C31 tfa THE ASTOHIAff. TUESDAY . July22,1873 COMMERCIAL STATISTICS. Heport on the Harbor and Shipping of Vie port of Astoria Facts Im portant to the Public At a meeting of the Astoria Cham lxr of Commerce, held in May last, a committee was appointed to pre pare statistics of the harbor and ship ping of the port of Astoria, for use at the Parmer's Convention. Following is the report in full. Your committee to whom was referred the matter of harbor, and shipping intelli gence, beg leave to otter the follewing: The water front of Astoria, varying from a quarter of a mile to a milean width affords, over six miles of secure anchorage for the largest classed vessels, in from tix to twelve fathoms of water. No storms have yet visited the harbor that effected an damage to shipping riding at anohor in the bay, or lying at the wharf. Should the demands of conimtfrce xe quire, about five consecutive miles ef dock age may be cheaply constructed from the river bank to the edge of the channel, piling being necessary but a short -distance at any given point. The centraTportion of the harbor is just twelve mije inside the Columbia river bar, on which there is twenty-four feet of water at extreme low tide, and thirty-four at ordinary high tide. A-lter crossing the bar, the tlepth holds still greater all the "way to Astoria, so that an' vessel able to caXKs can safely venture to our docks. About six miles above Astoria, at the com mencement of Cathlament bay is the hog's " back, a bar some quarter of a mile in length, with ten feet of water at low and eighteen 1'ect at high tide. This is the most dangerous point on the river, and the most skillful pilots never attempt its pas sage in the night, either with sail or steam. It is formed of shifting sands, deposited by the meeting of the tide with the annual freshets of the river, as Cathlamet bay is ten miles long up and down the river, and :from seven to fourteen in width. Thus the waters of the river are so spread out that they lose their force, and the incoming tide washes the loose sand into irreguhr bars that change their position from year to year, and make dredging useless. Steamers are nearly always detained at Astoria, for tide to cross this bar, and should one arrive here, say at 12 m. when high water occurred at 10 o'clock a. m. $hc would have to wait until 11 a. m. the next day, as she could not proceed on the high tide of the night. This bar has been known for years, but as the draft of steam ers and vessels now coming into the river is greater than formerly, the difficulties .are becoming more and more apparent. There is the following named depths of water at the points mentioned at high tide: Walker's Island, 19 ftfor milo belovr Rainier CarrWoodyard " " " above ' Kalama M " H " -St Helen lTftforM " JVIouthWallauiet" " " Post Office 18 y " Swan Island... 17 " The channel is often crooked, and diffi- cult of navigation, and the bar at the mouth of the "Willamette river is subject to annual deposts of sediment from back water of the Columbia. "We find that the carrying trade of Oregon is now chiefly done by vessels of light draft and small capacity. That these are subject to a tax of $S per foot draft as pilotage; from four to ten days' delay, and 300 to 400 towage, over and above what they would have to pay, did they receive ana take in cargo at Astoria. A fair average would be, say :tdx hundred tons capacity. Expenses would Ihen be as follews: Pilotaso 1(1 foot $4 up . S 04 44 1(5 " " down...... (U Six days demurrage S00 , 8(H) Towago up 175 M down .. 