L4J (SbM ma&&Smmsm iw"fai."ini'w Jiw,ii', ; n;niw TfcHEAST'0R' 'mAwWiK ma 5ffi&dxFciffiE: 'Esagsrsmass TUESDAY..... July 22, 1S73 ' "Plain- F&TC3&s.--Plaiiraess of fea--tures is not at all incompatible with beauty: 3?ijres a Sre? diffPnce between a person's being plain and being uglyx '-& person may be very plain,, and.yt attractive and inters esting in countenance and. mariner, and surely, no one can call such a person ugly.. There are no rules to )e depended' oil Iqt the settlement ofrbeauty, andlstill less can ugliness be defined otherwise than, by itself. If we were, asksd to -say what con stitutes an ugry woman,, we could not reply .. Early OUt j Sayu is confessedly better for milk-giyihg animals than ripe hay. For new milch-cows and owas with lambs it is very deM sirable to cut a few tons of clovqr just before it gets intQ full blbssom. It will not jdeld as much, par acre -as if allowed to stand until the blossoms begin to-turnr Krewn,, and' the hay may not.be so 'nutritious for fattening ftcJbutiHB more succulent and mmiftasily- digested;, and, when fed Jtiignmection with a little -meal will itlicemore milk. :,Hbw.like its father it is exclaimed $iDjnurse,jOnibe occasion.-of.the chris-ttmihg-of a Baby whose father was ovqiv seventy,, and" had married a jjoung wife. r r -Very like, V-replied" a satirical lady; "liasn't a tootliin its head."' MISCELLANEOUS.. This Space is Reserved I GLOBE HOTEL. AQrfrirStreet ' Abtoria, 'Oregon. U.KOEZOEPr PROPRIETOR. . Th'te Hauso -has bfcen refitted and newly fur nished in tho neatest-manner, and guests will lind all theifrcoflifcirts well attended to. Tlie Table always supplied i with the bc&t of the1 season that thjo market affords. ifeST Those who detiro to have a good square meal go to tho Glo-bo. Term moderate.- For Sale, Cheap. for Cash! GOOD SUBSTANTIAL DWELLING llouso containing seven rooons. Lowor rooms hard finished together with throe acres of good Garden Land, all under good fence. Or chard, Barn and Stable, Store-rooms, Wood house and other buildings, situatcd.at Skipa; nun Landing Forfurth,erpartieulurs, apply to Ferry. Woodward & Co, Portland or to 1UCHARD HOBSON, Astoria.' HENRY 33ERENDES. Fashionable C'hcnamus street , Astoria, Oregon. BOOTi MAKER!" MS, Manufactures to order tho bot quality of Hoots and Shoes Kopairing of all kinds "- . A. SIITH, LATE OP LA POltTE, INDIANA.! xKlIaving commenced business in Astoria I am prepared to do all kinds of Painting, ......, VU'VUJXUIlklllOI "uu.uiB xiv.( ill Uj faction guaranteed, both as to prices and work. EOR CHARTER. Tbo. sloop HECTOR, 2k J laving bm purchased by tho undersigned, av11 hereafter bo in readiness to carry freight to any accessible point Tho Hector has good accommodations for keeping freight dry and can carry 20,000 feet of lumber. Fur particu lars, in.guiro of P. J011 XSON, Astoria. Goto G. A. SHEPPARD'S ! Corner of Yamhill and First .streets, rpPLAp...r..........t..ORE6p?5, -for--- Groccries Groceries Groceries ' Groceries Groceries ' -Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries u ..Groceries , Groceries Groceries GROCERIES GroWiics Groceries Groceries Grocorios Groceries Groceries Gjoeeries Qrocorics Groceries JrocerjTestGracerioB : ' Groceries JD 4t. HOLESaXE QR RETAIL. rnjo.'hesS stpek of ;STAPIjESYqdTEA in 0reg6n.iAll goods warranted. . r- - , I ' Pacific Boot and Shoe Store. , S. W. Corner First and Morrison .Stroets, Portland, Oregon. WS-ON AND AFTEll THIS DATE T WILL .'ell, for Cash, of California make, Ladies l.-t quality 18 thread lasting Kid foxed Balmorals..