w V. .Ik' VKi 'TiiiWi iiWBJ HP. imji l MinfiiiiiJiiit'.w THE ASTORIAN. SATURDAY August 2, 1873 The- Blgbts of Women. The rights of women, what are they? The right to labor ancTU pray; TJie right to weep -with.those that weep, The right to wake wlrile others sleep. The right to dry the falling-tear, The right to quell the rising fear, The right to smooth the brow of care, Tlie right to comfort in despair. The right the wanderer to reclaim, The right to win from paths of shame, The right to comfort ind to bless The widow and the fatherless. The right to watch the parting breath, The right to soothe the bed of death, The Tight when earthly hopes all fail To point to those within the veil. The right to read the word of God In every place, at home, abroad The right.to tell a Saviour's love Looking.in-pity.-from above. The right the little ones to guide 5n. simple faUl.to.Christ, who died That He may bless their youthful days And they may love and sing His praise. The right the intellect to train, And lead the soul to noble aim; Teach it to rise above earth's toys, And wing its flight to heavenly joys. The right to honor, love, obey, IV-hat God commands from day to day. The right to keep His Sabbaths holy, And roverenco His Sanctuary. . . The right to show a spirit rneel "When angry words a.quarrel seek; The right to wear a modest dress "When.fashions bold'around you press. The right to speak the truth in love, The right a faithful friend to prove. TJie right to brighten earthly homes "With cheerful smiles and pleasant tones. The right to live for those we love, The right to strive that love to prove, TJie right to Jielp by thought and deed The sick and.poor in all their need. The right to seek a Saviour's power To help in every trying hour. Tie right to.cast all care on Hiin yheu.oyerwhlmcdwith fear ou sin.. Aro-these thy rights? then use them .well, Thy gentle influence, who can tell? Xf these are thine, why seek for more? Thou hast enough to answer for. Are these thy rights? then murmer not ; That woman's mission is thy lot; Improve the talents God has given, Ijiye to His praise, and rest in heaven. Tliose people who believe the stories about- intelligent dogs will read with ;jleasunv that.a lost dog in Norfolk, having seen his master's advortis ment in one of the local papers, promptly wont home. The laborers employed at some mining works in Missouri arc debat ing the question as to whether, when tlje whistlt) blows for dinner, they should empty their shovels or throw tkem hack on the heap. Scientists are-now of the opinion that fragrant flowers are a protection iin-ainst certain malaria. Utilitarians may now go .to work among the flow ers without dread of being called sen timental; and in chill-and-fever re gions men may he shaken into an interest in flower gardening, who could never have been attracted to it by a love of beauty. "We have been really lucky in the arbitration business. The Geneva Commission adjudged to the United States over fifteen millions of dollars, which Great Britain will shortly pay. J The Commission to adjust our claims on Mexico for damages on the Texan frontier awards the United States be tween six and seven millions. It is well enough to have these old scores settled up. New Hampshire has produced an other extraordinary man. lie has nvnrpssfid the opinion that the drouth has been a good thing. - lie says: I think it has prevented a vast amount of sickness. Had it been warm and wet, I think typhus, in some form would have been about as prevalent aniopg men as was the horse disease among the horses last fall." A- man who does .not grumble at the weath-. cr, and even ficjs matter to praise m it, deserv&j4Qte. ,i;emerabered,and thetocalBpapttougli;',tdgive his name. CLAEKE, HENDERSON & COOK. This Space is Reserved I -Fon- & 4 v ,L t n ''. k xt M I S Bria. t ;, ' .! ' t J W v tni."l mtmwt j. t W mu .. Dekum's New Building! ,Grner First and WashingtoUf 4W o o m BS SUMMER EESOKTS. THE SEASIDE HOUSE, CLATSOP BEACH. MR. C. II. DEXTEll. Formerly of tho " Cliff House." San Francisco, announces to his friends and tho public that