125 Total : $788 Equivalent to over four cents per bushel m the cargo of 600 tons outward bound. This is but a fraction of the expense to the -State growing out of present arrangement of the arrivals and denatures by sea. By cureful inspection of the shipping registers, we find the average draft of all vessels now in use, ranging between 1,000 and 1,200 tons, to be X0lA feet, and the average of all larger ones but 21K feet. "While a thousand ton ship is lull larger than can reach Portland,or any point above Astoria, loaded, on account of depth of water, a vessel of 3,000 tons can always meto Astoria whatever the stage of water. Thus, with a point higher up on the river, the export trade must forever be carriedon in small vessels, while from liere the shipping of the world may com pete for freights. A ship of 3,000 tons can carry wheat -from Atora to Liverpool for twenty cents a bushel less than a 1,000 ton vessel can -do from Portland, as the following figures fully demenstrate: A ship of 3,000 tons i? worth $120,000 Interest, at 10 ft cent, for four months (average passage) 4,000 .Insurance at 12 ft cent. 4,800 Depreciation at 10 ft cent 4,000 'Captain, throe mates, stoward, and cook $150, $7x1, SW.SoU, 4U, 5H inonttt... 'Twenty-four seamen $25 ft niontb...... Stores for voyage, 30 men at 50c ft day, POUT CHARGES IN ASTORIA. 1,000 2,400 1,800 230 Pilotage and towago, 23 foot SllL. teveolores1 bill, 3,060 tons & 40c 1,200 Dunnage . . 200 Port stores, etc 200 LlVKKl'OOL CHARGES. VtioUgQ and towage, 23 foet & S10- 230 .Stevedore's bill, 3,00 tons 25c 750 Harbor fees, tonnage dues and dockago 800 Vxytt ftores M. ....... 200 Dotal osponse...v. t............ $22,400 BJ jm tons (& $15..-. ,. .$45,000 yjfcx&x dodurte&....;.r.....;.,.,..... 22,400 'loe ...... $22,510 UBi Ahip of 1,000 tons is worth .$ 00,000 Interest at 10 ft cent , and lusuranco ( 12 1 cent , four months - 4,400 Depreciation at 10 ft cent 000 Wages ft month, for Captain $150, two mates SlH5,stcward$50,and 12 seamen at $25 each 2,540 Stores for Hi men at'oOc ft day JHJ0 roirr ciiargks in astokii. Pilotage and towage, 19 feet 610 190 Port stores and dunnage 200 Stevedore's bill. 1,0U0 tons & 50c 500 MVKRPOOL CHARGES. Pilotasro and towage, PJ foet $10 190 Stevedore's bill &2oc, harbor dues, ton nage dues and dockage 650 Port stores 100 Total expenses $ 11.7S0 Co.vtr : By 1,000 tons at $15 $15,0()0 Expenses deducted . 11,780 Balance $ 3,270 Or, a dividend of 19 per cent, on cost of the larger ship as against 5 per cent, on tbat of tbe smaller. Or, to reduce both to 5 per cent., tbe 3,000 ton ship will carry wheat to Liverpool for over a tbird less tban the.1,000 ton ve⪙ that is 29 cents against 45 cents per bushel. Add to this the cost as above figured, incidental to delays and river expenses of 4 cents per bushel, and it gives a net gain otHO cents per bushel in favor of Astoria as an ex porting harbor, and the employment of such vessels as can safely cross the bar, over the present arrangement of Portland and small vessels. Twenty cdnts per bushel on the estimated crop of the State for 187S, viz: 5,000,000 bushels, gives the snug little sum of 1,000,000 that theikrm er should have tor his labor. The above figures are all substantially correct, and tell their own story. It may be said that several large Vessels have loaded at Portland, but the 'Custom Houe records show that of the twenty vessels named below, comprising all the vessels of any size that have saifed from the river with wheat, from a fourth to over one-half ef the -cargo was brought down to Astoria in steamboats an& here put on board. And yet these records are more favorable to the city of Portland than the facts justify, for "the reason tihat in a number of instances, two or lihree hundred tons wa cleared frcm the Port land Custom House as being on board when in fact it "was in lighters and steam ers alongside of the ship, and towed down to Astonabeferc being placed on the ves sel. List of vessels exporting' wheat from Oregon, showing amount otbushels taken on at Astoria and Pertland: Crop of 1K72. rr-r -S-3 1872 s5 Ships. July 11.. Annie M. Smull Oct. 11.. Manilla. ' U.. Navigator. " 14.. Electra ' 14.. Lock Dee. Nov. 7.. Siaiu " 14.. Forward, (bbls of Hour), " 21..lRodDeor. 