2A | WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 2021 | SIUSLAW NEWS On The Record Follow-up to illegal dumping into sewer system Follow-up to illegal dumping into sewer system During the last week in May, the Florence Waste- water Treatment Plant (WWTP) experienced an upset when an unknown chemical was introduced into the waste stream. Through a lot of hard work by wastewater treatment staff, along with outreach to other communities, the City of Florence Public Works Department deter- mined that the unknown chemical created false posi- tive results in its enterococ- cus bacteria tests. This was also confirmed by Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). Technicians from DEQ processed a split sample from the treated sewer ef- fluent. A split sample is one in which the same water sample if divided into two samples and DEQ conducts water quality testing on one of the samples in their lab- oratory and the other sam- ple is analyzed at the Flor- ence WWTP laboratory. The test results conducted by DEQ and the Florence WWTP lab were the same, with the same observa- tions. The contaminate that entered the wastewater treatment plant was indeed interfering with the entero- coccus bacteria tests, which produced false positives. Outside of the entero- coccus bacteria false posi- tives, the wastewater treat- ment plant did meet all of its permit requirements for discharges to the Siuslaw River. Additionally, all of the river samples (upstream from the WWTP, down- stream of the WWTP, and in the area of our discharge point into the river) were representative of back- ground bacteria levels of the river. At no time was the community at risk from enterococcus bacteria ex- posure. It was out of an abun- dance of caution that the City of Florence posted sig- nage at location upstream and downstream of the WWTP to advise commu- nity members of a possible contamination issue. Once we were able to confirm that the sample results were actually false positives, City staff re- moved the signs. This took place Thursday afternoon, May 27. Public Works Director Mike Miller stated, “We have taken this incident and will be implementing new actions to ensure a quicker response to these types of episodes and im- prove lab methodologies. Our Standard Operating Procedures for enterococ- cus bacteria testing will be Florence City Council to hold meeting June 7 – On Monday June 7, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. the Flor- ence City Council will hold its regularly scheduled meeting via videoconfer- ence. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, citizens will not be able to attend City meetings in person. In- terested citizens may lis- ten and view the meeting through the ‘GoToWebi- nar’ platform. For access to a link to the meeting, visit the City of Florence website at https://www.ci.florence. or.us/council/city-coun- cil-meeting-202. Meetings are also shown live on Ca- ble Channel 191 and online at www.ci.florence.or.us/ citymanager/public-meet- ings-live. Those without access to the internet or Charter Cable may listen to the meeting live via phone conference line. To do so, contact City Recorder Kelli Weese at 541-997-3437. The Florence City Council meeting agen- da and meeting materials are published now. Peo- ple subscribe to the City Council meeting email distribution list at www.ci. florence.or.us/newsletter/ subscriptions. WEATHER DATA D ATE May 25 May 26 May 27 May 28 May 29 May 30 May 30 H IGH L OW 56 59 57 61 64 63 70 48 44 48 48 39 45 44 R AIN 0.55 0.00 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Rainfall Week: 0.85” Month: 2.46” Year: 30.33” Greentrees Village Community Wide Yard Sale Fri.-Sat. 6/11-6/12 9am-3pm 1600/1601 Rhododendron Drive Gates Open to Public Large inside & Outside Sale Fri.-Sun. 6/4-6/6 9am-3pm 4843 Darlings Loop Toys, Tools for Boating, Hauling, Logging, Welding & Woodwork- ing. Clothes, Knickknacks, New twin mattress/box spring, plants, fl owers & lots of new and used. No Early Birds Please! Courtesy of Roger Cunningham FEATURED PROPERTY OF THE WEEK modified to include using bicides or pesticides down Public Works at 541-997- Department at 541-997- dilutions, which will aid the sewer to call Florence 4106 or Florence Police 3515.” in dealing with any possi- ble interferences causing false positives. In addition, we will have sample bot- tles on hand at the waste- water treatment plant for collecting volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and semi-volatile compounds (SVOCs) in order to help determine the contaminate that may enter the waste- water stream in the future.” Miller continued “I am proud of our wastewater treatment plant operators and their diligent and pro- fessional work in main- taining a healthy treatment process to the community’s wastewater system. Again, we believe that the chemi- cal agent that created issue with our testing was an accidental release, howev- er we encourage any com- munity member that has witnessed someone dump- ing chemicals, paints, her- BIRTH CHAMBERS—Timber Elijah Chambers, a boy weighing 7 lbs. 14.8 oz. and measuring 21.25 inch- es, was born May 7, 2021, to Brooklyn L. Morris and Jordan B. Chambers at Peace Harbor Medical Center. To our valued readers: Help small businesses affected by coronavirus right now, including ours. Businesses of all sizes have been hit hard in this challenging new age of social distancing and self-isolation, but the blow has been catastrophic for small operations that rely on in-person transactions. There are many ways to help this holiday season, like purchasing gift certificates or memberships, and yet there are many service-type businesses that don’t have that option. As we look to a new year, we’re celebrating what connects us as a community, and what we can do to support our local businesses! THAT’S WHY WE CREATED THE SUPPORT LOCAL TOGETHER CAMPAIGN. The Support Local Together campaign will help local businesses who have to choose between promoting their business and paying the electric bill. It will also help support the Siuslaw News, who has seen a strong decrease in advertising revenue, but an increase in readership. IT DOES TWO THINGS. 1. Funds advertising dollars for local businesses Your financial support will go directly to fund advertising that our local businesses need to stay top of mind. 2. Supports local journalism By becoming a supporting member, you are helping to replace some of the advertising revenue the Siuslaw News has lost over the past ten months, due to the pandemic. HERE IS HOW TO SUPPORT: • Call 541-902-3524 • Make a donation of your choosing. • Choose a specific local business that you would like the advertising credit to go to, or leave that blank and we will designate it to a business we know needs help. Our community is small but generous and we recognize there are many great organizations, like ours, that could use your help. We believe the vast majority of our readers have always shared our view of the value and necessity of a strong local media and are willing to provide support Yes, I would like to become a 2020/21 Support Local Together Sponsor equal to two or three cups of Call 541-902-3524 coffee a month to secure its Mail sponsorship form to: Siuslaw News Supporter future. PO Box 10 Florence Oregon 97439 Thank you in advance for doing your share to secure a strong local economy in the community we are proud to serve. Jenna Bartlett Publisher jbartlett@thesiuslawnews.com 541-902-3524 $10 $20 $50 $100 Other Amount _______ Name __________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Phone__________________Email ___________________________________ Check Credit Card Name on Card:______________________Expiration date:_______________ Number:_______________________________________________________ 4621 JOSHUA LANE THIS BEACH COTTAGE IS PERFECT! Priced to sell! Short walk to beach, wind protected and tucked off the street for privacy, this cute “tiny home design” cottage has been fully remodeled with explosions of beach colors, on demand hot water, new septic system being installed, fully furnished, pellet stove, quartz countertops and wrap around deck that is perfect for entertaining. The ocean, singing birds and evening frogs truly make this cottage a magical little sanctuary. $297,000 #12178 MLS#21472496 “We’re next to the Bridge” 100 Hwy. 101 See all Florence Listings at cbcoast.com COAST REAL ESTATE 541-997-7777 Billing Zip Code: _____________ 3 Digit Security Code:_________________ SIUSLAW NEWS UNITY WITH OUR COMMUNITY Do you have a specific business you would like to sponsor: List here: _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ We will send a gift card to the business(es) of your choice with your name. If would like to remain anonymous please check here. *This sponsorship is not tax deductible.