ho has leased tho new an elegant Hotel recently orected by lion Hotladay, Esq., upon tho site of the old Summer House, at Clatsop lioach. Tho house is elegantly furnished, and possessesall mod ern improvements. A largcand spacious Din ing Room, Billiard Room, extensive Parlors, Rath Rooms, Rooms on suite, etc., etc., all well arranged for the comfort of Guosts. Tho Grounds are beautifully laid out. A half-milo Raco Track, with Shell drivo; Croquot Ground Children's Play Ground, Swings, etc., etc. Boats upon the crook; plenty of Trout Fishing; a splendid Stable, with Saddle Eorsos for thoso who wish for Equestrian rides ever the Beach; Bathing Houses, for Salt Water Bath ingand, in fact, everything necessary for tho Pleasuro Sooker, tho Tourist or the Invalid. Ocean, Mountain, Forest and River Sconory, comoined, make this tho finest Place of Resort in the World. Tho climate is oquable novor subject to extremes of heat or cold and one of mo neaitmest piaces upun mu uiuuu. -luu Table will bo unexcelled, and tho subscriber pledges himself that nothing will bo left un dono for tho pleasure and comfort of his Pat rons. Terms moderato and satisfactory. CHARLES H. DEXTER. BAY-VIEW HOUSE, (Fifteen Miles Northwest of Astoria.) At Unity, Baker's Bay, W. T., THE UNDERSIGNED HAS PURCHASED tho abovo houso at this favorite resort. Having thoroughly renovated and furnished the same with now matorial, it wilL bo kept in first-class style. Tho table will be-furnished with- tho best tho market affords. Frosh Fish, Oystors and Clams in evory style. No pains will bo spared to mako guests comfortable. Tho above house is only ono and a half milos from tho Ocean Beach, where anglors may en joy raro sport. Boats, carrying passengers, will ply between Unity and Afctoria, connect ing with Columbia River boats. Tri-wookly stagos will run between Unity and Shoal-, water Bay. JOHN HUNTER Proprietor. CLATSOP HOUSE, SKIPANON LANDING, A. C. "VVIRT, PROPRIETOR. Is prepared to entertain tho-public, norsos and Coach, with Baggago Wagon and careful drivers to convoy partios to. any point. suiniEii HOUSE. CLATSOP BEACH. RS, CLOUTRIE WISHES TO INFORM tho public that suo has completed her largo now two-story houso, which is hard finished throughout, and is now prepared to receive visitors at this well known resort. GRIMES HOUSE, CLATSOP BEACH. VISITORS WILL FIND THE ABOVE named House open for the entertainment of guests during tho season, as usual EaR SALE OR RENT. TnE WELL KNOWN" SKIPANON HOUSE, Together with Horses, Carriages, and some Cattlo, is For Sale or Rent! on reasonablo terms. Said Houso is situated at tho Landing of Clatsop Plains. For further particulars inquiro of tho undorsigned. Skipanon, .1 nno ), 17J. 1). E. PEASE. Mrs. IV3. Rogers, 'PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE, Corner of Cass and Jefferson stroots. ASTORIA, OREGON. HOTELS. American Exchange Hotel Cor. Front and Washington streots. Portland Orogon, QUIMBY & PERKINS .PROPRIETORS Froo Coach to tho Houso, CHEMEKETA nOTEL-SLKir, Orkgon. WESLEY GRAVES.Pkoi'EIktor, Tho cheapest andbestHotel in the State. Free Coach to tho House. Cosmopolitan Hotel, (Kept on tho European Plan,) ZIEBER & JIOLTON PROPRIETORS Cornor Stark and Front stroets, Portland. WARD HOUSE. H. Cazmiav, Proprietor. View stroot, Victoria, British Columbia. EMPIRE HOUSE J. O'Bmkn-, Proprietor. Opposito Railroad depot and Steamboat Landing, Kalama W. T. Tho best and cheap est Hotel in Kalama. ISK HOUSE-JACOB KE1L Proi-riktou, r irst sL. bet. Main and Madison. PoMland. Having bought this well known houso, 1 re spectfully ask tho patronage of citizens and of tho traveling public. Uood meals furnished, and beds always clean. Hot and cold baths. Board, SI ")0 a week. Board, with Lodging, 3."i50 to S. Meals, 25 conts. Lodging, 25 conts. Thoso wishing & good quiet ldWo-to board, please call. R. lU COOK. W. n. ADRUS. Occidental Motel, (Kept on tho Europoan Plan,) COOK & ANDRUS PROPRIETORS ' Corner First and Morrisohfctoots, Portland. LOVES HOTEL-LEWIS LOVE Proprietor Hrst street betweon Main, and Madison, Portland, Oregon. This Hotol having been re modeled and refitted throughout, with new furniture, is now oponod to tho public. Tho taple will bo suppliod with the best the mark et affords, and tno charges will bo extromoly liberal. PACIFIC HOTEL Sikks &QuiMisY, Pro Main street, Olympia, V. T. Stage ofli U"3. ollice. RAILROAD HOUSE J. McGniTii.Propr. Good meals, cloan bed, modorate pricos. Tcnino, W. '., prcsont terminus-N. P. ll. It. St. Charles Hotei. Corner Front and iforrisoh streets. J; B. SPRENGER...;....:...tr.Pll6PRIET0R mHE BEST HOTKL rMHTTfR' RTATP. 