7,j71 15,229 7,:J5! 7,734 3,794 7.175 1,7!I8 10,177 20,052 34,UJ)7 2,505 8,41)5 9,025 14,880 11.573 1,250 8,312 0,0515 7,705 3,828 42,4S2 14,021 20,022 22,177 88,853 :j,20o 2o,50l 23,i75 22,400 17,170 21,755 44,800 31,054 33,003 30,000 35,OS0 30,039 32.0S3 24,:M2 k).. Grasmero Dec. 11.. Zouave .. 44 17.. " IS.. 1S73. Jan. 10.. Feb. 1.. 44 .. 44 17.. 44 20.. March 8 44 10 44 14 Naworth .. . Channel Light... Victoria Nyanza. Whittington". Felix Mendelsohn". Sarah Scott Roswell Spraguo Uliono ..... Carribou .'.. Victoria Cross Again, deep sea vessels never like to leave the salt water. Coasters are willing to steamboat it, but large vessels avoid steamboat grounds. In lact, the under writers do not allow deep sea vessels to venture from their natural element at will. The striking of a vessel on any of the bars of the river, even if no immediate damage is discovered, is sufficient cause to render null and void the policy of insur ance, should she take in cargo and pro ceed to sea without being put on the dry dock and having her bottom examined. bliouia a ship be lost under such circum stances, not a dollar of inburance could be collected on the vessel, and if the owners were responsible, the underwriters upon the cargo would hold them for the value thereof. Hence large vessels will never be induced to undertake the navigation of the bars of the Columbia above Astoria. !Nbw as to the safety of the Columbia river. Exact data is wanting of the whole number of vessels that have crossed the bar, but from certain perioda during which the data is complete, we are enabled to approximate very closely, and4 set the number down at an average of five hun dred a year for the last twenty-one years, or since 1S52. The following is a com plete list of all the looses or wrecks that nave occurred on the bar since 1852, which year may be considered the beginning of wisdom as regards the channels, currents, &c, on or. about the bar. Barks Iendora, and Merrithewt lost January 12th, 1S53, came in without pilots, wind failed after getting in, and they drifted ashore. Jiark Oriole, lost September 19th, 1S33. Brig Detroit, lost Dec. 22, 1855, on outer spu. oromg out at nient. Bark Desdemona, lost Dec. 31st, 1856. Came in without a pilot, ran on sands six miles inside. Schooner "Woodpecker lost May 10, 1861, four miles inside. Bark Industry ,lost March 16, 1865, com ing in without a pilot. Bark "VV. B. Scranton, lost May 5th, 1867. Only eight vessels in twenty-one years. Eight out of 10,500. One out of 1,312, or one-thirteenth of one per cent, of the ship ping coming into the river. QX this number, four were coming in without pilots. It futher appears that near ly every loss during the time under reveiw, was the result, not of a rough bar, but of the wind failing after the vessel had crossed thus leaving her to drift on the sands. It also seems that each loss of vessels coming in occurred when they were sailing against the tide, instead of with it. There being no tug to go to their relief, Vessels marked thus () are known to have lightered xooje jtkan .tk Amount credited' above. 