to W ; gf. : -. - r-I -ir,-"Tr'-i7t . s -" ,iu " " TBI-WEEKL mm no, juij i, mi Yol. 1. Y ASTUKIM , j i .ammimmmmammmmmimmmmmmmmaammmmmmmmmammmmmBaimmmm w THE ASTORIAU. TUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY, Monitor Building, Astoria, Oregon. B. C IRELAND proprietor The Schools of Astoria. Tho Public School of Astoria closed Friday June 6th. Tho attendance during tho year averaged moro than one hundred. Wo aro not informed in rogard tcr tho primary and intermediate departments of the school, hut subjoin tho names of those who did honor to Subscription Itatcs: .$5 00 themselves and the school at tho oxamina-ana r wis piupro - rt- - themselves hu thoutrhout the Wullam yalley to 11UU. I . . -.-. 1,w,w ,,;,, fi-iTida- hnt ns near as woruuu ivniu lttU vy . , Ono Copy one yoar... "o on Ono Copy six months - X Ono Copy three montha..........-....- - " S-Single Number, Ten Cents. -52i Advertising Bates: Ono Insertion per square, 10 lines or loss.$2 50 Each additional insertion, per square. 2W Yearly adv'ts per month, per square l ou Agents : L. P. Fisher, 20 and 21 New Merchants Ex change, is authorized to act as Agent for tho Any friend who fools an interest in the pros- " 1 ... tn tint oq I pority of tbis region, is uuniiwwi w ar" "T Agent for this paper, m procuring subscribers. BOYS. Alfred Tenney, i Warren Ferrell, Hustler Van Dusen, Frank Parker, John Montgomery, Nathaniel Ferrell, Willie Parker. CITY INTELUGENCE. Common Council The regular monthly moot ing of tho City Council will bo hold this ovon- ing. . Street Work In accordance with instruc tions from tho Common Council, Court stroet is being filled to a proper level. Tall GraS3, Wo have specimens of clover fivo feet in hight from tho roots, which grow in tho garden at Mrs, Brock's, Astoria New Tug. Tho contract has been let for tho construction of tho engines for Sneddon brothers now Steam Tug, building now in this city . Mechanical, Mr. G W Lamb of this city is a skillful mechanic, and has rendered us valuable assistance in settling things about our now press. Out of Sorts. For the want of certain let ters in tho alphabot which tho type founders negloctod to send with the bulk of tho typo ordered, much that wo wished to say to-day, in the iirst issue of tho Astorian is necessarily omitted . on Gray's High Tariffs People living llnrbor pay $40 a ton freight on flour and pro visions. Some of our Astoria crafts ought to prospect this lead, and furnish supplies from hero instead of compelling thoso settlors to go so far overland to Olympia. girls. Georgia Parker, Nellie Flavel, Fannie Crosby, Belle Welch, Ada Hobson, Bello Parker, Millie Tennoy, Maggio Russell, .Annie Snow, Daisy Case. Tho geography class exhibited some maps that wore certainly well drawn. Three maps of tho Pacific coast were greatly ndmirnd nn imeount of their size, fullness, ac curacy, clearness, and beautiful lettering. Any ono ot worn wouia nava uuhu iijw a professional draughtsman. Tho one by Miss Georgia Parker was generally considered tbe best. That by Bronham Van Dusen was hold to bo next, while James Davidson's map came third on tho list Thoro wcro many maps passed by which, with ordinary competition, would havo been considered s.upeiior. Wo noticod tnat tno scnooi is wou suppuuu with maps, charts, dictionaries, &&zotteors, atlases, geometrical solids, etc Wo doubt tnat any common school in Oregon, is bettor sup plied with such articles. This is owing to the and Mr. Badollett, Mr. Hobson became a member of tho board last spring and unites, heartily, with these gentlemen, in every good plan for continuing and improving the school. The teachers during tho first six months woro Mr. Worthington, Miss Watt, Miss Law- At fVm nnd nf thn second term Miss Watt withdrew and Miss Case took ono of tno departments for the last term of four months. Wo