U) TOMAN. ASTORIA, ORE JULY 5, 1813. 1.3, Vol. 1. A TBI WEEKLY Au THE ASTORIAN. PUBLISHKD KVERY TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY, Monitor Building, Astoria, Oregon. I. C IRELAND Proprietor Subscription Kates: Ono Copy one year $jj J) Ono Copy six months yj One Copy three months.....-......;......--. ou &W Single Number, Ten Cents, "a Real Estate Transactions, The following transfers of real estate in Clat sop county, were recorded last month; John llobson to Susan "Wirt, lot 7 block 4 Lexington SloO 00; D. E. Pease to Susan "Wirt, lot 10 block 4 Lexington S50 00; Sheriff Barrows to C. S. Wright, lot 4 block 100 Astoria $4 00; Same to samo, lot 6 block 88 Astoria $14 50; John Adair to Sarah K. Saxe, block 44 upper As- INDEPEDENCEDAY, The Celebration of July tth 1873, in Astoria Large Turn out. At a very early hour yesterday morning the hill-sides surrounding Advertising Rates: this city echoed and re-echoed the toria 8300 00; James W. Welch to Dan H. booming of cannons, giving the pub Welch, N. W. M sec 23 T. 8 It. 9 160 acres $240 ,. "? ' ,, f, - fl, oe: .TnmMWrfditnOTiMoNiiUv. lot 3 block hcpositive assurances that the Fourth 49, Astoria $25 00; United States to John S ! the glorious and great natal day of Walker SK sec 23 & N yz sec 26 T 8 R 7 Pat- Americans everywhere, had come ent 040 acers; United States to J M Shivoly & L mni.a iw fhP pvpt rpvolvine t -ir. -rit, T 1? i u"v xiiviv kjj v.v o lot 8 block 132 Asto-hvheelof Time, and that they must Yearly adv'ts per month, per squaro L ria SoO 00: C L Parker to W W Parker, lots 7, w tw;, nnrnmrr.. 10 lines or less...$2 50 wife Patent to W0 acres; J Wm Welch to J Each additional Insertion, per square 2 00 ( Barrows, lot 4 block 96 & Agents : L. P. Fisher, 20 and 21 Now Merchants Ex change, is authorised to act as Agent for the Astori vn in San Francisco. Any friend wno teels an interest in tno pros-nr-Hv nf this roirlon. is authorized to act a: Agent for this paper, in procuring subscribers. and 8, and 9, secl6T8R9 134 77-100 acres $250 00. Boat Racing Yesterday afternoon consid erable interest was taken in a counlo of con- perity of this region,, is authorized to act as , tegtg between boats of Astoria as to a test of speed The first test was for a prize of $12 CITY INTELLIGENCE. To Sail, Tho steamer .Ajax'is to leave here to-morrow morning for San Francisco Regatta, An article on tho sport of Shoal water Bay, where a regatta is to come off about July 20th, which wo prepared for this issue, is unavoidably delayed Mariner This famous Durham short horn, imported from Kentucky by Gen. John Adair of this city a month ago, was taken to S. D. Adairs farm on Thursday, on Young's Bay, above Skipanon. Loading. Tho Merritnac left tho barkon tino Wcbfoot at Cementville night before last, where she is to complete cargo for San Fran cisco by taking on board 250,000 feet of lumber. , Launched. Tho sloop Mary 11., which had been undergoing repairs for several days prior to tho 4th, was launceed on Thursday evening. Capt. Poolo knows tho sailing qualities of that vessel very well, and prizes her about as much as Bonnen would a fast horse. arouse and enthusiastially cheer the event. It was not long after day-light un til gaily bedecked crafts commenced to arrive from various parts of the country, and long before the hour Three boats entered .The lone, Cyrus Sbivloy announced bythe committee for the .Mary H, Capt Poole, and the ,liza, Lapt commencement of the exercises for Ilambhn Tho prize was awarded to tho lone , ,, ,-,,.! . j. Another race between tho Ione and Mary H . the celebration here, our streets pre for$io a side, was also won by tho Ione Tho sented a scene of animation rarely distanoo run was about eight miles Tho first -witnessed. From house tops, and trip was made in tho following timo; , the magtg in the shipping, bunting Ione K Cyrus Shivoly iMOm'ibs ' profusely flaunted in the gentle MarylOy Ll'oolo lhiMmois- breezes, and the brightness of the lihza, in Raymond llili)in52s ' , ' , ,. , , ,, Dauntless. A C Fisher, failed, not knowing i atmosphere was only eclipsed by the the conditions of the race. Personal Collector W P Hare returned to Astoria last evening from a trip to tho Wal lam et valley W Lair Hill, Editor of tho Origonian, called last evening lie is in tho city on profossionial business Judgo F J Calloway, of Salem, ss also in tho city from intolerance and persecution at home, crowded down to the sea shores to Bmbark in the frail sailing craft of the 17th century, en route to a