The Siuslaw news. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1960-current, May 26, 2021, WEDNESDAY EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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BOTTLES from page 1A
Customers can also sign up for
a BottleDrop account at the store
kiosk, and print bag tag labels with
QR codes linking the bags to their
accounts. Then they simply tag
their bags, fill them with empty
Oregon 10-cent refund contain-
ers, and drop them off at the new
BottleDrop network drop loca-
tion. Their containers are counted
and credited to their BottleDrop
accounts within seven days.
BottleDrop is operated by the
Oregon Beverage Recycling Coop-
erative (OBRC), which introduced
the Green Bag program in 2010
as a convenient and efficient re-
demption option for Oregonians.
The program has grown each year,
with Oregonians returning 8.3
million Green and Blue Bags in
According to Oregon State Rep.
Boomer Wright, “Redeeming cans
and bottles just got a lot easier on
the Central Coast. Oregon’s Bot-
UPDATE from page 1A
According to Oregon Gov.
Kate Brown said, “Vaccines
protect you, and they pro-
tect everyone around you. It’s
going to take all of us work-
ing together to make sure
enough Oregonians are vac-
cinated to stop the spread of
COVID-19 in our communi-
ties and end this pandemic.”
On May 11, Brown an-
nounced that counties that
vaccinate at least 65% of their
residents 16 or older with at
least one dose and submit
documentation on how they
will close equity gaps in their
vaccination efforts are eligi-
ble to move to the lower risk
level of community spread of
On May 21, five counties
were able to shift to this low-
er risk after vaccination ef-
forts, including Benton, De-
schutes, Hood River, Lincoln
and Washington counties.
When Oregon achieves
a first dose 70% statewide
vaccination rate for residents
16 or older, according to the
OHA, the state will lift all risk
tle Bill continues
bag tag labels with
to get some of the
QR codes linking
best outcomes in
their bags to their
the world, in part
accounts. They fill
because of conve-
the 20-gallon bags
nient options like
the Green Bag pro-
bottles and cans
gram. I’m tremen-
and drop them at
dously excited to
any approved Green
see the BottleDrop
Bag drop location.
network expanding
to our area.”
count the contents
Oregon State Sen.
and credit the ac-
Dick Anderson also
count within seven
expressed excite-
days. There are dif-
ferent ways account
“This option is
holders can spend
very popular ev-
their redemption
erywhere it’s avail-
able, and it makes On May 21, State Rep. Boomer Wright loads the first Green Bag
• Withdraw for
cans into the Florence Fred Meyer BottleDrop Bag Drop location for cash at the Fred
and bottles fast and bulk recycling of redeemable bottles and cans.
Meyer Florence or
easy,” he said. “This
any BottleDrop ki-
location will also open the area up and bottle donations.”
Oregonians who have a Bottle-
to the Blue Bag program, which
• Make them go 20% further by
helps nonprofits engage their Drop account can purchase ap- spending them at the Fred Meyer
supporters and supercharge their proved 20-gallon Green Bags for a Florence through the BottleDrop
fundraising through ongoing can small fee. They also receive printed Plus program;
level health and safety re-
strictions. Some restrictions
based on CDC guidance for
use of masks and physical
distancing may remain in
To increase vaccinations,
Brown has announced two
separate motivators. The first
is a $1 Million “Take Your
Shot Oregon” Vaccination
Campaign, where all vac-
cinated Oregonians 12 and
older are eligible for cash
prizes or scholarships.
Oregonians 18 and old-
er will have the chance to
win $1 million or one of 36
$10,000 prizes, with one win-
ner in each county in Ore-
gon. Oregonians age 12 to
17 will have a chance to win
one of five $100,000 Oregon
College Savings Plan schol-
arships. All Oregonians who
have received at least one
dose of a COVID-19 vaccine
by the draw date will be en-
tered to win.
“Vaccines are the best tool
we have to protect ourselves
and our loved ones from
COVID-19, and our fastest
way to end this pandemic,”
said Governor Kate Brown.