0U t-t s o i tu r it rsprsse of course there could be too rescue. It is safe- to "say that, had tlrere been a tug at handevery vessel thus iar lost on theoar might ha vebeed saved, ince the placing of the tug Astoria upon the bar, or pilot grounds in 1869, there has tydenno loss, and with proper care on the part of tug and pilots, there need be none for many year to come. These facts warrant us in mak ing the bold assertion, that there is no barr ed harbor known to commerce, where-the percentage of loss is so small; and few, if any, open harbors that can show s6 fair a record, . The currents and prevailing winds are such, and the land m&rks so well defined, that at a time when it is un safe to cross the bar, vessels outside "can readily keep off, and wait a suitable lime to enter. And there "is good holding grounds but aiew hundred rods in&ide for vessels bound out to anchor, and select from the sdpt their own time to pass out. Less trouble is experienced from fogs at the Columbia, than either to the north or south, as they are not frequent, ami are much less dense, owing, no doubt, bo tbe presence ot atrial currents, resulting from peculiar physical conformations. The channel is distinctly bouyed out, and lighted by a first class light-house on Cape Disappointment, where is established n life saving station by Government, with al the necessary facilities for rendering aid in case of accident on the bar. Gov ernment has also made an appropriation for a light housq at Point Adams, 'and preparations are" going forward for com mencing the "work at once. The commerce of Oregon has hereto fore been taxed by underwriters far above the proper and reasonable rate. But, aJ theiateof insuarance $s made up from a knowledge cf the actual pro rata of loss incident to a given harbor, when such datajis to behacl, or guessed at from gen eral impressions, in the absence of reliable information, there seems no good reason why, if the above facts are laid before the various marine underwriters of the land, the discrimination against the Columbia river bar should not.be removed, and our insurance had at a fair rate, much less than Li now imposed. Another important point gained by making Astoria the exporting harbor, would be the employment of 3ome capi tal in the river tranportation, instead of foreign, or otitside, as is now done. The question is how never raised about Sandy Hook bar, at the entrance of New York harbor, being too shallow and rough for the extensive and profitable employment of all classes of vessels, yet there is five feet more water on the Columbia river bar at high tide, than there is on Sandy Hook at a corresponding stage of water. But, to conclude, it is evident that the class of vessels required to carry the suplus pro ducts of Oregon to' a foreign market, at a price consistent with the cost of production, must stop tit the mouth of the Columbia river. Therefore, it is a simple problem of whether Oregon will build up and main tain a seaport town worthy of a great State, within her own borders, or whether such a place will be sustained on Pugut Sound, or California, at an annual cost of one-fourth the agricultural wealth of the State. Thq committee are under obligations to Mr. VanDusen, Mr. Hare, Collector of Customs, and the Pilots, for valuable in formation. Respectfully submitted, J.H.D.Gray, A. S. Mercer, w."W. Parker, Committee. Astoria, May 31, 1873. COLUMBIA RiVER PILOTSI P. JOHNSON, II. A. SNOW, P. E. FERCHEN. M. M. GILMAN, G.REED, C.S.WRIGHT, Agent. JK5T Office Corner of Main and Chenamus streets, Astoria, Oregon. Oregon Steam Nav. Co. WOTICE Boats of tho 0. S. J.1 N. Company will leavo As toria as follews: FOR PORTLAND, and intermediate points Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Mornings, at (i o'clock. Returning, leave Pertland: FOR ASTORIA, and intermediate points On Monday, "Wednesday and Friday Mornings, at U o'clock. J. C. AINSWORTH. Pre! The Steam Tug Varuna "Will leavo Astoria ovory TUESDAY and SATURDAY. Morning, for FORT STEVENS, CAPE DISAPPOINTMENT, And