understand that tho school will commenco i,n fir-cf Afnnrlnv in Sontombor. fur. Worthington Miss Gearhart and Mis3 Ray mond, wobelievo, aro engaged as teachers. Wo would say to thoso living in tho vicinity that Astoria is a good place to attend school. Tho public school affords every facility tor getting a good English education. An excel lent select school, under tho management ot Rev. Mr. Hyland and Jurs. nyiana ouers many inducements to thoso anxious to accom plish a great deal in a short time. Tho course of study is comprehonsivo, extending irora tho primer upward. Extra assistance will bo supplied whenever tho schom seems to noed it. Wo also learn that tho Sisters of Mercy contomplato storting a scnooi. in asio .:., Wr urn nAt vnrv thorouchlv informed on this point, but any one coming from aoroad can secure board in good families, which is in many respects preferable to attending a boarding school. PACIFIC- COUKTY. Up Grays River. We never owned an Elk, consequently never lost one, but during a re cent visit among tho pioneor, settlers along Grays river, wore induced to accompany Jack Ray and A. L. Marshall up into the5 thickest" brush that ever grew, about what seemed to and for this purpose have ppftied stock us to bo atloast a thousand miles from any wnere except tnat piace. j&ck ana mar- shall may perhaps havo iost aa Elk, if so tho Astoria and Fortlam. Since the completion of the locks at the falls of the "Wallametthe farmers' of Ore gonhave talked very strongly of "building & large wharf and warehouse it Astoria, ana then snip tneir gram uuwb w ""a p" "i Grading The County Court having ordorod that tho Court-houso block bo filled as requir ed by the established grade, work has been commenced upon the job. A tram-way has been put down to tho bluff, and tno earth is taken to tho block in cars. Cement Rock. At our request Prof FHop kinson of this city made a test of some rock ho has discovered which settles the matter in our mind, that there exists in Clatsop county a lodge of Stono that will produce a better articlo than tho famous Portland cement. Wo shall UllUUO lO LUIS tesi. Ill uuuiii euui Chowder Club Astoria has a Chowder Club, organized under tho general constitution of tho Winship Clubs of this coast. T. J. Winship, tho instigator of them, and for whom thoy aro named, has presented to Astoria Club No. 1 a chest containing tho entire outfit, and any mr.mlinr nf tho Club is entitled to tllO USO Ot tho chest whenever ho wishes to entertain a party of friends at a Clam Chowder. Fireman's Ball. Astoria Engine Company No. 1 woro tho first movers for a celebration in this city on tho 4th, and they propose to bo tho last that is to say: thoy will close tho festi val with a Grand Ball in the ovoning at Pro cross Hall. Tickets, including Supper, 32,n0. i': -b.;h nfnnrl in uniform. Music by i iicuiuu t ii. n Prof. Higgms Hopkinson. and Smith, assisted by Mr. Leather Business. Tho almost inexhaus tible supply of Hemlock bark for tanning purposes, to bo had in Clatsop county warrants tho assertion that in tho course of timo tho loather business alono will bo sumeiont to maintain here a population of thousands. Wo havo now ono of the largest, best, and most complete establishments of tho kind on the Pacific coa-4. In days gone by this bark was taken to tho hides, but now the hides aro brought to tho bark, and Messrs. Leinenwob- or E uo. aro uBiaousuu.uus k" .,, -.. tho now order of things is decidedly favorable to tho loather produced. Their works are located at upper Astoria, and consist of build ings and yard with a capacity for making at least 4,000 sides of leather a year. '1 hoy em ploy steam and water power, and havo tlio latent patented machinery, including a solo leather roller, as complete as can bo set up in N o w York. Th ey manufacture harn ess, skirt in", and solo loather, with, very littlo shoo leather, and employ from eight to ten men constantly, in tho tannery and timber, llio boam-houes," wnero tno maes aro m?t p nared is 20 by 30 feet in fcixo; tannery, two itories 40 by 60 feet; currier shop, two stonos, bffiO foot; salt andUme-house Hby -iofoet; Fweat-houso 12 by W; bark-shed H foot high, 7o bv 24; -and a stable, for tho accommodation of teams employed in the business, 24 by 40 feet. 