SIUSLAW NEWS | WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 2021 | 3A Community News Watershed council meeting to discuss coastal fire history NOW G HIRIN 5292 Harvard, Florence • 541-590-3831 (across the bridge, turn by Best Western Pier Point Inn) BUD’S UPHOLSTERY Boat Tops & Cars Over 49 Years Experience • Complete auto & boat interiors • Canvas work 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., Mon.-Sat. 4981 Hwy. 101, Complex B Make Your Appointment Now! (Intersection of Munsel Lake and Hwy. 101 N.-just north of Fred Meyer) 541-997-4856 Let me Showcase your property. Tim Sapp Owner / Principal Broker 541 999-8230 88336 Hwy 101 – Great opportunity to own a cute cottage in Florence with an extra lot behind it. Bring your tools and your ideas. 3 bdrm, 1 bath with 960 sqft and a total of .61 of an acre. Call for your personal viewing today! $175,000. #3144-20635134 At the Siuslaw Water- shed Council General Meeting being held to- night (May 26) from 5:30 to 7 p.m. via Zoom, there will be a presentation on “Coastal Fire History: The 2020 Sweet Creek Fire & Fire Prevention.” Coastal Oregon has a long history of wildfires and is at risk for wildfires today, as the 2020 Maple- ton and Echo Mountain Complex fires demonstrat- ed. Knowing this history can serve as a reminder of wildfire dangers that coastal residents face, and be a prompt to prepare our communities to prevent or withstand fires. Aaron Groth will present this talk, which will cover coastal Oregon fire histo- ry, recent fires, and steps On May 23, Florence Po- lice was notified of a vehi- cle broken into with items stolen in the 2700 block of Highway 101. While responding to that report, officers received in- formation that a credit card stolen from the victim vehi- cle was being used at a local market. Police responded to the market and received a description of the male and female suspects, along with a description of the Moving Sale/ art of Multi-Household Sales Sat. 5/29 8am 1170 7th Street Bookcases, love seat, recliner, full size mattress, wheelbarrow, garden cart, compressor, jointer/ planer, home theatre system, wet suit & Lots more! Fri.-Sun 5/28, 5/29, 5/30 8am-4pm 5521 Brownings Corner Rd. 2 miles north of Fred Meyer Lots of clothes, knickknacks, household items. MORI A L D A Y S A LE UNIQUE HAND PAINTED WINE GLASSES 25% OFF! M A Y 26TH - M A Y 31ST 1255 B A Y STREET ( 541 ) 991 - 3322 LET'S CELEBRATE 12-4PM M A Y 26TH - M A Y 31ST 1255 B A Y STREET ( 541 ) 991 - 3322 area within the Siuslaw watershed (Lorane/Blach- ly in the east to Florence/ Pacific Ocean in the west and including the Coastal Lakes watershed from Lily Lake north to Tahkenitch south). All photos are to be sub- mitted digitally to photo- and received by May 31, 2021. People are limited to two entries. In addition to the fame and notoriety of being de- termined the winner, the contest winner will receive SWC logo merchandise as a thank you. The contest winner will be announced in June. For more information, visit w w events. Police pursuit ends in couple’s arrest for string of thefts 1749 Highway 101 • 541-997-1200 MEMORI A L D A Y S A LE meeting/register/ tJElf-6vqTIjHNa3QazGXk JwOE-hfqupDeER. • After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing infor- mation about joining the meeting. • If you have any trouble registering, contact water-, or call 541-268-3044 for help. In addition to the above topic, the Siuslaw Water- shed Council is accepting nominations for the Spirit of the Siuslaw Award. The deadline for the council’s Spring Photo Contest is May 31. The public is invited to enter the photo contest, which has a theme of “New Life.” All photos should depict the theme and be from an area residents can take to protect their community, family, home and property. Groth is the Regional Fire Specialist for Coastal Oregon in the Forestry and Natural Resources OSU Extension Fire Program. He is bringing his knowl- edge and resources to the Siuslaw Watershed com- munity. The public is encour- aged to bring questions for a Q&A. The meeting will be hosted via Zoom and is free to attend. However, registration is required and is easy to do: • Register in advance for this meeting by pasting the following link into your web browser and following on-screen instructions: 2-Family Sale 5/28-5/29 8am-3pm 707 Quanagh Court Furniture, lamps, old books, misc., household plus more. We are vaccinated. Masks & Social Distancing for safety please. suspect vehicle, which was a truck with trailer and a car on the trailer. A short time later, of- ficers spotted the suspect vehicle on Highway 101 just south of the Florence bridge. Officers attempted to stop the suspect vehicle but the vehicle