6B SIUSLAW NEWS ❚ SATURDAY, MAY 22, 2021 2012 SUBARU OUTBACK 90.2K mi., Garaged & Maintained, Exc. mechanical cond., body & int. very good. $12,500 541-999-4051 PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The City Council will hold a public hearing via teleconference at 5:30 p.m. on June 7, 2021, at 250 Highway 101 to hear and consid- er the following matter: CC 21 01 VAC 01 20th Street Pedway: Peti- tion by Simone Calfee to vacate a 15’ X 135.42’ pedestrian ROW owned by the City of Florence, between Lots 13 & 14, Sandpiper subdivision (between Assessor’s Map 18-12-27-10, TL 00118 & 00119); ad- dressed as 1499 & 1525 20th St., & occupying approx. 2,031.20 sq. ft. City Council will be fi - nalizing their decision that the vacation meets public need & the value lost to the public for the right-of-way has been received. This meeting will oc- cur via videoconference call. Meetings air live on Cable Channel 191 and stream at www. ci.florence.or.us/city- manager/public-meet- ings-live. Testimony shall be given in writing or through a request to participate in the con- ference call. Those tes- tifying via conference call must complete & submit a speaker’s card by 3:30 the day of the hearing. For additional information on how to provide testimony, vis- it the City of Florence website at https://www. ci.florence.or.us/coun- cil/request-address- city-council-speakers- card or contact the City of Florence Planning Department at (541) 997-8237. Publication Dates: May 22, 29 and June 2, 2021 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF LANE In the matter of the estate of, KIT MORAN, DECEASED Case No.: 21PB03352 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the under- signed has been ap- pointed personal rep- resentative. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the undersigned per- sonal representative at P. O. Box B, Florence, Oregon, 97439, within four months after the date of fi rst publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be aff ect- ed by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the personal representa- tive, or the attorney for the personal represen- tative, Scott T. Bailey, At- torney at Law, P.C. at P.O. Box B, Florence, Oregon 97439. Dated and fi rst pub- lished May 15, 2021. /s/Kris Moran Personal Representa- tive Publication Dates: May 15, 22, & 29, 2021 Did You Know? ( N A P S A ) — High-quality supple- ments and vitamins, herbs and homeopathy, and sports nutrition products from iHerb, a leading wellness des- tination for over two decades, can be trusted partners in your nat- ural wellness lifestyle, says Dr. Michael Mur- ray, N.D. Learn more at www.iherb.com. Troy Amdahl and Dave Braun co-authored several international bestselling Oola books on fi nding the proper work-life balance. Th e newest collaboration, “Oola for Christians: Find Balance and Grow” is available at https:// amzn.to/2K3sbMx. For more great reading ideas, visit www.Book- Trib.com and subscribe to the weekly newsletter. A new, nationwide re- source makes it easy to match civic-minded in- dividuals with veterans who may need a little assistance. Th e database, called VolunteerforVet- erans.org, was created by DAV (Disabled Amer- ican Veterans), a non- profi t charity that helps veterans get their bene- fi ts and services. Th is holiday season, making a marvelous meal for friends and family can be easier than ever with clever new cookware. Th e Quick- Baste Roaster from GoodCook is a roast- ing pan with a concave bottom that naturally lets the juices pool to either side. Learn more at https://tinyurl.com/ GCroaster. You can fi nd a wide range of reading ideas to get you—and the book lovers on your list—in gear for the holidays at w w w. B o ok Tr i b. c om . Th ere you can also sub- scribe to a weekly news- letter of information and ideas for more great reads. GARAGE SALES COVID-19 CHECKLIST • Display posters to remind customers about social distancin ng. • Tables and chairs should be at least 6 feet apart. • Use heavy-duty tape to form a flow fl for customers to follow throughout the sale. • Ask customers to stand in a line, while spread apart, during a high traffi fi c times. • Make sure all merchandise is washed and dried an nd/or wiped down with a disinfectant product before placing on a ta able or chair for sale. • Clean tables and chairs several times throughout t he day. • Supply hand sanitizer on tables and elsewhere for customers. PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING A public meeting of the Siuslaw Public Library District’s Board of Directors will be held via videoconferencing and telephone on Wednesday, June 16, 2021, at 1:00 PM. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021, as adopted by the Siuslaw Public Library District Budget Committee. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting Oregon Executive Order 20-16, the meeting will be held online via the Zoom platform. Instructions for accessing the meeting are posted on www. SiuslawLibrary.info or by calling 541-997-3132. Residents are also welcome to send written comments regarding the budget to the Board of Directors at ref@siuslawlibrary.org or by mail using the address: SPLD Budget Hearing, 1460 9th Street, Florence, OR 97439. Comments must be received by 1:00 PM on Tuesday, June 15, 2021 to be considered. A summary of the budget is presented below. You may also access the full budget document online at www.SiuslawLibrary. info, during library browsing hours, or by appoint- ment with Library Director Meg Spencer. Please schedule an appointment by emailing ref@siuslaw- library.org or by calling 541-997-3132. This budget was prepared on a basis of accounting that is the same as preceding year. Any person may appear at the meeting and discuss the proposed programs with the Siuslaw Public Library District Board of Directors using the Zoom platform. Notice of this meeting is also available at the Siuslaw Public Library District websit. If you need technologi- cal or language accommodation to participate in the meeting please contact Library Director Meg Spencer at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting at 541-997-3132 or ref@siuslawlibrary.org. FINANCIAL SUMMARY - RESOURCES Business & Service Directory D-040 BLINDS / WINDOW TREATMENTS Blinds • Shades • Draperies • Shutters We Design ~ We Install Residential • Commercial • 30 Years Experience 541-991-3405 Located in Florence CCB#212734 D-062 COMPUTER & I.T. SUPPORT • Computer Repair & Tune-up • Printer & Scanner Set-up • Virus & Malware • Offi ce 365 Email Support • Remote Support • Date Back up and Recovery • Firewall Set-up • Wi-Fi Set-up Phone: 541-999-7944 Email: Ray@raysitconsulting.com Website: www.raysitconsulting.com D-065 Ray Brito Network Engineer CONCRETE / PAVING Ant’s Concrete Excavation, fl at work, sidewalks, patios, demos and much more! Call Anthony at 541.735.4836 CCB#197439 D-070 CONSTRUCTION/CONTRACTORS Actual Amount Adopted Approved Budget Budget This Year Next Year 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS Net Working Capital 659,332 607,581 630,301 Fees, Licenses, Permits, Fines, Assessments & Other Service Charges 6,060 5,000 5,000 Fed, State & All Other Grants, Gifts, Allocations and Donations 127,331 55,500 51,100 Interfund Transfers / Internal Service Reimbursements 25,000 8,231 0 All Other Resources Except Current Year Property Taxes 24,564 16,220 16,550 Current Year Property Taxes Estimated to be Received 998,516 994,353 1,043,897 Total Resources 1,840,803 1,686,885 1,746,848 FINANCIAL SUMMARY – REQUIREMENTS BY OBJECT CLASSIFICATION Personnel Services 643,498 733,793 884,121 Materials and Services 390,325 531,361 455,977 Capital Outlay 80,400 218,500 211,750 Debt Service 0 0 0 Interfund Transfers 25,000 8,231 0 Contingencies 0 20,000 20,000 Special Payments 0 130,000 130,000 Unappropriated Ending Balance and Reserved for Future Expenditure 701,580 45,000 45,000 Total Requirements 1,840,803 1,686,885 1,746,848 FINANCIAL SUMMARY – REQUIREMENTS AND FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT EMPLOYEES (FTE) BY ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT OR PROGRAM* Name of Organizational Unit or Program FTE for that unit or program Library Services for the Siuslaw Public Library District 1,114,223 1,483,654 1,551,848 FTE 9 10 10 Not Allocated to Organizational Unit or Program 726,580 203,231 195,000 FTE 0 0 0 Total Requirements 1,840,803 1,686,885 1,746,848 Total FTE 9 10 10 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN ACTIVITIES and SOURCES OF FINANCING* The Library District is in the process of establishing an incorporated charitable foundation, and the special payment above represents the payment of two gifted estates into that newly established foundation. PROPERTY TAX LEVIES Rate or Amount Imposed Imposed Approved 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 Permanent Rate Limit Levy (0.5163 Per $1,000) .5163 .5163 .5163 STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Long Term Debt Estimated Debt Estimated Debt Outstanding on Authorized, July 1 But Not Incurred on July 1 Other Borrowings 0 0 Total 0 0 D-085 EXCAVATING Ray Wells, Inc DEQ#37263 E XCAVATING • S EPTIC S YSTEMS • S UBDIVISIONS L AND C LEARING • P AVING • T RUCKING B RUSH & D EBRIS R ECYCLING • D EMOLITION P H . 