8A | WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 2021 | SIUSLAW NEWS Moshow the Cat Rapper coming to OCHS to promote adoption When Oregon Coast Humane Society staff began looking for cre- ative ways to network the shelter’s special needs cats, they had no idea the answer would come from a Netflix show. Ex- ecutive Director Eliz- abeth Thompson, who joined the organization in March, was determined to find homes for some of the cats who had pre- viously been overlooked. That’s when it happened and the universe sent an answer — Netflix’s new- est star, Moshow the Cat Rapper. Moshow, who lives in Portland, was featured in the premiere episode of the new Netflix series “Cat People.” With over a million followers among his various “IamMoshow” social media accounts, Moshow was a phenom- enon and advocate of all things CAT long before Netflix discovered him. He’s a rapper, an en- tertainer, and an author who’s written six chil- dren’s books. Moshow and his wife have five cats of their own, including Black Savage, who was adopted from Oregon Humane Society. Now he’s using his platform to help the cats at Oregon Coast Humane Society find their fur-ever homes. Moshow will be at Or- egon Coast Humane So- ciety on Aug. 6 and 7. He will spend his first day with the cats filming vid- Moshow the Cat Rapper with DJ Ravioli, one of his five family cats. Moshow will be at Oregon Coast Hu- mane Society Aug. 6 and 7. eos to promote adoptions. for some of our most spe- On Saturday, Aug. 7, Mo- cial animals.” show will meet fans during Moshow is also excited a book signing event at at the chance to help more Oregon Coast Humane So- cats. ciety from 12:30 to 2 p.m. In a social media post Books will be available to on July 25, he wrote, “I just purchase at that time. The want y’all to know a hu- shelter is located at 2840 mane society wants to work Rhododendron Dr. in Flor- with me and I’m about to ence, Oregon. help get a bunch of kitties “We are so grateful that adopted! FINALLY!!! More Moshow is willing to help details soon.” That post bring attention to some of has been shared 65 times our shelter cats who ha- and liked more than 1,100 ven’t found families yet,” times. Clearly Moshow’s says Thompson. “He has supporters are also thrilled a way of making all of his that he’s such an advoCATe followers — his Cat Family for shelter cats. — feel important and in- For more information, cluded. We are certain he’s visit www.oregoncoasthu- going to change the lives manesociety.org. Library Tidings Book Review “The Missing Treasures of Amy Ashton” by Eleanor Ray Amy Ashton once dreamed of becoming an artist and creating beau- tiful objects. But now she simply collects them. Aquamarine bottles, bright yellow crockery, deep Tuscan red pots (and the odd slow cooker) take up every available inch of space in her house. Having suffered a terri- ble tragedy — one she staunchly refuses to let herself think about, thank you very much — she’s decided that it’s easier to love things than people. Things are safe. Things will never leave you. But when a family with two young boys moves in next door — one of whom has a collection of his own — her carefully man- aged life starts to unravel, prompting her to ques- tion why she began to close herself off in the first place. As Amy embarks on a journey back into her past, she has to content with nosy neighbors, a meddlesome government worker, inept police, and a little boy whose love of bulldozers might just let her open up her heart — and her home — again. Quirky and charming, bighearted and moving, “The Missing Treasures of Amy Ashton” proves that it’s never too late to let go of the things that don’t matter…and welcome the people who do. This is a funny and ten- der debut novel about a reclusive artist whose col- lection has gotten out of control — but whose un- expected friendship with a pair of new neighbors might be just what she needs to start over. Endowment Books: Spotlight on Cooking Among the books pur- chased this year with Endowment funds are a number of books about cooking, including: “The Adventurous Foodie” by Alexander Stern; “Big Macs and Burgundy: Wine Pairings for the Real World” by Vanessa Price with Adam Laukhuf; “The Complete Salad •Guaranteed not to clog for as long as you own your home, or we will clean your gutters for free News about the Siuslaw Public Library by Kevin Mittge Cookbook” by America’s Test Kitchen; “Everyone Can Bake” by Dominique Ansel; “Flavor” by Otto Lenghi; “Pie Academy” by Ken Haedrich; “Ripe Figs: Recipes and Stories from Turkey, Greece and Cyprus” by Yasmin Khan; and “The Twisted Soul Cookbook” by Deborah VanTrece. row. Many libraries have restrictions on lending certain materials such as DVDs or special collec- tions such as genealogy or local history, but it is always worth a try to see if we can borrow it. The next time you need something just stop by the reference desk and we will see if we can help you out! Borrowing Material from Other Libraries Do you ever need a book or other material which we don’t have here at the Siuslaw Public Li- brary? You can always ask if we can order it on “interlibrary loan.” Inter- library loan is a system where we search for the material at other libraries and request to borrow it for you. Books are usu- ally the easiest to bor- Library YouTube Channel If you missed the recent virtual program about the Grand Circle tour of na- tional parks in the Amer- ican Southwest, you can always view it and previ- ous programs and videos on the library’s YouTube channel. Just visit the li- brary’s website, www.siu- slawlibrary.org, and scroll to the bottom for the You- Tube link. We now have almost 100 videos for view, ranging from new books, to Endowment Books, to Best Books, to a Christmas music concert. Free Lunch for Kids Monday-Friday, 12:20 to 12:40 p.m. Free summer lunches coordinated by Siuslaw School District are being served weekdays in the li- brary’s Maple Street park- ing lot in Florence. Now through Aug. 27, Anyone under 18 can get a bag lunch for free! FOLLOW US FOR THE LATEST NEWS /S IUSLAW N EWS | T HE S IUSLAW N EWS . COM LifeMed ~ An Investment in Our Community $65 Per Year Join Now! � 1 ----------� ·--------- � 1 :•RECEIVE A $25 1 1 1 AMAZON GIFT CARD DOWN 1 WITH FREE IN-HOME : ESTIMATE!** I $99 PER MONTH I : I $99 INSTALLATION 11 ·---------- CALL TODAY FOR YOUR FREE ESTIMATE! • THE ONLY ONE-PIECE SEAMLESS DEBRIS SHEDDING GUTTER SYSTEM. • SCRATCHGUARD ® PAINT FINISH • LIFETIME NO-CLOG WARRANTY • MADE ONSITE SPECIFICALLY FOR YOUR HOME This promotion assumes an estimated job cost of $7883. 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All participants who attend an estimated 60-90 minute in-home product consultation will receive a $25 gift card. Retail value is $25. ffer sponsored by Leaf Guard Holdings Inc. Limtt one per household. Company procures, sells, and installs seamless gutter prorection. This offer is valid for homeowners over 18 years of age. � married or involved with a lffe partner, both cohabltating persoos must attend and complete presentation together. Participants must have a photo ID, be able to understand English, and be legally able to enter into a contract. The following persons are not eligible for this offer: employees of Company or affiliated companies or entities, their immediate family members, previous participants in a Company in-home coosultation within the past 12 months and all current and fonner Company customers. Gitt may not be extended, transferred, or substiMed except that Company may substiMe a gift of equal or grearer value if tt deems tt necessary. Gitt card will be mailed to the participant via first ciass Untted States Mail or e-mailed within 30 days of receipt of the promotion fonn. Not valid in conjunction wtth any other promotioo or discount of any kind. ffer not sponsored or promoted by Amazon and is subject to change..without notice prior to reservation. 8/31/2021. LeafGuard operates as LeafGuard of Oregon in Oregon under license number 223377. W ith LifeMed, every dollar of your membership fee goes back into the Emergency Medical Services system in our area. We provide rapid response, high quality rescue and medical equipment, and advanced training for our Emergency Medical Technicians, Paramedics, and Quick Response Teams to our community. What are your LifeMed dollars doing for you? • Providing pre-hospital care and ground transportation • Freedom from paperwork, claim forms, and insurance billing • Continuing education & current training for our Emergency Medical Service personnel and Quick Response Teams (QRT’s) • Low cost CPR and First Aid classes for the community and related public education materials • SafeKids Programs which include Bicycle Helmets for Children, Car Seat Clinics, Water Safety and more You can obtain brochure at the following locations: Peace Harbor Hospital Siuslaw Valley Fire & Rescue Offi ce McKenzie Care Associates Several of the PeaceHealth Buildings Renewal Applications are in the mail and can be dropped off at one of two secure locations: • 2625 Highway 101 • 410 Ninth Street For Questions or an Application Call 541-997-9614 or Visit: WesternLaneAmbulance.com W