Tri-weekly Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1873-1874, August 02, 1873, Image 1

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YdL 1.
1. 15.
Monitor Building, Actoria, Oregon.
IX C.IREIiA'D Proprietor
Subscription Rates:
One Copy one year. $ 00
Qno Copy Fix months 00
Ono Copy throo iuonth 1 0
CUT Single X timber, Ten Cents, "cdi
Advertising1 Rates:
Ono Insertion por?quaro, 10 lines or less...$2 f0
Yourly adv'k per month, per square ..7.7." 1 50
L.P.Fisunn, 20 and 21 New Merchants Ex-
change, is authorized to act as -Agent for the
Astorivn in San Francisco.
Anv friond who feels an intoret in the pros
pority of this region, is authorised to act a.s.
Agent for this paper, in procuring subscribers.
"Weather superb.
City election next 3Xonday.
Blackberry pic nics are all the rage.
Tide land farmers are busy hay mak
ing. The tug boat Astoria was never in
better trim for business than the is at this
time. .
Lewis "Wilson returned from Port
Townsend where he went some time ago to
aid Capt. Lawson in setting up a tide
Capt. Hayes completed another round
trip to Sitka in quick time, arriving here
lat evening. He left here, on the up trip,
July 15th.
The steamboat E. K. Cooke came
down on a special trip from Portland ar
riving' here Thursday evening. She re
turned yesterday,
!Mr. Robert Hamilton and family,
and George Bender and family, passed
through here la&t Thursday to locate in
2ehalein valle3r.
A letter addressed " Langmont Cal-
ando, Ester Park Box," is detained at
the Astoria Post-office for information.
Perhaps the writer can inform the Post
master where it ought to go.
Two insane men, Edward Bell and
Nelson Johnson, came ovor from Oj'ster
ville yesterday, in charge of Deputy Sheriff
R. Caruthcrs, Jr., and will be taken from
hero to Steilacoom by Sheriff Whitcomb.
Fourteen gallons of black-berries and
forty-eight trout, were reported taken by
the Custom-house forces last Thursday.
If that does not cure Capt. ferryman's
headache let us know what will.
Dr. Stirling of the U. S. A., arrived
Thursday from the scene of the late Modoc
war. "We understand Dr. Stirling will bo
stationed at Fort Stevens to relieve Dr.
Jones, U. S. A., who will proceed to Fort
Colville, "W. T.
Mr. Sam Russel of Clatsop Plains has
left on our table samples of Angora wool
from a nannie in his flock that is almost
oqual in the fineness of the texture to the
fleece of the iamous " Capt. Jenka." own
ed by JoJia Hunter.
Sheriff J. H. "Wbitcomb, of Ovster
villo, arrived from Chinook Thursday,
where had been called to sell a quantity of
materials on execution consisting of tanks,
suins, etc., necessary to the out-fit of a Sal
mon fishery. The goods, wares. and' chat
ties were purchased by Messrs. Fred Col
bert, Miller, et al., at good prices..
A boat was chartered to take Dr
Jones to Fort Stevens last Thursday, and
Col. O. Baldwin and Mr. iNicolai volun
teered to go along. If it were proper to
call the craft a plunger it would be per
fectly right to bay they took a plunger
bath. Kic. is trying ,to dry his letters
and pocket memoranda to this day, and
Baldwin says he will lose his last brass
lv,,ffr linrr lio nTtnr itinmifu f" enTi an
imporition. "We rather suspect it was a
job put up on Sic. and think Baldwin Sea-wall at Tillamook head. No mistake;
don't care a button about it. the Sea-side presents rare attractions for
Parties are fitted out daily in Astoria pleasure seekers no where else equalled on
for a raid on the blackberry patches in I the Pacific Coast. Let the sick arid lazy
!, . . . .A 4. i on, i ones try it Visitok.
this vicinity the past week. The party J
sjKken of as having gone up Gnat creek It is,stated that advice have been rccoiv
with the sloop lone, consisted of several , ed at theWar department thatt the Mili-
ladies and gentlemen, and they returned
with heavily laden haakets. Two or three
parties returned from 'Young's river and
Klaskanine Thursday, bringing large 'Later finding? of the. Military Commis-quantities-
of berries and irout. One of isionin the case of the Modoc Indiana re
tWe partievenjoyedia moonlight tide to' cently tried, have nbt been received at the
YoungVriTexflWliK r .--- - wadeartment. u" " -
Real Estate Sales.
