4B | SATURDAY, JULY 31, 2021 | SIUSLAW NEWS CLUES ACROSS 1. Nature expedition 7. Take the energy from 10. Bungled 12. Young salmon 13. Botanical gardens 14. Source of chocolate 15. Country singer LeAnn 16. Yokel 17. Unit of energy 18. Plant of the lily family 19. Tusked wild pig 21. Form of “to be” 22. Formerly 27. Letter of the Greek alphabet 28. Former First Lady 33. News organization 34. Shining brightly and intermittently 36. Brew 37. Teams’ best pitchers 38. Edible fruit HOROSCOPES ARIES – Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, feelings of nostal- gia may come over you this week, prompting you to look at old family movies or thumb through photo albums. Enjoy this trip down Memory Lane. TAURUS – Apr 21/May 21 It is good to remain positive and keep an open mind, Tau- rus. Maintain your optimistic attitude and others will soon gravitate toward you. GEMINI – May 22/Jun 21 Take heart that many people around you are experiencing extreme emotions this week, Gemini. Help them work through the situation and your eff orts won’t go unnoticed. CANCER – Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, stand up and defend yourself when the need arises. Your reputation is beyond re- MEET ELLIE Elle is a four-year-old chihuahua who arrived here after her owner died. Elle is a sweet, loving girl who does bark when people enter the area. She needs a calm, patient adopter who can teach her about life in the world. If you’re interested in adopting Elle, please fi ll out an application at www.oregoncoasthumanesociety.org. 39. Pitching stat 40. __ or bust 41. Baby product manufacturer 44. Monetary unit of Finland 45. Small spherical structures in cells 48. Pouches 49. Reached 50. Investment account 51. Oft-repeated slogan CLUES DOWN 1. Nuclear undersea weapon 2. Helps the skin 3. Evergreen coniferous trees 4. Relieve of employment 5. A way to drench 6. Journalist Tarbell 7. __ and Venzetti 8. Alcoholic liquor 9. An athlete who plays for pay 10. Where to get drinks 11. Japanese art form proach, and for good reason. Others can be relied on to sup- port you. LEO – Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, others appreciate your straightforward, no-nonsense attitude. You’ll fi nd support by being honest at all times, so keep up the good work. VIRGO – Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, you oft en like things to be orderly and fact-based. However, this week you may fi nd yourself clouded by emo- tions. You may have to go with your heart this time. LIBRA – Sept 23/Oct 23 Reach out to others for help with a sticky situation, Libra. Only by letting others know that you may need some sup- port will you get friends and family to come to your aid. SCORPIO – Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, you can’t always assume that people will be in tune with your needs. You may need to advocate for yourself if you want help along the way. SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23/ 12. Baseball great Satchel 14. Winged angelic beings 17. One point south of due east 18. Group of islands in Polynesia 20. A place to play: __ center 23. Masses of gray matter in the brain 24. Belgian city (alt. sp.) 25. Millilitre 26. Beloved Will Ferrell fi lm 29. Railway above ground 30. Satisfaction 31. Aggregate of molecules 32. Type of barometer 35. Type of college teacher (abbr.) 36. Long periods of time 38. Native people of Nebraska and S. Dakota 40. Deliver 41. Thin, narrow piece of wood 42. Modern Israel founder 43. Small NY college Dec 21 Don’t jump too quickly into making decisions this week, Sagittarius. Take some time to consider a situation and then form your opinion. CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, don’t avoid emo- tional topics right now, even if you’re tempted to run in the opposite direction. Facing a strong challenge will make you much stronger. AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18 WE NEED A HOME.... If you would like to meet these two or any of their friends, please visit us at: OREGON COAST HUMANE SOCIETY 2840 Rhododendron Drive • Florence • 541-997-4277 •oregoncoasthumane.org 44. Pounds per square inch 45. Veterans battleground 46. Hollywood talent agency (abbr.) 47. Popular kids’ channel To reveal the truth about something, tap into your psy- chic abilities, Aquarius. It may cause others to be a bit uncom- fortable, but it is important to clarify things right now. PISCES – Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, when dealing with powerful, opinionated forces, including your own, it’s best to keep a level head and remain patient. MEET SARA Sara is a very sweet 14 year old senior cat. She is looking for a calm home with a spot in the sun for her to lay in and enjoy the day. If you’re interested in adopting Sara, please fi ll out an application at www.oregoncoasthumanesociety.org.