1JL" .snd thQ only ono made of.blrick in Portland. Tho kottso'is aupwIyjfurnishel3',raD.U,5l,rrlied' with all tho modorn conTanienees. -'. . . with all tho modern coat viiencw. MISCELLANEOUS. ALBERT BAETSCH, Maker mil Tier Cornor Third and Salmon Stroets, PORTLAND. OREGON. UPRIGHT PIANOS MADE TO ORDER. BSTPiano3 and Organs Repaired and Tuned. ALL WORK GUAR VNTEKD. OREGON BOOT AND SHOE STORE! S. M. BARR, J. C. KINGSLEY. BARE & KINGSLEY, PRINCIPAL RETAILERS OF THE STA--plo brands of Eastern, California and Ore gon Boots and Shoes, No. 13o First street cor ner Yamhill, Portland Oregon. SST ith our long experience and small ex pense wo aro enabled to soil cheaper than any othor houso in tho city of Portland. As the proverb goes $100 saved is S2 00 made: Call and see and givo us your trado. BARR fc KINGSLEY. CotoG.A.SBEPPARD'S! Corner of Yamhill and Eirbt ttreets, PORTLAND .OREGON, FOR Grocorios Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries Grocories- Groceries Groceries Grocories Grocories Groceries Groceries GROCERIES' Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries- Groceries Groceries Grocories Groceries Groceries Grocories Grocories Gfocerios "WHOLESALE OR RETAIL.. JKS-Tho bot stock of STAPLES aniEA Sm Orogon All goods warranted. Pacific Boot and Shoo Store, S. "W. Cornor First and Morrison Streots, Portland, Oregon. S-ON AND AFTER TniSDATE I WILL sell, for Ca$h, of California mako, Ladios 1st quality 18 thread lasting Kid foxed Bal morals S2 s")0, Formor prico S3 00 2d quality 16 thread do 1 7o, 4 2 50 Misses 1st quality do 2 00, " 2 50 Misses 2d quality do 150, " 2 00 Childron's 1st qual. do 1 50, " 2 00 Children's 2d qual. do 125, " 150 GEO. A. PEASE; E. MIL WAIN, 95 Front and First Stroet, Portland, Oregon. xa. "WHOLESALE AND RETAHi DEALER in Stoves, Sheet-iron, Tin-plato, etc. Plumb ing and Gas fitting choapor than any other houso in town. . BOTJTON, Is vropared to build Boats of all Fixes aid descriptions either of EASTERN or HOME MATERIALS, At Less than San Francisco Prices-! Freight deducted Orders loft at tho Aszoihan Office, or addressed lotho undersigned, wi51'ro ceivo attention V W BOUTON, Unity, W T 'ANTED A SCHOOL TEACHER FOR two children, afc tho houso of tho Princi pal Light keeper at Capo Disappointmoat. Address, J . W. MUNSON. July 12th, 187IL Cape. LEGAL. NOTICES. NOTICE OP ELECTION. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the first Monday, tho 4th day of August, 1873, at tho Court House, fia tho town of Astoria, in tho county of Clatsop, an oloc tion will ko held for town officers, to-wit: A MAYOR; SIXCOUNCILMEN; A RECORDER; A MARSHAL; A TREASURER; ry. A COMMISSIONER Of Streets andllarhos Which Election will bo held at nine o'clock in the morning, and will continue until six o'clock in tho afrernoon of tho same day. By order of tho Common Council. CHARLES STEVENS, Recordor. Dated, this 21st day of July, 1874. j22td Administrator's Notice. N THE COUNTY COURT of THE STATE of Oscsren. for the County of Clateon, July 7th, 1873. lit tho matter of tho estate of Mills L. Callendcr deceased. It appearing to tho Court, upon tho potition of I'hilo Callender, administrator of said ostato, praying for an or der t& sell tho real estate of said deceased that it is necessary that said roal estate bo sold to pay the expensos of administration and claims against tho estate; it is ordored, that all per sons ii .forested insaidostate bo cited to appear bofore this Court, on Monday, September 1st, 1873. at tho Court-houso in Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, to show causo, if