Following is alistof the real ebtate trans
fers -in Clatsop county, for the month of
.July, 1S73:
James V. Cook to "W. G. Loomis, 213
acres, $525.
Richard Hoyt to T. A. Hyland, lot 4r
"block 13, Astoria, $125.
United States Patent, to Catharine G..
Aldrich, 141 acres.
State of Oregon to J. Turpic, 163 acres,.
Hustler and Aiken, executors of the es
tate oi C. Olney deceased, to "W. Lair
Hill, blocks 3, 7, S, 12, 22, and 25, Olney's
addition, 1,000.
Two- United States patents to James
nnin Hfl rrov
Vjumxi 6VL acres.
VV- .Lair .bill to-John M. Unance, block
3, Olncv's addition, S275.
j AY. Lair Hill to David Jngalls, block 8,
, Olney's addition, 3200.
State of Oregon to "W.H.Smith 27 acres,
P. Johnson to Charles Ross, 1G0 acres,
Alva Condit to Presbyterian Church,
320 acres 1.
"W. H. Dunimm to James Quinn, lots
3 and 4, block 75, Olney's addition, 500.
Capt. George Flavel of this city
is confined to his room by sickness.
The Free Trade has completed
her cargo of stave bolts in Cathlamct
bay,and will be here to-day prepared
soon to start for San Francisco.
Among the excursionists arriv
ing last evening by t he Emma Ilay
ward we noticed Capt. Bell and
family, of Canemah, O. M. Barnard,
J. J. Allen, and J. F. Clayton of East
Portland. ,'
An overloaded wood wagon be
longing to J. AV. "Welch broke down
in crossing the hill with wood day
before yesterday, and the wheel had
to be sent to Portland to be refilled.
"We need a wagon builder in this
part of the country.
Portland pnpors are full of accounts
of the "hair breadth scape" of a lad nam
ed Burko who got beyond the breakers at
the Seaside last week. "We have tried to
learn "further particulars," but nobody
seems to kuow whether it happened this
Summer or last.
At a recent raffle of a splendid sofa
cushion and afghan, held at Mrs. C.Levy's
store in Portland, for the benefit of the
Catholic Fair to be held in this city next
week, Ralph "Welch drew the cushion,
valued at 50, and Mrs. Levy the: afghan,
valued at 18. The articles were contribu
ted, and the proceeds forwarded to the la
dies here.
Mr. B. A. Bayley, of Fort Garibaldi,
Inspector of Customs at that port, reports
having passed over the new Toad leading
from Lincoln, Tillamook county, to Yam
hill county, and for a distance of thirty
six miles, to BailjV mills, says it is a first
rate road. It is rather narrow in places,
but will bo made wider. The toll collec
tions this year will be laid out on the road.
A team of horses can haul a load of 1200
pounds with ordinary ease, over the road
as it is now.
Kot Qvitk Safe. Four gentlemen of!
Siwash extraction, attempted to make a
landing, opposite their Summer rej-ort,
near the Seaside house, on Tuesday morn
ing last,. which resulted disastrously. The
canoe came on to the beach in piecemeals,
and the cargo, consisting of Spur and ba
con, came in separate parcels;- also- fouu
water-logged half " mmaloosed,, Indians--Their
intentionsno doubt were toidcinonr
strate the feasibility of a route by wator
1 from Astoria by Fort Stevens to the Sua-
I side, to divert the travel in the future from
the Lewis and Clarke route. The result
, will doubtless hasten the building of the
tary Commission at Fort lvlamath found
all the Modoc Indians on trial guilty of
murder-'and ordered them to be shot.
Shipping1 Intelligence.
The steamer Ajax is expected to sail for
San Francisco to-day. t
British bark Lieut. Maury, sailed from
San Francisco July 30th for Astoria.
The bark Rival and the brig Orient,
both arrived at San Francisco from Asto
ria on the 30th.
The schooner Klaskanine was in San
Francisco on the 24th, and sailed for
Rogue river on that day.
The steamer Gussie Telfair, Capt. Gard
ner, left here yesterday morning for Pu-
get Sound ports, including Olympia and
the terminus.
