SIUSLAW NEWS | WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021 | 5A Sign up now for CROW’s 2021 Summer Camps Your guide to great locally owned restaurants. O FF B AYSTREET B ISTRO 3pm to 9pm Thur. to Sun. Early bird 3pm to 4pm 15% off your bill Dine-in only Closed Mon., Tue., Wed. Covered heated porch, In-door dining and ToGo’s Reservations highly recommended LOCATED IN OLD TOWN 541-590-3569 165 Maple Street, Florence, OR Surfside Restaurant at Drift wood Shores Resort Is Open for Dine-in & take out from 4pm - 8:30 pm Tuesday - Saturday Call 541-902-6447 Now is the time for fami- lies to sign up their kids for CROW’s (Children’s Reper- tory of Oregon Workshops) exciting 2021 Summer Camp sessions. CROW’s first one-week camp, taking place July 12 to 16, is now full. The second one-week camp is called “Game-A- Palooza” and will take place July 19 to 23 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This camp is for ages 10+. Both sessions will be taught by CROW Artistic Director Melanie Heard, and the cost is $125, which includes a T-shirt. According to Heard, “Through a combination of socially distanced improv and traditional-style camp games, hands-on crafts, and mini discussions on the ex- citing world of theatre arts, students will be immersed in a plethora of creativity and laughter.” Also offered is CROW’s Invitation or Audition Only- Advanced Acting Program, which will be Aug. 2 to 13. The cost for this two-week camp is $250, and includes a T-shirt. “This year’s Advanced Acting program will focus on the historical and cultur- al significance of traveling performers: troubadours, minstrels, carnivals, circus- es, street artists and more,” Heard said. “During camp, students will work to create an outdoor show that will be performed at various safe locations in Florence for small, socially distanced audiences. Character de- velopment, comic timing, physicality and other vital performance skills will be the camp’s primary focus.” In addition to summer camps, CROW will offer a small selection of classes, which will be held weekday afternoons after the camps. Dates and times can be found on the “Classes” tab at Offerings will include Jazz/Hip-Hop Combo, Beginning Youth Tap, Beginning Irish Dance, Adult/Teen Tap and even an Adult Acting class series. Limited financial-need based scholarships are avail- able for classes and camps. The summer camp en- rollment, afternoon class enrollment, and scholar- ships application deadline is June 5th. Parents should be careful to read the terms of enroll- ment carefully and must submit a deposit or their child’s space is not guaran- teed. All programming will be held at the CROW Cen- COVID is going to be hard on so many families. Our sponsors truly make a big difference, and provide valuable funds that directly impact local children in the arts,” Heard said. “Thank you for considering this im- portant request.” If you’d like to be a spon- sor, please send your check to: CROW, PO Box 184, Florence, OR 97439 or con- tact Heard at: crowtheatre- Please include a note with your donation for how you’d like your funds to be used. All donors will receive a 501(c)3 tax deduction let- Sponsor a Child for Camp ter/receipt by mail. or Classes at CROW Non-profit youth theatre Acting Workshops organization, CROW, is CROW will also be of- seeking 2021 summer camp fering a five-session Adult scholarship donors in the Acting workshop this sum- amount of $125 (one week mer. Classes will take place scholarship) and $250 (two- July 16 to Aug. 13, on Friday week scholarship), and also evenings from 6 to 7:30 p.m. summer class scholarships at the CROW Center for the in the amount of $64 to Performing Arts. cover one child’s eight-week During the course, stu- class enrollment fee. dents will explore character- Donors will be recog- ization, motivation, diction nized on Facebook, and and stage presence. will receive two free tickets Sign-ups are online at to the 2021 Scare-CROW Haunted Maze (pending es. The cost is $100 for the ability to offer the maze un- five-class series, and all ma- der autumn COVID restric- terials are included. Space is tions). limited and no experience is “Coming back from required. BOATING from page 1A • Be aware of weather and water conditions. • Be considerate of oth- ers and understand boating etiquette and navigations rules. • Boat sober – it’s the law. For more information from the U.S. Coast Guard about safe boating, visit The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary and other or- ganizations offer boating and paddling classes both online and in person. In Oregon, all boaters who operate a motorboat over 10 