6B SIUSLAW NEWS ❚ SATURDAY, MAY 15, 2021 PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the City of Florence Planning Commission (PC) will hold a public hearing via teleconfer- ence on May 25, 2021, at 5:30PM to consider and deliberate: Resolutions PC 21 09 ANN 03 & PC 21 10 ZC 03, requests from B. Rannow to annex and apply a zoning desig- nation of Med. Density Residential (MDR) to a .27-acre property de- scribed as Assessors Map No. 18120413, TLs 03103 & 03104. Proper- ties are located in Bk 26, Lots 7 & 8, Heceta Beach subdivision, at the SE corner of intersection of Arch St. & 2nd Ave. Pub- lic right-of-way would also be annexed, includ- ing portions of Falcon St., Arch St., & 2nd Ave, which would be zoned MDR and Commercial. The PC decision will be a recommendation to City Council for con- sideration at a hearing on a date TBD. This meeting will occur via video confer- ence. In person atten- dance is not permit- ted. Meetings air live on Cable Channel 191 and stream at www. ci.florence.or.us/city- manager/public-meet- ings-live. Testimony can be given in writing or through a request to participate in the conference call. Those testifying via confer- ence call must submit a speaker’s card by 3:30 on May 25. For ad- ditional information, visit www.ci.fl orence. or.us/bc-pc/request-ad- dress-planning-com- mission-speakers-card or contact the Planning Department at 541- 997-8237. Publication Date: May 15, 2021 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF LANE In the matter of the estate of, KIT MORAN, DECEASED Case No.: 21PB03352 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the under- signed has been ap- pointed personal rep- resentative. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the undersigned per- sonal representative at P. O. Box B, Florence, Or- egon, 97439, within four months after the date of fi rst publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be aff ect- ed by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the personal representative, or the attorney for the personal representative, Scott T. Bailey, Attorney at Law, P.C. at P.O. Box B, Florence, Oregon 97439. Dated and fi rst pub- lished May 15, 2021. /s/Kris Moran Personal Representa- tive Publication Dates: May 15, 22, & 29, 2021 acres of property and apply Service Industri- al zoning. Properties described as Assessors Map # 18-12-11-33, TLs 01900 & 01800, located east of Hwy 101 approx- imately 1,260 ft. NE of its intersection with Mun- sel Lake Rd. In person attendance is not permitted. Meet- ings air live on Cable Channel 191 and stream at www.ci.fl orence. or.us/citymanager/pub- lic-meetings-live. Tes- timony shall be given in writing or through a request to participate via conference call. Those testifying via conference call must complete and submit a speaker’s card by 3:30 the day of the hearing. For additional informa- tion on how to provide testimony or any other questions, visit the City of Florence website at www.ci.florence.or.us/ co u n c i l / re q u e s t - a d - dress-city-council- speakers-card  contact the City of Florence Planning Department at (541) 997-8237, or visit the City’s website at www.ci.fl orence.or.us. Publication Date: May 15, 2021 12. ADJOURNMENT Public comment is limited to 3 minutes per person. The Board has the right to ask disrup- tive attendees to leave the meeting. The Board may choose not to re- spond to comments and lack of response does not indicate sup- port or disagreement. Publication Date: May 15, 2021 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the City Council will hold public hearings via videoconference on May 17, 2021, at 5:30 p.m. in the City of Flor- ence City Hall Chambers located at 250 Highway 101, to consider and deliberate on the fol- lowing: CC 21 03 ANN 01 & CC 21 04 ZC 01 Petition from Robbie Wright, for Stonefi eld Investments, LLC to annex approx. 4.53 acres and apply Medium Density Resi- dential zoning. Property described as Assessors Map #18-12-04-44, TL 03800, located approx. 410 ft NE of intersection at Rhododendron Dr. and Sebastian St. CC 21 05 ANN 02 & CC 21 06 ZC 02: Petition from Claudia Hale et al. to annex approx. 