SIUSLAW NEWS | SATURDAY, AUGUST 14, 2021 | 3A Community News Digging up history with the Siuslaw Genealogy Society Got history? Join a meet- ing on Wednesday, Aug. 18, to hear a fascinating account by Siuslaw Geneal- ogy Society vice president, Rick Norwood. As a retired archaeolo- gist, learning about an ex- cavation of the homesite of his ninth great grandpar- ents immediately piqued his interest. Robert Waterman and Elizabeth Bourne landed in Salem, Mass., from England in 1636. Soon thereafter, they relocated to Marsh- field, Mass., in Plymouth Colony, and built a house. Their small starter home was of earth-fast, post-in- ground and palisaded wall construction. It burned down in a catastrophic fire after a short period of oc- cupation. House fires were common in these early times. “In archaeology, we find that while fire destroys, it also preserves certain items,” Norwood said. “The excavation and study of the Waterman house ruins is one of the few remaining early period Plymouth Col- ony homes. It was possible to reconstruct the diet, see expressions of gender roles, environmental adaptation, )ORUHQFH )$50(56 0$5.(7 8(6'$<6€)520€€72€€ €30 :$/.,10$5.(7)5(6+/2&$/352'8&76 $7,17(56(&7,212)%$< .,1*:22' 9 More Weeks of Local Deliciousness! &$7&+2)7+('$< )5(6+%/$&.&2'1(:327$72(6 Enjoy Peak of the Season Fruits, Veggies and More $1'0$,7$.(086+52206 From Local Farmers and Food Producers 5(S5'(5€1/,1(€+233,1*€è9$,/$%/(>€ (7$,/6€$7€:::>/25(1&($50(56$5.(7>25* +$1.€<28€)25€+(/3,1*€€.((3€285€0$5.(7€6$)(> FOLLOW US FOR THE LATEST NEWS and English and Native American cultural ex- change. It was also possible to reconstruct the architec- ture and material culture of the Waterman family home. Archaeology can reveal or- dinary day to day life of people not always recorded in the written record.” This will be an amazing opportunity to learn more about early American life. With the continued clo- sure of the Siuslaw Geneal- ogy Society’s usual meeting location, this meeting will For more information, be held at 7 p.m. at The Appropriate protocols essary, people can check the blog for updates at siuslaw email siuslawgenealogy@ Mustard Seed, 509 King- will be followed. wood St. in Florence. In case changes are nec- Mapleton hosts vaccine clinic Aug. 19 Lane County Public Health is offering free vac- cinations in Mapleton for people age 12 and older. The event will be held Thurs- day, Aug. 19, from 10 a.m. to noon at Mapleton High School, 10868 E Mapleton Road. Appointments are avail- able at vaxclinics. Walk-in appoint- ments are also welcome! The event will be held in collaboration with Maple- ton School District. COVID-19 vaccination is available regardless of im- migration status and with or without health insurance for all Lane County resi- dents. There is NO COST for COVID-19 vaccination. If you have any questions regarding COVID-19, con- tact Lane County Public Health Call Center 541- 682-1380 or go to www.lan- Le invitamos al evento de vacunación que se realizará en Mapleton High School. Dirección: 10868 E Ma- pleton Rd Mapleton, Ore- gon 97453 Fecha: Jueves 19 de Agosto. Hora: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Citas disponibles en casdevacunas ¡Las personas sin citas son bienvenidas! Este evento se realizará en colaboración con Distrito Escolar de Mapleton. La vacuna contra COVID-19 está disponible independientemente del es- tado migratorio y con o sin seguro médico para todos los residentes del Condado de Lane. La vacuna contra el COVID-19 es gratis. Si tiene alguna pregun- ta sobre COVID-19 favor contactar con la línea de información general de Sa- lud Pública 541-682-1380 o visite clinicasdevacunas. State school officials hold info forum on masking Oregon parents and fami- in a town hall with state’s top lies are invited to participate education and health offi- cials next week. On Tuesday, Aug. 17, from 6 to 7 p.m. — and again on Aug. 18 for Span- ish speakers — Oregon Department of Education (ODE) and Oregon Health Authority (OHA) officials are hosting a Facebook Live Townhall forum event to discuss the K-12 masking requirements. ODE and OHA sent out an Informational Bulletin stating, “Dear parents and families, as a state and com- Receive a free accessory with a new lease. munity, we have a shared Expires 3/16/21. goal to ensure that every student in Oregon is able to attend school in-person, every school day for the en- tire 2021-22 school year. In ASSOCIATES order to do so, we are pri- oritizing student and staff health and safety.” Florence The organizations recent- 1901 Hwy 101, Ste A ly released requirements for face coverings in K-12 Scott C. Anderson, Au.D. • Steven G. Anderson, Au.D. schools. /S IUSLAW N EWS | T HE S IUSLAW N EWS . COM Getting rid of 'Huh?' for over 20 years Now offering hearing aid leasing 541.991.4475 HEARING of Florence Elks open 2021-22 Most Valuable Student Scholarship “We know you may have questions about this re- quirement and as a commu- nity, we have an opportunity to join state education and health officials during one of two Facebook Live Town Hall events,” they stated. Facebook account is not required to access these events, which can be ac- cessed through www.face- Participants will be in- vited to share questions during the events and can also submit questions ahead of time by contacting ODECovid19@ode.state. For more information, visit readyschools/. Requisitos para el uso de cubrebocas en escuelas K-12: Preguntas y respues- tas en vivo en todo el est Como estado y comuni- dad, nuestra meta es asegu- rar que cada estudiante en Oregon pueda asistir a la es- All high school seniors in Oregon who are U.S. citizens are welcome to apply to the Elks Most Valuable Student (MVS) Scholarship Program. The entire MVS application process is handled online with applicants being judged on academics, leadership and community engagement and cuela en persona, todos los días escolares durante todo el año escolar. Para hacerlo, estamos dando prioridad a la salud y seguridad de los estudiantes y del personal de las escuelas. El Departamento de Edu- cación de Oregon y el Ore- gon Health Authority com- partieron recientemente el cambio en los requisitos para el uso de cubrebocas en las escuelas de grados Kínder a 12. Sabemos que puede tener preguntas sobre este nuevo requisito. Invita- mos a todos los residentes de Oregon a que acompañen a los funcionarios estatales de educación y salud en un evento de Facebook Live el miércoles 18 de agosto. Invitaremos a las perso- nas a que compartan sus preguntas durante el even- to y también pueden enviar preguntas con anticipación mediante este formulario de Google: zfkSoiWKU3apCwxU6. financial need. Applicants will be judged at four levels with the oppor- tunity to earn scholarships at the local, district, state and national level. Online applications and additional info are located at scholarships/mvs.cfm. WEDNESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY AUGUST 14 AUGUST 15 AUGUST 16 AUGUST 17 AUGUST 18 AUGUST 19 AUGUST 20 Cloudy AM Clouds/ PM Sun AM Clouds/ PM Sun Sunny Sunny Partly Cloudy Sunny 65°F 56°F 67°F 55°F 67°F 51°F 68°F 51°F 72°F 54°F 68°F 53°F 67°F 52°F FRIDAY WE ARE YOUR ONE STOP CAR CENTER • Full Service Repair • Tire sales • ASE Certifi ed Technician • Over 17 years experience Locally Owned. 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