Tri-weekly Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1873-1874, July 08, 1873, Image 1

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Yfil 1.
No. i
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F 9 i H Jv vt M I 1 t 9 i 1 H 'J a ' ' )M ' M kiFliUMlin ja m
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II 1 WW I W I ' i II i ' ' -. I I 1 li I 1 LS ml
-JL. JL.; J!L " IT J m m J m i jl. KJ -- W JLt; Jl i It
Monitor Building, Aftoria, Oregon.
I. C. IRELAND Proprietor
Subscription Rates:
One Copy ono year..- S5 00
One Copy six months W
Ono Copv three months - 1 '
fey Single Number, Ten Cents. 'W
Advertising- Rates:
One Insertion per square, 10 linos or less...S2 50
Each additional insertion, per square 2 00
Yearly adv'ts per month, por square 1 oO
Agents :
L. P. Fisher, 20 and 21 Now Merchants Ex
change, i authorized to act as Agent for the
Astori w in San Francisco.
Any friend who fuels an interest in the pros
perity of this region, is authorized to act as
Agent for this papor, in procuring subscribers.
"Walk Complete. The new side-walk lon
Court street, for the proposed grade, has been
completed, in front of Captain Bochau's.
A Carrier. Mr. John Ross will servo the
Astoria' to city readers from this date, in
time for early breakfast reading. Orders re
ceived at this ofiico will bo attended to.
Another Boat Race Wo are informed that J
another contest is to come off soon between the
sloops Mary H, and lone; both boats will pre
pare for it, and the raco will bo an interesting
BEAcnED. The sloop Fannie Bell with a
cargo of wood on board, met with an accident
at the wharf, and partly full of water was poled
over to Cass street, beach on high tido, for re
pairing, as soon as discharged.
Baths. The magical effect of soap and wa
ter was astonishingly displayed at the Occident
baths, Sunday. Mr. Uhlenhardt having every
thing in perfect and nice -working order now
his baths may bo considered a luxury.
Shooting. Saturday an altercation occurred
between two men in which weapons wero put
to use. The party assailed was Baker Tostin.
After being shot at and missed, almost faco to
face with his opponent, ho lit in with his fives
and decorated his head in the highest stylo of
the art
Stave Bolts. The Adelaide brought from
Youngs river, last Saturday, a cargo of fino
stavo bolts, for shipmont to Honolulu by tho
barkentino Jano A Falkinburg. Capt Flavel
has an extensive contract for furnishing this
article to tho Islands, and tho trade in timo
will be a largo and lucrative ono for this region
- Subdued Sunday morning a man very much
intoxicated created a stir on tho street by the
excessive use of obsono and abusivo language
He was promptly arrested and on boing brought
before recorder Stevens was fined $10 and cost
in all $15, not having tho casb ho was sent to
work it out on tho streets at one dollar a duy.
Letting her Juhp, " Lot her drive," was
the text preached from a fow Sundays ago by
a young, tonguoy and eccentric clergyman of
Brooklyn. At tho close of tho sermon a plain
looking man inquired of another who that
was that preabhed and why ho selected such
subjects. " O, that is our pastor," was tho ro
nly "' and those subjects are takon up a relief
from tho dull, prosy sermons of tho day, Ho
is -wonderfully popular, you soo." " Yes; give
my compliments to him: I am from tho west,
am going to Boston, shall bo back next week,
' and ho would obligo mo very much if he would
preach next Sunday from tho text; Let her
rip.'" Last Sunday Captain Hamblin of tho
sloop Elua, received similar compliments from
a gentleman of Portland, who was ono of a
party of five on an excursion to Lewis and
Clarke river. Tho wind blow -fresh from tho
north "west, and a heavy sea rolled, so tho Cap
tain thought a reef necessary to tho sail and no
jib wanting. " 0, give her all sail," saidour
friend, " I like fast ridinglot hor jump!" A
sly wink passed around the crowd, Hamblin
sot his jib, and away they spod like tho wings
of a bird. Astorians know tho rosult, a wotter
party nevor landed from Lewis. and Clarke on
a dry, beautiful day. Our friend next "Sunday
wants to go out again, prepared to let hor rip.
A slight alteration from tho B ooklyn text, to
be found in tho loth verse, 27th chapter, Acts.