-. $2 oO,.i,oruier price 8400 idqualityiUtirreaddo,!?), 44 " -:$ -FOR- Sfcl!: fT Tt - fKjfii i R. HfflllMll k tildl!L(l iSLAw r-s . . ' U ; - awtdisrrft iisH si: .":: "k i aiL '.Yt'A'. iii-yus 1st quality' do 2 0U, i:c zil quality uo L'i, C ;ldren's 1st q'ualdo 1 "0, ' ..ildi un's 2d quaL do l,2-, - ' GEO. A. W 2o 2 00 ' ' '2 00 i 130 PEA SIC. E. MILWAIX, "03 Front.and 5H5 First Street, " ' .'Portland, Oregon.; ' ',lt-el c .V i' '. .... f mf in .! e-u -qo. ) fi .-VJ I! , ' '"Kl ; : V p". - i J d i.i r ' ' . ' i '. . ' " ..',' f ; , ' -; " - r - . r ... .ill '. ' i . h ." viO .1-'' tf-teJx .v.o JIJIIV ;y T.t o ..I ... y , W" ,t :.i0teiOw!iI sci - 4 - R V Dr. Borzeati's Small PoacCocre , . . i ! As this most loathsome "of all' diseases is'li able to break out anioung uVat aiy tim'o, it is well to be prepared for it at all tiue3. Dr. Borzeau's Small-Pox Cure and Preven tive, now propared and kept on hand at my office, corner first and Main streets, ono door from First, is a sure cure, or prevontivo for that disease. Tho history of this medicind can not better bo explained by me than by inserting tho following somewhat condensed letters. SAMUEL CORWIX. pRonuETori. . . . ' V !uJ iT ' ' ' ' .S.vn FnAxciscb,JuLY2,1872. 1 My dear old friend, Samuel -Gprwin b.ivo no doubt but you will bo much surprised on receiving tliisjetter, but, perhaps, riotmoro so, orindro gratified, than I was to hear from you. The manner in whiph I heard frpm you, and learned of your whereabouts, is.thfs: X happened tt bo looking oyer art Oregon news paper aid noticed your name, as Representa tive electrfrom Tillamook county. Tho thrill of pleasurewhich I experienced on rehding, is indiscribaWo. The many acts of kindness which I received at your hands long years ago have never been forgotten, notwithstanding our correspondence has boon broken for 17 years. Well, am," I wonlt attempt to give you more than tho outlines o what has tram spired with mo since wo- last corresponded. .Somany incidents of tho past, in which, you and I wore connected, croAvd upon my mind that I cannot think or write of myself. Does your mind over revert to tho past, wbon tvo first met how you took mo in as a partner, when those who ought to hayo b&en my best friends threw off on mo how we got snowed in and had to livo on potatoes straight for six weeks how good that grizzloy moat tasted wfrat a disgraceful retreat wo mado from our peor .innocent Jack, when wo thought wo wero besieged by a grizzloy. Well, Satn those events of 18o2 frequently furnish subject mat ter for my thoughts, and, as I am writing to you, crowd upon my mind, but I will dismiss them for the presont to give place to that whichi will, perhaps, bb of greater interest to.you. I pockctedi eleven thousand dollars out' of tho "Deep Claim'' you gavo mo in Maraposa, and started for. homo in Juno,. 1855. I invested. four thousand dollars in real estato in this oity, and loft it in caro of McLane, our old cabin mate. My property hero has-yielded mo a handsome income, and quadrupled in value. I went into business in Now York city, in vhicK I was very successful sold out two years ago, sinco which time I hayo been feca-v-clirig through tho European cquntries. You know I used to havo a weakness for traveling; well, it has been gratified to. my hearts con tent. Whilo in Franco I w.as taken with, tho i small-pox. Tho lady of tho inn told me that I was fortunafco-totako tho disease at that place, as thero was an old smallvpox doctor near by who never failed to euro, no matter how bad tho disease; and suro enough, I began tx .ro cover within four hours after commencing to take tho modlGmo, and fn twenty-four hours 1 telt quite well. I was so much elated with the magical; offects of tho medicine thn&I was determined, IF possible, to dbbain tho formula, in which 1 succoeded, by paying handsomely and promising not to divulge it in Franco. 