The name- of the schooner on the way
to this port from Melbourne, we judge
from correspondence reaching the Custom
house is the Hera, Capt. H, Kent. This
vesseia due-.
The British ship Middlesex, Capt. Mas
sey, after getting over the Hog's-back and
completing her cargo at the wharf in As
toria, was attached for debt by Deputy
United States Marshal Williams, Thurs
day evening.
Collector W. D. Hare has been inform
ed that the Tillamook buoy has been mov
ed about eight miles from its proper loca
tion, and will be replaced on the next visit
of the Light-house tender Shubrick, now
daily expected to arrive here.
For soveraldayt. past the steamer Annie
Stewart, with the barge ZSez Perces Chief,
has been employed lightering grain ves
sels. She left the Middlesex for a cargo
for the Confidence Thursday afternoon,
intending to return to-day.
The bark Loch Dee from this port last
fall arrived safely at her destination, in
about 125 days. The vessel which recent
ly jettisoned 500 sacks of wheat on the
passage from San Francisco, was the ship
Loch Dee, The similaiity of names
caused a mistake to be made, and the loss
was credited to Oregon.
Capt. Rowse of the American ship Con
fidence, which returned from Portland on
Thursday, is not a stranger in these waters.
Thirteen years ago he was here in the
bark Rival, Having built and brought her
out, and it was rather a pleasant incident
to find his old favorite here on this visit.
His vessel came down over the Hog's
back Thursday with $00 tons of wheat on
board, drawing 17 feet three inches. He
will take on 400 tons here to complete his
cargo for Europe.
Movement of Vessels.
Following is a list of vessels on tho'way to
this port, and a record of the arrivals and de
partures up to date:
Schooner 11 era, from Mclbourno.
British bark Liout. Maury, sailed from San
Francisco July UUth.
British bark Yesta, sailed from Livorpool,
April 12th.
British bark Shylet, Livorpool, via Victoria,
British bark Oneata, ."S8 tons, McDowoll,
fromTyno via Molendo and Callao, arrived
from Molondo at Callao 22d.
British ship Loretta, 1,914 tons, from Tyno
via Callao. Sailed March tith.
British bark Buncairn, Chambers, from
Tyno via Bombay, Arrived at Bombay prior
to April 22d.
British bark George A. Holt, Norton, fr&ra
Wear via Now Zealand, Sailed Dec. 20th, 1$72
Passed tho Lizard Feburary ttli.
Arrived Dopartd
Str Gusfio Telfair, Pugot Sound August 1
btr uantonua, bitKa, August I v....
Str Ajax, San Francisco July 30
BktnoMolancthon, San Fran... July 2fl
Bk Clara Loufco, lfonlulu. July.25
Barkontino Froo Trailo. S. F July 17
Bark Edward James San, Fran.. July lo
Ship Confidencc.San FrancificcJuly 12.....
Brship Middlesex-. London July 10..
Bark Garibaldi, llong Eong Juno 20..
Bark Forward " Juno ')
XSrte-Table foe Astoria.
Hfeh Water.?
Low Wator.
AugilFt- AM. P. M. A. M. P. M.
3 8 07 J r4!. 2 U1
1 85
4 . 9 20 S 07 . 08
5 .11 H7. 9 5M1 4 U
H 11 fill 10 3S! 5 34
7... 12 oli 11 53! .j 43
8 . 1 43 7 m
i 0 45 2 20J 8 19
. 2 :i8
.3 4S
. 4 59
. i 05
. 7 07
. 8 02
. 8 52
. 9 41
.10 28
... 2 203.
... 2 oil
10 1 J 2 31 8 54
2 24
...3 2H.
..3 o4J.
...') 25
...9 58
3 15
Kotlce to Pilots, (and Ship Masters).-
Every Tilotor Ship Master who shall bring in
to tho port of Astoria any ship or vessel having
on board any persons or goods infoctod with
Small-pox, Cholera, Leprosy, or other conta
gious diseases, or which shall have had on
board any such infections during tho voyago,
or which ho suspects, from the bad sanitary
condition of the vc?s.ol may bo capablo of pro
pagating disease, shall anchor such ship or
veseol below Smithrs Point, and give immedi
ate notice to tho Health Officer In any viola
tions of tha foregoing regulations tho law will
ra ' Jtloalth Officor, Astoria.