horsepower and youths 12 to 15 years old oper- ating a motorboat of any size are required to take an approved boating safe- ty course and apply/carry a boater education card. Youth ages 11 and under cannot operate a motor- boat. For more information about boating require- ments and laws in Oregon, visit the Oregon State Ma- rine Board online at boat. The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary offers free Ves- sel Safety Checks (VSCs) for recreational boats and paddlecraft. The courtesy exam is performed at your boat – whether in a slip, at the launch ramp, or in your driveway – by a cer- tified Vessel Examiner, at a These statistics hit home important boating safety information. • Wear a Coast Guard-ap- proved, proper-fitting life jacket at all times while underway. Do not stow it since you may not have time to don it in an emer- gency. • While boating or pad- dling, always expect the unexpected and be pre- pared with the proper training and equipment. • Take a boating safety class. • Use an engine cut-off device on motorized boats. • File a float plan. Get Results...List With Richard. Richard Beaudro Principal Broker 541 991-6677 1035 Royal St Georges Dr – Fairway frontage and solid, well built home with great golf course views. This home is full of luxury amenities includ- ing stainless appliances and gas range, propane fi replace, an elevator, media/theater room, and expansive Trex deck overlooking the green. $850,000. #3137-20502246 ter for the Performing Arts, 3120 Highway 101 in Florence, and all current COVID-19 safety protocols will be followed. “We are so grateful to be able to re-open our doors. We are starting small, carefully following all COVID-19 safety proce- dures, and hope to be able to continue to provide arts opportunities for the com- munity throughout fall and winter,” Heard said. For more information, send an email to crowthe- or vis- it mutually-convenient rime, and usually takes 30 to 45 minutes, depending upon the size of your boat. Auxiliarists will check to see if you have the nec- essary equipment to save lives and summon help, and check if your vessel meets current state and federal safety standards. No recreational vessel is too large or too small to be safe and in compliance. If you pass the exam, you will receive a VSC sticker to place on your vessel. To request a VSC, con- tact your local Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla, the local U.S. Power Squadron or visit CORRECTION In the May 13 edition of the Siuslaw News, the arti- cle “FURA approves pro- posed budget for 2021-23 biennium” stated Chair- person Bill Meyer was replaced as chairperson of the Florence Urban Re- newal Agency (FURA) by Mike Webb. Webb was instead named chair of the FURA Budget Committee and Meyer re- mains chair of FURA. The FURA Budget Com- mittee heard the presenta- tions and did approve the proposed budget as pre- sented. It will now be for- warded to the FURA Board of Directors for consider- ation and adoption. 1749 Highway 101 • 541-997-1200 Drift wood Shores Resort 88416 1st Avenue, Florence We are open for dine-in, take-out, sidewalk & patio seating We are doing everything we can to safely serve our community. We are open: 11-8 daily 2020 VOTED F E BEST O F LO E N C R 1285 Bay Street, Old Town Florence (541) 902-8338 Weekly Special: Turkey, Brie, Bacon & Apple Panini Corn & Poblano Chowder (v) (gf ) Friday: Lobster Rolls Wed-Sat 11am-8pm www.nosheateryfl 541-997-5899 • 1269 Bay Street Old Town Florence June 24 th —August 13 th In an ODOT Approved Driver Education Course 240 For 15—17-year-old teens with a learner’s permit Online classroom and in-car lessons For info Call Rob (541) 999-9179 Other age and time opportunities available HOURS Is your family prepared? If an emergency happens in your community, it may take emergency workers some time to reach you. You should be prepared to take care of yourself and your family for a minimum of 240 hours. Get your emergency fi rst aid kit started with these essentials: ❑ First aid manual ❑ Aspirin or pain relievers ❑ Laxatives, diarrhea medicine ❑ Rubbing alcohol, petroleum jelly ❑ Soap, salt, baking soda ❑ Sanitary napkins, matches ❑ Triangular bandages ❑ Elastic bandages, pressure dressings ❑ Cotton balls, disposable diapers ❑ Scissors, needles, tweezers ❑ Popsicle sticks, splints, heavy string ❑ Thermometer, paper tape ❑ Syrup of Ipecac ❑ Personal prescription medications This message brought to you by the West Lane Emergency Operations Group. IDENTIFY • PREPARE • SURVIVE We are proud to be your community partner! Not Your Ordinary Bank member 1355 HWY 101 | FLORENCE (800) 997-7121 | WWW.OPBC.COM