1 see from Oregon papers that yod havo tbo disease among you. Tho oncloscdi package contains the formula and. sufficient inatorial for family use. 1 bravo cured all tho cases that J havo como in contrast with, and find it an infalliblo cure and' prevontivo. "When you answer this, I will forward sufficient of tho material. to mako you a,fortuno,as IJiavo am ple, and rest assured I reciprocate past favors. I will cloao for tho present and await anxi ously your answer. Direct to San Francisco, as 1 will remain hero about two months. Yours etc., ISAAC lllOHAUDSON. lr .;t- , Delinquent Tpx. lAsfc. ' n JttfOTTCE IS llEBEBY'ttaTEN THATVI JX will-sell at Public-Aucffo& to tho highest bidder on .the fourth .Monday in July, 26th, bx&ween the bours of 10 u'clock a. m. and 5 o' clock i'.m., at Gystervillo.'fCounty Seati, Pacific County, Y T., subject to tho laws of Washing ton Territory1 tho following described delin quent lands, on which the unpaid tax, and ac cruing interest and cost shall not havo boon paid before suelrtime, and shall continuo such sato fiom day to day until all such lands here inafter described shall bo sold, or shall have been twice olfered.for sale: ' 44 i - it i 3- - 'I'M 3 00 s .. , k' j- 4M.,i. ft . i - J5 jC CO' - l oo I! pa a S'JS - - , - (HM S 2J-rcosC'i b-.aocccco, o HO?r. TfNnxo-r.l u5 ;t1-i i i i i i i-tc; i- J ,,. 3 ' cc C 15 -- t r - i t- CO.. SI a. -rs r-i O C ;. 141 : I : o - m T. - S ill!?! .2 :T s''Ja .- : sj n x - jr. -i : . c " 2szS-H 5 b m cJi:-r-H ?s r,"c-, ; c v-U. O- LtTJ-r: 'OiVHi. J- Ji ' -r-OL r5-e SJ e e - "o'o C 5. , c op c 2: 'si 2? c S : C"S o o j:s' : : W, r r o r 2 o : :- ' j; o 'H jh - ? 2 '- C53-0 o H5 s c : c : : ooci g o r f .35 ,-;-. -,-3 O ha ha x i- Jk wlilfWpecidEclion. To jthe' Sheriffs of the several Counties witlim,tliQ.StAteoOreron :. -.,. AVui : bu?. At a genenvl election held on tire third day. of Jnno.v. n., Ib72, tho lion. Joski-h S. ilsox was duly elected liopreentativo of ..Stato of Oregon in tho forty-third Congres of tho United Stated and WtiiKUBAS, Since the said electior, said office has becomo vacant by the death of said incum bent; and )hkukvs, By. provision of tho Constitution of the United States, andtho'laws of this Stato, it has becomojtho duty of the Governor there of to issuo his writ of election to fill such va cancy; ' X Now, therofore, I. L. F. Grovkr, Governor of tho' State of Oregon, do hereby commandi you and each of yon to aiotify tho sovorall Judges of Election within and for your sovoral counties, to hold a special election of llepre sontativo in Congress to fill the vacancy afore said, on Monday, th6 (13) thirteenth day of October, 1873, and that you cause all proper notices to bo given thereof according to law. (iiven under my hand and the seal of (ho Stato of Orogon, at Salem, this tenth day of' July, a. i). Ib73. 1 L. S. L. F. GROYEIL - . t Attest: S. F. Chadwiok. Secretary of Stato Oregon. Sheriff's Sale. Y VIRTUE OF A WARRANT I?SUED out of tho County Court of the Stato of Om- gon for tbo County of Clatsop, to me directed, commanding mo to lovy n tho goods and chatties of tho delinquent tax payors named in the delinquent tax. roll for tho yearlS72,. thereto attached, and if none bo found then upon tbo i-eal property as set forth and des cribed in said tax list, or so much thereof ra shall satisfy tho amount of taxes so charged,, together with costs and expenses, I have, this. day of June. 1873, (for want of personal property), levied up.on tho following doscribod. Pieces or parcels of land as set forth in said tax list, lying and being in