541-997-2054 • F AX 541-997-3499 • 1-877-201-0652 P.O. B OX 3467 • 1770 L AUREL P L . • F LORENCE , OR 97439 D-136 LEGAL / BANKRUPTCY SERVICES Call today for a FREE & confi dential meeting with an experienced attorney 503.820.9359 1849 Hwy 126 Unit A-10 , Florence, OR 97439 Fax: 503.213.5876 • dan@garnerlawoffi ce.net D-182 PEST CONTROL For What’s Bugging You Environmentally Responsible Free Inspections 541-997-4027 CCB#79884 D-230 ROOFING / CONTRACTORS McLennan Construction, Inc. Off ering all types of ROOFING Great References, Senior Discounts Licensed & Insured • Established 2002 541-521-7303 D-266 Publication Date: May 22, 2021 CB# 91052 CCB#150484 WINDOWS • Wear masks and disposable gloves. • Designate a person to take money from customers and washing hands after every transaction Moving? Art Project? Siuslaw aw New ws 148 Maple Street • PO Box 10 • Florence, OR 974439 (541) 997-3441 • thesiuslawnews.com WWW.THESIUSLAWNEWS.COM The Siuslaw News is having a sale on our end rolls, blank newsprint. Prices range from $4 to $50 depending on size. You can see our inventory at 148 Maple St. in historic Old Town Florence. SERVICES: DIVORCE $130. Complete prepara- tion. Includes children, custody, sup- port, property and bills division. No court appearances. Divorced in 1-5 weeks possible. 503-772-5295. www.parale- galalternatives.com legalalt@msn.com DISH Network. $64.99 for 190 Chan- nels! Blazing Fast Internet, $19.99/mo. (where available.) 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Wesley Financial Group, LLC. Time- share Cancellation Experts Over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt and fees cancelled in 2019. Get free informational package and learn how to get rid of your timeshare! Free consultations. Over 450 positive reviews. Call 855-385-4473. Never Pay For Covered Home Repairs Again! Complete Care Home Warranty COVERS ALL MAJOR SYSTEMS AND AP- PLIANCES. 30 DAY RISK FREE. $200.00 OFF 2 FREE Months! 1-855-814-3266. Connie, Bill & Mike Spinner–997-8721 Siuslaw News Business & Service Directory P.O. Box 10, 148 Maple Street, Florence, Oregon 97439 (541) 997-3441 •Fax: (541) 997-7979 Graphic Searchers Please submit your entry for a chance to win a gift certifi cate: By E-mail Only DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Tow- ing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. CALL 1-844-533-9173. Email Name, phone # and where you found it to: pmchale@thesiuslawnews.com Graphic Winners You can claim your $10 Gift Certifi cate to the Siuslaw News via email mberg@thesiuslawnews.com DONATE YOUR CAR TO UNITED BREAST CANCER FOUNDATION! Your donation helps education, prevention & support programs. FAST FREE PICKUP - 24 HR RESPONSE - TAX DEDUCTION. 1-855-252-2579. Here is how it works… We will put a graphic or photo in the box to the left. You find it somewhere in the classifieds. To enter your name into the drawing for a gift certificate National Safe Boating Week May 22nd – May 28th Commercial • Residential MISCELLANEOUS: Graphic Search Saturday’s Graphic DO WINDOWS! Yes! WE Window Cleaning We need your name, phone number and where you found the graphic or an attached photo. or telephone 541-997-3441. Submit by 2pm Monday The value is equal to 13 consecutive Siuslaw News issues. You may add it to your current subscription Email: pmchale@thesiuslawnews.com or share with a friend. Good Luck TERESA BOLLENBAUGH found the National EMS Week Graphic on Page 7B (YES! We Do Windows – Bubble next to Connie’s photo). She has won a Gift Certificate towards a Siuslaw News Subscription. Gift Certificates must be redeemed within 2 weeks of winning Deadline for today’s paper: Monday by 2:00 PM Wednesday’s Graphic