7.87 PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING A public meeting of the Siuslaw Valley Fire & Rescue will be held on May 27, 2021, at 6:00 P.M. on Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82374190558. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021, as approved by the Siuslaw Valley Fire & Rescue Budget Committee. A summary of the budget is pre- sented below. A copy of the budget may be inspect- ed or obtained at 2625 Highway 101, Florence, OR, Mon - Fri between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. or online at www.svfr.org. This budget is for an annual budget period. This budget was prepared on a modified accrual basis of accounting that is the same as preceding year. Contact: Dina McClure 541-997-3212, Email: Dina@wlfea.org FINANCIAL SUMMARY - RESOURCES Actual Amount Adopted Approved Budget Budget This Year Next Year 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/20221 TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS Beg. Fund Bal./Net Working Capital 1,129,471 2,181,842 2,411,741 Federal, State and All Other Grants, Gifts, Allocations and Donations 191,697 202,472 527,500 Interfund Transfers / Internal Service Reimbursements 100,000 375,000 475,000 All Other Resources Except Current Year Property Taxes 193,939 215,689 160,369 Current Year Property Taxes Estimated to be Received 2,694,601 2,745,755 2,844,076 Total Resources 4,309,708 5,720,758 6,418,686 FINANCIAL SUMMARY – REQUIREMENTS BY OBJECT CLASSIFICATION Personnel Services 1,322,868 1,297,530 1,290,450 Materials and Services 883,218 900,161 1,148,625 Capital Outlay 101,951 700,857 1,272,000 Debt Service 0 0 0 Interfund Transfers 100,000 984,571 475,000 Contingencies 0 192,072 390,808 Special Payments 0 0 0 Unappropriated Ending Balance and Reserved for Future Expenditure 1,901,671 1,645,567 1,841,803 Total Requirements 4,309,708 5,720,758 6,418,686 FINANCIAL SUMMARY – REQUIREMENTS AND FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT EMPLOYEES (FTE) BY ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT OR PROGRAM* Name of Organizational Unit or Program FTE for that unit or program Fire and Rescue Services 2,308,037 2,898,548 FTE 10 6 Not Allocated to Organizational Unit or Program 2,001,671 2,822,210 FTE 0 0 Total Requirements 4,309,708 5,720,758 Total FTE 10 6 3,711,075 10.5 2,707,611 0 6,418,686 10.5 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN ACTIVITIES and SOURCES OF FINANCING* PROPERTY TAX LEVIES Rate or Amount Imposed Imposed Approved 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 Permanent Rate Limit Levy (1.5417) Per $1,000 1.5417 1.5417 STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS None Publication Date: May 15, 2021 1.5417 NOTICE OF VIRTUAL BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING A public meeting of the Budget Committee of the Heceta Water People’s Utility District, Lane County, State of Oregon, to discuss the budget for the fi scal year July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022, will be held virtually Via GoT- oMeeting due to Lane County’s high risk sta- tus. The meeting will take place on the 1st of June at 4:00 p.m. Members of the public wanting to attend can access the link on the district’s website. The purpose of the meeting is to receive the budget message and to receive comment from the pub- lic on the budget. This is a public meeting where deliberation of the Bud- get Committee will take place. Any person may attend the virtual meet- ing and discuss the pro- posed programs with the Budget Committee. A copy of the budget document may be in- spected or obtained on or after May 25, 2021 on The Heceta Water PUD website, https://hwpud. com/ Publication Dates: May 15 & 19, 2021 HECETA WATER PEOPLE’S UTILITY DISTRICT 87845 Hwy 101 Florence, OR 97439 May 18, 2021 at 4:00pm Board of Director’s Meeting With Lane County at High Risk space is lim- ited to 25 percent ca- pacity. We ask that the public attend by Virtual meeting or by phone. Details found at www. hwpud.com 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC COMMENT 4. APPROVAL OF MIN- UTES (Action Item) a) March 16, 2021 Board Meeting 5. PRESIDENT’S RE- PORT (Information Item) 6. FINANCIAL REPORT – Buckwald & Hornung Accounting (Action Item) 7. STAFF REPORT – Carl Neville (Informa- tion Item) 8. UNFINISHED BUSI- NESS a) Rate Study pre- pared by Donovan En- terprises – Presenter: Steve Donovan b) Rate Increase (Dis- cussion Item) 9. NEW BUSINESS a) COLA (Action Item) b) Approve Resolution 2021-02 – Rate and Fees Schedule (Action Item) c) Approve Resolution 2021-03 – Safe Drinking Water Revolving Loan (Grant) (Action Item) d) Manager Evalua- tion (Information item) 10. ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA 11. AGENDA SUG- GESTION FOR FUTURE MEETINGS BLINDS / WINDOW TREATMENTS @S IUSLAW N EWS Blinds • Shades • Draperies • Shutters We Design ~ We Install Reduce • Recycle Reuse Residential • Commercial • 30 Years Experience 541-991-3405 Located in Florence CCB#212734 Graphic Searchers Please submit your entry for a chance to win a gift certifi cate: By E-mail Only D-065 CONCRETE / PAVING Ant’s Concrete Excavation, fl at work, sidewalks, patios, demos and much more! Call Anthony at 541.735.4836 CCB#197439 We need your name, phone number and where you found the graphic or an attached photo. D-070 CONSTRUCTION/CONTRACTORS Submit by 2pm Monday Email: pmchale@thesiuslawnews.com PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES D-085 A public meeting of the Western Lane Ambulance District will be held on May 27, 2021, at 6:00pm on Zoom https://us02web.zoom. us/j/82374190558. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021, as approved by the Western Lane Ambulance Budget Committee. A summary of the budget is presented below. A copy of the budget may be inspected or obtained at 2625 Highway 101, Florence, OR, Mon - Fri between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm or online at www.westernlan- eambulance.com. This budget is for an annual bud- get period. This budget was prepared on a modified accrual basis of accounting that is the same as the preceding year. Contact: Dina McClure 541-997-3212 Email: Dina@wlfea .org FINANCIAL SUMMARY - RESOURCES D-136 Actual Amount D-182 Adopted Budget This Year 2020/2021 Approved Budget Next Year 2021/2022 2019/2020 TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS Beg. Fund Bal./Net Working Capital 2,726,200 2,990,617 3,707,383 Federal, State and all Other Grants, Gifts, Allocatins and Donations 10,417 205,900 401,131 Interfund Transfers / Internal Service Reimbursements 145,000 120,000 793,500 All Other Resources Except Current Year Property Taxes 2,373,455 1,996,292 2,261,792 Current Year Property Taxes Estimated to be Received 1,565,518 1,593,428 1,647,945 Total Resources 6,820,590 6,906,237 8,811,751 FINANCIAL SUMMARY – REQUIREMENTS BY OBJECT CLASSIFICATION Personnel Services 2,459,880 2,612,545 2,695,248 Materials and Services 983,986 1,105,359 1,126,185 Capital Outlay 98,523 287,934 534,164 Interfund Transfers 145,000 120,000 793,500 Contingencies 0 164,570 200,000 Special Payments 0 0 0 Unappropriated Ending Balance and Reserved for Future Expenditure 3,133,201 2,615,829 3,462,654 Total Requirements 6,820,590 6,906,237 8,811,751 FINANCIAL SUMMARY – REQUIREMENTS AND FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT EMPLOYEES (FTE) BY ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT OR PROGRAM* Name of Organizational Unit or Program FTE for that unit or program Ambulance Services 3,542,389 4,005,838 4,355,597 FTE 21 18 20 Not Allocated to Organizational Unit or Program 3,278,201 2,900,399 4,456,154 FTE 0 0 0 Total Requirements 6,820,590 6,906,237 8,811,751 Total FTE 21 18 20 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN ACTIVITIES and SOURCES OF FINANCING* None PROPERTY TAX LEVIES Rate or Amount Imposed Imposed Approved This Year Next Year 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 Permanent Rate Levy (Rate Limit 0.3198 per $1,000) 0.3198 0.3198 Local Option Levy .45 .45 STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Debt Outstanding: None Publication Date: May 15, 2021 SERVICES: DIVORCE $130. 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Good Luck KEN MELNYCHUK found the National Nurses Day Graphic on Page 6B (DEFENSIBLE FIRE SPACE - Robert Crabb). He has won a Gift Certificate towards a Siuslaw News Subscription. Gift Certificates must be redeemed within 2 weeks of winning Deadline for today’s paper: Monday by 2:00 PM Wednesday’s Graphic