Clatsop county Ore gon, known and described, and assessed to tab parties as follows, to-wit: t Names. AtkesonlVTMrsi Bush, AK Cheadlo, Rapbol Church, M. E.', ' Portland Froeborno, RD... Iloberg, James... Howell, J 11- it 44 Maddox, Joseph Olson, A Church, ALE Hurford, J E DescptlL-tlBkl Yaluel Tax OIney's Shivoly Adair's 12 L5j 991 S10 00 521 10 00 119J 2o 00 321 157 J 105 00 111 200 00 1231 5 00 1301 145M 1UUU 122 U7 115 11) 5 00 5 00 200 00 40 00 3 dn Naiues --Gcscript'n v . ILots-sec Tl IMAcr VaUTax.. J. II. VIIITC0MB, Shoriff.PaciUc County, W. T." Oj'stervillo, V. T., June 24, 1873. ' td 'W rr. : !t Summons. JUSTICE COURT FOR THE PRECINCT of Asteria: Civil action to recover money. State, of Orogon, County ofClatsoi) ss: GoorgaRirchard, Plaintiff, , vs. " YTo Thomas Dun- ThomasPungan.Defend'ntJ gan tho dofend-nt above named: In tho name of tho State of Orogonvyou are horoby roqufred to appear be fore tiro undersigned, a Justice oftho Peace for tho Precinct aforesaid, on the 13th day of August, 1873, at 'J o'clock in tfio forqnoon of said day, at tho office of saich Justice, in said Precinctj.to answer tho abovo named Plaintiff in a civil action. Tho Defendant will tako notice, that if ho fail to answer t&o complaint herein, tho Plaintiff will tako judgmont against him for SSli 25-100 dollars, and costs and dis bursements of this action. Given undor my hand this, 18th r.av of Juno 1873. 11. R. PARKER, J ustico of tho Peace. Blackmojo.Wm Real, Win.., Etn Noel & othr Falkinburgo,"V Gordon. John. " 1,23 luarclnvQllo.Jes Smith, N L sw oKioj4 Woodward, Win swlseM 51 01 8 81 218 3,4,1 1 19 I 19") 21 t JU&7 411051.9fl 14 112 Ol) 94 48 I(i0 40 2S0 1U2 250 200 400 100 M 45. 5.53' 1.M ni N Jl j Mt; u if in. Z " i j 1 1 i .rstoi-i- ,-J ' i w'f bi a Kit. K V v - -Tiiw.f ,....U-' .L. YH. J. - t i XMOt ing and Gas fitting cheaper ,than.j,any. uther Dekumt'Sa"Newt Building! Corner Ph-st aud AYasliiiigton, fc . pnPTT.A-Nrri- nT?pnnv "When I received this modicino, thero.being no small-pox m tho tato of Oregon-, I sent packagos to a number of placos in California and othor States, to bo jiroperly tested, al though my own confidence Fn its virtue was completely established by tho souxco-from which I obtained-it. Tho followfng letters" were duly received from tho parties to whoin I sent test packagos of tho medicine: Sacramento, Cal , Dec. 27, 1872, "Samuel Corwin, "Nehalem, Oregon Pear Sir: 1 have tho pleasure of communicating to you tho fact I had an opportunity at last of testing tho efficiency ofyour preparation for tho euro, of s.mall-pox. Mr- A.lvoysor, a friend of mino, was taken with tho small-pox Dec ember 18 th. I learnod tho fact about six o'clock on tho evening of tho 19th, and started immediately for tho rosidenco of Mr. K., sit uated about tourtecn miles Irom horo. towards Cache Creek. Yolo county. 1 got to K .'s ulaco just twenty minutes boforo twolvo o'clock, and commenced giving tho medicine precisely at twelve o'clock. Continucdto givo tho medi cine every hour until twolvo o'clock next ove n ing, having given twenty-nine deses: and, withodt further aid, K. recovered, and is now as well as ovor, without any visible signs of ever having had tho disease. . All of us who were exposed, took of tho medicino as a pre ventive, and I havo no doubt. , by so doing,! were Kept irom getting tucjaiseaso. . Yours etc., - ' " J A31ES HASBIN-. - Ferxdale, Humboldt Co'.Cal.Febtl 1S73. .Friend Corwin, Yo-ir small-ppx euro proved nuitp" a God-send to this community lately', J. had tho satisfaction of curing threo of our townsmen of tho small-nox lnfclv. Now. I am outof medicine-, and 1 "want you to Bendy mo about a thousand bottles, or send an agent down liere. lou would do well to havo an- agent m every town in California. 