8A | WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 2021 | SIUSLAW NEWS PHOTOS BY MARK BRENNAN/SIUSLAW NEWS Memorial Day Services included the annual wreath ceremony at the Veterans Memorial Park on Bay Street, featuring a crew from U.S. Coast Guard Station Siu- slaw River and local veterans. This year also saw 200 people in attendance. MEMORIAL from page 1A dition to a shortened cer- U.S. Coast Guard Station mander Fred Burns gave Hamilton. emony. Siuslaw River. the Memorial Day Ad- Memorial Day was first The warm sunny weath- During the event, VFW dress, after the playing of officially recognized by Florence Elks Lodge 1858 shortened its annu- er and the new health Chaplain Ken Henderson all branch service anthems. President Lyndon Johnson al event significantly and protocols allowed for gave a brief benediction There was one glitch in on May 26, 1966. although eliminated the portion more than 200 commu- and reminded the attend- the event as the public ad- events to recognize the sac- of the program which al- nity members to attend ees that more than a dozen dress system was inoper- rifice of fallen Americans lowed for vets to introduce themselves and speak of “On Memorial Day, we honor and reflect upon the courage, integrity and selfless dedication their service. The group of the members of our Armed Forces who have made the greatest sacrifice in service to our did allow for brief speech- Nation. Whether in the waters of the Pacific, on the beachheads of Europe, in the deserts of es from lodge leaders and the Middle East, or in the mountains of Afghanistan, American service members have given presented the service col- ors to those assembled. their lives to uphold our Constitution and to defend the safety and freedoms of our citizens. The highest profile com- These patriots embody the best of the American spirit. They put themselves on the line for memoration of the day our shared values — for duty, honor, country — and they paid the ultimate price. Our Nation took place at the Florence can never fully repay the debt we owe to our fallen heroes and their families.” Veteran’s Memorial Park — U.S. President Joseph Biden, May 31, 2021 on Bay Street. Health-related changes at this venue included the the solemn service, which local veterans have passed ative, but those speaking in service to their country replacement of the bleach- centered around the pre- away since the last Memo- did their best to be heard have been held since the ers used for seating in pre- sentation of Memorial rial Service was held. Revolutionary War. There by the crowd. vious years with chairs that Wreaths and the laying of This year, VFW Post The event ended with have been many other allowed for more room those wreaths in the Siu- 3232 coordinated the rec- a closing prayer and the efforts to acknowledge between attendees, in ad- slaw River by members of ognition and VFW Com- playing of taps by Dennis fallen soldiers, including those who fought to split the country over the issue of slavery during the Civil War. All of these events are now included in the over- all tribute to the fallen, re- gardless of the conflict in which they perished. According to Brown, “On Memorial Day, and every day, we remember the fallen. We remember their courage and tenacity. We remember their dedi- cation and determination, their service and sacrifice. We take this day to honor and remember our vet- erans, fallen heroes, mil- itary members and their families across Oregon. Together, we resolve to re- member and honor those who have given their lives in the name of peace, free- dom and democracy.” Enjoy the ease of is the permanent, clog-free gutter solution!* Showering Safely So you can stay in the home you love! 16 YEARS BACKED BY THE SEAL Introducing the ALL NEW Walk-In Shower! $99 INSTALLATION for a limited time on a complete LeafGuard system! † PLUS Call today and receive exclusive savings of up to $ 750 OFF FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY Call CALL TODAY FOR YOUR FREE ESTIMATE! • THE ONLY ONE-PIECE SEAMLESS DEBRIS SHEDDING GUTTER SYSTEM • MADE ONSITE SPECIFICALLY FOR YOUR HOME • SCRATCHGUARD® PAINT FINISH • LIFETIME NO-CLOG WARRANTY p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pgrade your bathroom, upgrade your life. 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