“The Take Your Shot Oregon
Campaign is a way to thank
Oregonians for stepping up
and keeping our communi-
ties safe. It’s never been easier
to get a vaccine, so don’t miss
your shot to enter!”
The campaign is a collab-
oration between the Oregon
Health Authority, the Ore-
gon Lottery, and the Oregon
State Treasury, and is funded
with $1.86 million in fed-
eral Coronavirus Relief Act
dollars. With the help of the
Oregon Lottery, the Oregon
Health Authority will draw
names for winners in each
The drawing will take
place on June 28, with names
announced the following
week. The cut off for names
being added to the vaccine
database is midnight on June
The second motivation
encouraged by the state is an
effort to add vaccinated sec-
tions are large events, such as
for upcoming Portland Trail
Blazers games.
“When fans left the Moda
Center last March, it was one
of the first signs this pan-
demic was about to change
our lives in ways we hadn’t
previously imagined,” said
Brown. “Vaccines are the
key to our return to normal
life. It is a testament to the
way Oregonians have united
to battle this virus and get
vaccinated in large numbers
that, this week, the Rip City
faithful can return to give our
Trail Blazers the legendary
home court advantage they
OHA will update health
and safety guidance for low-
er risk counties this week to
reflect the following changes,
allowing the option for vacci-
nated sections for businesses,
venues and faith institutions.
OHA’s new guidance
includes the following:
• Individuals in Oregon are
no longer required to wear a
face mask or physically dis-
tance, whether indoors or
outdoors, two weeks after
their final COVID-19 vacci-
nation dose. A “fully vacci-
nated individual” is a person
• Save for education with an Or-
egon 529 account; or,
• Donate to a charity of your
choice through BottleDrop Give.
Customers can get started with
the Green Bag program on Bottle-
Drop’s website, by downloading the
mobile app via the App Store and
Google Play or by signing up at the
BottleDrop kiosk inside the Fred
Meyer Florence.
OBRC is a statewide, not-for-
profit cooperative, formed by the
beverage distributors, manufactur-
ers and grocers. OBRC helps keep
Oregon beautiful by providing
outstanding services to partners,
distributors, retailers and the pub-
lic for the recovery, reuse and recy-
cling of beverage containers.
Through OBRC’s BottleDrop
Redemption Centers and container
pickup service for more than 2,500
retail partners, the co-op recycles
around 3 billion beverage contain-
ers annually. To learn more, visit or OBRC.
who has received both doses
of a two-dose COVID-19
vaccine or one dose of a sin-
gle-dose vaccine and at least
14 days have passed since
the individual’s final dose of
COVID-19 vaccine.
• Fully vaccinated individ-
uals are required to continue
wearing a mask and observe
physical distancing on pub-
lic transportation and in
schools, hospitals and clinics,
homeless shelters, youth and
adult correctional facilities
and long-term care facilities.
• Businesses, employers
and faith institutions can
choose to no longer require
masks and physical dis-
tancing for fully vaccinated
individuals or continue to
require masks and physical
distancing in their locations
for all individuals, regardless
of vaccination status.
• If a business, employer
or faith institution chooses
to no longer require masks
and physical distancing, the
business, employer or faith
institution must require vis-
itors to show proof of vacci-
nation and review the proof
of vaccination. In that case,
a business would need to
have a policy for checking
the vaccination status of cus-
tomers and employees if they
are not wearing masks. Fully
vaccinated individuals would
need to provide proof they’d
been vaccinated if they want
to remove face coverings and
not observe physical distanc-
ing guidelines.
In addition, state health
experts announced that face
coverings are no longer re-
quired outdoors, regardless
of vaccination status. OHA
strongly recommends that
people who are not vaccinat-
ed and people who are at high
risk of severe COVID-19 dis-
ease continue to wear face
coverings and physically dis-
tance in outdoor crowded ar-
eas and large gatherings.
People can learn more
about the virus, and how
to get vaccinated, at covid-;
aspx;; lane; and
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