Come to the Fountain. Oho of tho.most at
tractive establishments- in Portland "is tho
drug and perfumery storo of our old friend
Sifcnuol M. Smith, corner of Ash and Fiist
streets. Mr. Smith was for many years senior
partner of tho firm " of Smith & Davis. And,
Resides being a thoroughly practical -druggist
and chemist is, withal, aa goniata gentloman
as over grasped .a hand in frion&fiip. His
storo is fit tod -up andstocked in & inagniScont
manaer with everything usdally found in &
complete stock pf -drugs, chemicals, perfum-
eries, cto, But tha -feature par 'excellence is
the soda fountain, oneof ifcovfamou Arctic
patentanimmenso affair, a '.monument reared
in marblo and silvor to, tke .health of tho
thirsty. It has deliveries, on .opposite f4est
asd can aelcommofUite.a .rusk". ;It is (stocked'
withluasengen: Criira;--Vicay, Sejjpr' and'
different kinds' of syrups. .tHe sc-olin apnar-'
ariikejBCftpfrfeorwe, idiL12l'
Brightening up, Painters are em
ployed on the store of Mr. Geo. Sum
mers painting the building in good
.Tiiaxks. To Capt. M. M. , Gilman
and David Ingalls-for a choice lot of
luscious red rasperries.
New Lodge. A new Masonic lodge
with J. J. Dawson, late of this city r.s
master, has been instituted in Tilla
mook. The Hector. This vessel has pass
ed into the ownership. -of Capt. P.
Johnson of Astoria, and is readyfor
New Slaughter House. Donald
son fc Eeed have built a new slaugh
ter house above the head of Wall
street, on an improved principle.
Preparing. Yesterday the side
walk on Main street, in front of Mr.
Speilmier's where the work of filling
a low block is to begin to7day, was
Reparing. The tug boat Astoria is
beached for a coat of patent copper
paint. Scraping was commenced
yesterday, and the work will require
two or three days.
Sailing. The bay was well dotted
with crafts out for pleasure sailing
Sunday evening. The weather is
now delightful and very much of
such sport is to be had.
Freight. The Ajax, after taking
500 tons of freight from the fisheries
along the river came to Astoria and
took 500 of 1300 cases here, leaving
SOO cases for the next steamer.
Daily Boat. We are pleased to
hear that on Monday next the Ore
gon Steam Navigation Company will
place the Annie Stewart on the Asto
ria route, giving us a daily boat to
The celebration at Cathlamet on tle
4th, was a decided success. Our re
porter returned last evening and in
our next issue will give full particu
lars. Tide Land Beef. One reason why
the beef steaks of Clatsop county are
so rich and juicy may be attubuted
to the fact that the cattle get Tolling
fat on the ever green grass of our
tide lands. They never are compell
ed to eat dry hay.
Prospect Hill. A few hours spent
very pleasantly the other day with
our friend E. J. Jeffries of Prospect
Hill, Lewis and Clarke river, furn
ished several good items which we
propose writing up at an early day.
Grading. The Adelaide arrived
from Clatsop on the 6th bringing
teams of horses and wagons for Messrs'
H. B. Parker and F. Sherman who
will immediately commence the
work of grading lots and streets in
this city belonging to various parties.
The Mila Bend. This little vessel
has been raised by Capt. Corno, and
will soon again make her appearance
here from Tillamook, in the Portland
trade. It is said the W. H. Twilight
of Astoria is going t$ Tillamook to
run in connection with her on the
Bay above the lower landing.
Cherries. Capt. P. Johnson's fine?
place on Wall sreet was visited , by
us a few evenings ago and 'while
there we tested fruit from cherry
trees that would suit the taste' of any
epicurean in the land. Capt. John
son has one of the finest places, in
Oregon. , ,,
iNcoRREcT.-rjThe statement rnabe
;,bythe Bulletin respecting the trip of
the E. N; Lewis &ndClarke
where it spoke of her beingthe J&Tg
est' craft to ascend the rier, "was
based upon incorrect information-
Large, vessels formerly weinip' Jhere'
to load with lumber 'it?Moorsold'
'.,', VttV j. ri 'V ' l'fcts i'
rnilhv Wihen the; Cooke ran, aground,
Court Wees. The District Court of
Washington -Territory for Pacific county,
will convene at Oytterville oru t&e 14th.