'J'hoy own tho ground upon which it.- :i,.,. wnnTd that, sunnhes their bark, and when tho trees aro felled and stripped tho timber is cut up into wood and sold, thus clear ing tho land as thoy go along. The mechanic al part of tho worksls cpnductod wholly by Mr. Leinenwobcr, who is ono of tho most IknMi moehanics in tho country, having learned the business in Germany and beon practically cmpioyou w From the "Sea-Port." On Tuesday tho tenth of Juno, ia tow of tho tug Bon-Holla-day. the ship Puritan of Boston, Captain Doan, returned to this port from a cruise .up J tho Columbia and Wallamet rivers where sho wont under charter for a cargo of Flour and Lumber for Hong Kong. Captain Doan was pleased to get his valuablo vessel back into deep water, and is not inclined to take any moro sucli extraordinary emmuus. o was compelled to complete his cargo at this Dort. for reasons sufficiently expressed in tho Committoo report to tho Astoria Cham ber of Commerce, which may bo found m another part of this paper to-day. Ino Pu ritan is ono of thoso largest class, valuablo ships, which cannot with safety pass tins port on tho inland waters of Oregon and Washington Territory. After remaining in this habor until tho morning of tho 21st, con- a J A :.V. Vila rtarm aa ,f lima summg ion uu-ye iu umau o vobw, v .. ttTvturriit Anven ?n lighters froni ot. Helen, the vessel was taken to sea in tow of tho tug Astoria and procoeded on her voyage. Ave have been informed that whon tho Puritan was chartered to load tit Portland Capt. Doan was told that his only difficulty would bo to cross tho Columbia river bar that was tho Ki,rinor inf chon Ha reached Portland ho could load his vessel to twenty-four foot if ho liked. Ho has found tho facts to bo exactly tho roverso. Ho had no difficulty whatever to reach Astoria, but when ho attempted to pass this port trouble coramonced, and his vessel will never bo apt to make another trip to Portland. Theso facts had best bo well understood. hey are building a number of yarehouses at different points on the river, pd money being scarce, they probably willnot build hpre this teason. They have expressed themselves through their Clubs, Granges of the Patrons of Husbandry and StateTJnion (which met at Salem on the lOtti of June), as being decidedly in favor of Shipping to Astoria. By so doing they Duld save, through wastage, draying, wharfage hand ling and lighterage, a very large profitto themselves over what they noWeceive, by the present method of shippings-estimated at from ten to fifteen cents per bushel. Du rinff the last wheat season our largest class of ships brought down the river from Port land on an average 750 tons, lightering the remainder of their cargoes to this point. Kiver steamers at the present time lighter grain from Portland to Astoria ftr 1 50 per ton. With a proper wharf and warehouse at Astoria, and with baTges built for the Durrjose, it can be done for 1 (or less) per ton. The cost of towage, pilotage, demur rage, etc., on vessels to Portland, besides the risk of striking on the different rocks, sands and shoals, will amount to within the neighborhood of 2 50 or 3. per ton. Every dollar saved -to the farmer in the handlinc of grain is saved to the State, and it is infinitely more to the advantage of Portland to make Astoria the point to re ceive this grain than to us. Just now she is on another "scare;" TacomfL has been called a