8A | WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 2021 | SIUSLAW NEWS terday for the next round of property clearing. “Utilizing the goats have been a great way to control the nature,” Goehring said. “They quickly cleared an old stump and climbed all over it. It’s just fun to see and hear.” Austen has pasture lined up for the herd after they complete work on Dowells Peninsula. “For me, the goats are obviously joys and I love them, but they’re this inte- gral piece of a larger process that I’m developing towards holistic land management,” he said. GOATS from page 1A “Within the herd, I now have six generations,” Aus- ten said. “When they run together, they establish this family hierarchy, and ev- erybody kind of learns the Ps and Qs. People think of bucks as more aggressive and such, but really within the herd, they are kept in line by the does.” This year’s kids are four months old and weigh 40 pounds. They gain about 10 pounds a month. “From May to August, the next three months, they’ll more than double in size,” Austen said. “Right now, they are miniature goats. They have a little more en- ergy and are a little more skittish, but they are fully functioning goats. You’ll see them finding their own food and running in their own little groups.” The goats will spend the next months eating. It’s one of the things they do best. “Goats are neat because they eat everything, in a way, but they’re also pickier than people think. They’re real selective. But given time, they will eat just about everything down to the ground,” Austen said. Unlike grazers like cows or sheep, goats will browse shrubs, bushes and trees. “Goats are well suited for our region. They like to move from bush to bush, se- lectively browsing,” he said. In August, the goats will breed and the dams will spend most of the winter Western Lane Ambulance District COURTESY PHOTOS Above, Justin Austen (background) cares for his goats’ new kids in January. Right, a kid clambers over property near Mercer Lake, joining the rest of the herd in eating their way through undergrowth. pregnant. ing goats on “The life of a female goat the property,” is super energy intensive Goehring said. because, for the most part, “They’ve been they’re either nursing a baby out two weeks or they’re pregnant with a so far and it’s baby. It’s kind of half a year p h e n o m e n a l spent nursing one baby and what they’ve the next half is spent being cleared.” pregnant with the next set,” Austen in- Austen said. stalled an elec- The goats often have twins tric fence on the property or triplets, which means that to pen in the goats. They numbers can double rela- cleared a quarter acre in the tively quickly. first two weeks. Austen’s goal would be to “Becky says people love move the herd throughout it, that she gets six to 12 the year. Not only will this help provide for the herd’s nutritional needs, but it can also benefit people like Goehring and the Swensons. “I loved the idea of hav- FROM BEST OF HAWAII FOUR-ISLAND TOUR $ $ Invites You to LEARN CPR neighbors standing around the perimeter of the prop- erty at night watching goats munch,” Austen said. The herd was brought back to the property yes- CPR Certifi cations Adult CPR - $50.00 Child Infant CPR Supplemental - $25.00 Total - $75 for both 2nd Saturday of every month 9am to 1pm at Western Lane Ambulance District PETERSEN AUTO DETAIL would like to thank everyone that voted for us in our category. We appreciate being chosen 2020 BEST AUTO DETAILER! OTED 2,599 2,349 * 12 days, departs year-round V F BEST O Call 541-997-9614 E 541•999•6078 1-888-817-0676 TM promo code N7017 * Free date changes anytime up to 45 days prior to departure for land tours, up to 95 days prior to departure for cruise tours. Deposits and final payments remain non-refundable. Prices are per person based on double occupancy plus $299 in taxes & fees. Single supplement and seasonal surcharges may apply. Add-on airfare available. Offers apply to new bookings only, made by 6/30/21. Other terms & conditions may apply. Ask your Travel Consultant for details. Austen owns EverWild LLC, which partly focus- es on landscape, forest and habitat restoration. “The background goal has always been land man- agement,” he said. “Using livestock to do ecological restoration and then man- age it. The first five years was really about learning the goats and the herd, and now it’s time to do some- thing with them.” He hopes people consider looking into goats to main- tain their land. For more information, contact Austen at everwild oregon@gmail.com. F LO E N C R GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE FACEBOOK.COM/PETERSENAUTODETAIL www.westernlaneambulance.com ‡ LIRXQGP\VPLOHLQIORUHQFHRU ‡ LI RX ‡ FHRU QGP \ V P LO H L Q IO R U H Q ‰É à ü¿‰t t¬ Þ Ã« ‰Ã t¦¦ t€¿²Ãà !¦²¿‰¬€‰ó LIRXQGP\VPLOHLQIORUHQFHRU * * # P'"9 [I 9?e ‡ LIRXQGP\VPLOHLQIORUHQFHRU !Lø !" # ‡ LIRXQGP\VPLOHLQIORUHQFHRU $%& #' () LIRXQGP\VPLOHLQIORUHQFHRU !!0 & !. " !. /!"! ‡ LIRXQGP\VPLOHLQIORUHQFHRU +!(",- "!. " !. + ",- +!. /!" ! %-/.!(", ‡