SIUSLAW NEWS | WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 2021 | 5A PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT Florence and Western Lane County Residents, stop paying THREE TIMES for an ambulance ride! GO TO Sign the Petition for your right to vote on ambulance taxes! We deserve a right to vote THIS NOVEMBER on the government merger that makes us pay three times for an ambulance ride. We already pay two extra property taxes on top of the normal charges for a single ambulance ride. We should end the government-run ambulance service and stop paying three times for the same ambulance ride. This Government-Run Ambulance Service is an Expensive Boondoggle Florence Small Business Owner Ambulance Tax Bill Total: $1,445.74 Western Lane Ambulance District charges us two extra property taxes on top of the normal charges for a single ambulance ride. We are forced to pay hundreds every year for an ambulance ride we may never take. Local Seniors are Nickel-and-Dimed by Government-Run Ambulances Florence great-grandmother Marion Patton took a four-mile ambulance ride this year and was still charged $250 by the government-run ambulance service despite taxpayers paying two extra ambulance taxes. Florenc Home Owner Florence Ambulance Tax Bill Total: $308.76 WE DEMAND THE RIGHT TO VOTE ON WHETHER WE WANT TO CONTINUE PAYING THREE TIMES FOR AN AMBULANCE RIDE As Western Lane County residents and taxpayers, we got involved in the ambulance district because it’s a big annual bill for our local home and business owners. As we began to look under the hood, we discovered that this government-run ambulance district is an expensive boondoggle. WE’RE ASKING THAT YOU TAKE ACTION AND JOIN US IN DEMANDING THAT THE GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS IN CHARGE ALLOW US TO VOTE on whether we want to continue paying three times for an ambulance ride. » Florence resident Larry Farnsworth, Western Lane Ambulance District Board Member (2017-2021) » Florence resident RJ Pilcher, Western Lane Ambulance District Budget Committee Member (2018-Present) » Florence resident Joel Marks, Western Lane Ambulance District Budget Committee Member (2018-Present) (We are local volunteers and taxpayer advocates. As private individuals we do not speak for the Western Lane Ambulance District.)