terminus, and the Columbia river ot,vmov nt t.hp. Cascade is to becontroll- ed by the Oregon Steam Navigation Company- and its cotemporary corporation the Northern Pacific Kailroad. "When our big Sister up the "Wallamet learns to take an interest in common with Astoria for the protection of the commerce of the State he will be able to sleep oettero jngiiws .u. notreasonable tosuppo'se"that the Parnier's of this State intend always to permit them selves to be made sole losers of all thewate and extra cot of getting their produce to market. They are interested now m sell ing as well as producing, and Portland need never expect to see them shipping their wheat to Tacoma, or any other points far out of the way, so long as Astoria has an existence. Portland and Astoria united can defy all opposition; divided, both are liable to fail. Portland cannot get along without Astoria and the sooner she sees it in this light the better will it be for the com merce of Oregon, which is already slip ping quietly away, into other channels, and unnatural ernes at that. Let us unite and look out forborne affairs" dam Tacoma, what s her business to us ?" region visited is a glorious country to hunt him in if ho is there. ,Gafnrtis lying around loose in that country. ElksDoor, Bear and Cougar tracks woro soonfroAionjtlyjitistho roosting place of tho groat American Eagle, tno naunf ot every species oi quck ana Diru known to this latitude: tho stream abounds with Speckled Trout, Salmon. Carp and Suck ers. We returned without finding tho Elk, aiiflrlfinlv TRmomberiiiff. on omertrinc from a thicket where Beaver had made a clearing in the Cottonwoods to dam outsiders against all intrusion, that wo had urgent business de manding our attention , and here wq aro. K w worn miifln tho victim of a nlot in which such men as Judgo S. FL. Ban. Commissioner H. H. Jackson, Director James P. Miller, Notary 0. P. Wbitelaw, and other officials bosidos tho parties to tho party previously mentioned, were concerned, it is all right. At any rate we saw tho country. Wont far up tho stream, above tido water, and, wp aro sum that silver nnr! trold exists there in mox- haustiblo mines, through a fertile soil which only awaits tho coming of tho enterprising and hardy pioneer, by his efforts to bo turned from tho unproductive waste it now ih to a fruitful valley. Tho hand of tho Croator has loft tho soil nearly ready for tho plow brush, ourn, and soed, is the way to commenco, ana build up. Thoro are at this time less than thirty tracts located on Grays river, but thoro is room enouch for fivo hundred farms with out going back upon tho hills. It is something worth while to own a claim like one of thoso within such easy distanco of Astoria, and tho men who aro fortunate enough to make their rough beginning now, evon tnougn tnoy may po poor to-day, Jn a financial aspect, will bo tho monied men7 1 Current Topics - Beaver Lodge, !No. 2- (Odd Fellows), elected officers for the now term at last meeting as follows; L II Hubbard, N ,.. . -..,... ,. , .i ! it. m a ,iTvin t a- f!TT Piuro. ItS: L Wil- m relation to icrtuity oi son uuu ; u, xa-ji.iu, , , -. I son, P S; John Hobson, Treasurer oiruw- ' ben ies and cherries aro plenty. Ono has boen left at our offico by Charles Stovons which ' uu-asurcs nli inches in circumferonco, and wrifriia nnnrlv ono ounce agon roau Immigration. Ogdon dispatches published throe times a week in Sacramento papers re port an avorago of ono hundred and sixty-fivo passengers daily passing that pointfor new homes in tho Pacific States and Territories. Four thousand mon, women and children por month, seoking a region which has no com parison mildness of climate on tho Continent. Forty nicrht. thousand souls driven out from their old homes by tho rigors of Winter and devas tating storms in ono year and this is only a fraction