ouo acres of excellent average
land in fee simple.
With these accomplished results, the Com
pany offers, and is now rapidly selling, its
1'irsfc Moreaeo Pomls. fur cinnnlnfino- tVio
construction and equipment of it3 road across
; tho Continent After careful investigation,
i we recommend these bonds as n well secured
and unusually profitable investment. They
'havoao years to run; principal and interest
! arc payable in gold; the intorost (seven and
j three-tenths per cent.) is o iual now to about
, K lcr cent in currency, 'iho coupon and
j registered bends can be exchanged, for each
I other, at tho pleasure of tho holder. Gold
checks for tho somi-annual interc:?t on tho
registered bonus are mailed to- the post ottico
address of tho owner.
These securities havo tiro following eleinonts
Of St.rnllOrtll nnil Crtfofv Ttinw nm Hi nWiiw.
I tion of a.strong corporation; they are also a
mortgage on the lload, its right of way, o piip-
I mouK.uiiu xiiuivmsu", iiiiu u. just man uo its
T of. nnrri infra 7n or1K?r !.: n.n11.. ..
t hcient security, there is pledged for tho pay-
juent-oi me principal ami interest a urant of
Land, averaging about 2.;,WK) Acres per Mile
tit, 4ll Anil ..(. Iah l , C ll- -. .... .1 41. it
"" un-wiuip luiigiu vi iiiu juuu. .it tno
average prico per acre at which other Land
(Grants have thus far been sold, this real estate
security will yield mora than $L01,000 per
, riile more than throe time j the possible is-
i sue of bonds.
I 'I'hft flnmiwnv Vina nlrnmltt Vtaraim rknm..
cess of redeeming and cancellingits first niort
gage oonas, as tuoy aro-now homg received,
afc 1.10 in paymoilt and e.ehango' for tho Coup
'lany'5 lands. : JAY COOKE k CO.
1 Philadelphia, KeirfK k Wainglbn, .li
HV- ' i JbmanciabA gents X. P.'ltK; Co;
August 7, 1873.
imflTwiar.nyifcy i'aw t m , va?
Gold in Xew York to-day, 115 1.
Portland Legal Tender rates, So
buying; 86i selling.
Two deaths from cholera were re
ported in Indianapolis.
An incendiary fire was kindled in
San Francisco Monday night.
The Prefect of Lyons luisissued an
order closing the "public gardens in
that city at nine in the evening.
The Republican State Central
Committee will meet to-morrow for
the purpose of calling a State Con- I
Track-laying is fairly commenced
on the road from Wallula to "Walla
"Walla. About a mile is now down.
"With their present force they can
lay about the third of a mile per day.
There appears to be in San Pran
cisco a regular organization of hood
lums to set placeson fire for the sake
of robery. The total number arrest
ed is eight; their ages range from 10
to 14.
The chplerahas appeared at Union
Hill, X. J., opposite Xew York. Two
cases were reported, one of which
proved fatal. One fatal 'case is re
ported "at Pleasantville, on the
llarlem Railroad.
In consequene of the exciting
events the last few days trade though
out Portland has been almost wholly
suspended. Contributions in aid of
sufferers by the Portland fire come in
liberally as they should.
A fleet of Italian war vessels has
been ordered to proceed to Cartha
gena to protect the Italians there and
co-operate with other foreign vessels
in whatever measures may be deem
ed necessary.
Lieut. General Sherman says the
Indians who committed the depreda
tions at Mud River, Valley belong to
the Northern Cheyennes and Arra
pahoes about Port Petterman, who
were represented in the Peace Coun
cil at Red Cloud Agency.
The Official Gazette of Nicaragua
announces tno termination ot the
labors(of the "United States exploring
expedition for the canal route, under
charge of Captain Lull who says his
labors have ended with most brilliant
results, and he will be able to show
that this is the best route yet.
Lieutenant Colonel Brackett re
ports from Cam) Stambaugh,
Wyoming Territory, that the Indians
made an attack on the settlement of
old Camp Brown on July 2Sth and
killed Mrs. Richards and Miss Hall.
First Lieutenant AYhalen, with Com
pany B, Second Cavalrv, has scone in
t pursuit of the marauders.
Last Sunday" some vandals entered
old Christ Church, Alexandria, fa
mous as the place where "Washington
j worshipped, and turned the furniture
j upside down, destroyed all the music,
t saturated the cushions' and prayer
books with oil and removed the silver
plate from "Washington's pew, be
sides committing other depredations.
Ex-President Theirs, in the course
of his reply to Madame Kcechlen,
who iresented him with a gift from
the ladies of Mulhausen, declared
that the attitude of France toward
foreign Powers should be strictly
neutral; that the difficulties in Spain
were purely, internal, and if France
claimed her Territory inviolate she
ought to respect that of Spain.
At Valparaiso a great earthquake
Avas felt July 8th. The shocks were
worse than those of 1S37. A trreat
deal of damage was done to many
houses and churches, though the
anair was nothing compared with the
late earthquake at San Salvador.
Some few lives were lost by the fall
ing of walls.. One lady died from
I fear.
A "Washington-special says Gover
! nor Austin and Senator Ramsey, of
1 Minnesota, had an interview wifh
Actinic Secretary of State Davis, re
garding the imprisonment of the!
