4B | SATURDAY, MAY 29, 2021 | SIUSLAW NEWS CLUES ACROSS 1. Partner to “fl ows” 5. French industrial city 9. Diagrams 11. Diplomat 13. Hires 15. Hawaiian island 16. Set afl ame 17. Very happy 19. Blue dye 21. Small terrier with short legs 22. One thousand cubic feet (abbr.) 23. Northern pike genus 25. Expression of annoyance 26. Female deer 27. Casella and Kellerman HOROSCOPES ARIES – Mar 21/Apr 20 You feel most comfortable when things are organized, Ari- es. However, fl exibility is handy as well, and sometimes things may not be in order as much as you like. Adapting is key. TAURUS – Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, once you get into a groove, you will fi nd that many of your tasks are much easier to manage. Keep plugging and you’ll hit your stride soon enough. GEMINI – May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, sometimes it may seem like the smallest issue is suddenly a major mountain that you must scale. Change your approach and you’ll soon realize you can handle any- thing. CANCER – Jun 22/Jul 22 Many things may come to you more easily than usual, MEET MARCUS Hi, my name is Marcus. I am a shy kitty, but I think I can warm up if you give me the chance. It just might take longer than a “usual” kitten. Even though I’m shy, I am still very sweet and loving too! I think I’ll be ok with kids over 12, as long as they are mellow and let me come out of my shell on my own. They can’t rush me or I’ll get too scared. I don’t know what I think about dogs yet but I’d say either a home with no dogs at all, or maybe one if the dog was super chill and quiet, not bugging me or scaring me. I am an amazing kitty and would be happy to go home with you! are two 29. Actor’s lines to audience 31. Days (Spanish) 33. Close a person’s eyes 34 Cloaked 36. Comedic actor Rogen 38. It’s all around us 39. Neutralizes alkalis 41. Native people of New Mexico 43. No seats available 44. Famed “Air Music” composer 46. Fit of irritation 48. Psychic phenomena 52. Knicks’ fi rst-rounder Toppin 53. Seed used in cooking Cancer. Ride this wave of ease that has fallen into your lap. Enjoy the break that comes with it as well. LEO – Jul 23/Aug 23 You can get far with minimal eff ort this week, Leo. Simply set your sights on an end goal, and before you know it you will reach that destination. VIRGO – Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, check your messages frequently this week, as some- one needs to get in touch with you. He or she may have some 54. “WandaVision” actress Hahn 56. Samples food 57. In a lucid way 58. Stair part 59. Adieus CLUES DOWN 1. Type of moth 2. A Christian sacrament 3. It lends books to Bostonians (abbr.) 4. Turn away 5. Impersonal 6. Shortly 7. Indigenous Alaskans 8. Subtle diff erence of meaning 9. Sicilian city news that can change your course. LIBRA – Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, don’t focus too much on emotions this week. Instead, put all of your energy into in- tellectual musings, which will help you complete a project in the days ahead. SCORPIO – Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, even with the frenzy of activity around you, try not to be overwhelmed by the situ- ation. Your fi rst reaction may be to fl y off the handle. Keep it 10. Put in harmony 11. Administrative divisions 12. As happily 14. Horse mackerel 15. Muddy or boggy ground 18. Monetary unit of Italy 20. Construction site machine 24. 22 26. Tracts at the mouths of rivers 28. Earnings 30. Insect repellent 32. Runner-up 34. Musician 35. Serious or urgent 37. Esteemed one together. SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23/ Dec 21 Consider calling up an old friend or a former romantic partner who has the potential to stir up some passion inside of you, Sagittarius. More excite- ment is on the horizon. CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, this is one of those weeks when you get sidetracked at seemingly every turn, Capricorn. Don’t be too WE NEED A HOME.... If you would like to meet these two or any of their friends, please visit us at: OREGON COAST HUMANE SOCIETY 2840 Rhododendron Drive • Florence • 541-997-4277 •oregoncoasthumane.org 38. Where rockers play 40. Work furniture 42. Greek prophetesses 43. Quantitative fact 45. Missing soldiers 47. Minute 49. This (Spanish) 50. Maintain possession of 51. Assault with a knife 55. Holiday text message greeting hard on yourself about the de- lays. AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, embrace some diffi cult tasks this week. Th ese projects will make you appreci- ate the value of hard work and put simpler tasks in perspec- tive. PISCES – Feb 19/Mar 20 Th is is your week to make short work of chores, Pisces. You may be lacking patience, but everything will get done, especially if you ask for help. MEET HONEY & PIERRE Honey and Pierre are a bonded pair who will need to be adopted into the same home. They are approximately 9 years old. Both have had dentals, are fully vaccinated and are microchipped. They are both housetrained.