com paratively unknown and unexplored country, leaving behind them homes of comfort, often of luxury. Observe them on bended knee, humbly pray ing Heaven to prosper their voyage; notice their arrival on a cold, bleak shore, or perhaps land amidst .the scowling, implacable savage, who looked in sullen silence upon the un bidden arrival of the pale faced stran gers. No land teeming with precious metals and gems prompted them to come, or were found upon their arri val. Our Fathers did "not tramp tri umphantly o'er the balls of the Mon tezumas or Incas. Their portion was not Mexico or Peru, their gain not the gold and jewels of the despoiled temples of the conquered. Their re ward not the splendid landed estates of the conquered, with an allotment of slave labor irom tne despoiled vic tims. JSo, that was the portion of the Spanish cavalier. The gallant hearts of our Fathers were actuated by high er and purer motives. They came to enjoy something more priceless than gold and jewels. They came to wor ship and commune with the Creator of the Universe, according to the dic tates of their own consciences, and to have a voice in the government under which they lived. It yas a principle for which they sacrificed then, as well as on that day they pro claimed the birth oi a new JNation, many bright countenances to be seen everywhere on the streets At the appointed hour the proces sion formed on Chenamus street, left predicated upon those principles as rncfinir mi TUmn nnrl lw rlirnntinns nf I the fOUllttatlOll StOne tliereOI. the Marshal of the day, preceded by j I a band of music, marched to the I grounds prepared for the exercises. I The preparation of those grounds Tuiotiiy Skkd It would be a difficult mat ter to compute tho quantity of timothy seed raised to the acre on lands in tho vicinity of show that the committee and parties Lewis and Clako At DrKinsoy's office y ester- wj10 haa foQ work jn ha did their ?ai:iTrJriitHdS;clutyfaitMVny and 1L Plenty of with seed They grew on the farm ot ilr Jonn comlortable seats were provided, and Douglass, who can beat that? o 1,rtWM.efo1 f n c;, HfiWv of the Day, Reader, Orator, etc., be sides tables at which 200 persons could be well seated at dinner. At 11 o'clock a. m. Col. James Tay lor, President of the Day, annouced the commencement to be singing by Title TalIc for Astoria. High Water. July a m P M 5 8 35 8 42 6 9 48 0 821 7 10 54 10 25 8 12 00 .11 12 9. 1 0'J! 10 0 07 1 55! 11 0 5'! 2 SSI Low Water. a m p M 2 37. 3 43. 4 40. . 2 28 3 22 ! 4 15 5 55 5 12 -r8 12 ; the choir. 7 Ol 7 1U 8 37 S 00 CBawrcli Kotices, Grace Church, (Prot. Episcopal) Rov. T A Hyland Hector, Divino services every Sunday at 10)4 a m and 7 r m; Sunday School at 1 p m Congregational Church, Rev A W Tonny Pastor, Divino services overy Sunday at 10 a Mand7 p i; Prayer Meeting every Thurs day evening, Sunday School meets at 12 m Thirty-four voices followed to the music of an organ and viol, and most happily was the patriotic anthem rendered and received. After an invocation for Divine blessing by Eev. Mr. Tenny, came more music and then the reading of the Declara tion of Independence in a clear tone of voice by Col. E. D. Baldwin, Then another patriotic song, and next the Oration bv Col. S. W. F. Vernon. Notice to lilots, (and Ship Masters). Every Pilotor Ship Master who 3hall bring in to tho port of Astoria any ship or vessel having on board any persons or goods infected with Small- gious board any such infections during tho voyage, or which ho suspects, from tho bad sanitary My fellow citizens : Kinety-seven condition of the" vessel may be capable of pro- years ago our Fathers, after a calm pagating disease, shall anchor such ship or ' and protracted deliberation gave lit- all-nox. Cholera, Leprosy, or other conta- r ,, . ,-. iu: .. : c thev accepted us diseases, or which shall havo had on i . 1 . n i. ! from that nation who boasted herself, demand that we keep alive thepatri- .