The Siuslaw news. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1960-current, May 29, 2021, SATURDAY EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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    SIUSLAW NEWS | SATURDAY, MAY 29, 2021 | 5A
“Brea is honestly remarkable
and I am impressed and in awe of
how well she manages all of her
school responsibilities while main-
taining positive relationships with
her peers, friends and family,” said
Anna Moser, Siuslaw High School
social studies teacher and Leader-
ship adviser.
NOMINEES from page 1A
According to Robert Orr, college
and career adviser at Siuslaw High
School, “Jess successfully combines
academic ability with strength of
character. She is honest, compas-
sionate and patient — qualities that
will serve her well in her chosen
career. … She is exceptionally ma-
ture, while also possessing the sen-
Elijah Blankenship
sitivity to understand and accept
Elijah plans to attend Southern
life’s complexities.”
Oregon University to study busi-
Future First Citizen Nominees
“I have always wanted to have a
Brea Blankenship
career that lets me work outside of
Brea plans to study pre-med at an office and with my hands,” he
University of Oregon or Southern said. “I am entrepreneurial by na-
Oregon University before choosing ture, so I plan to put my business
a medical field for grad school.
degree to use and eventually own
“I have chosen the medical field my business.”
because it will allow me to contin-
He is heavily involved with vol-
ue to help people throughout my unteering, his three sports and his
working life,” she said. “In addi- family — and is twins with Brea.
tion, there will always be a need for He is also part of Interact and Lead-
healthcare professionals anywhere ership.
my life takes me.”
“Elijah is a responsible and re-
Brea has passions for sports, spectful person,” said Gina Cas-
school and community involve- tro Brandt, CTE/STEM Regional
ment, and academic success. Her Coordinator at the South Coast
activities include cross country, Education District. “He draws
track and field, basketball, Lead- people to him. You can see by his
ership class, Interact Club and the transcripts that he is intelligent and
National Honors Society.
works hard. He is a problem solver
and a dedicated student.”
Jacob Foskett
Jacob plans to attend Oregon
State University and study business
and engineering so he can ulti-
mately open his own business. He
also plans to enlist in the Oregon
Air National Guard by the end of
the school year.
“This program gives me the op-
tion to serve in our military, which
is something I’ve wanted to do
since I was a young boy, while go-
ing to college simultaneously. … I
chose this route for my future be-
cause I crave adventure and find
joy in pushing myself out of my
comfort zone,” he said.
Jacob is the team captain of var-
sity basketball and has coached
youth basketball. He has worked
throughout high school to earn
money for his future and help his
“Jacob has developed a solid
work ethic and proven he will stop
at nothing to achieve the goals
he has set for himself,” said Sean
O’Mara, Social Science Depart-
ment Chair at Siuslaw High School.
State University to study computer
“It’s one of the things I love the
most. … I started programming
in fourth grade when I discov-
ered Codecademy and I’ve never
stopped,” he said.
Maxwell spends his time learn-
ing programming languages and
computer concepts, winning cod-
ing challenges, teaching other stu-
dents and helping in the classroom.
He also is dedicated to his family
and his mom’s business.
He is a member of the National
Honors Society and has participat-
ed in codeORcreate participant. He
hopes to bring back what he learns
in college to show other students
what they can do with computer
According to computer sci-
ence and business teacher Edward
Mielke, “Max has shown himself
innovative, reliable and, above all,
extremely capable. A true original,
Max constantly expresses an ener-
gy and level of expertise and cre-
ativity that is more than a breath of
fresh air on any tech team.”
University to study mathematics,
environmental science and teach-
“Ever since I was young, I have
been good at math and even en-
joyed it. I hope to teach young
minds about math and maybe
change the way they look at it. …
A strong teacher is someone who
is always there for their students
and has a passion for learning,”
she said.
Andrea’s activities include the
Education Expo, being a peer tu-
tor, track and field, National Hon-
ors Society and Outdoor School.
“Andrea was one of those stu-
dents that worked hard and was
conscientious about her class
work,” said Thomas Shinn, US
History Teacher/Yearbook Ad-
visor. “She is a hardworking and
dedicated individual that I feel
lucky to have had in my class.”
The Florence Area Chamber of
Commerce is working on nom-
inations for the First Citizen of
Florence and is determining if it
will host the Siuslaw Awards this
year. More information will be re-
Andrea Osbon
leased as it becomes available.
Maxwell Klump
Andrea plans to attend school
For more information, visit,
Maxwell plans to attend Oregon at Southern or Western Oregon
Officials seek public input on proposal to change
Oregon Dunes motorized vehicle decibel limits
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National Forest officials
are seeking public input
on potential changes to
decibel (noise) limits for
motorized vehicles at the
Oregon Dunes National
Recreation Area (ODN-
RA). The goal of the pro-
posed changes is to reduce
noise impacts on neigh-
boring communities while
being more realistically at-
tainable by riders.
The proposed decibel
limits will also better align
with State of Oregon regu-
lations, provide consisten-
cy across motorized riding
areas throughout the Siu-
slaw National Forest, and
will be easier to enforce.
Based on years of mon-
itoring, the sound limit
of 93dBA that was es-
tablished in the 1994
ment plan has been
found to be unachiev-
able by most modern,
non-modified off-high-
way vehicles. This deci-
bel limit is also out of
alignment with state
opportunities for co-
ordinated enforcement
The preliminary pro-
posal changes the deci-
bel limit for front-engine
vehicles from 93dBA to
95dBA and the limit for
all other motorized vehi-
cles from 93dBA to 97dBA.
As most noise-level com-
plaints have stemmed
from vehicles registering
over 99dBA, the new lim-
it is expected to strike the
balance between allowing
motorized use while ad-
dressing concerns of visi-
tors and residents.
“By raising the limit to
better align with the state
and being within the range
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that is attainable by contem-
porary stock vehicles, we’ll
be better able to work with
riders on compliance and
provide the enforcement
necessary to manage the
noise violations that most
impact our neighbors,”
explained Garrit Craig,
deputy district ranger for
the Central Coast Ranger
District and ODNRA. “We
encourage members of the
public to review the proj-
ect information and let us
know what they think.”
Documents that de-
scribe the preliminary pro-
posal, including Frequent-
ly Asked Questions, can
be found at https://www.
ect=60053 in the Project
Documents section.
Written comments on
the proposal should be
submitted electronically in
common formats at https://
They can also be mailed
to Siuslaw National Forest,
3200 Jefferson Way, Cor-
vallis, OR 97331 ATTN:
Katie Isacksen.
Comments should be
submitted by June 15,
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