New Sails Several of tlie craft on
Shoalwater Bay are expecting new bails
from San Prancisco. Almost every one is
being painted and fixed up.
Supervisors. It may be interesting to
our Pacific county readers, to know who
their -Supervisors are. The- Commission
ers have appointed as follews: Por the
Oysterville District, A. Wirt; Peninsula,
George P. Eastabrookb; Wallicot, J. Pick
ernell; Chinook, Thomas Allen; Knapp
ton, J. B. Knapp; Deep river, E. Bayer
btock; Gray river, jGeorge Burehard;
Lamleys', J. P. Pohtec; Port Willopa, S.
Geisey; Bruceport,L. H. Rhodes; Willopa
C. Baratow; North river, Almoran Smith;
Tokes Point, Thomas (Warman; Tarlett,
AJf. Baker. The Commissioners are, W.
H. Lupton, Oybtervillej A. S. Bush, Wil
lopa; Henry H. Jackson. Gray's river.
Siioalwater Bay Yaciit Club. By
favor of Thomas Smyth, late Secretary of
the above Club, we are' in poss'essiofii of a
copy of the pnhted Constitution araii By
Laws governing that organization. This
Club is the life of all sports on that pleas
ant little Bay during tho interval preced
ing active employments at oy&tering after
the close of a teason. Last yeaa one of the
firest Regattas perhaps that ever took place
in Pacific waters, occurred on the- 4th of
July. Twelve boats entered, according to
the correct method of Yachting, for three
handsome prizes: lbt, tin elegant Silver
Goblet, linecTwith gold; fed, a valuable Sil
ver watch; 3d, a costly Opera glass. The
following is a list of the boats entered, the
'pers'ons by whom entered, and to whom the
prizes were awarded:
Artemesia, 1st prize...!.! .03. G.Loomis
Humming Bird, 2d prize T. J. Crellen
Lib Smith, 3d prize Isaac Smith
Occidental Commodore G. H. Johnson
Julia .- John Crellen
Winship James Johnson
Pet. Will "Whitcomb
Indiana .'. '. Al Stream
Minerva West Whitcomb
Selim .-..Frank Powles
Lizzie Brown Peter Noma
Blue Jay H. Wing
The festivities closed with a ball at Espy
& Co.'s Hall, and we are told 0at it was
an event which is fctill cherished in the rec
ollection of every person present. The
Club having. decided to have another Be-,
gatta this year, about the 20th of July was
selected for the event,, at which time it is
thought about thirty entries will be made.
Court will be in session then, and numer
ous visitor may be expected from abroad,
on their annuul visits to tho Bay, which
will add interest to the scene. Many of
our citizens would like to go, and no doubt
several will go, as the Yacht Club, through
their Secretary, have sent very courteous
and pressing invitations to several here, to
be present. Arrangements will be made
for the beach drive across from Unity, for
all who wish to go, we understand. This
will boa fine chance for Winship Chowder
Club No. 1 to get out their chest for an ex
cursion. The officers of the Shoalwater
Bay Yacht Club, for 1873, elected June
21st, are -'as follows :
Commodore 'Capt. G.H. Johnson
President E. 2. Patterson
Secretary H. K. Stevens
Treasurer Isaac Y.Doane
Measurer Thomas Crellen
The Regatta committee last season was as
follews: J. H. Whitcomb, E. G. Loomis,
John Crellen,!. A. Clark,-G. Hansen; and
we believe no change has been made in the
committee this year. "
Title Tiible for Astoria.
High Wator.
Loav Wator.
I i-U.p -VO Z-M., - V 4 10
8 12 015 11 121 5" 5 12
9 1 0U! 6 58 6 12
10 .0 07 ..l 5o! 7 ol.......... 7 10
ll......."...0-oJ 2 3SI 8 37 8 00
12. -115 3 r.! 9 20 8 48
&. -,..233v 3 55J v 'J 56 37
Jfotlc.e, to- Pilots, (and Ship Mastors).-
Every Pilotor Ship Master who shall bring in-.j
to tho por, of Astoria any ship or vessol haying
on board any persons pr goods infected yrith'
Small-tfox, Cholera, Leprosy, or other-xonfca-gious
disoases, or which shall havo had on
Doard.any'suph infections during tho voyage,
oriririchha snspecterfront Hhobad-sanitary
condition of tho vessel may bo capable of p29-
pagating aasoaao, shall ancBor- such iship. r
vessel botejVwSmith'g Pointy and give inimedi?
ato noticeitoither lloaUifc. OSafter - In any .-rfsia-g
ip it A.t!. tL. l. 111
. nons oi lue- iorogoing BYgkUBuuus uiu ire wm
..-.-..'..fn - ,, iw.nnTkTiir.-n '.
