SIUSLAW NEWS | SATURDAY, MAY 29, 2021 | 7A Spirit of the Siuslaw Award nominations now open Siuslaw Watershed Council is seeking nomi- nations for an individual, group or organization to receive its highest honor, the Spirit of the Siuslaw Award. Annually, an individu- al, group or organization who especially exemplifies work on watershed health and involving human and natural resources within our region is chosen by the Siuslaw Watershed Coun- cil Board of Directors for this award. This award will be presented at the coun- cil’s July 2021 public Gen- eral Meeting via Zoom. The community is invit- ed to submit nominations by emailing watershed@ by June 30, 2021. People should in- clude contact information and the contact informa- tion for their nominee. In the nomination, tell the Siuslaw Watershed Council why you think the person or organization is a good candidate; based on their qualities, attributes, and contributions to wa- tershed restoration or pro- tection in the Siuslaw Ba- sin or Coastal Lakes. For more information on the Spirit of Siuslaw Award, visit www.siuslaw. org. Lane County Planning Commission seeks 3 members There are three vacant po- sitions on the Lane County Planning Commission and applications to fill those positions are being accept- ed now. Applicants must be residents of Lane County. The open positions in- clude: a representative of the Lane County’s Coastal area; a representative who lives within an incorporated city; an at-large representa- tive. The Coastal area is de- fined as west of the eastern boundary of the Mapleton School District. The Lane County Plan- ning Commission is a 9-member advisory board that makes recommen- dations to the Board of County Commissioners regarding land use, com- prehensive plan issues and amendments, as well as other regional planning is- sues. The group generally meets twice per month in the evenings. “How we implement our comprehensive plan and issues related to land use is how we build our commu- nity for ourselves and fu- ture generations,” said Lane County Planning Director Amber Bell. To learn more or down- load an application, vis- it volunteer. Chamber initiates new banner program Florence Area Chamber of Commerce, in partner- ship with the City of Flor- ence, Central Lincoln PUD and Three Rivers Casino Resort, is preparing to hang festive, colorful banners on power poles along the Highway 101 corridor and at the casino. But first, they need some design ideas. The person submitting the winning de- sign suite could win $1000. “The chamber is pleased to launch this program to catch drivers’ attention at the casino and through our Highway 101 corridor, get them to slow down a little, and help direct visi- tors to stop, shop, eat, play, and stay here in Oregon’s Coastal Playground,” ex- plained Chamber Presi- dent/CEO Bettina Han- nigan. “Four million cars pass through Florence on Highway 101 every year. We want to capture some of those visitor dollars for our economy. When we do, everyone benefits.” The chamber’s call-to- artists to submit design ideas closes June 14. To learn more and submit de- signs, entrants are directed to FlorenceBannerArtistCall. “This will be in harmo- ny with our installation of those 120 magnificent flower baskets that adorn Old Town and Highway 101 from the bridge to Highway 126; but the ban- ner project goes farther, all the way up to Fred Meyer,” Hannigan said. “It’s also part of the new streetscape improvements on Highway 101, and a way to bring a little joy, celebrate opti- mism and good will and mark our cautious steps toward the restoration of tourism.” Under normal circum- stances, tourism employs approximately 1,900 of the 4,600 people working in Florence and pumps about $147 million into the Flor- ence area economy. The av- erage tourist spends about $175 per day when they stay in town overnight. “By hanging these ban- ners along the new 101 streetscape, at the casino, and uptown, we will give all drivers and pedestrians a positive impression of our community, and that helps commerce in our area,” Hannigan added. Jo Beaudreau, of Beaux- Arts Fine Art Materials & Gallery at 2285 Highway 101 in the Coastal Fitness Plaza, is helping drive the initiative. She said the program will include six primary themes and three sizes to hang in different locations. Banners will rotate seasonally and feature the themes “Shop, Eat, Stay, Play,” “Oregon’s Coastal Playground” and “Florence,” to coincide with the Chamber’s other tour- ism marketing messages. “The project will be adap- tive and expandable in the future to include additional seasonal changes, events, and more. It will be a fab- ulous way to connect more resources of our commu- nity in a cohesive, positive fashion. Drivers will see our obvious community pride and understand that there is a bounty of fun things to do in and around Florence. They’ll see why this is in- Veterans to honor Memorial Day with wreath ceremony Register now Florence Veterans of For- eign Wars (VFW) Post 3232 is sponsoring a Memorial Day Celebration at Veter- ans Memorial Park on Bay Street in Historic Old Town Florence on Monday, May 31, at 1 p.m. Faith – Friendship - Fellowship – Fun Everyone is welcome. The program will include the laying of Memorial Wreaths in the Siuslaw Riv- er by the U.S. Coast Guard Station Siuslaw River. If people would like to memorialize a relative or friend who was lost in com- bat with a wreath, they are welcome to bring wreaths to the ceremony. For more information, contact VFW Post 3232 Commander Fred Burns at 541-999-8348. Buying or Selling? I can help. Price Reduced CHURCH DIRECTORY To include your organization in this directory, please call us @ 541-997-3441 BAHA’I FAITH OF FLORENCE Ongoing Devotions, Study Circles, Services To The Community, Informal Gatherings. For Information, Visit Us On Facebook: Baha’I Community of Florence, Oregon Or Phone 541-590-0779 FLORENCE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2nd & Kingwood • (541) 997-6025 Link to Sunday services at or find us on Facebook. FOURSQUARE CHURCH THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST 1624 Highway 101 (next to A&W) –- 997-6337 OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS Pastor George Pagel – Something for the entire family. 2705 Munsel Lake Road, All are welcome! Sun. Services: 10:45 a.m. Zoom Worship Services: 10 AM & 11:30 AM Sunday. Wednesday Bible Study returns this Fall. Bishop Larry Farnsworth 541-999-1979 Website: COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH 4590 Hwy. 101, Across from Fred Meyer –- 997-7418 Sunday School, 9:30a.m. – Worship, 10:45 Wed. Prayer - 6:00 p.m. – Wed. Ministries 1-8 Grade 7 p.m. deed Oregon’s Coastal Play- ground,” Beaudreau said. The program is possible through a partnership be- tween community stake- holders — the chamber, the city, Central Lincoln, busi- nesses, civic clubs and indi- viduals — that will invest in this program. Those interested in spon- soring banners can visit the Events tab at Florence- “This is also an exciting way to showcase local pub- lic art and design talent. We’re launching this to our community first, but the call-to-artists will eventual- ly go statewide,” Beaudreau added. “We hope to receive the best designs from right here in Florence. We also want to show that art and the public display of art, even when functional in nature as these banners are, is worth compensating.” For more information on the banner project, joining the Florence Area Cham- ber of Commerce, or how to volunteer, contact Han- nigan at 541-997-3128. NEW LIFE LUTHERAN E.L.C.A. 21st & Spruce Streets—997-8113 Pastor Jim Abbott, All are welcome. Sunday in-person worship service@ 10:30. Also available to you on website CROSS ROAD ASSEMBLY OF GOD Corner of 10th & Maple- 541-997-3533 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF THE SIUSLAW Sunday Services are 9am and 11am and on 3996 N Hwy 101 541-997-7136 Facebook live and KCST at 11am Internet and in person Sunday services at 10AM, Wednesdays at 7pm Call the church for details. Reverend Greg Wood Other platforms update after the service. All Welcome. Come as you are. RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS (QUAKERS) “War is still not the answer.” FCNL We meet Sunday’s at 11am in our homes. FLORENCE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Call 408-482-1141 or 541-997-4237 for locations. 