of tho whole. What proportion of this immigration reaches Oregon and Wash ington? That is a question concerning us all. Tho dispatch before us gives to Orogon twelve and Washington seven, out of a list of ono hundred and ninoty-threo. Nineteen for this port and ono hundrod and seventy-four for Pulifornia! Is that a fair distributien: is it in any way proportionate to the rolativo ad- ! vantages possesseu uy mo localities mvurius immigration on this coast? Not by any means is this so on tho contrary tho rovorso istho case. About Astoria there is land enough to supply tho demands of an immigration e-mal to all that is crossing tho Continent thi-j year, not to say anything of other sections of tho State, and tho only way to account for tho disparity is tho lack of interest taken in tho matter by Oregonians, and the neglect to in,- lorm ana invito immigrants ueru. ton or fifteen voars hence if they live and stick to tho development of tho natural resources surrounding them, lho immigrant, when ho passes up tho Columbia, is ignorant of tho facts concerning this wnolo lower country; ho does not know what ho is nhnnfc nnr where he is to stOD: and it is to this class of people wo would say" Stop off at Astoria r look around a littlo; don't rush; you cannot possibly better yoursolves by going in land. Visit the Nehalem valley, visit numer ous other localities about hero; stop a month and mako a thorough inspection, then if you are not satisfied that this is a better country than tho one you have left to come hero go back and stay thoro!" It must not be ex nntnil ?n a rppiftn like this whoro land is to bo had for tho mero taking of it up, or whore it is dirt cheap on payments running from fivo to seven years, that churchos and schools are to bo found growing spontaneously in the brush and yet it somotimes happens that in dividuals boconio greatly disgustod and dis couraged becauso tnoy do not tind an tnoso things in such places. During our Elk hunt un Rrava rivar wo observed a very comforta ble school house in the heart of tlfpsettlement which was being conducted by Prof. Worth inston of tin? city, who had wisely concluded that that was the best way ho could spend tho timo intorvoning between the closo of tho lato term and the opening of tho noxt one in Astoria. Thoro aro thirty-ono persons hold ing claims, including soventeen families, a to tal population of seventy-five, comprising tho snfflniripnt. on (-Jravs rivor. noarly all of whom havo looted within two years past Thoy havo accomplished much in tho way of im provements, havo comfortable homes, plenty of tho necessaries of life, and aro well con tented. Siioalwater Bay. In company with Com-' missioner 11. H. Jackson, of Grays Kivor, wo attended tho May term of tho Commissioners Court for Pacific county, at Oysterville, and niado momorandum3 ot many items wnicn will bo of intorost to our rcador3 from timo to timo, as wo shall bo ablo to write them up. Oysterville, tho principal port on the-Bay, is a beautiful town, well laid out, and has somo ologant residences indicative of 'the wealth and refinement of tho people. Tho chief pur suits of Shoaiwnter Bay aro oystering and lumbering, although tho surrounding country is well auaptea to iaruimg aim siuuiv j-iumhk. There aro four woalthy companies engaged in iay, wiui pnnci co Crollin & Co., iirton fwKnrvi11n. hosiflos tno BrucoDort Company. Several smaller firms do a considerable busi ness, and it is estimated that tho product for tho season just closed will oxcoed half a mil lion dollars. Tho Oystors aro removed from Shoalwater Bay to tho beds of California in vcssols owned by the Companies in tho trado and aro afterwards tongued according to tho demands of tho market. None of tho bivalves aro retailed or jobbed off until thoy havo had a toasting in tneir nauvo vuhuuiu m uumui nia after