' Minneapolis officers at Fort Garry: ductivo industry. -
Mr. Davis said that the State Depart- r ," :
, melrE wcai Id endeavor to secure the! Onoofthamostat
i release 011 bail of all thb parties on tractive establishments in Poitland i the
their ulednr' that when so released i Ir UJJ ad penuuiery uro of our old tYmiA
I uiLir pu,u0n.0 vuui &u icit.ttocu tfamuoKNi. Smith, corner of Ash and i ir.-t
they Shall iippear to answer ill the Utreots. Mr. riinithwas for many veisfi senior
i Canadian Court when the case is !nlr.tner ofdio firm of iMuith & bavis. AimI,
poiipi biwdtM being a thuroughly practical druggist
lliCU . " . -and choumt u, willml, as gonial a eculleumn
The Minister ot Foreign Affairs of L7uihJimi j? .fJiendii:- Li
-, , i 1 ,i i , i i. 4. J-storo v nuott up and stocked in a mnumrcei t
Guatamala has addressed a note to i manner with everything usuallv found in a
the United States Consul complaining 1 om pteto stock of drug, chemical?, peiftun-
I that the steamer General Sherman'?,; Is
-,-it iiiAi m l l "its ioaa fountain, orni of the fauioas Arctic
had been sold to the enemies of Guat- paten, mUuimonse utTair, a monument reared
ajnaia, wno were inaKiug use ox ner
h1 n .,.. . w..i... , - '. 7,
wAimaof tn nn tho nttnntiAn rt ffi
auuioruies at wasmngton to tne
the American rla to transport rr.lTyi "niHJl? rc,s I" ii'0?lt0 .S1
men Jiqa muniUQUS OI.AVir iro- UltacK fVith Kientn, Congress, ichv, iSeltzer r Ju I
Guatamala. The Consul, in rei)lvVI-difforatiMaof .--yr.ips. Thecoolin'ai.Anr.
-i . -I?-! .. 'i - ., T i uuu uuu Ki-uuuimuuiitu n niMi. it iy ri)i ii
-. . 1 .1 ' '. , '.. --. ' ! nitiu Ij I... ...Aot ,.fL.4. . 1 "., ' V
Fo. 17
aDiise of the- flag and to advise the
Admiral commanding the Pacific
. A. grand reception concert andball
will be given at the Ocean House,
Long Branch, next Saturday evening,
for the "benefit of the Portland, Ore-'
gon, sufferers. President Grant, who
is. a former resident of Portland, will
)e in attendance.
The break reported in the moun
tain "division of the Union Pacific
Railroad has been fully repaired.
The storm is reported as fearful, with
ram, 6ieet and hay. combined, ine
nan in some places was pneu up lwu
feet high.
Mr. G. Summers is fixing up very
convenient apartments at his store for the
manufacturing of clothing, etc., outheSe
cor Se'wing Midline run by water-power.
" One for His Isob." Yankee pas
senger "Why on airth do you put ,
blinders on the horses in this benigh
ted old country? We've long given
'em up in America, I reckon!"
British "Buss Driver ""Well, I'll
tell you wot it is. If them 'ere" oss
es was only just to catch a sight of
youasittin' be'ind 'em they'd just
smash the 'ole blessed 'buss all to
False speech is probably capable
of being the falsest and most accurs
ed of all things. False speech; so
false that it has not even the veraci
ty to know that it is false as the
poor, commonplace liar still does! L
have heard speakers who gave rise to
thoughts in me they vero little
dreaming of suggesting! Is man,
then, no longer an "Incarnate
Word," asovalis calls him, sent
into this world to utter out of him,
and by all means to make audible
and visible what of God's message he
has sent hither and made alive even
for that, and for ho other definite
object? Is there no sacredness, then,
any longer, in the miraculons tongue
of man? Is his head become a wretch
ed, cracked pitcher, on which you
jingle to frighten cows, and make
bees hive? Carlyle.
Oneof Barnum's tapirs has been
seized, because' the authorities say
it was smuggled into the port of !N"ew
York. The captain of the ship that
brought the animal first obtained a
free permit from the custom-house
clerks by representing that the
animal had no market value, and
then sold it to one of Barnum's "agents
for 550. Now it happens that the
duty on tapirs is twenty per' cent,
ad valorem, and this particular indi
vidual is appraised at $S00 by the
Government examiner of- -tapirs,
hence the seizure. The tapir, which
is a large black one, is exceedingly
mortified that any unplesantness
should attend his debut upon our re
publican shores, and thinks the press
should not make licht of the matter.
A Littie girl in New Orleans has
won, after a patient labor of threo
montliSj a prize of a silk dress, by suc
cessfully accomplishing the feat of
multiplying nine by nine, and eighty1
one' by. eighty one, and so on, using
each succeeding product as its owri
u. v - '
I multiplier, until the operation was
periormeu nine times, jl ne prize Jias
been offered for several years, but
liever before earned. It is- said thv
work comprises 2G2 numeral con-pc-tmds
and 90,000 figures, ancthe.
wholo covers four or five square yards
of paper. A nice specimen of nro-
, . mnroio ana snvor to tiu- Health of the
o "Ho
rductofthat-fountainu drauchtthaf. nri.,1;
"tlieiwctarof tlwgouV' -
"w icua;i in us-e. ami rno.Hr.-i