-.1 -r o.mV infant inns A ii fX n rr h n vnvi rrn . tilU UlUHUlii VUl. CX1IU11 CHU.U.. I (lfl,n miofrnCC Peauody's Skei'Lixg Mr La Duo sends us a box of strawberries of the above quality, on ono of which was a tag informing us that that berry was supposed to be tho largest ono ho had picked this year It measured 5 inches in circumference. Thanks. Mrs. Gcorgo Warren will plcaso accept our thanks for a fine dish of Straw berries plucked from plants in her own garden. Now that strawberries aro nearly out of dato up country, wo of this region lind oursolves in the enjoyment of such luxuries to an untold extent. Weather Vane. Several years ago Capt Hustler of this city had a large weather Vane constructed for him, in the shape of a ship, by Seymour & Joynt, that has sinco then indicat ed the courso of tho wind unceasingly on tho aptain's barn. Recently it was taken down for reguilding, and is now to rest on tho roof of Holladay's wharf. Chinook Salmon. Tho tug Yaruna, with a barge in tow, arrived from Chinook with near- i ly one hundred tons of canned Salmon from , Megler & Jowct's, for shipment to California, ! and to Europe. If any Salmon manage to i to escape tho nets of this firm they come to grief farther up stream. They aro putting up 150,000 cans this season, besido largo quantities in barrals, and having tested tho quality of tho article can say that those gangs of men wo saw at work at Chinook a fow days ago, aro rightly employed. Presentation At the hall of Beaver Lodgo No. 35,1. 0. 0. E., in this city Thursday oven inglast, tho retiring Xoble Grand, Mr. I. W. Case, on behalf the members of tho Order, r-rosented Mr Lewis Wilson with an elegant and costly Castor, with cruits to inatch, as a slight testimonial of their appreciation of his services to tho Lodgo, as P. S., to which posi tion he has been reelected. Tho presentation address, by Mr Case, was deservedly compli mentary Green Peas and New Potatoes At homo. i.i cuw -. vww? . , :M rnncimnln i 1 i j T l zTn j j 1 1. i big thing to havo green peas and new potatoes ; ". & accomplished results, tho Com- I T SU UUira OI Pnonsm uy men at aFourth of July dinner, but out hero where panv offers, and is now rapidly selling, its alone a government Ot tlie people, rolls tho Oregon it is no uncommon thing; and i i'ivst Morgago Londs. for completing tho ' by the people, and for the pcopie, can .run.. o o construction and -equipment of its road across i;Va mul not Tprkh from the frico nf yet our green peas and now potatoes come from I JSo Continent After careful investigation, . S e an" llOt peri&ll nom tne iaceoi r.,i;fvi-n;.i n nfrnn tluit. " vnu nnn'h nlwavs n rnnnnnnnnrl t.hosn bonds ns n. well sno.nrnd i tlie Cai'tll. -UO " e leailZe 111 ail ItS Fomctimes tell" whether they are a homo pro- and unusually profitable imcstment I hey hJ . ., . ,P, , . . .havo ''M) years to run; principal and interest duction or otherwise. Ihey ought to como , nro nvnMn in seld: the interest tsoven and from our own soil, and can this wo know, t three-tenths per cent) is equal now to about frnm tbo fact that where we dined yesterday j 34 Per cent in currency. Tho coupon and Our Fathers at first established col onies under the royal grant. They were at first allowed complete con trol of their local allairs. Legislative assemblies were established wherein the voice of the humblest might be heard. Growing up by the neglect and not by the culture of the home government. The importance of the colonies loomed up in the eyes of the British ministry. Then it was that charters were revoked, local govern ments subverted as far as possible, and a system oppression and taxation inaugurated that compelled our fa thers to proclaim their indepen- here at the gates of the broad and majestic Columbia, predicting at the time thereof that here would ulti mately be the commercial metropolis of the Pacific. Even a British cruis er, prompted by a hope of plunder sailed up yon river, her battle flag indicative "of a purpose of conquest. But when peace came the ravages of war were fast obliterated. A tnird or a century scarcely elapsed ere the tocsins of war again sounded from a nighboring foe. (5ur gallant soldiers-, to secure a lasting peace, carried the war into the enemies country, and there dictated a peace in the halls of the Montezumas. That gave us the golden shores of California, whose mineral wealth, developed under American guidance, has dazzled the, . world. All? evidences of the rude shock of the recent rebellion are fast disappearing, and we find in tho United States of to-day aland stetch ing from the great lakes to the Gulf of Mexico from the stormy Atlantic to the Pacific, possessing almost every variety of climate and productions, mineral resources illimitable, filled with busy centers of manufacturing industry and commercial marts. Yes, " A giant aggregate of nations Glorious whole of glorious parts." My fellow citizens, whilst we have done much as a people to develop. our resources, much yet remains to be done. Whilst we can rejoice in . the grandeur of the glorious constel lation of States that form our govern