tho voyage and this w where our friends of tho Golden Stato get their fat, deli cious, fresh Oysters. To witness tho departure of tho tfeet of Oyster craft of a morning, or its roturn in the evening during tho busy sea son, is a joyful scone. Thoro aro usually from fifty to seventy-live daily departures, andas inanv arrivals, at Oysterville, each craft with its tiny whito sails set, gli-tcns in the rising or sottins sun on the beautiful shoot of water nearly ono ounce agui luuua j ad to vioir ,in,i furms a panoramic nrn vnrv inUCll nCCUCU uuuut iibwuu "-- 'S.nnn WOrtUV IIIO pencil Ul Jill uhbu crurn, Lienenwcbor is making a road to connect tho feurth: of jrraY, At a meftingof citizens Astoria held at tho Court-house on tho evening of June 17th 1873, for tho purpose of taking steps toward celebrating the 4th of Jaly.Hov. T. A. Hyrand was called to tho chair, and James W ekh chosen secretary. Tho mooting resolved to have a celebration, and appointed a general committee of arrange ments .as follews: J. H. H. Gray James . Welch, W.H. Twilight, Harry Spoddon.and V W Parker. It was futhoc moved that two ladies bo add ed to tho committee, when Miss Mary laylor or. Mi Kloronco Van Dusen woro chosen to roprosent tho ladies of tho city. Tho committee hfornpd havo m tn-r-rfrom timo to time and are arranging for a suitable utiaervauco oi tu iiuuoimi uoiiuaj. A meeting will bo hold tbis evening, ui. lu Congregational Church. In our next issue wo shall bo able to publish the programme of oxorcisos. Insane A young man named Gill, who came to Oregon as a sailor from a foreign port a fow months ago and was discharged in Port land, attempted to commit suicide atfcagio Cliff on tho 2Gthult, by cutting his throat. Ho was sent to Astoriaby Messrs. Hume & Co. in charge of John Gilbert, and tho cutawos stitched by Dr. Kinsoy. Afto.- remaining here until ho was ablo to underg an examin ation ho was taken to Monticolio and turned Mrartn fhn fuithoriteis as an insano person, " ami would bo committed to tho Asylum at 1 RrpHncoom. Wild Plants Domesticated. Tho cab baco is first cousin "to cauliflower, broccoli, otc, and thoy all come from tho wild cabbago of tho sea coast It is a manno plant, and jn if a-nA suit, wfltnr. Tho wild cabbago is a tall, coarse, wavy plant, but the pods aro now gatnerea ana euiun iu wjd ouib v... in some parts of England. Thorp is no plant which has produced by cultivation a greater number of varieties than the cabbage. o can extend tho varieties much farther, but it is sufficient for us to considor tho wide rango botween tho littlo red cabbago for pickling, and Gregory's Mammoth, with head so largo it can only bo boiled in a large caldron. Jn tho cauliflower wo eat tho fleshy, .flo,w.or afn,d undeveloped ouas, wnicn aro urunucu i,ufa or into a compact mass. It was a favonto say ing of tho groat lexicographer. Dr. Johnsen: of all tho ilowers of tho garden I like tho cauli tlowors tho best," a sentiment worthy, of tnr learned epicure. Tho numerous varieties, ot tho cabbago illustrates in tho most striking manner tho changes which, may bo produced in species Dy cuitivauon, uuu m wuiuuihw..--of some varieties of races. Thoy also give us lascima in thn economy oi vukcj,- Mn(wnAfitra lUnilUtin O 3JVWJ w-w w - . -- bio life. Tho turnip como3 iroin a wiiu jin found by tho side of rivers, ditches and marsh es. Liko tho cabbage it has produced several varieties, tho result of long cultivation. 