any there bo why license should not be granted to tho said administrator, to sell said real estato, descnb CUIU uvi'UbJ vt vniiv-up, wiimimiii, 32U acres, and that notico ot said aplica.tion bo published in tho Tri-Wookly Astoriun,pr four successivo weeks, before said 1st day of Soptomber, 1673. J. W. MOFFITT, j 24 :4th County Judgo. Summons. N TnE C1RCURT COUUT OF THE STATE of Orogon for tho county of Clatsop. Cassoo C Anderson, Plantm, vs. Lewis 1. Andnrsnn. Defendant: To Lewis P. Anderson tho defendant, Jn the namo of tho .Stato of Orogen: You tiro hereby required to an swor the complaint filed against you in tho aoovo entitled suit, at tho hrst term of said Court to bo hold at Astoria in and for said County and Stato noxt after six wcoktffrom the date of this Publication. And if you' fail so to ahswQj, tho plaintiff will apply to tho Court for tho relief demanded tkerqin, which. i3 a Dissolution of tho mamaee contract with yo-. .-Rv nwlnr nf tWHonrL WM1L1 MeEW AW. '. Axy. lor. 1'iaintm. Dated. Jy 36th, im. - -.s j20Jw. BfcatBUILMK&! J& Y. "W. cd as follows, to-witr 1'art ot sections io. 4, o, 8 and !, of township 7, north rango 10 west, CiCUULU JU kaKVAJj iNOTXCEsJ F- Writ of Special Election. : To the Sheriffs of the- several CountlS- within the State of Oregon : xi y""lKAS At a gonoral olection held on tQfc third day of Juno, a.d., Ib7i, tho Hon. Johenj it vL"801 ivP duly olected Roproseutative'of tr?iStTt.of9son iri tho Forty-third Congress of tho United States;, and Wherkas, Sinco tho said electior, said office has become vacant by tho death of said incum bent; nnd Wherkxs, By provision of tho Con?titut!aii of tho United States, and tho laws of this Starts it has becomo the duty .of tho Govornor thore of to issue his writ of olection to fill such va cancy; jlS ow, therefore, I, L. F. Ghoyf.r, Govorror of the Stato of Oregon, do hereby command you and each of you to notify tho sovra35 Judges of Election within and for your soveral counties, to hold a special olection of Roprp sontativo in Congress to fill tho vacancy afr" said, n Montkiy, tho (13) thirteenth day of October, IbT.J, and that you causo all j)ropeiJ notfees to bo givon thereof according to law. Given under my hand and tho seal of toj Stato of Orogon, at Salem, this tenth day-o Jub, a. D. li7H. L. S. L. F. GROVER. Attest: S. F. Chad-wick. Socrotary of Stato Oregon. Pul)Hc Notice. "WTOTICE I- HEREBY GIVEN THAT K& A virtuo of a warrant issued by Gharhjss Sto-ons, Recorder of tho town of Ahtorlan. Oregon, and dated July 7th a. d. 1SW, com mantling mo to levy upon tho goods and ch&t tols of . P. Burns, dolinqucnt tax payor, 6n lot No. 4, in Block No. 141, in the Town cf Astoria County of Clat?op and Stato of Oregon, assessed for tho improvement of Main street in said town a5. Ib72, as laid out and records ed by Cyrus Oftioy, and upon which assess ment there B?mains duo and unpaid thosu& of $20 00 and in default of any personal prop erty, I have this day lovied upon snU lot Nq. 4 in Block No. 114, in said town of Astoria $te provided by law, and on Tuesday tho Stfij &hj of August 1873, at tho hour of 2 o'clock iv Mon that day I will soil, tho abovo described Iw No. 4, in Block 144, at tho Council Chambgr door, in tho Town of Astoria Clatsop Counts Oregon to tho highest biddqr thorofor in golS or sifvor coin, to rocovor said sum of $2000 and accruing costs and expensos of sale. W. M. CHANCE, City Marshy, Astoria Orogon, July 7th 1S7.. Suinxnons JUSTICE COURT FOR THE PRECIS of Asteria: Civil action to rocovor mon$!u Stato of Orogon, County of Clatsop 3di iGcorgo Birchard, Plaintiff,") fRS vs. -To Thomas Dtrffr- JlfiomasDungan.Dofond'ntJ gan thodofend'nt above named: In tho namo of tho State of." Orogon, you aro hereby required to appear be fore tho undersigned, a Justico of tho Poae for tho Precinct aforosaid, on tho lHth day oP August, 1878, at 9 o'clock in the foronoon of said day, at tho oflico of said Justico, in said Precinct, to answer tho above named Plaintiff' in a civil action. Tho Defendant will tal-jB notice, that if ho fail to answor tho complaint herein, tho Plaintiff willtako judgmont againrf him for S8U 2"-100 dollars, and costs "anc dis bursements of thii action. Givon undor my hand this, 18th ay of Jtfi'B 1S73. 