ment, we can be consistent and pa triotic still, by doing our part to see that the lustre of no single star i dimmed. In publishing to the coun try and the world the advantage of your1 own State of Oregon, you can do it in no invidious spirit, and in askinjr attention to your local ad vantages, standing at the gates of the Columbia, the outlet for one of the finest agricultural districts of the whole country, you can do it in that spirit of generous rivalry without derogating from the advantages of your rivals, and in a manner that will carry conviction and progress with it. Let every one feel an indi vidual responsibility in this great work, and in future, when the pre-- deuce. The exasperated ministry i dictions of an " Astor" have been immediately sounded the tocsin of J verified, and a great commercial cen-. war, and believed that the very ex- ter has grown up ight here, and hibition of their power would intimi- J your State has grown up to be one of date the colonists, into submission, j the most powerful in the national but they little knew the temper of j compact, )rou will feel proud of tho. those iron wills, schooled in adver- i sity, ana amidst dangers irom mian cy, imbued with a patriotism and de votion to principle truly sublime. Observe the United States of Ameri ca on the 4th of July, 1776, a few col onies stretched along the shore line of the Atlantic coast, from Maine to Georgia, sparce settlements, hugging the shore line, scarce 3,000,000 of peo ple, without manufactures, and out memories and glories of the past, its the semblance of a marine, and yet ' sacrifices and benefits, our duty to the guage of battle ourselves, our posterity and. our God, part ou took to aid so desirable a result. " Trust not tho future ne'er how pleasant Lot tho dead past bury its dead, Act, act in tho living present, Iloart within and God o'er head: Then let us be up and doing, With a heart for any fate, ! Still achieving, still pursuing, Learn to labor andJLo wait" And noWyin conclusion, let us ever I bear in mind that our dutv to tho vessel below Smith's Point, and give immedi- terance to that immortal Declaration ato notice to the Health Officer In any viola-i Ot Independence, Which, you have tions of tho foregoing regulations tho law will : heard read here to-day. It electri- bo strictly enforced. S. W, DODD, M. P.. Health Officer, Astoria. fied the civilized world, and laid the foundations, broad and deep of the - Great American Republic," now , known and honored throughout the whole earth. " Yes, to-day we cele- To Investors. The Northern Pacific Railroad Company lias now built, equipped and put in operation, neaily ol7 miles ot its , . fi,n Y.itirtnc! hirfli X-i-ir nv,! if main lino of road through an excellent conn-! Diate the Aation's birth-day, and it try and along what is known as tho Valley is eminently proper that we should Koute to tnoracmc. ine iimsneu portions n sn: wp.thfirphy show nur annrfin a- tion of the sacrifices made by our already enjoy a largo and tat increasing tralhc. ine sections approacning completion the mistress of seas," whose pos- j otic fires kindled bv our fathers on sessions were in every clime. Whose J the 4th of July 177G by commemora subjects were numbered by the mil- t tive ceremonies on each recurring1 lions. "Where manufactures were t anniversary thereof. stupendous. "Whose treasury was plethoric, possessing all the sinews of war so essential to success. Our fathers foresaw ail this, yet ap preciating the momentous issues in volved in the contest to themselves, their posterity and humanity, an nounced their intentions to the world, and fearlessly battled through' eight years of blood and anguish un til victory perched upon their ban ners, and their independence was connect tho chain of Lakes with the navigation Fathers to establish it, as likewise of ! acknowledged. Then it was that the i i- i itiinr a i lkCnnri o rwi ('nininhin i tfive ji. "- i i.i i ?j i" . .:i t i t ! -i i ; .