Gold in New York to-day, 115 f.
Portland Legal Tender rates, 85
buying; S6V selling.
Later accounts from Madrid, July
list, say the Republicans are still vic
torious. The Seattle Coal
tion Company is
Capital $3,000,000.
and Transporta
incorporated. Vice President Wilson's health is
said to be improving, but he will not
be alole to take his place as presiding
officer of the Senate.
A report is current that William
M. Tweed has escaped a new indict
ment through a stupid blunder ar de
sign on the part of some officials.
Thirty thousand of the German
Catholics, of New York petitioned the
Commissioners to give the Catholics
on Ward's Island a seperate place of
It is reported that a company is or
ganized in San Francisco for the
purpose of publishing a daily paper at
Tacoma. Guess not; the Beacon will
probably have something to say
about that.
The Light-house Board have given
notice that on and after August 20th
a fixed white light will be shown
from the tower recently erected on
Cape Foulweather, Yaquina Head,
It is understood that Government
will press cases against parties who
have been importing inferior -watch
movements into this country with
forged names of. American manufac
turers engraved on them.
Recent arrivals of Chinese state that
thousands of Celestials are awaiting in
China the commencement of the Cana
dian Pacific Railway, when they will
swarm to uritisD uoiumDia to wort on
the line.
The-revenue cutter Wyanda will
probaoiy be soon sold at auction bv
order of the Government. Her place
in the service will be filled by a new
This from the Danbury News: The
market is very well supplied with
berries. The new worm that comes
wTith them this year is rather acid in
flavor, and not altogether unpleasant.
Up to the 24th of this month the
total number of immigrants who had
arrived this year was 179,375, which
is only between d)0 or 800 less than
the figures at the-corresponding time
a year ago.
The Walla Walla ami Seattle R. R.
Company have opened their subscrip
tion books. Subscriptions to tho
stock and donations of the land are
being made-as fast as the Secretary,
with assistants, can make put the nec
essary papers..
The Commissioners of. Emigration
have coc&plfed with the request of
the Roumania Society to return to
RoumanSa those emigrants who are
unable to support themseives here,
and think that the Consul at Bucha
rest is deserving of censure for per
mitting such emigration.
It is rumored in New York that the
long delay in the State Department
in disposing of Carl Yogt, the Belgian
murderer, is owing to the fact that
they have now under consideration
a treaty with Belgium under which
he can be extradited, thus avoiding
complications which would be likqly
to arise in case he should be extradi
ted under the treaty with Prussia or
in case the demand of that Govern
ment should be refused under the
opinion of Attorney General Will
iams. It is also rumored that, owing
to the peculiar phase which the case
has assumed, the matter may become
a subject for Cabinet conference.
The Star line have placed the largo
sized schooner Superior on the berth in
San Franci-co for Portland. John Mc
Craken & Co. are agent-.
The proposed visit of the Austrain
Emperor to St. Petersburg in October,
is another step in the alliance which
has been consolidating itself for the
last six months. These imperial visits
succeed each other "with a rapidity
not to be explained on the score of
mere pastime or personal friendship,
for neither Vienna, Berlin nor St.
Petersburg can be considered a pleas
ure resort. The national animosities
and prejudices which formerly exten
ded to the monarchs and courtiers,
are gradually giving way as the fol
lies of war and the profits, of peace
aie becoming nloro evident, and
the time is not far distant when
TTincra nnf" "Rnrnprnra wilT t.rpnf. oonli
I otHlegentlemen au Christians.
Mrs. Briglmm " Xo. 17."
The papers in the case-of Ann Eliza
Webb Young, praying for a divorce
from Brigham Young, were personal
ly served last Thursday in Salt Lake!
City. The following are the main
points in the cemplaint: Plaintiff
avers that she is the wife of defend
ant; was married April Gth, 1S63; has
two children by a former marriage;:
has no personal property or means of
living; for one year after marriage
defendant lived with hery since then-,
he has almost entirely deserted her;
defendant sent her and her children
to live on a farm four miles from.