1 am get ting up a statement, with tho signatro of the parties knowing tho facts, 'and will s.ond it soon. Accept our thanks, etc., .. ' C. E. CIIUROn. fia?" This Summonses publislied'by an order of II. B. Parker, Justice of tho Poaco for As toria precinct, made tho 18th day of Juno 1873. ljiw WM. L. jMcEWAN, Att'y for Pltff. No person slibuld bo without this medicino, as thodiseasoisiojv.ih, vridus:Tparts of tho cquntry, and may be among us any day. !Tt is an-old :tnd truo adage, that 4 An ounco of p'ro ventivo is worth ' a pound of pure" " Tis a wisem'an that carries liis coat oma.fair day," Sheriff's Sale. y Virtue of an execution issued out oFthe Circuit Courfcoftho Stato of Oro gon for tho County of Multnomah, and to me directed; whereas, on tSe 10th day of Juno. 1873, judgment was recovered in favor of John West, Davfil West and Charles McGuiro doing business as co-partners under tho firm name of John "West & Co., nnd against J osophiMa chivella, for tho.sum of four hundred and seventy-six dollars, ($47(500), wilh interest at tho rato often (10) porcont per annum from tho lOtb Caw of Juno', 1873, and tho furthor sum of forty and ten wne-hundredths ($40 10) dollars costs, and one an&twonty-livo-ono-humlsodths (SI 25) dollars accruing costs, togothor with other accruing costs of suit and disbursements; now thorcforo,by virtue oftho abovo named oxocution, for want of personal property, I havo levied upon tho folio wing described real e.-tiito. property oftho dofendant, to-wit: Ono aero of land and'the appurtenances, on which stands the buildings and wharf of tho said Jo soph Machivella.in township nine ndrtli range sovon west, Willamette moridian. all in Clat sop county, Stato ' of Oregon, and on Friday, tho 25th day of July, 1873; at the hour pf one (1) o'clock v M, at the Court-houso door in As toria, Clatsop county Stato of Orogon, I will sell at Public Auction to tho highest bidder for cash, paid to mo in hand all of Joseph Machivolla'ii interest in tho above described real estato, or enough thereof to satisfy judgr ment, cobts and accruing costs. W H TWILIGHT. Shoriff of Clatiop County, Oroson. Astoria. June 30th. 1873. And on WEDNESDAY, tho 30th day of Jufciv 1873, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in front of the Court; House door Sn said Stato ana County, I will sell tho same, or so ranch thereof as shall bo necossary to satisfy said taxes ana' costs, at publiff Auction to tho highest bidder thereof, in United States gold coin. Saloik continuo from day to day. W. II. TWILIGHT, Shoriff, And Ta Collector, for Clatsop Counts Astoria, Oregon, July 1, 1873. ' 4vp Pinal Settlement. TERRITORY QF WASHINGTON, COUN ty of Pacific. In tho Probato Court withik and for said county. In tho matter of the es tate of Lilly Kelly deceased. J. D. Knann tho administrator of tho said estate, having mado amUiiled in Court?, trrspotition in writing E raying for an order of salo oftho real Estato elonging tu tho said estate. Now thcroforo all persons intorested In tho said estato are horoby required to bo and appear beforo tba said Court, at the Courtroom of said Court, a Oysterville in said county on Monday tho 18th day of August a. n. 1873, at the hour of ono o'clock r. m. of said day, to show causo, if any there bo, why such order should not bo grant ed. Witness my hand and tho seal of said CoajS, this 14th day of July a. d. 1873. M. S. GRISWOLD. L. S.l Judgo of tho Probate Court, Nohalpm', Oregen: Ui . ,. PrlceV'Ono Dollar por'Bottld.' Fo Astoria"byJJLbliANCE: nnhaXIN' Forsalo in IGALLSa Public Notice. TftTOTICE IS HEREBY GIYEN THAT BY m virtue of a warrant issued by Charles Stevens, Recorder of tho town of Astoria, Orogon, 'and dsttcd July 7th a.'p. 1S73, com manding me to levy upon tho goods and chat tqls of . P. Burns, delinquent tax payor, on lotjNo.4, in IHock No 144, in tho Town-of Astoria County of Clat.