fled and offi- cers initiated pursuit. Flor- ence officers continued the pursuit south, where they were assisted by the Doug- las County Sheriff ’s Office (DCSO) and the Reedsport Police Dept. Near MP 209, DCSO at- tempted to use spikes to disable the suspect vehicle but with no success. Flor- ence officers terminated their pursuit of the vehicle at approximately MP 220. Meanwhile, officers from the Coos County Sheriff ’s Office (CCSO) and Oregon State Police located the sus- pect vehicle sometime later and those officers initiated a pursuit of the vehicle as well. Officers were able to successfully spike the sus- pect vehicle and then locat- ed the vehicle abandoned. Officers were able to lo- cate the suspects after a search and with the help of K9 units. The suspects were re- turned to Florence PD and lodged in the Florence City Jail waiting transport to Lane County Jail. It was discovered that the truck the suspects were driving, the trailer they were pulling and the vehicle on the trailer were all sto- len, each from a different location in the Olympia, Wash., area. There was evidence of drug possession and other stolen property located in the suspect vehicle as well, with the stolen property turned over to Florence PD for follow up. Florence Police has charged the two suspects with Unlawful Entry of a Motor Vehicle, Felony Elude, Theft II, Criminal Mischief II, Possession of a Stolen Vehicle x3 and Fraudulent Use of a Cred- it Card with additional charges possible. Other agencies involved have charges against the suspects in their jurisdic- tions as well. Florence PD was assist- ed by DCSO, Reedsport PD, OSP, CCSO and North Bend PD. Arrested were: • Bryce L. Adams, 24, of Montana (Adams had a warrant out of MT but it was an in-state warrant only and not serviceable in Oregon) • Kendra E. Schratz, 27, of Montana. County planning commission seeks 3 members There are three vacant positions on the Lane County Planning Commis- sion and applications to fill those positions are being accepted now. The open positions in- clude: • A representative of the Lane County’s Coastal area • A representative who lives within an incorporat- ed city • An at-large representa- tive The Lane County Plan- ning Commission is a nine-member advisory WEDNESDAY THURSDAY board that makes recom- mendations to the Board of County Commissioners regarding land use, com- prehensive plan issues and amendments, as well as other regional planning is- sues. The group generally meets twice per month in the evenings. “How we implement our comprehensive plan and issues related to land use is how we build our commu- nity for ourselves and fu- ture generations,” said Lane County Planning Director Amber Bell. “It’s important that the Commission re- flect our community both in terms of geography and representation of different voices and experiences.” Applicants must be resi- dents of Lane County. The Coastal area is defined as west of the eastern bound- ary of the Mapleton School District. To learn more or down- load an application, visit unteer. FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY MAY 31 JUNE 1 MAY 26 MAY 27 MAY 28 MAY 29 MAY 30 Partly Cloudy Showers AM Showers Partly Cloudy Sunny 58°F 48ºF 55°F 48°F 60°F 46°F 64°F 47°F 68°F 50°F Mostly Sunny Mostly Sunny 70°F 51°F 69°F 51°F Health is our #1 Priority! At Shervin’s we are taking extra precaution in order to ensure that our customers and staff are kept safe and healthy during this quickly changing situation. 1 Car Sanitation – All cars are wiped down with a sanitizer before and aft er the service. We wipe down any areas in the interior where employees have touched, such as door handles, the steering wheel, keys, shift ers and power window panels. 2 Hand Sanitation- Our staff will continue to wash their hands throughout the day and change gloves aft er each car they service. 3 Give Customers Options- We will pick up and deliver your vehicle to your home. You may also drop your key in our secure mailbox for drop-off s to avoid or minimize contact. 4 Employee Illness is Serious- We are encouraging employees not to shake hands. We are practicing “personal distancing” and encouraging employees to stay home if they feel under the weather. 5 Wipe Down High Touch Points- We wipe/spray counters, credit card machines, door handles, phone handles, kitchen areas, and chair arms and tables in waiting area multiple times a day. We continue to be focused and committed to working with each of you to ensure we continue to meet and exceed your expecta- tions. We are here for you.  We thank you for your business and more importantly, your friendship. Please be safe and exercise extra precaution during this challenging time.