2B | WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2021 | SIUSLAW NEWS VOLLEYBALL from page 1B very happy!” she said. The first two sets, went very much in Mapleton’s favor, winning them 25-11 and 25-12. “The third set, we lost a little bit of steam, so that one we lost 21 to 25, which was still a pretty tight score,” said the coach. “Their fourth set was really a hard-fought one. We lost that one 26 to 28, and it was back and forth the en- tire time. Then, we pulled through all the tiredness and everything, and took the fifth set 15 to 6. So, that was pretty great.” Notable stats from the game include Milbrett, who had eight aces, Summer Flansberg with five aces and three kills and senior Opal Burruss with six aces and five kills. SOCCER from page 1B play with one less person on the field, the unex- pected changeup also had repercussions for the goal box. “Derrick [Vanduch] was not prepared to play goal- ie until the second half,” Tomaro said. “Whenev- er something like that happens, and things get thrown off, it’s a stressful situation.” Fortunately, Vanduch stepped up and command- ed his post. “Derrick stopped their second penalty kick, which was good; that kept us alive because that would have been the eighth goal,” said Tomaro. “It’s really hard as a goalkeeper to come in and have to take a penalty kick, and he chose the right direction to dive on the first one.” Despite the shakeup, the Vikings kept fighting in the first half, but be- cause of Newport’s strong defense, Siuslaw was only able to get two shots off. “I think they made some good plays in the first half,” said Tomaro. “Something we are going to have to think about is when we’re trying to put the ball through and beat the defense running on to a through wall, it’s real- ly hard with teams where goalies come out [of the box] like Newport’s did. He came out really far, way outside of the box, and just attacked the ball with his Their second game of the doubleheader was against Pacific, and according to Dooley, “We lost in a hard- fought four.” Despite the loss, Dooley saw it as an opportunity for her girls to gain more ex- perience before their first league games this season. “Pacific was hitting it down a lot more, so we were getting a lot more ac- tion at the net, which was pretty exciting to see,” she said. Standouts for the Pacific game were senior Micayla Flansberg, who had four aces and one kill, and Mil- brett with had three aces and three kills. The Lady Sailors’ spirits weren’t broken in the slight- est at the loss, with the girls’ only disappointment being the lack of an opportunity for a rematch, as they won’t compete against Pacific again this season. “The girls so wanted to play Pacific again!” said Dooley. “On the bus they kept going, ‘We’re playing Pacific again, right?’” What pleased Dooley the most was the grit her team showed throughout the night. Their effort made the experience as a whole both positive and educa- tional. “I think they played real- ly hard,” Dooley said. “With any doubleheader, it’s great experience, but it also can be really tiring, especially when your first game goes to five sets. I think they brought a really good ener- gy to it. They were commu- nicating and doing just as they do in practice, which, again, is awesome. It was a great first night!” After Thursday’s games, Dooley and her girls were all eager to play in their tournament at C.S. Lew- is Academy, where they would get an opportunity for a rematch with CSLA’s Watchmen. “I’m excited to have fun today!” said the coach after their first match. On Saturday, the girls competed against CSLA, Southwest Christian Acad- emy (SWC) and Mitchell/ Spray/Fossil (MSF) in a round robin tournament. Each match was played best out of three, with six matches total. Mapleton played SWC first, losing in two sets 12- 25 and 19-25. Although SWC came out on top, the girls played a great match and had two aces from Shird and two from Mil- brett. Summer Flansberg and Opal Burruss had great games as well, Flansberg holding down the back row and Burruss hitting strong early on in the season. The girls were in great spirits in spite of falling to SWC and went into their next match against CSLA ready to win, which they did. The girls took it this time in two sets themselves, defeating the Watchmen 25-15 and 26-24. In set one, they took the win with kills from Shird as well as Lexi Flansberg, a freshman and younger sis- ter to both Micayla Flans- berg, an outside hitter, and sophomore Tanae Robbins, who plays rightside hitter. Robbins had an ace in the game, as did Milbrett. Robbins went on a serv- ing streak in set two with four straight serves in a row, two of which were aces. Milbrett and Shird also had aces, and Burruss and Jahala Blake were very aggressive at the net. The second set was a close fin- ish, but the Lady Sailors weren’t going to let it go to three. Their final game of the day was against the MSF co-op team, which they lost in two sets 15-25 and 13-25. MSF’s team was very strong at the net and with serving, which caused a lot of errors on Mapleton’s side. In the end, the girls had great attitudes and they are buzzing about getting their season off to a great start. They played Eddyville Charter at home on Tues- day, Aug. 31, after printing deadlines, and their game at McKenzie scheduled for Sept. 2 was cancelled. Their next game is on Tuesday, Sept. 7, at home against Al- sea at 6 p.m. feet and booted it out there so we didn’t even have a chance to set up a shot. “When you’re playing a team like that, and ei- ther, 1. the defense is just as quick as you and you’re not getting the shot; or 2. you can’t find that sweet spot in between the