-op and State of Orogon, assessed for tho improvement of Main street in said town a. p. 1-. as laid Outamljccord edbv Cyrus Olney, and upon which assess ment there remains duo and unpaid" fho sum of ?20 00 and In default of any personal prop crtv, I have this day levied upon saidlot No. 4 in Mock No. 144, in said town of Astoria as provided by law. and on Tuesday the , "3th dav nr Ano-ncf 1873. at tho hour of 2 o'clock v. v. on that day I will sell, tho .above described lot etc. SAMUELjCPliWIN, Proprietor. No. 4, ' Plock 144' at th0. Cxm6il Chamber Oregon to Jho highest bidder' therefor in gold or silver 'coin, to recover tfaid sum of $'J0 00 and accruing costs anu expenses of salo, , tnt ... U'.M. CHANCEj,'itr3lWhal,. A'storiaOrcxonJuly th 18 a i r. v Astoria Fainer's Company. THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE ASTORIA Farmer's Company arc hereby notified that tin election will taker place at Astoria; on SATUKDAW August. ith, 1873, foi'tho purpose of electing seven Directors and other officers. By order of the Incorporators, the stockhold ers aro rormostedto bo .present, in, person or by proxy. P. LOW. Albany, July 5. 1873. j!7td Summons. N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE . of Orojron.for tho County of Claton. Margaret Brown, Plaiht2f, vs. Allan Brown, . Defendant: To Allan Brown, defondant, In tho name of tho Stato of Oregon, you are horoby required to appoar and answer tba Complaint filed against you in tho abovo eu- titled action at the next term of tho abovo entitled Court, to bo held at Astoria, County and Stato nforesaidj on tho 12th day of Augurt t 1873, and if you fail so to answer tho Plaintiff will apply to tho Court for tho relief demanded.: thorcin, which is a divorce from the bonds of : matrimony with you. WM. L. McEWAN, jlUw Solicitor for Plaintiff.-. Administrator VNo tice. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT THE : undersigned has been appointed bv tho County Court for tho Stato-of Oregon, for tbo County of Clatsop, Administratrix of tho ci tato of Franklin Nickerson, deceased, lato of said county. All porsons indobted to said er tato aro hereby notified fo mako payment, and all persons having claims against said ci tate aro hereby required to present the samo to me, duly verified, at'my residence in Astoria in said county, within six months from -this dato. RUTHB.nCKEUSON, Astoria, July4.-1873-lw Ad'ministratrbc Notice of !Piiial 'Settle-mATTf. N-TIIE MATTER Olf THEFjJTATE OF v G. W. Cook", ddceasod. By order of Hon. .T. Moffitt, Judge oftho Probato Court for Clatsop' county, Stato of Oregont the fust Monday inr September, 1873, that being tho 1st day of said month, is appointed for hearing objections and final settlement of said ostate. GEORGE FLAVELi Administrator AstoriaVJulylOth, 1873. jl24y Final Settlement; OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL whom it may concorn that the undorsienb has filed," In tho County Court, of ChiWp County, Orjwonr for her final account as Admin istratrixpfThe estate of John Brown, dpcoasod, and tho said -Court 'has-fixed September" 1st' 1873 for hearing objections thereto.' , iiuiii.iiiiwiij.it jivv . i, ,.ilUlUllllLniETT". house.in.tpwD :-.: . yfitVtt - t r? mt Y ii:Tt Jf 6B cjcMm && mm. vittj xm ts i Sjvirtm J -T-rm ... i iiu - m . -. n... ..,.- .- Astoria O'rcgo nj July 12tblo73r . ",112.Sf? v.