SIUSLAW NEWS | WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 2021 | 7B TRAILER & PONTOON Iron Eagle 10’ trailer w/ ramp, w/ “Rigid”, w/proof 5’x2’ box. $2,100 Colorado XT 8’ Pontoon boat w/new 30 minikota elec. mtr. New Marine Battery. $550. $2,500/all 503-382-7485 Exc. Cond., 116K mi., Serviced locally $7,200 OBO 541-997-3006 PUBLIC NOTICES 2021 HYDRO BIKE With Wheel Kit, Pedal Powered. $2,600 OBO 541-999-5875 2006 FORD FIVE HUNDRED SEL 132,356 mi., excellent cond. $5,500 541-305-5937 2007 CHEVY BLAZER Tow or be towed, 4.2 LHR 4X4 SUV, 114K mi. $5,200 541-999-9315 1997 MERCEDES 350 SL Pristine condition, 84K miles. Always garaged. $9,995 541-603-6814 REQUEST FOR COMMENT The City of Florence has received an applica- tion to close Bay St. be- ginning at the Siuslaw Bridge down to the Port parking area. Addition- ally on Laurel St. from Old Town Way to Bay St., on Maple St. from 1st St. to Bay St., and Nopal St. from 1st St. to Bay St. for the Rods N Rhodies Charity Car Show to be held on Saturday Sep- tember 11th, 2021; as applied for by Gary N. Cargill. The Council will take public comment at its meeting beginning at 5:30 pm on August 23, 2021 at the Florence City Hall located at 250 Hwy 101. The City Council will consider whether the application meets the criteria outlined in Flor- ence City Code 7-5-1-1. If you wish to submit comments by writing prior to the Council’s meeting on August 23rd, you may submit them to Finance Man- ager, 250 Highway 101, Florence, OR 97439, or by fax to 541-997-1586, or via email to lezlea. purcell@ci.florence. Publication Date: Au- gust 18,2021 PUBLIC NOTICE CLAIMS against the Estate of ROBERT BEN- TON MILLER, JR., of Florence, Oregon, Lane County Circuit Court Case No. 21PB06493, are required to be pre- sented, with proper vouchers, to the Person- al Representative, JO- SEPH ALBERT MILLER, at NOTICE OF RECEIPT OF BALLOT TITLE Notice is hereby given that a ballot title for a measure has been fi led with the Lane County Clerk on August 11th, 2021. The ballot title cap- tion is: Renew Five- Year Option Levy for Emergency Medical/ Ambulance Services. An elector may fi le a petition for review of the ballot title in the Lane County Circuit Court no later than 5:00 p.m., August 201h, 2021. NOTICE OF DISTRICT MEASURE ELECTION Notice is hereby given on August 11th, 2021 that a measure election will be held in the West- ern Lane Ambulance District located in Lane County, Oregon, on November 2, 2021. The following shall be the ballot title of the mea- sure to be submitted to the district’s voters: Caption: Renew Five-Year Op- tion Levy for Emergen- cy Medical/Ambulance Services. Question: Shall the District re- new existing 45 cents per $1,000 assessed value for fi ve years be- ginning 2022- 2023 for emergency medical op- erations? This measure renews current local option taxes. Summary: Western Lane Ambu- lance District provides emergency medical services to over 20,000 residents across ap- proximately 564 square miles in western Lane County. The District em- ploys 15 highly trained paramedics and EMTs who are responsible for delivering critical care (paramedic emergency treatment and ambu- lance transportation) to our communities. The District is staff ed to operate three am- bulances to ensure res- ident’s needs are met 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The current local op- tion levy will expire in 2022 unless renewed. Since the levy was orig- inally passed in 2012, service call volume and operational costs have increased signifi cantly. In addition, property tax limitations in Or- egon’s Constitution have restricted revenue growth. Renewing the local option levy allows the District to maintain service levels while keeping pace with growing community demand. Median as- sessed household cost in Lane County is esti- mated to be $8/month. The proposed rate will generate approximate- ly $1,006,545 in 2022- 2023, $1,041,774 in 2023-2024, $1,078,236 in 2024-2025, $1,115,974 in 2025- 2026, and $1,155,033 in 2026-2027 for a total of $5,397,562. The esti- mated tax cost for this measure is an ESTIMATE ONLY based on the best information available from the county asses- sor at the time of the estimate and may re- fl ect the impact of ear- ly payment discounts, compression, and the collection rate. Publication Date: Au- gust 18, 2021 REQUEST FOR COMMENT The City of Florence has received an appli- cation to close Maple Street from the 9th Street to 10th Street for the Crossroads As- sembly of God Tailgate Party to be held on Sun- day September 12th, 2021; as applied for by Dr. R. Dale Edwards. The Council will take public comment at its meeting beginning at 5:30 pm on August 23, 2021 at the Florence City Hall located at 250 Hwy 101. The City Council will consider whether the application meets the criteria outlined in Flor- ence City Code 7-5-1-1. If you wish to submit comments by writing prior to the Council’s meeting on August 23rd, you may submit them to Finance Man- ager, 250 Highway 101, Florence, OR 97439, or by fax to 541-997-1586, or via email to lezlea. purcell@ci.florence. Publication Date: Au- gust 18, 2021 Business & Service Directory D-040 BLINDS / WINDOW TREATMENTS Blinds • Shades • Draperies • Shutters We Design ~ We Install Residential • Commercial • 30 Years Experience 541-991-3405 Located in Florence CCB#212734 D-057 CLEANING SERVICES Major credit cards accepted Follow us on Twitter CCB #96660 Tweety Sez: Consistent, Quality Cleaning. 997-2385. Florence Janitorial Services Bill and Jo Hine, Owners CERTIFIED, LICENSED, BONDED & INSURED D-065 CONCRETE / PAVING Ant’s Concrete Excavation, fl at work, sidewalks, patios, demos and much more! Call Anthony at 541.735.4836 D-070 CONSTRUCTION/CONTRACTORS CONSTRUCTION , Inc. PUBLIC NOTICES Always in your newspaper: Now in your inbox, too. D-077 ELECTRICAL SIUSLAW VALLEY ELECTRIC, INC. RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL CONTRACTING 1710 Laurel Way - Airport Industrial Park Store Hours: Mon. thru Fri., 8 A.M. to Noon Forrest G. Grigsby • Stanton E. Grigsby (Customer must call or Email: classifi before the end of the month to extend ad) Only $ 70 39 Includes Black & White Photo REACH OVER 15,000 READERS A WEEK Florence, Mapleton, Swisshome, Gardiner, Reedsport. Plus E-editions Call or Email today: 541-997-3441 classifi D-085 EXCAVATING CB# 91052 E XCAVATING • S EPTIC S YSTEMS • S UBDIVISIONS L AND C LEARING • P AVING • T RUCKING B RUSH & D EBRIS R ECYCLING • D EMOLITION P H . 541-997-2054 • F AX 541-997-3499 • 1-877-201-0652 P.O. B OX 3467 • 1770 L AUREL P L . • F LORENCE , OR 97439 I f n o b o d y k n o w s w h a t ’ s g o i n g o n , n o b o d y c a n d o a n y t h i n g a b o u t i t . D-0136 LEGAL / BANKRUPTCY SERVICES Business Law Real Estate Law Free Consultations That Th T h at’s at t ’s ’ s w hy y w e ke e ep e p s sa a y in ay ing g y ourr l loc ocal al and sta tate t g ov v e r nm n m en n t sh h ou u ld l d k eep e e p ee p u bl pu b is ishi hing ng g t the heir ir p pub ub b lil i c no noti ticess in n t the he n newsp pap aper er.. N o w yo you o u ca c a n st t ay a y inf i nf n for o r me or med e d AND AN N D k ee e p th h o s e pu p ub b l ic n ot o t ic c es e s i in n th h e ne n e ws w pa p a pe er. r J stt g Ju go o to t o p u ub b li i cn cnot n ot o tic t i ceads d .com/o ds /or, sig gn u up p f or r t h he e f fre r e e Sm re m a ar r t tS S e ea a rc r c h se s e rvic rv v ic ce, , an n d g ge e t a et al l l o of f t hi hiss p pa a pe e r r’ ’ s pu p u bl b lic l ic i c n not ottic i es s d del e iv el i er ered e d t o y ed yo o u vi v i a em m ai a l.l 541.991.8121 1845 Hwy 126 Unit A-10, Florence, OR 97439 www.garnerlawoffi D-230 ROOFING / CONTRACTORS McLennan Construction, Inc. “Yard Sale Checklist” Off ering all types of ROOFING Great References, Senior Discounts Have you ever hosted a yard sale with dismal sales? You Make a dollar per hour for your effects. No Fun. Licensed & Insured • Established 2002 541-521-7303 If you want to