UNITY, Carrying Mails, Passongors and Freight. fiSu Other days of tho week sho will bo ready to go anywhere that businoss may justify. Is prepared to lighter cargoes, freight, hay, cattle and wood. J. H. D. GR A Y Agent, Astoria. Boat BUILDING! V. TV. BOUTON, Is propared to build Boats of all sizes and descriptions pither of EASTERN or HOME At Less tlian San Francisco Prices ! Freight doducted Orders left at the Astorian Offico, or addressed to tho undersigned, will re ceivo attention V W DOUTOtf , Unity, W T KLASKANINE PACKET. From and aftor July lstl73,the A No 1, fast sailing Sloop '-'a. BLUE RACER, k. EUGENE BROCK Mator Will nlv reeularlv bofcwnen Afitnrin nml Tv loo. kanine, leaving every Tuesday and Saturday. tfg-utfico at the Uxiox House, Ahtoria. POR CHARTER. TkoF&stSailinp 5 Sloop, IONE, -Sfeg. R. CYRUS SHIVELY Mastor. Is now in .readiness to Charter for Pleasure Parties, Freight or Passengers ! llad'tirtr? at Case's Landing. - i0- -. mtww; -v J?ttJCS3 iBTORIA ADVERTK&HTg Est&blislaed in Astoria Ir 1849. NE"W tSpODS: - CHEAP tSOODp., a. f ait'dus'in; "Wholesalo and Retail Dealer in GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Corner of Main and Chenamus strctts, ASTORIA, QkEGONv IS NOW OFFERING FOR SALE ONE OF the largest and most complete assortments of General Merchandise over boforo brought to the country and to buyers Far Cash will offer the Most Flattering Induceraenls In the lino of DRY-GOODS, CLOTHING, ! HATS, AND CAPS, I- BOOTS AND SHOES FANCY G'OODS. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, " GENTS' FURNISHINGS, A Complete Stock of Every Article, TOO 2TOMEROTJS TO MErftlOX. BSTGivo mo a call, and bo "convinced that my goods are of the best quality, and as cheap as can bo bought of any houso in the State. A. VAN JDUSEN. MRS; A S. MERCER, Teacherof Prof. E. A. Robbine' American Metioa for Rano Forte Also:lIarmony andThoroughbaso! tm Tho ONLY CONCISE SYSTEM which will stand Artistic Criticism, and furnish tho material upon which every educated Teacher can baso their own peculiarities of instruction, it presents in a now light, based upon Natu ral Laws, tho art of Execution, and Scionco of Music ftS"Rooms at Residence, Astoria"t?$i Dr. S. KINSEY, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, Astoria, Oregon. PHYSICIANS AND FAMILY PRESCRIP tions filled from tho PUREST DRUGS, either at day or night. A "!! stock of WINES AND LIQUORS,' FOR MEDICAL USE, PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, OILS BRUSHES, ETC., KSu Orders from tho Country solicited, and carefully and promptly filled. A. J. DONALDSON. GRANVILLE REED. DONALDSON & REED, Doalers in all kinds of FRESH AND CURED MEATS, CANNED FRUITS, VEGETABLES. FRESH BEEF. PORK? MUTTON, VEAL, HAMS, BACON AND LARD, MESS BEEFVAND PORK, B" Constantly on hand. C3T Special attention paid to supplying ships. Holladay's wharf, Astoria!' ' H. B. PARKER, Importer and Dealer in Wines, Liquors, Cigars TOBACCO, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Etc., Etc. fiSTHolladay's Wharf, Main stroottiAstoria. CEARHARTr COlMZtflSSION ZVIERCHNT, Chenamus street Asteria: Wholesale and Retail Dealor inj Hay, Grain and Feed ! A GENERAL ASSORTMENT of Groceries, FLOUR, BACON, HAMS, " A SHOULDERS, LARD, BUTTER CHEESE, EGGS,Xtc. Motto "Small Profits on Cash Salos.? .Con signments solicited. F tf Oregon Bakery- r Main St., (Holladay's Wharf,) Astoria, Oregon. CHARLES BINDER, Pkopkietor. iV IRESH BREAD, CAKES, PIES, CRA'CK- crs and Pilot Bread, always on hand." A RESTAURANT Is Kept in connection with tho Bakory, whore meals can bo procured at all uours. J&5" Uystors in ovory stylo in tho season."5i Astoria Bakery, Corner of Main and Cass streets, Astoria. HENRY JACOBS Proprietor. READ, CRACKERS, PILOT