SN THESIUSLAWNEWS.COM | WEDNESDAY EDITION | JULY 28, 2021 | $1.00 RN L ANE E T S E W AMBULANCE $65 Join LifeMed Today! or Call 541-997-9614 Siuslaw News Siuslaw News NEWS & VIEWS THAT DEFINE OUR COMMUNITY VOL. 131, NO. 60 J ULY 28, 2021 F LORENCE , O REGON WEATHER Partly cloudy with a high of 71 and a low of 54. Full forecast on A3 COMMUNITY Donation benefits food shares INSIDE — A3 SPORTS In the wake of the Olympics On the road to surf inclusion for the Oregon Coast By Reina Harwood Siuslaw News On Saturday, July 26, the Tokyo Olympics opened with one of the newest additions to the Olympic line-up, which has drawn attention for its inclusion and centuries old traditions. Surfing was added to the medal docket in 2020, thanks in part Agencies swear in new directors to boards to the Tokyo Organizing Committee who pitched the idea. The Interna- tional Olympic Committee autho- rized inclusion for the sport of surf- ing in the Olympic program in 2016. The first official international competition for the cultural corner- stone of Hawaii has brought the al- lure of victory presenting 40 surfers from around the world to discuss the history of the sport and its fu- ture. Gold medalists will be announced today, July 28, according to the To- kyo Olympic day-to-day guide. Each match is set to take place at the Tsurigasaki Surfing Beach along the Chiba shore, but the schedule is subject to change depending on when surfing conditions will be at their best. Florence has a small community, but dedicated surfers often congre- gate at the South Jetty of the Siu- slaw River when the tide, swell and crushing breaks allow. Most have been surfing for de- cades. Meanwhile, young surfers are paddling to catch their first waves. With wetsuits zipped, Florence surf- O By Mark Brennan Siuslaw News RECORDS Obituaries & response logs Inside — A2 TV GUIDE Inside — B3-B4 KIDS CORNER Activities for kids Inside — B5 CLASSIFIEDS Listings & notices Inside — B6 FOLLOW US FOR THE LATEST NEWS : /S IUSLAW N EWS @S IUSLAW N EWS T HE S IUSLAW N EWS . COM Local galleries and business- es are participating in Peace- Health Peace Harbor Medical Center Foundation’s Art From the Heart Walk, which kicked off last Friday. Story & Photos By Reina Harwood Siuslaw News Summer in the city n July 23, the PeaceHealth Peace Harbor Medical Center Foundation hosted its Art From the Heart Walk featuring local artists and galleries. Pro- ceeds from the art walk through Florence will go to the Cardiac Program Support Fund at Peace Harbor, and will be applied with- in the local community. The kick-off event took place that evening, beginning in front of the “Low-Poly Open Heart” sculpture at the intersection of Maple and Bay streets. The heart was sculpted by artist Matthew Duffy and is part of the Florence Public Art Committee’s “Art Ex- posed” Rotating Art Gallery. The walk and auction portion of the Art From the Heart lasts until Sunday, Aug. 1, and the event will carry through Tuesday, Aug. 3. About 150 people participated in the Friday event. They were See HEART page 7A Siuslaw concludes summer school CHANTELLE MEYER/SIUSLAW NEWS Just horsing around with C&M Stables INSIDE — B See SURF page 7A Florence has real heart for art Siuslaw Valley, Western Lane hold combined meeting S IUSLAW N EWS 2 S ECTIONS | 18 P AGES C OPYRIGHT 2021 Siuslaw Valley Fire and Rescue (SVFR) and Western Lane Ambu- lance District (WLAD) held a joint meeting of their respective boards of directors on July 22 at the SVFR Main Station, with some directors attending in person and some remotely. The combined administration of the organizations is referred to as Western Lane Fire & EMS Author- ity (WLFEA), and this is the first joint meeting to include new SVFR directors Laurie Heppel and Tim Mendolia and new WLAD directors Vanessa Buss and Adam Holbrook, who were sworn in after the meet- ing was gaveled to order. The meeting was facilitated by Fire/EMS Chief Michael Schick, who next asked the new boards to select officers for their respective organizations. Cindy Russell was chosen to serve as the WLAD pres- ident, with Buss as vice president and Holbrook as the secretary/ treasurer. Newly elected officers for SVFR include Alan Burns as president, Jim Palisi as vice president, and Heppel as secretary/treasurer. Also appointed by both boards were representatives to WLFEA. Murphey and Webb were selected by WLAD, along with Palisi and Sam Spayd from SVFR. For WL- FEA, Palisi was selected as presi- dent, Webb as vice president, and Spayd as secretary/treasurer. ers drop in midday or early morn- ings, depending on the surfing fore- casts. Historically, surfing has been recognized as a male-dominated sport, a trend that Lexi Hallahan, who runs the Northwest Women’s Surf Camps (NWWSC) in Seaside, strives to change. With an appear- ance of 20 women surfers at this year’s Olympic Games, the beauty and grace of the sport has soaked in the spotlight and further promoted SIuslaw Elementary School concluded its “We Built This City on Heart and Soul” summer pro- gram on July 22. Read more on A8. See WLFEA page 8A “Help Lovejoy’s Paint Some Old Town Charm!” Lovejoy’s is moving forward with their beautiful mural of Big Ben from across the River Thames, an English icon. We are asking for donations in order to have this beautiful mural painted by Florence’s own, Michael Wood! Thank you, in advance, for all your help and generosity! Without you, there would be no us! Follow this link and let’s get painting!