Salt Lake City, where she and her
only companion,xher mother, has to
do menial work for support, dressing
coarsely and faring badly; defendant
visited her only occasionally and
never remained "over half an hour;
that he treated her with contemjt1
and scorn and exacted the earnings
of the farm; in the Fall of 1S72,. by
direction of the defendant, plaintiii
took up her residence in Salt Lake
City, which she has been compelled
to leave from want of support and
fear of violence from defendant; has
called upon defendant frequently for.
maintenance and" been refused; 'is in'
feeble health and under medical
treatment; has been obliged to sell
her furniture to meet current expen
ses. She sues for a divorce on account
of negligence-and'bacT treatment. She
states tktit fee has an income of $40,
000- a monthw She -prays for- Tawy ers
fees of 29,000, 6,000 of which is to be
paid down as a preliminary fee and
the balance on tho termination of
the suit, she meanwhile to-receive
1,000 per month for support. She
finally prays that the sum of $290,000
be set aside from dependent's .estate ..
and pai'd to iier as alimony.. Reply'"
sat forr August 5th.
Post Ofliee Xotico . .
The General Delivery at the Astoria-'
Postoffice will be open daily, (except Sun-'
day), from 8 o'clock, a. iv until 7 r, m..
On Sundays from 1 to 2 o'clock P. m.
Money Orders issued ffom8 a. m. to 4,
For Portland and intermediate .offices,,
at 5 o'clock a. m. daily.
For Skipanon, Seaside hoUe, and'Tilla--mook,
daily on arrival o the mail from
For Forts Stevens and CapeJDUappoint
raent. Unity, Oysterville, nnd'jQlympia
Tuesaays and Thursdays, ftt7JH0 a. m.
Foritnappton, G aya.riverKla-kanino,.
Young river, Lewis ancL Clarke, Neha
lem valley, etc., irregular.x .
Rev. J. D. Eaton, of Portland, will'
preach at the Congregaon. Church in tlis
city, tormorrow..
Ckureh Xotiee.
GoaoeChurch, (l'rot. Episcopal) Rev. T A
Hyland Koctor, Divino services ovory Sunday
atlu a xi and 7 i m; Sunday Sehool at I i m
Congregational Church Rev A "VV Tenny
Pastor. i)ivino services ewjry Sunday at WXA
a m and 7 v m; Prayer Meeting every Thurs
day evening, Sunday School .moots at 12 u . '
A correspondent at Klaskanine com
plains that a party of youths, on a recent
blaekberrying excursion from Astoria,
played several trick upon the settlement
not in accordance with the Usages and1
costdm of civilized communities.
Among the various methods foF keep
nig-and-making wafcr cold, none is much-,
better or easier thin that practiced in the
Efjtw The-water is put in jugs, bottle,
or wine-coolers, which are placed in buck--eta
filled with salt ancL fcaltpetcr, and then
turned rapidly until the water almort
reaches tho freezing point. If the weath
er is very hot the buckets are replenished,
several times a day, and the turning pro
cess repeated. Thus you can have sparkling,
cold water with the theromometer at 100 1
degrees in the hade, and even when no
ice is to be had. In view of the reduction
in the prico of ice, this plan of freezings
may not now have any great value.
Comk to the Fountain. Uno of the most at
tractive establishments in 1 ortland is tho.'.
drug and perrtinierr store of onr old friuml.
Samuel M. Smith, corn or of Ash and 1-iwt"
streets. Mr. Smith wa? for many years senior
partner of tho firm of Smith & JUavis. Ami,
bo-ido being a thoroughly practical druggi t
and chemist is, withal, as g m;tl a gcntlumuti
as ever grasped a hand in friendship, lii-i-s
fitoro iii fitted up and ."locked in a niagniUcei t
manner with o. -cry thing usually found in a
completo stock of drugs choniiual-, perfum
eries, etc, But tho feature par excellence is
tho soda fountain, one of the famous Arctic
patent, an immen?e affair, a monumentroared.
in marble and .ilv jr to tho health of tho
thirsty. It has deliveries, on opposite sides
and can accommodato a ju.h. It i ehc. ed
with Kfrwngen, Congress, Vichy, Si-ltzer nud
different kind of syrups. The cooling appar-
artiB if the most perfect in n?e. and the pro- L
duct of that fountain a draught tkjrtTcxiHBaWr
'.Hhe njiiL0f ib rode." . '