WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 2021 ❚ SIUSLAW NEWS working with this digi- tal project information. An optional paper set of project documents is available for a nonre- fundable price of $140 per set which includes applicable sales tax and shipping. Please make your check payable to Civil West Engineering Services and send it 486 E Street, Coos Bay, OR 97420. Please contact us at 541-266-8601 if you have any questions. Contractors are en- couraged to perform a walk-through of the project prior to bid to familiarize themselves with the project. Bidders must be qual- ifi ed to perform the work properly and to comply with applicable laws and bonding re- quirements. This contract is for public work and is sub- ject to ORS 279C.800 to 279C.870. Prevailing wage rates for public works’ contracts in Ore- gon are required for this project. No bid will be received or considered by the Owner unless the bid contains: 1) a state- ment that bidder will comply with the provi- sions of ORS 279C.840 2) a statement as to whether the bidder is a resident bidder as de- fi ned in ORS 279A.120. Dated this 3RD day of May, 2021. By order of: Mike Mill- er Title: Public Works Di- rector Publication Dates: May 5, & May 12, 2021 PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby giv- en, a public meeting of the Budget Committee of Mapleton School District No. 32, Lane County, State of Ore- gon, will be held via vid- eoconference on May 19, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. with connection details available on the district website at to dis- cuss the budget for the fi scal year July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022. The purpose of the meeting is to receive the budget message and to receive comment from the pub- lic on the budget. These are public meetings where deliberation of the Budget Committee will take place. Any per- son may appear at the meetings and discuss the proposed programs with the Budget Com- mittee. To have public comment, please con- tactjricks@mapleton. prior to 4:00 p.m. the day of the meeting. A copy of the budget document may be inspected or ob- tained on or after Friday May 14, 2021 online at w w w.mapleton.k12. Publication Date: May 8, & 12, 2021 INVITATION TO BID CITY OF FLORENCE FLORENCE MUNICIPAL AIRPORT AWOS RECONSTRUCTION A.I.P. PROJECT No. 3-41-0019-015-2021 Sealed bids for Flor- ence Municipal Air- port, AWOS Recon- struction Project, A.I.P. Project No. 3-41- 0019-015-2021 will be received by Mike Miller, Public Works Director, at the Public Works Facility located at 2675 King- wood Street, Florence, Oregon, 97439, until the bid closing time of 11:00 a.m., local time, on the 3rd day of June, 2021, at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read. Bid- ders shall submit the re- quired fi rst-tier subcon- tractor disclosure form within two hours of the bid closing time. Bid- ders whose bids and/or disclosure statements are received after the stated times will be con- sidered non-responsive, and their bids will not be considered. The scope of work being considered is: • Demolition of the Airport’s existing AWOS • Construction of a new AWOS • Offi ce equipment setup • Miscellaneous In- cidental Electrical Im- provements The Contract Docu- ments, including the specifi cations, for the above project may be reviewed and exam- ined at the offi ces of the City of Florence Public Works Facility located at 2675 Kingwood Street, Florence, Oregon, 97439 on working days, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Bidding documents can be downloaded at under Login using QuestCDN #7813934 for a non-refundable charge of $20.00. Contact QuestCDN. com at 952-233-1632 or for assistance in mem- bership registration and downloading this digital project infor- mation. Technical questions shall be directed to Bill Brackett, P.E., Cen- tury West Engineering Corporation, (541) 322-8962. Contractors must be qualifi ed in accordance with the applicable parts of ORS 279C in order to enter into a contract with the City. Among other factors that will be consid- ered, the City will only award a contract to a contractor that is able to demonstrate that they have completed previous contracts of a similar nature with a satisfactory record of performance, and that demonstrate that they have a satisfactory re- cord of integrity. The City may investigate to determine the qualifi - cations of the bidders as part of the evalua- tion of the bids, and the City may reject a bid that does not com- ply with the prescribed public contracting pro- cedures and require- ments, including the requirement to demon- strate the bidder’s re- sponsibility under ORS 279C.375(3)(b). Bidders must submit qualifi cation state- ments in accordance with the terms of sub- section 20-02 of the General Provisions (FAA) with their Propos- al. Proposals submitted without qualifi cation statements will not be accepted. This contract will be funded, in part, by a grant from the Federal Aviation Administra- tion. As such it will be subject to federal requirements. These include, but are not lim- ited to: • Buy America Prefer- ences; • Civil Rights-Title VI Assurances; • Davis Bacon Require- ments; • Debarment and Sus- pension; • Disadvantaged Busi- ness Enterprise; • Foreign Trade Re- strictions; • Lobbying Federal Employees; and • Recovered Materials All applicable federal provisions are given in the specifi cations. NOTICE OF REQUIRE- MENT FOR AFFIRMA- TIVE ACTION to ENSURE EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY 1. The Off eror’s or Bid- der’s attention is called to the “Equal Oppor- tunity Clause” and the “Standard Federal Equal Employment Opportu- nity Construction Con- tract Specifi cations” set forth herein. 