1 rora tho wild plant wo havo tho little flat turnip and tho huge rutabaga, with all vanptios be fwnnn. This root is now most widely culti vated as food for stock, and 'it has added much to tho wealth of England. The parsnip is also a reclaimed wild plant, and it is diHi cultto say whether we are indebted to culti vation or importation for it;.most probably tho latter, as it is auativeoi jsnuun. ai wo i in; ii i inr,t ia iiniHuntmi two or iiiracryusirs m gardon soil, it acquires all tho desirable char ;0f;.a nfihn hesi: kinds: and if left to it- Churcli Notices, Grace Church, (Prot. Episcopal) Bev. T A 11 viand Bector, Divino services overy Sunday at10 a M and 7 p m; Sunday bchool at 1 l m nnn.nn;nnni pimrnn. Itov A W Tonnv Pastor, Divino services every Sunday at 10 a Mand7 v m; Prayer Meeting every Thurs day evening, Sunday School meets at 12 m tho Oyster business on tins pal Agoncies in San i'rarici V.env Xr Cn . finrl tho Wnshii lAfnriofla self in poor soil, it spoedily goes back into its wild, aegoneraiuu whuiuuu. ...,.- - near to havo beon very early reclaimed from a wild state, for Pliny tolls us that parsnip wero cultivated on tho Bino, and werp brougbu from thonco to supply tho tables of tho hm- peror. Far Awat AVorlds. Xow wo have rf'cn as incidents a fow stars whoso distances havo measurably boen guessed at, with tho timo it takes a ray of light to traverse thoso distances; yet thoro aro others so far romoved from us that ovon light, speeding with tho velocity as :Uv u ..iniii nnt and ilops not reacii tno earth from thoso mysterious .regions in less than ono million years. Ono million years did wo ay? Thero aro nobulao which tbrougn tho magical lens of the toloscopo aro this in stant disclosing tho secrets of a million ages bv-gono. In a word, tho events which wo behold in those worlds aro tho identical ovents that interested their inhabitants ten hundred thousand centuries ago. au mosuu that aro visible to us may each form one ot a series of clusters, tho rost of which aro invis ible through distanco; that is, the intorvoning space botweon our world and them is so viut that tho electric tidings of their .birth havo not yet, through tho lapsing myraius of y oars boon ablo to tra verso tho awful interval. JJut somo time in tho far future tho news will como. Let tho hand of Omnipotonco destroy ono of these sphoros. and tho murmurous waves of light that this morning left it will wandor forever, tolling of his handiwork. nr.T, tv -phv Atmorphkre. Did you ever think how much water is in tho air, Moating unseen. It genearllv amounts to nearly three upper and lower town, and our peoplo ought to turn out and help him in tho. work .lho sloop lone is for charter. Cy is prepared to givo panics Miusiuuu""": " Mfcw.. - Varuna commences carrying passongcrs and malls to Port Stevens, Capo Disappointment, and Unity, to-day..........Mrs, Mckorson has boen appointed admim?tratrix ol tho estate of her lato husband, JUr, Jbrunklin icker?on decoascd. H A Shar & Son havo rccontly completed several fino jobs of painting, among tho best is work dono at Arrigonio,8.w...... H. B Parker's teams on tno I'liwsou rouio iuw oum mor aro in fino trim and mako tri-wookly over twenty-one Tho financial management is in Axgorv Goats. AVo havo samplos of tho fleeco of "Capt Jenks," John Hunter's pri70 buck of tho Angora species, now in Marion now the ownors of theso littlo voxels aro en gaged in painting and goneral ropuirs tor tno noxt season, but before entering again upon business Clam Chowder parties, and at least nnn Yauht contort for urizes. will be indulged I in at some of which wo hopo to bo present Court House. Last month, Mr. I. A. Clark of Oysterville having donated an eligibly .sit uated block in that town to Pacific County, for CourtJlouso purposos, tho County Court ompoworcd Commissioner Juipton to niake tho necessary arr;mgoiuonts for tho construc tion of a temporary building for the use of thn A nrl ; f nr !t ml other officials until such timo "" .. , . a.,.- i l MU ,!. gallons auovo oacu luut ui mu ;". - . and ofttm much moro. As now vaporial- .-, -.r.. lin nnmnnf nt mm that fllllS tllll'- wuva ii-iu. mu iuuuii ing a yoar is very largo. At ono placo in tno Himalaya mountains as many as three Hun dred inchos deep falls in twelve month.