6A | SATURDAY, JULY 31, 2021 | SIUSLAW NEWS WATER from page 1A The council has been made aware of the proposed increase by many Dunes City residents who found the letter both unexpected and alarming. The example provided by SCWC in its letter to the utilities commis- sion used the figure $47.54 as the average customer bill and suggest- ed the proposed increase would re- sult in a bill of $121.02. Ron Stanley is a customer of SCWC and he contacted the Siu- slaw News and his neighbors with his concerns. “I don’t want to sound conspira- torial in these times, but I just think something smells fishy,” he said. “This is big increase and for a lot folks I have talked to, $900 is a lot of money. We have people living on fixed incomes and this was a shock, no question about it. I’d rather give it to charity than some big compa- ny buying out a smaller company and have us pay for it.” The evening’s discussion of the increase was facilitated by City Ad- ministrator Jamie Mills, who briefly reviewed the transfer of ownership of the water rights to SCWC from Dunes City and touched on some of the infrastructure changes need- ed to accompany that decision. Shoppe LOCAL #MyFlorence Shop. Eat. Support. SAVE. SHOP During this, Forsythe stated that he felt there was a need for repre- sentatives from SCWC to provide the council with additional infor- mation, preferably in person. He recounted a discussion he had with Mills regarding the rate increase and shared a letter Mills had written to the PUC detailing Dunes City Council’s disappoint- ment with the manner customers were notified of the increase and the amount of that increase. “I think it outrageous, this kind of increase, with little notice,” For- sythe said. “I would think a com- pany wanting to do this would have a public meeting.” The other councilors agreed with the mayor. The council gave direction to Mills to send the let- ter to the PUC and to coordinate a conversation and perhaps a pub- lic meeting with the management from SCWC. SCWC is owned and operated by Puttman Infrastructure Inc. and the water delivered to Dunes City residents comes from Woahink Lake. Thomas Puttman is the pres- ident and CEO of Puttman In- frastructure Incorporated, which invests, manages, operates and maintains a number of other pub- lic utilities across the country. In a conversation with the Siu- slaw News on Thursday regarding the situation, he seemed surprised by the confusion regarding the rate increase and wanted to assure Dunes City customers of his com- pany’s desire to work with both the city and its customers to improve communication. Consequently, Puttman sent out a letter to SCWC customers to re- spond to what he views as an error in communication. In it, Puttman recounted the decision made by city officials to change the source of drinking water for residents and his under- standing of the information pro- vided to consumers. “I wanted first to apologize for the miscommunication surround- ing the recent rate increase notice. We were following Oregon PUC guidelines for the notice. What we missed was the context — the ‘why’ the increase is being proposed,” Puttman’s letter stated. “For years, SCWC sourced its water directly from Siltcoos Lake. Over the years, Siltcoos Lake water quality degrad- ed enough to not be a safe or re- liable water source as determined by the State of Oregon. To resolve this water quality risk, the decision was made to change the source of water from Siltcoos Lake to Woa- )ORUHQFH )$50(56 0$5.(7 CHURCH DIRECTORY To include your organization in this directory, please call us @ 541-997-3441 8(6'$<6€)520€€72€€ €30 $7,17(56(&7,212)%$< .,1*:22' 5(S5'(5€1/,1(€+233,1*€è9$,/$%/(>€ (7$,/6€$7€:::>/25(1&($50(56$5.(7>25* +$1.€<28€)25€+(/3,1*€€.((3€285€0$5.(7€6$)(> Let me Showcase your property. New Listing Wendy Krause Broker 541 999-7765 89366 Sutton Lake Rd – Desirable 1 acre property in east Sutton Lake area with lots of recent improvements. 40x20 RV garage, 12x16 studio with electricity, tool shed, green house, raised garden beds, chicken coop, covered deck and privacy. A gardener’s paradise. $410,000. #3247-21434744 1749 Highway 101 • 541-997-1200 We are open and ready to assist you! SUPPORT BAHA’I FAITH OF FLORENCE Ongoing Devotions, Study Circles, Services To The Community, Informal Gatherings. For Information, Visit Us On Facebook: Baha’I Community of Florence, Oregon Or Phone 541-590-0779 BAY BERRY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Friday Evenings – 7 PM SINGSPIRATION You are invited to come and sing your favorite Ole Time Gospel songs. Come and enjoy a time of fellowship & refreshments before we sing. NEW LOCATION Now Meeting in Fellowship Hall of First Baptist Church at 1935 East 25th Street For Info: Jack - 541-999-8278 or Ron - mccrary9483@gmail.com THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS 2705 Munsel Lake Road, All are welcome! Sunday Worship Services are at 10 AM & 11:15 AM. Bishop Larry Farnsworth 541-999-1979 COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH 4590 Hwy. 101, Across from Fred Meyer –- 997-7418 Sunday School, 9:30a.m. – Worship, 10:45 Wed. Prayer - 6:00 p.m. – Wed. Ministries 1-8 Grade 7 p.m. CROSS ROAD ASSEMBLY OF GOD Corner of 10th & Maple- 541-997-3533 Sunday Services are 9am and 11am and on Facebook live and KCST at 11am Wednesdays at 7pm https://www.fl orencecrossroadag.org/church-online Other platforms update after the service. fl orencecrossroadag.org offi ce@fl orencecrossroadag.org FLORENCE CHRISTIAN CHURCH 2nd & Ivy - 541-997-2961 - Non-Denominational Service is on Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Sunday Service also streaming live at 10:00 am at fl orencechurch.com Johnston Motor Company Since 1939 2150 Hwy. 101 • Florence (541) 997-3475 • 1-800-348-3475 Submit your community, arts, entertainment and other events to Editor@TheSiuslawNews.com per bills did not receive the notice. We did not know of the mistake until we heard from a few custom- ers that they had not received the notice. When checking our cus- tomer account system, we realized notices were not sent to customers with online bill pay,” He said. This issue has been addressed with SCWC staff and all future communications will be included in digital notifications. Puttman also expressed his will- ingness to respond directly to the Dunes City Council and will work with city staff to answer any and all questions related to the requested increase, and encouraged anyone with questions to contact SCWC at customerservice@puttman.com For the remainder of the July 28 meeting, Mills gave her monthly report. This included a pending grant application and information on road repairs. Mills also announced a “Cere- mony of Life” on Saturday, Aug. 21, from noon to 3 p.m. to recog- nize the efforts of the many volun- teers who have worked to advance the city. There will be a barbecue and socializing will be encouraged, COVID restrictions permitting. The July 28 Dunes City Council meeting is available at for viewing at dunescityhall.com. Faith – Friendship - Fellowship – Fun :$/.,10$5.(7)5(6+/2&$/352'8&76 Come Pick Up Some Sweet Fresh Local &$7&+2)7+('$< )5(6+%/$&.&2'1(:327$72(6 Summer Bounty From Your Favorite $1'0$,7$.(086+52206 Farmers and Food Producers!!! hink Lake. Woahink Lake is an ex- cellence source of drinking water.” He further explained the rate increase is primarily related to the capital improvements required to make the change to Woahink Lake. These improvements include a new treatment plant, decommissioning the old treatment plant and a new supply main and pump station to convey water from Woahink Lake to the new treatment plant. “As the new owner of the system, it was our understanding that the customer base understood these improvements had been made and the rate increase was forthcoming. These improvements were made prior to our ownership of the sys- tem and the proposed rate increase is necessary to pay for these im- provements,” Puttman stated. The second point Puttman wanted to make was related to the lack of notification to all customers served by SCWC, which was not intentional but more of a technical issue. “My second apology is to cus- tomers that did not receive the no- tice. For customers with online bill pay, paper invoices are not sent. When we mailed the notice for the potential rate increase, it only went to customers who request paper bills. Those that do not receive pa- FLORENCE UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP 87738 Hwy 101 at Heceta Beach Road RUAUU? All are welcome to explore the answer. Until it is safe to meet in person, Sunday Worship Services are available 24/7 on our website: www.florenceuuf.org FLORENCE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2nd & Kingwood • (541) 997-6025 Link to Sunday services at www.fl orenceunitedmethodist.org or fi nd us on Facebook. FOURSQUARE CHURCH 1624 Highway 101 (next to A&W) –- 997-6337 Pastor George Pagel – Something for the entire family. Sun. Services: 10:45 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study returns this Fall. Website: fl orence4square.com NEW LIFE LUTHERAN E.L.C.A. 21st & Spruce Streets—997-8113 Interim Pastor David Brauer-Rieke, All are welcome. Sunday in-person worship service@ 10:30. Also available to you on website www.fl orencenewlifelutheran.org. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF THE SIUSLAW 3996 N Hwy 101 541-997-7136 Internet and in person Sunday services at 10AM, Call the church for details. Reverend Greg Wood All Welcome. Come as you are. RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS (QUAKERS) “War is still not the answer.” FCNL We meet Sunday’s at 11am in our homes. Call 408-482-1141 or 541-997-4237 for locations. RESURRECTION LUTHERAN CHURCH, L.C.M.S. Worship Services 10am 1st & 2nd Sunday and 8am 3rd & 4th Sunday 85294 Hwy. 101 S. – 997-8038 DVD of Weekly worship service available. www.puppro.wixite.com/rlcfl orence ST. ANDREW’S EPISCOPAL Church Welcomes You FLORENCE CHURCH OF CHRIST Worship Sun. 9am Wed 11am 2135 19th St. Pre-Denominational (Romans 16:16) 541-997-6600 standssecretary19@gmail.com Labyrinth & 1833 Tamarack Street Garden daily 8am-5pm (2 blocks east of Hwy. 101 on 18th St.) “Be the change.” Bible Study: Sunday 10 a.m.; Worship: Sunday 11 a.m. www.churchofchristfl orence.org SAINT MARY, OUR LADY OF THE DUNES CATHOLIC CHURCH FLORENCE EVANGELICAL CHURCH 1.5 miles south of river on Hwy 101 – 997-2312 1318 Rhododendron Dr. • 541-997-2523 COVID-19 Compliant Masses have been scheduled. Sunday Service 11am ( Children Sunday School) Please call our offi ce for details. Mid-Week Activities, all ages. FLORENCE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST 4445 Hwy 101 (South of Fred Meyer) – 997-3951 Worship on Saturday 11:00 A.M. Adult/Children’s Sabbath School 10:00 A.M. Give us a call 541-997-3441 to get us your updates or email to: mberg@thesiuslawnews.com Serving the entire Oregon Coast. Staff ed locally with factory trained professionals. Residential and Commercial Garage Door Installation. 541.997.5008 www.overheaddoor-eugene.com Overhead Door Company of Th e Oregon Coast™ CCB# 50460