SIUSLAW NEWS | SATURDAY, JULY 24, 2021 | 5A DONATION from page 1A retiring, he moved to Flor- ence and joined Florence Lodge Number 107. While here, he was an active member until his death last year. In 2002 he received the Hiram Award, which is an award given to older members for their long- time service to Freemason- ry. In his death, Paul con- tinues to support local children by leaving most of his estate to the children’s library in Florence. “This will give our local library well over $500,000 to help the children of Flor- ence,” Tooley said. Besides the donation to the library, Kindsvater also set up a fund for the lodge to draw on to help sup- port the Florence Masonic Lodge Scholarship Fund. “Paul never married but always supported the lodge’s efforts to help the children of the Florence AGENDA from page 1A on the council a year and a half, but they have never at- tended a meeting in person, so it’s a new experience for all of us.” The mayor then an- nounced the mid-term ap- pointments of Tom Bene- dict and James LaCroix to the Environmental Manage- ment Advisory Committee, Ken Henderson to the at- large position on the Flor- ence Urban Renewal Agen- cy (FURA) and Bruce Jarvis to the Public Art Commit- tee. This was followed by pub- Florence Masons met with the Siuslaw Public Library to honor the legacy of Mason Paul Kindsvater and his dona- tion to the children’s library. (Front row from left) Siuslaw Public Library Foundation President Laurel Ferguson and Library Director Meg Spencer. (Back row from left) Siuslaw Public Library District Board President Susy Lacer, Assistant Director and Youth Services Librarian Gayle Vinchesi and representatives of the Florence Masonic Lodge Secretary Hunt Ramsey, PM, Marshall Dick Tooley, PM, and Senior Warden Tom Velvin MWPGM-MD. area,” Tooley said. “He be- to continuing his support donation, Siuslaw Public ian Miss Gayle said, “Hear- Library Assistant Director ing Paul’s Lodge brothers lieved our children are our for them.” After learning of the and Youth Services Librar- talk about his passion for future and we look forward lic comments on subjects not on the evening’s agenda. The first speaker was Jar- vis, who expressed support for the Florence Police De- partment and called on the council to adopt a “Stand for Freedom” Resolution which would limit Oregon Gov. Kate Brown’s ability to impact city policies that are viewed as unconstitution- al by an unnamed group of overseers. Then, local activist Mi- chael Allen spoke, request- ing that the Florence City Council accept the what he considers to be the reality of climate change and develop FLORENCE PET SITTING SERVICE KATHEY JOHNSON (512) 633-4177 Licensed • Bonded • Insured • References available upon request • Senior discounts available • Overnight options in your home a strategy to minimize that impact. Allen made a brief state- ment and, for much of the three minutes allotted to each speaker, read the names of some of the nearly 500 in- dividuals that have signed Allen’s request to the city for some form of climate action. Allen’s comments were fol- lowed by those from Frank Smith, who continued read- ing the names of those that signed Allen’s petition. In contrast, the final speaker, Sam Spayd, urged the council to ignore the request to initiate any sort of climate discussion and instead focus on issues that directly impact Florence. It is the council’s policy to not address public com- ment. The first action item of the meeting was consider- ation of the sale of a parcel of city property, Lot 20, in the Pacific View Business Park. Kelli Weese, in her role as the Economic Devel- opment Coordinator for the city, walked councilors through the review of the process which led staff to recommend the sale. The property under consider- ation is just under 5 acres at 216,058 feet. Weese’s review included data from a num- ber of previous sales of city properties and the rationale for determining what was eventually approved as the sale price of approximately $19,000. The discussion among councilors was minimal. After the review was pre- sented by staff, the sale was approved unanimously and authorization was given to City Manager Erin Reyn- olds to enter into a contract to sell the parcel. The next item on the agenda was a request from staff to accept a childcare re- lated grant from the Cascade West Economic Develop- ment District in the amount of $10,000. The presentation was made by City Econom- ic Development Catalyst Sarah Moehrke, who pre- sented data from state and Get Results...List With Wendy. Wendy Krause Broker 541 999-7765 county organizations which deal with childcare issues throughout the state. The information shows a lack of affordable child care in the Florence area and a growing need to address this shortage. A tangential request au- thorized the city manager to negotiate with United Way of Lane County to admin- ister the City of Florence’s Childcare grant program. With little debate the coun- cil approved Moehrke’s re- quests. The evening’s consent items were approved with- out comment by council members and included pas- sage of Resolution No. 24, Series 2021. This resolution extended the City of Flor- ence’s workers compensa- tion coverage to volunteers of the city. There was also a request to ratify the recently nego- tiated three-year collective bargaining agreement with the Florence Police Employ- ees Association Agreement, acceptance of a $32,000 grant from the American Rescue Act from the Federal Aviation Administration re- lated to COVID protocols, and purchase of two mes- educating children and teens is inspiring. There is no greater legacy than to impact the lives of chil- dren, and we at the library are honored and privileged to share Paul’s passion.” The Siuslaw Public Li- brary has locations at 1460 Ninth St. in Florence and 88148 Riverview Ave. in Mapleton. Both locations have books and activities for children. Even more resources are available at According to Library Di- rector Meg Spencer, “Mr. Kindsvater’s donation will be felt for decades in our community, and young people here will have better access to library and liter- acy services because of his remarkable generosity. He will be making generations of readers with this gift. I can’t thank him and the Florence Masonic Lodge enough for their commit- ment to education in our region.” sage boards for deployment at community events, con- struction sites and emergen- cy situations. These items were all approved as part of the consent agenda. In addition, Reynolds gave her City Manager’s Report and reviewed the options available to watch council meetings online or in person. She also reminded the council that as time passes there will be more public and community events tak- ing place. The next large- scale community event will be held Aug. 3, the third annual National Night Out, which will take place in Miller Park. This provides an opportunity for residents to meet first responders from the Florence Police Department, Siuslaw Valley Fire and Rescue and West- ern Lane Ambulance Dis- trict, as well as local organi- zations. The event provides a free meal to the communi- ty and activities for children and families. The next regular City Council meeting is sched- uled for Monday, Aug. 2, at 5:30 p.m. For more information, visit New Listing Bellevue Drive #7 – Build your dream home in Heceta Dunes, a gated com- munity of 7 beautiful 5+ acre lots, just a mile north of Florence. Live just min- utes from dunes, lakes, and ocean. Building pad is cleared, utilities available, and the lot has septic approval. Home is 2005 sqft and to-be-built. $665,000. #3240-21416548 1749 Highway 101 • 541-997-1200 Buying or Selling? I can help. New Listing Tim Sapp Owner / Principal Broker 541 999-8230 Arago St #4 – Build your dream home near the beach! This is a beautiful wooded lot with septic approval. Live within walking distance of the ocean on this .14 acre lot. $89,000. #3241- 21531493 1749 Highway 101 • 541-997-1200 Drift wood Shores is off ering competitive wages for Housekeepers, Front desk, Restaurant, and Banquet staff . Full time or part time positions available. 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