Many of our readers will recognize
the truthfulness of the following nar
rative as told by the funny man of the
Danbury News:
It, is a little singular why your wife's
mother, will persist in 'sleeping on a
cord bedstead. But she does. You
don't think smucI of this until you
are called upon to- put it up which
event generally takes place in the
evening. The bedstead has been
cleaned in the afternoon, and hav
ing been soaked through with
hot water, is now ready for putting
up. Your wife holds the lamp and
takes charge of the conversation.
The rope has been underwater sever
al times in the course of the cleaning,
and has sw-olen to a diameter great
er than the holes in the rails, has also
got into a fit of coiling up into myster
ious intricate forms. You sxt first
wonder at this, but bretty soon wond
er ceases to. be a virtue., and you then
scold, The thread wiach has been
wound around the end of the rope to.
facilitate its introduction into the
holes has come off, and y.ou have too
roll it up again. Then after you have
pulled it through eight holes, your
wife makes the, discovery that you
have-srarted wrong. The way that
rope comes out of those holes again
makes your wife get closer to the
door. Then you try again, and get it
tangled in your legs. By this time
you notice .that this is the smallest
bedroom in the house, and you call
the attention of your wife to the fact
by observing : " Why on earth don't
you open the. door? Do you want to
smother me?" She opens the door
and you start again, and she helps
you with the lamp. Pirst she. puts it
on the wrong side of. the rail, then
she moves it so the heat comes up
from the chimney and scorches your
nose. Just as you need it the most
you lose sight ef it entirely, and turn
ing round find her examining the
wall to see how that man has. put on
the whitewash.. This excSfces. you
and brings out the perspiration in
greater profusion, and you declare
you will kick the bedstead out of
doors if she doesn't come around
with that light. Then she comes
around. Finally the cord, is laid all
right, and you proceed to execute the
very delicate job of tightening it.
The lower ropes- are first walkedjover J
This is done by stepping. qn the first
one and sinking jt down, hanging to
the head-board with the clutch ef
death. Then you ste with the other
foot on the ne-xt line, spring .that
do wn; lose. your balance, grab for the
head-board, miss it and come down
in a heap. This is repeated mor.e or
less times across the length of the bed,
the only variety being the nsew
places you bruise. The top corcjsarc
tightened in another way, and you
proceed to that. You first put one
foot on each railwrjich spreads you
some, and as you do it the .frightful
thought strikes you that if one of
these feet should slip o.yer, nothing
on .earth would prevent your being
spilt through to the chin.. Then you
put up the first rope until your eyes
seem io be on the point of rolling
out of their sockets, and the blood rh
your viens fairly groans, arid on )be
ing convinced 'tAat'you .can't jpull it'
arrv further without crippling your
self for .life, you catch hol'do'f &&
'l 'i .-I ' lr i ' T ,V
next rope ana unww. tjuuu uu, mm
grunt. .. , ;'' '.'''
j Then you move along to the next,,
and pull Vhat up, arid' grant' again.
Just as you have .got to the middle
aboufctfcrorcgh,, even if your ,joints
,,.11 ruL.iftVnfrnrn rf. nSfcHfiV "did Tlft-
wmiv I";" r.ihfAvK
other miss the
fnrr -vcou some.WV.or
! v5r.ri.o'U .vai'ojw ! t
tonnectton, ana nna x uu .you nave
a-m 1 Wv l!AtAl
and do i ill1
Here-you pausefor a few minute for
oracular refreshment,, then slowly
and carefully work your way back.
You don't jump down and ivalk back,
because you are afraid to spread out
in that way again. You sort of wad
dle back, working the way. inch by
inch, and with consummate patience.