BREAD. Cakes.urocones and Provisions of all Kinds always on hand. Ship storos furnished. Connected with tho establishment is a Reading Room. Cigars and Lagor lieor served. PETER H. FOX, -MERCHANT TAiLOR ' Corner of Main aaa Jefferson stroetyAatoria. T? t V vSl CLOTHING OF made to order. ALL TONDS'fcUT AXD Cleaning and rpri MtaMHmiitfiii. .. '-fc ktA. ,". ASTORL1 ADVERTISEMENTS. Headquarter! - Hdqtiartrs-! t. W, CA'SX, 'Wholcs'ale-and Retail Dealer in Dry Coofti floing, frooaries, f nthloDSi Hotfa Aitt General Merchandise, ' WISHES TO ANNOUNCE TO THEPUB lic that he has a very superior and well selected Stock of Goo'ds in the-.abqvo line, be sides w.hich may bo found in great variety, tho host quality of k CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, HATS AND CAPS, n ' BOOTS AND SHOES, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, &c, Which is being offered ..v Cheap FOR CASH or PRODUCE ! &3 Having had years of experience I think' I know tho wants of the people, and as this' stock is nearer completo, and embraces, a GREATER, VARIETY than auy other stock in Clatsop county, I .will guarantee that you will do as woll, if not better, by trading1 with mo than at any other establishment. M jxs Having reduced, my expenses materially of Tate I proposo to give my customers tho benefit of the roduction, and any person who doubts whether I will soil as cheap as any ono FOR CASH I can bo convinced by giving me a call at Headquarters, " Case's Corner," Chena mus street, Astoria. , I. "W.C." 8. N. ARRIQONI, " Occident Hotel Blocc Astoria , ' lyholesalo and Rotail Dealer in Choice Brand Liquors! The Finest in the Market CONSTANTLY ON HAND! Which will bo sold in lots to suit purchasers . OCCIDENT HOTEL, S. N. ARRIGONI..:. .' .'Phoprietor. Astoria, 'Oregon. TnE BEST FURNISHED, MOST CONTE nient and in every respoct popular hotel in Urogon. Owing to its location it is considered A Very Delightful Summer Resort. fiSgrMagnificont Suits of Rooms for families1;, Thofablo is supplied with tno choicest dolica- cics of tho season. Wine andBilliard Room attached to tho Hotol. TJ Baths! iSSSSw Baths! ffiBATHSil Hot, Cold, and Shower Baths ! AT OCCIDENT HOTEL, HAIR DRESSING SALOON. "WTM, UHLENHART.v,i..:..PR05?RIET0Rs K3 Special attention paid, to LADIES' and CHILDRESS HAIR CUTTING fiSJ Private Entrance for Ladies sa U. S. MAIL AND EXPRESS. Em Astoria to Clatsop Bead ! East HORSES! Good CARRIAGE! ' LEAVES ASTORIA EVERY TUE Thursday and Saturday MorningsJ Arrivo Same Mornings at tho OCEAN HOUSE, ' ' - u GRIMES HQTISE, 5DAY SUMMER HOUSE, .'! I And SEASIDE HOUSE. RETURNING Leaves thoo nouses c'very Monday, Wednesday and Friday, connecting Avith steamer to Portland each way. JJ5" Distance-wc'nty-four3niles, faro Sl&i0O 11. B. PAUKEK, Proprietor. I. MEYERS' ASTORIA BREWERY! HAVING ALL THE MACHINERY XEC essnry for fir?t class work,skill!ul Brower and using none but tho best quality of materi als, tho Proprietor is 'prepared to Manufacture LAGER BEER ! In any quantity, from a Single Dottle to a BARREL, AiND JfOT IT Or in good' con dition for Shipment or Immediate use", ir ana lies and keepers of Public Houses lromptly and regularly Supplied. M MKYEli, Prop r Astoria Market. Chenamus Stkeet .'Astokia . IIOBSON & WARREN "Wholesalo and Retail Dealers in all kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats! Butler, Eggs, Cheese, Mams, JBacon and lard! Canned Fruits and Vegetables, t - Constantly on hand. VftT Ships supplied at lowest rates. H. A. SHAW & SON, House, Sign and Steamboat Painters ASTOtfIA, Orkgox.' ' GrainingjPaper-hanging and Glazing Done to Order with Neatness and Dispatch. Established 1867. Hemlock TA1NERY ! C.I,EINESnYEBEit.t H. AliOWN. IPsowirrow. N- manufacture aU JcMfa CJLaJHr a