de- fense and the goalie where you’re getting an opportu- nity, you have to adjust,” she said. “You have to try a new strategy. You have to do more of the quick back and forth passing because that play wasn’t working.” The main struggle for the Vikings, though, was having to play with one less person on the field, which Newport utilized to their advantage. “They scored a lot of goals because they used space really well,” said To- maro. “They spread out, and they were just passing around us. They would drive the ball towards the corner, deep to the line, and our defense would get pulled over, but they would have one or two people waiting in front of the goal. Then, they would pass the ball out to those people who were basically not covered or defended and have an open shot on the goal at 18 yards out, or even closer. Those shots are hard for goalkeepers to defend because they’re close, and that person can choose to shoot right away, or dribble in and go one-v-one with the goalie. … When the person has the ball at their feet and they’re that close to the goal, it’s really hard for the goalie to make the save at that point. So, they scored a bunch of goals because our defense didn’t adapt quickly enough to that play they were running.” The first half ended with the score at 0-7. In the sec- ond half, the Vikings were able to get three shots off, and the Cubs didn’t take as many shots as they did in the first half. “They didn’t want to end the game,” said Tomaro. “So, they were basically playing a possession game and trying to maintain control of the ball. They were also a person up, so there was no way we could guard every person on the field; they had 10 on the field and we had nine field players, not counting the goalies. They always would have somebody open, and I thought that our team did a really good job of just continuing to apply pressure and to attempt to win the ball, and when we did win the ball, to try to make passes.” Siuslaw definitely has some very skilled players on the team, and as they are new to playing at the varsity level, Tomaro ac- knowledges the fact that they still have much to learn as far as working as a unit. “I think one thing that hopefully the kids will see from this game is that even though we have some really skilled players who can bring the ball up the field, going one-v-one and trying to dribble through people is not going to get us the chances against teams that at this higher level,” she said. “We have to perfect our passes and our movement on the field and play more like [the Cubs] were playing, be- cause if you’re passing be- fore the defender gets close to you, they can’t steal the ball from you. Whereas, if you’re trying to dribble past them, then they have an opportunity to take the ball.” Siuslaw was able to take shots throughout the game, “and unfortunate- ly, they were just a lit- tle bit off,” Tomaro said. “They just were not quite on target. But I was hap- py because at that point, we were playing a person down, and we still did get opportunities.” In the end, Siuslaw gave it their all, but Newport’s team has been playing at the varsity level for longer, and the Vikings need time to grow together. “I thought we were play- ing a team that had a dif- ferent level of intensity to start out,” said Tomaro. “Our kids just don’t have the intensity in warm up that the other team did. That’s something we’re working on. It’s our second year at this level, so there are things we just have to learn.” There were some stand- out players in the game. “Jason [Garcia] had a great game, Ray [Brito Xilot] had a good game, Dylan [Jensen] had a good game, Noel [Hernandez] had a good game, Alex [Goss] had a great game; a lot of kids played well individually, we just have to now move to the lev- el where they’re more of a cohesive unit,” Tomaro said. “I’m happy with the way almost every kid on the field played — some of them it was their first varsity high school game, and you have to settle in. It’s just that now we have to move to a different style of play using different on-field techniques so we can compete with teams that play this way, because they’re all good players, but you can’t do it alone. And I hope they saw it in this game.” Tomaro plans to work more on this moving for- ward, specifically focusing on passing with her team. “When we work on passes in practice some- times, they’re like, ‘Ugh, passing again?’ But it’s because these other teams can pass, and their pass- es are going right to the person every single time,” she said. “When we have to chase a pass, it’s just an opportunity for the other team to take the ball, and then you have to win it back again. So, we’re go- ing to talk on Monday and hopefully they’ll be able to look at things more clear- eyed and prepare for the next game.” Overall, Tomaro was pleased with her team’s ef- fort in their first game of the season. “I am really proud of the team for playing with heart and intensity and persevering through a tough situation,” she said. “Not one player on the field gave up and, through their persistence and con- tinued efforts, they adapt- ed to the situation and were able to create some goal-scoring opportunities of their own.” The team’s next match is tonight, Wednesday, Sept. 1, at home against Cre- swell starting at 6:30 p.m. Their next game will be on Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 6, at North Bend at 6 p.m. One solution for oxygen at home, away, and for travel A Smarter Way to Power Your Home. Introducing the INOGEN ONE – It’s oxygen therapy on your terms No more tanks to refi ll. No more deliveries. No more hassles with travel. 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