2nd & Ivy - 541-997-2961 - Non-Denominational Service is on Sunday at 10:00 a.m. RESURRECTION LUTHERAN CHURCH, L.C.M.S. Sunday Service also streaming live at 10:00 am Worship Services 10am 1st & 2nd Sunday at and 8am 3rd & 4th Sunday 85294 Hwy. 101 S. – 997-8038 FLORENCE CHURCH OF CHRIST DVD of Weekly worship service available. Pre-Denominational (Romans 16:16) 1833 Tamarack Street (2 blocks east of Hwy. 101 on 18th St.) ST. ANDREW’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Bible Study: Sunday 10 a.m.; Worship: Sunday 11 a.m. Welcomes you to Worship Services Sunday at 9am and Wednesday at 11am 2135 19th St. – 997-6600 FLORENCE EVANGELICAL CHURCH Reservations Required Call or Email 1318 Rhododendron Dr. • 541-997-2523 Sunday Service 11am ( Children Sunday School) Labyrinth & Garden Open Daily 8am - 5pm Mid-Week Activities, all ages. FLORENCE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST SAINT MARY, OUR LADY OF THE DUNES 4445 Hwy 101 (South of Fred Meyer) – 997-3951 CATHOLIC CHURCH Worship on Saturday 11:00 A.M. 1.5 miles south of river on Hwy 101 – 997-2312 Adult/Children’s Sabbath School 10:00 A.M. COVID-19 Compliant Masses have been scheduled. Please call our office for details. FLORENCE UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP 87738 Hwy 101 at Heceta Beach Road RUAUU? All are welcome to explore the answer. Give us a call 541-997-3441 Until it is safe to meet in person, Sunday Worship Services to get us your updates or email to: are available 24/7 on our website: Ed Kopilec Principal Broker 4836 Laguna Ave – Lake frontage and views 541 991-8630 from this 4,000 sqft home just minutes from Flor- ence. Boat, fi sh and kayak from your private dock. Remodeled in 2003. This house has hardwood fl oors, gourmet kitchen, and large master suite with walk-in closet. Pole barn and large 3 bay RV barn provide plenty of parking. $1,250,000. #2850-21052853 1749 Highway 101 • 541-997-1200 Do your part and volunteer today to help support these organizations in our community. Volunteers are an integral part of the hospice team whether it’s providing companionship to a patient, offering support to family and caregivers, assisting the of�ice team, or participating in community outreach; the contributions of our volunteers are essential to our hospice program. Call 541-844-0151- ask for Volunteer Coordinator or email us at YOU can build hope! Florence Habitat for Humanity is looking for construction volunteers, from seasoned builders to no experi-ence at all, we will show you how! For more info call Ivy 541-902-9227. Assisting those in need in our Community. Free Hot Meals Mon-Wed-Fri 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM HELPING HANDS COALITION New Location:Community Baptist Church 4590 Hwy. 101, Florence (Across from Fred Meyer) Call 541-997-5057 to Volunteer relies heavily on volunteers. Th ere are many opportunities to volunteer and a variety of skills and talents are always in need. Volunteer interest forms may be found online, at the shelter and at our Th rift Shop on Bay Street. Saving men one PSA test at a time. 541-997-6626 Someone to talk to... who understands! for ‘Fore! Kids’ Golf Classic The Boys and Girls Club of Western Lane County’s 24th annual “Fore! Kids” Golf Classic sponsored by Banner Bank is scheduled for Saturday, June 5, at Florence Golf Links. Entry into the 4-person scramble is $90 per play- er, including opportuni- ties to participate in the Hole-In-One Challenges and Million Dollar Shoot Out, awards luncheon and more. All proceeds help fund the Boys and Girls Summer Program for the kids in Florence and the surrounding area. On the day of the class, team check-in starts at 8 a.m. with a 10 a.m. shot- gun start, depending on COVID restrictions. Register by calling or emailing Pat Bennett at 209-986-4793 or pat@pe- Entry forms are also available at Florence Golf Links, 1201 35th St., or the Boys and Girls Club, 1501 Airport Rd. Ending the day on a high note is the 10th an- nual Helicopter Golf Ball Drop, sponsored by Fair- way Estates, Chad Clem- ent, D.D.S., and R & R King Logging. The ball closest to the pin will re- ceive $1,000 cash. For further information, call the Boys and Girls Club at 541-902-0304. Siuslaw Pioneer Museum seeks docents Siuslaw Pioneer Mu- seum, 278 Maple St., is looking for docents — vol- unteers to greet visitors — from the community. If six to eight people would be willing to volunteer four hours of their time each month, this would allow the museum to open for a day. Currently, the museum is open noon to 4 p.m. on days when it opens. It has enough docents to be open two days each week as long as volunteers are available. For more information, call 541-997-7884 or visit the museum on Facebook.