21. B. PARKE A, J ustico of the PeaSSL 05?" This Summons is published by an ore of II. B. Parker. Justice of tho Peaco for As toria puecinct, mado tho 18th day of Juno lJc l,iw W Al. Jj. McEWAiN , Att'y for Pit m"- Prolate Notice. TERRITORY OF WASHINGTON, COTT tv of Pacific. In tho Probato Court withjttl and for said county. In tho matter of tho es tate 01 .Liny Ji.ouy aeceasou. J. jj. ivnat 4he administrator of tho said ostato, havi mado and filed in Court, his petition in writ praying for an order of salo of tho roal Eat belonging to the said ostato. Now thorofu all porsons interested in tho said ostato heroby required to bo and appear before tlte said Court, at tho Cmrt room of said Court,"k Oysterville in said county on Monday tho ltn ayot August a. d. itxtf. at tho hour of o'clock i.m. f said day, to show causo. if thoro be, why such order should not bo gxi nrl. Witnoss my hand and tho soal of said ClJJltS; this 14th day of July a. d. 187.. M. S. GRISWOLD. L. S.J Judge of tho Probate Cour Astoria Fanner's Company, THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE ASTOlife Farmer's Company aro heroby notified mat an election wm iv.no piace at siona. vu SATURDAY. August Uth, 1873, for thopurp of electing soven Directors and othor otlietf Byordorof tho Incorporators, tho stockhol ers aro renuosted to bo prosont, in person or proxy. P. LOV& Albany, July 5. 1S73. j 17 td OTIXXIIUOXLS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ST4IB of Orogon, for tho County of Clatsop. Margaret Brown, Plaintiff, vs. Allan BrowlJ, Defendant: To- Allan Brown, defondant, jra tho naifte- of tho Stato of Orogon, you herebv reauirod to appear and answer Complaint filed against you in the abovo titled action at tho noxt torm ot tho attrap entitled Court, to bo heLd at Astoria, County and Stato aforesaid, on tho 12$ day of August 1S73, and if you fail so to answer tho Plaintiff will apply to tho Court fbr tho relief demanded therein, which is a divorce from tho bondto&f matrimony with you. WM . L. M cE WAN l jl Uw Solicitor for Plain ml. Administrator's Notice. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TH1 undtorsignod has been appointed by tl County Court for tho S&ate of Oroscon. for tl County f Clatsop, Administratrix of tho, - tatcof Franklin Nickorson, deceasod. lato oi' said county. All person indebted tosaidg? tate aro horeby notified to make paymeai, and all porsons having clarfns against said.e--tato are horehy required fo jjre.sont thasoino to mo, duly verified, atmyroMdenco in Astoria in said1 county, within fcix months from Oils date. RUTHB.N1CKEUSON, Astoria, July 1. Ib73lw Administratrix Petitipn to Sell Real Estato. PUBLIC NOTICEls HERKBYGIVEN tbek a notition to sell real estato of Julius Macs deceased, h:is been made and will bo heard on tho ISth day of August noxt, at an adjourned term of tho Probato Court, to bo holden n4 Oysterville, Pacific County, Washington Terri tory. All parties interested in aid pale aw hereby notifiod to attend at said term of Courl on tho day abovo montionod, and filo their t5 jections, if any. M. S. GRISWOLD. . - . Judgo of Pro wjfta. Oysterville, July 19, 1873. j24-itfi Notice of Final Settlement. THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OP G. W. Codk. deceased. Bv order of Hon A.I. Mofiitt, Judgo of tho Probato Court for Cla&np county, Stato of Oregon, tho fist Monday hn September;, 1S78, that being tho 1st day of said month, is appointed for hearing objections and nnai sotttonvent said estate. GEORGE. FLAVEL, Adminiatrsttos Astoria-, Jub' 10ao 1S73; jl2- ttox J12f PthaI Sr-tfcloi 3lt "WTOTICE S HEREBY G rEN TO Ail iS-whom it may'concern that tho undersigned naa niod, in tho. uouqty Court, ot cut Counti Orogon for nor final account aa Ac istratrixaf tha acitato of John Brown. dw andthe siid Court lia3 fixo4 Septefaabirj ai iornearinc omocupn? inersio;. :nJ iELLiZABKTH B1WWN. Adminiatrttrtfe. tiw. 1 Astoria Qrejon, J ul vjth.lfe7J. m.