-, or enough if it all fell at once to cover the land to twouty-livo foot depth. Jn ban 1-ranci-co thirty-live to forty-threo inches J1 'in"uFj? Jn tho Siorra vada tho annual fall is !roi) fivo to hix foot . ookly as tho people can take legal action, xno ao- triT.q Members of Astoria Engine Com- ' nation-by Mr. Clark was a very nncrai one. wealthy county, with scrip at par. Stands of Capt Hiram Brpwn and botwoen them thoy havo yet never failed to givo satis-I.-IlsI- pi.:-iaflir is sold in Portland and at various other place in this sfcto and XntTerftorto.. id e demd in creasing from yoar to year. Thoy use only .tho hit of oil finishing, and warraat every pieee of leather turned out. . mer aro in uno mm winy iNo'.i havo a squirt this evening by order , and the people ought to ratify his act by vot of the Pofeman:. ..... .Tho otlico of tho Astorian ing to construct a good ouildmg. 1'acilic is a t is httcd up as suck anuurau " i. - ' sign wius made by Canhll, of Portland, one of thn hnt Tuiintors in tho Stato; tho finishing up i :. ... u.. ti a ui.... i. s!i . . . ., .i ? .:.. ii,,. it.... ;,. ,. . . ,3 j -..t:i. -i. iu w ui, tno otuco rooms wa uy jj. ji l:uu.i -"' tors is mat region aurryuuuiHs "juj county, wnicn wouiu uo cruuiu ui, iuu """ j jho iiro?3, typo, and all materials aro. oran House, at Unity, prosided over by John iun- Exposition. With .numerous flocks like theso ?nlinter-fino and all now N o aro very tor unj i,is estinialjlo wife lato of Oysterville. and machinery for converting tho fleeces into J thankful to tho numerous friends, too numer- . jing f.jr fogies and flounders oif the rucks Sods; Cashmere i toxtures may become com- oiis to mention, who havo from time to t mo ?lllidst tho roll of breakers, or a rout in tho Sob in feisrogion of tho countrv. Tho wool aided us in sotting upour material and gettihg f brookS digging Clams qn the weather boaeh, is worth one dollar and July cents per pound for qxport but as no country can prosper so By View House. Ono among tho nnot retroats on tho Pacific Coast for Summer yim- iow a irinnm? fiimrii in mii Avnnvnnrr rw inyTHrm w. mm w ip i iihuik- . k .x uiiluik vww facturihg its own prodncts lot us hope that p4 himd" who have tried themsclvis is not far disUnt when this brancn pro3orvaii-o oi aru, ;um umau tha da.V of indust y will be ojned here. thn nffiin in shin plniDo. "o shall strivo to ,ipr nnntiner or duck shooting, serf bathing morif thoir irood will With, thoadvent of nr, bench drivins. on a. twenty milo stretch. .... .. .Jt I A . t..! milnn hrvcf flF -tf il. n. .. 4 . tn U. r..nn.1 Mmi-n 1 riuiiu v-uuiw "y" " ftrO POIUO Ul IUU FIIUIWN IU u vitm mviu, Jfc at tuo art kjh bo aeon by tho advertisement of Mr. H tpoc5 aro ;B anothor column, that passengers and viit- , ors -arc tb'he well provided for tiii-s" ieaou. 'J,..;,.! U -. ' ' if" - - i abundant in thedty, 1 . The Tennyson of Indiana is spon sible for tho following poetical con cen con tributeon: Young man sparo that bustle : ., TouchnotaFingle;'ptipo;" That woman's had an awful tusslo To got hor.'olf in shano. Tho followingconundrum is by a retired cler gyman whose sands of life have nearly run out let us hope: Jf a n a i is red when hois mud all over, does a dyer got rodder whon ho is oil over maddor? A certain religious paper has for ajioading of ono of it's departments, "Religion in gener al." "P.eligion in particular is waatu warn ed among tho people." Tl,a vnn1 Wnsfn U Indian Tor grass, benca Wasco county, U grass county. A good many peoplo "go to gmss" who don't go to u. A lan in Chicago announced lanwoir as tho ,4lethodi-t candidate for con-table." Scandalous ! The friendship of two ladias . is always a pr6t against a third one. Throe yearUs the averago life of feminine rachooi-teacuer., After t.uat5tae get warrj - . wui .t-;