-. - I i I -. ;v-w i miuu wi." -".;". " v,..u. i.v..o xue inpsnmunie uenenrs oi civil ana -nnnfin os m r.ivn ana reinrious nu- jiv -u. , m-ofita& Companv religious Liberty that we enjoy as the erty was guaranteed in the organic - together was a to nliout iiM.uu.uw acres ot excellent averago irmts tiiereoi, and create ana loster nr-fs ot the new nation, ana tne op- T a . . . I , -I .fW .1 UVIUU IU .VOULIlltl. After the benediction was pro nounced the crowd approached the tables, where a magnificent dinner was spread, and to which all seemed ! to do themselves and the dinner ! timple justice. The day ended in sports of various kinds, chief of which were the prize races between craft on the bay, and a ball given by Astoria Engine Compa- in the evening. Taken aK day long to be remem- pressed from every clime offered an asvlum here. A career of prosperity then opened out to us that startled the "civilized world. A gentleman took the following telegram to a telegraph effice: "I 'ne year ibi lounu our m- announce with grief the death of - those articles were served; frosh, of good size, and fine flavor, direct from tho farm of John Douglass, of Lewis and Clarke, and wo aro confident California could not send Oregon half so good any timo registered bonds can bo exchanged for each other, at tno pleasure oi tno uoiuer. uoiu checks for tho semi-annual interest on tho registered bonds aro mailed to tho post office address of the owner. These securities havo tho following eloments of strength and safety: They aro the obliga tion of a strong corperation: they are also a grandeur, the mighty iabne under thers again engaged in an unices- which w live? transmitted to us in "sary and unprovoked war, forced .up- g &ve Te Q LfJvs- aaiuuu uubu uy a gionuua .ui tiv on us oy weiib iituxii, wjiu oix.i ic- Jh Black The clerk, having Do we comprehend the benefits that garded our people m the light of re- prmnfpf1 fho ,vnrfls :a! Th " our own people have derived there- , bellious vassals, yearned for our con- 1',,. fllfi u. ?u iliVJ bi)u nviuo lvj mum iui. -n Pathetic It has been said that no theory mortgj4o on tho Road, its right of way, oquiji f tho passions can teach man to be pathotic, ments and franchises, and a first lean on its i addition to tnis usuany sm there is pledged for tho pay- tnat tne enect ui a. uuuuuku mu myuLcnuu. ; ment of the principal and interest a urant oi by a noblo figure. At all ovonts, tho effect of Land, averaging about 23fiW0 Acres per Milo reading tho annexed Urn on tho beams sap- J Jl,ia,i1AtLS3 porting the fog-boll at Capo Disappointment (jnmts have thus far been sold, this real estate security will yield more man fcim,i"Hj per mile more than, three times tho possible is sue of bonds. , , Tho Company has alreadv begun the pro cess of redoeming and cancelling its first mort gage bonds, as thoy aro now boinp received, '&t 1.10 in payment and oxchango for the Com 7.o lon.la .1 AY COOKE & CO.. wrt&AJ -- - . -. T-- . from, and do we observe the advan- quest and subjugation.' Proud in her tages by wmen tne civilized world recent tnumpns over land ana sea, and humanity have been benefitted she sent her veterans here to do their thereby? Then, my fellow citizens, fell work, but, thank Heaven, the if we do, let us at every recurring ' spirit of '76 shone forth resplendent anniversary ot tlie Nation's uirtn re- at ITattsburg, iNortn. roinr, ana ew right, cut out with grief." tvero very different from what it is hore: Toll for tho Bravo Tho bravo that are no more, All sunk beneath tho wave, Kear lJisappointment shore. Yes: toll, toll away; To tha poor but brave Jack tar, That he may find hisway Across Columbia's liar. new our vows of fealty and devotion to our country and its institutions, and ever stand ready to vindicate its Orleans, and on every sea whitened by British sails, did our bold cruisers make the heavens lurid with the honor when assailed bv foes, foreign I flames of devouring vengeance. or domestic. Take with us our chil- Scarce two years elapsed ere peace dren to its altars.and there invoke the aid of an Omnipotent God to vouch safe prosperity to us in the hours of peace, and strengthen our arms in the day of battle. Let us take a brief glance at our b&2l'$8Tco. I JtK, fleeing was again proclaimed. The effect of this struggle was elt here on the shores of the Pacific, and the growth and prospects of "your own Astoria blighted for a period. Scarce had that remarkable, sagacious, far-see-incr and natriotie mind of John Jacob Astor established his settlemenlbrit b-?n-S. The qestion whether a literary ed- ucation is advantageous to a business man receives apt commentary from Worcester, Mass. A merchant lock ed his combination safe on the word bean, and having informed his cash ier, left for Kew York on busin ess. A telegram that the safe had been tam pered with and could not be opene' brought him back in a hurry. Afte " two days Vss of business, and great' alarmit developed there was a slight difference of opinion between mer- chant and' clerk, J1 The latter sneltr bean b-e-a-n and the merchant spelts