A man. thus stretched across a bed
stead never becomes so excited as to
lose his preserice of mind. It would
be instant death to him if he did..
Then he goes it over again, waddling
and pulling groaning and grunting,
while his wife moves round with the
lamp and tells . him to take it easy
and not scratch the' bedstead any
more than he can help, andshe can't
tell which dreaks the most, he or the
bedstead. And afterhgets through
she has tho audacity to ask yn to
bring in the feather beds. In the
dead of the night that man will steal
up to that room and look at the bed--stead
and swear..
The Merrimack Journal says a ves
sel which sailed for Cuba, last year,
with a cargo pf molasses casks filled
100 of them with!i fresh water from the
river for ballast.. Just as she reached
her destination Cardenas suffered
from a tidal ncavC), that overflowed
well with salt watoyvr'ken the captain
found a ready sale for 'his Merrimack
river water at $2.50 per cask.
An Indiana man is naming his chil
dren after the New England States.
He has now Maine, New Hampshire,.,
Vermont,, Massachusetts, and Hhode
Island, with a flattening prospect of.
Connecticut.. .
London has-now, forty six regular
theaters,, and on a- now in course of
erection.. Th&is exclusive of music
halls,,, concert rooms?, and entertain
ment galleries which number over-one-
It is a little singular howfmuch
valuable, tirnfi.a man wiB -"mice up in,
studying the -postmark of a letter to.
see where it comes from,, when he
can open the letter and find it out at:
An old woman at Liverpool,. Ohio,,
didn't want 'em to take any trouble
after she was dead',, but if it was just,
the same shed like to be burie&i
with her spectacles on.
A stone- cutter in Detroit keeps
ready made gravestones with the
name Smith cut thereon'..:
The Pfutes of Nevada have attain
ed a high degree- of civillizatfon..
Anyhow, they can gamble and swear. .
The-best way to .get just the: rtehtr
tangle on the Mar is to fill 2; full of
corn meal and get the -scratfch
it out.
"Emotional insanity is said " to .
have been the trouble with Captain
Jack i,.
San Franciseo papers codlly advise
superfluous young inento "go west.
Bat- View House. Ono among tho finest
rotroute on the Pacific Coasfc for Summer vwK
tors is that region surrounding tho Bay View
House, at Unity, presided ovor by John Hun
ter and his estimable wife late of "Qystorville. "
Fishing for Pogios and Flounders off tho rocks
amidst tho roll of breakers, or Trout in tho
brooks, digging Claras on the weather beach,
deer hunting or iluek shooting, sorf"bathing '
or beach driving", on a twenty mile stretch;
are some of tho sports to bo found there. It
will bo seen by tho advertisement tf' Mr. II.,
in another column, t&at passengers and visit
ors aro to bo well provided for this season.
, . . 7-, .,.!
Beecher saws ababais a mother's anchor..
Why is a-d"0g'sftaU like, old ago ?-rBe-7
c&ueJtisJinfirm; u , ,-j-
Cruelty to Animalscr-Tln-o-'wiDg physic-
to the doga.
, 3Tpst people are like an eg to'phull dv .
themselves tVold'eu'y tiling ele.
' lhesurertwaytocoieVnVhealth il'tbS
keep drihkittg other people's'.. . 1 "
"I, cant telK'riow "Whether a t goose-
stands on pne'legsomisch- to rest'the-.
leg as to r'ttie golpei. ." I Yfsh,fsom&4
scientific mLntSsoiald-iell riie-all a$au ;
this. IMVJ'
xftrB:"Flahhfean'on?6rdrthiB shii)?' ' "
roafedelsoft'dtirln-ilUull' in th
firing at the-' battle of tbe- 2vile. ;I
am here my lord Jr saSd'Erinsonv
Showing 'fifenself o-n?-&&. "Their,"-
iaidNelsbni looking atisfie!i, f filfeir
theibnttle ytocokdiK'SMi istqryMis
?H4 p$tr,$ I8gtf '4 u. ualnvnv.
( mwvui (km im vitfwf
S?S."M5.,W". '-hsWWHvnnotin'the chaunel?- .
TTaflUi OflRnnr. Aafnria. CTOt tO CO DaCK
- f
m tferii vmd ' i i toad I . tyi') tlimi'
vwwi-wi'" ' ?. jiwatf a