add to your savings account or start an emergency fund by throwing a yard sale, use these tips to host an epic event. ★ Defi ne Your Goal Get rid of stuff fast? Make as much money as possible? What is the goal of your yard sale? ★ Schedule Your Sale If you’re moving, you may also be up against some tight deadlines that complicate things. If you have a lot of time, you can maximize your result by scheduling a few events that target special or seasonal items. ★ Merchandise Locate and sell anything you no longer want or need. Don’t base what you sell on what you would buy. Offer to sell stuff for family and friends. Look beyond household stuff as your merchandise. Take the time to wipe off the dust and dirt. ★ Differentiate Your Event Label your sale. Offer free delivery! Recruit the help of your neighbors. Offer free lemonade, cookies, or even just ice water. ★ Advertising Siuslaw News Garage Sale ads are $26 and includes 2 Garage Sale signs. ★ Supplies The right supplies can make your sale run more smoothly. So as you get closer to the big day, gather everything you need: markers, calculators, tables, shelves, boxes, bags, and more! ★ Pricing Are you selling things to make money or to get rid of them? This question affects everything you do, from how you price things to how willing you are to negotiate. ★ Staging If you really want more bang for your buck, borrow, from the big retailers’ playbook for how to display your merchandise, you can fi nd this online. ★ Avoid Problems The early birds, future burglars, being the hostess with the mostess are just a few problems that can come up. Prepare ahead of time! ★ Wrapping It Up Have a plan for what you’ll do with your unsold merchandise. 148 Maple Street • PO Box 10 • Florence, OR 97439 (541) 997-3441 • Graphic Search Wednesday’s Graphic Ray Wells, Inc DEQ#37263 Yard Sale Black Cat Appreciation Day - August 18, 2021 Phone 997-8821 FAX 997-3723 P.O. Box 1216 • Email: Submit entry by 11AM Th ursday (No Commercial Sales) New Homes, tfc Additions Remodels & Home Repair CCB#164861 Brought to you by this newspaper in partnership with We need your name, phone number and where you found the graphic or an attached photo. We’re so sure, well run your ad until it’s SOLD! tfc For clean as a whistle, call By E-mail Only We Guarantee It! STEAM OR DRY Smoke • Water Cleanup Certified-Bonded @S IUSLAW N EWS Hey Graphic Searchers ATV / RV Car / Truck Boat / Canoe / Kayak Motorcycle / Scooter Heavy Equipment Upholstery CCB #96660 CCB#197439 Please submit your entry for a chance to win a gift certifi cate: We’ll Help You Sell Your: CARPET CLEANING 997-3825 Ore. BBR No. 8689 2005 LINCOLN TOWN CAR 110 Ridgefi eld Ave, Ste- phens City, VA 22655, within four (4) months from August 11, 2021, the date of fi rst publi- cation, or such claims may be barred. Any person whose rights may be aff ected by the proceeding may obtain additional information from the court records, the Personal Represen- tative or the attorney for the Personal Repre- sentative. Laurel L. Ferguson Attorney for Personal Representative PO Box 1153 327 Laurel St Florence, OR 97439 Publication Dates: Au- gust 11, 18, & 25, 2021 Here is how it works… We will put a graphic or photo in the box to the left. You find it somewhere in the classi- fieds. To enter your name into the drawing for a gift certificate Email Name, phone # and where you found it to: D-266 CCB#150484 WINDOWS DO WINDOWS! Yes! WE Window Cleaning Commercial • Residential Connie, Bill & Mike Spinner–997-8721 Siuslaw News Business & Service Directory P.O. Box 10 • 148 Maple Street, Florence, Oregon 97439 (541) 997-3441 Fax: (541) 997-7979 Good Luck BILL NASON found the National Catfish Month Graphic on Page 6B (Business & Service Directory – D-085 EXCAVATING – Ray Wells, Inc - Bottom of trees at left). He has won a Gift Certificate towards a Siuslaw News Subscription. Gift Certificates must be claimed within 2 weeks of winning Deadline for today’s paper: Thursday by 11:00 AM Saturday’s Graphic