2. The goals and timetables for minority and female participa- tion, expressed in per- centage terms for the Contractor’s aggregate workforce in each trade on all construction work in the covered area, are as follows: Timetables Goals for minority participation for each trade: 2.4% Goals for female par- ticipation in each trade: 6.9% These goals are appli- cable to all of the Con- tractor’s construction work (whether or not it is Federal or federally assisted) performed in the covered area. If the Contractor performs construction work in a geographical area locat- ed outside of the cov- ered area, it shall apply the goals established for such geographical area where the work is actually performed. With regard to this second area, the Con- tractor also is subject to the goals for both its federally involved and non-federally involved construction. The Contractor’s com- pliance with the Execu- tive Order and the reg- ulations in 41 CFR Part 60-4 shall be based on its implementation of the Equal Opportunity Clause, specifi c affi r- mative action obliga- tions required by the specifi cations set forth in 41 CFR 60-4.3(a) and its eff orts to meet the goals. The hours of mi- nority and female em- ployment and training must be substantially uniform throughout the length of the contract, and in each trade, and the Contractor shall make a good faith eff ort to employ minorities and women evenly on each of its projects. The transfer of minority or female employees or trainees from Contrac- tor to Contractor or from project to project for the sole purpose of meeting the Contrac- tor’s goals shall be a vi- olation of the contract, the Executive Order and the regulations in 41 CFR Part 60-4. Compli- ance with the goals will be measured against the total work hours performed. 3. The Contractor shall provide written notifi - cation to the Director of the Offi ce of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) within 10 working days of award of any con- struction subcontract in excess of $10,000 at any tier for construc- tion work under the contract resulting from this solicitation. The notifi cation shall list the name, address, and telephone number of the subcontractor; em- ployer identifi cation number of the subcon- tractor; estimated dollar amount of the subcon- tract; estimated starting and completion dates of the subcontract; and the geographical area in which the subcon- tract is to be performed. 4. As used in this no- tice and in the contract resulting from this so- licitation, the “covered area” is Florence, Ore- gon in Lane County. Title VI Solicitation Notice: The City of Florence, in accordance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252, 42 USC §§ 2000d to 2000d- 4) and the Regulations, hereby notifi es all bid- ders or off erors that it will affi rmatively en- sure that any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, [select disadvantaged business enterprises or airport concession disadvantaged busi- ness enterprises] will be aff orded full and fair opportunity to sub- mit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or nation- al origin in consider- ation for an award. A NON-MANDATORY pre-bid meeting is to be held at 11:00 a.m., local time on the 20th day of May, 2021, at the Public Works Fa- cility, 2675 Kingwood Street, Florence, Ore- gon, 97439. Interested prime contractors are encouraged to attend. At this meeting, ques- tions concerning the Contract Documents and the proposed work will be discussed. A tour of the project site will be conducted after the meeting, after which, no other formal tours or site visits will be sched- uled. This project is for a public improvement subject to the pre- vailing rates of wage requirements of ORS 279C.800 to 279C.870, or by the U.S. Secretary of Labor, whichever is greater. The City will not receive or consider a bid unless the bid con- tains a statement by the bidder that the bidder will comply with ORS 279C.838 or 279C.840. Contractor licensing under ORS 468A.720 for asbestos abatement is not a requirement of this project. No bid shall be considered unless the bidder is li- censed by the Oregon Construction Contrac- tors Board or the State Landscape Contractors Board. Bids must be submit- ted on the prescribed forms and must be ac- companied by certifi ed check, cashier’s check, or bid bond executed in favor of the City in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the amount bid. No bid may be with- drawn after the sched- uled time for the public opening of the bid as specifi ed above. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive any irreg- ularities, and to accept the bid deemed in the best interest of the City. The City may reject any bid not in compliance with all prescribed pub- lic bidding procedures and requirements and may reject for good cause any or all bids af- ter fi nding that doing so is in the public interest. MIKE MILLER, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR CITY OF FLORENCE Dated at the City of Florence, this 6th day of May, 2021 Publication Dates: May 8th, & 12th, 2021 PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES Business & Service Directory D-040 Residential • Commercial • 30 Years Experience 541-991-3405 Located in Florence CCB#212734 D-057 CLEANING SERVICES CCB #96660 Tweety Sez: Consistent, Quality Cleaning. 997-2385. Florence Janitorial Services Bill and Jo Hine, Owners CERTIFIED, LICENSED, BONDED & INSURED Port of Siuslaw Operations 983,558 1,042,887 1,268,081 FTE 7.5 7 8 Port of Siuslaw Capital Maintenance Projects 1,004,700 340,250 146,250 FTE 0 0 0 Not Allocated to Organizational Unit or Program 993,265 879,633 1,291,507 Total Requirements 2,981,523 2,262,770 2,705,846 Total FTE 8 8 8 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN ACTIVITIES and SOURCES OF FINANCING* Receive Business OR grant for Strategic Business Plan. Fire system phase 6, dock repairs, landscaping rock, paint & repairs to maintenance shop, purchase portable pump out and tractor PROPERTY TAX LEVIES Rate or Amount Imposed Imposed Approved 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 Permanent Rate Levy (rate limit 0.1474 per $1000) 0.1474 0.1474 0.1474 STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Long Term Debt Estimated Debt Estimated Debt Authorized, Outstanding on July 1. But Not Incurred on July 1 Other Borrowings 0 0 Total Publication Dates: May 5, & May 12, 2021 CCB #96660 D-065 Upholstery STEAM OR DRY Smoke • Water Cleanup Certified-Bonded CONCRETE / PAVING Ant’s Concrete Excavation, fl at work, sidewalks, patios, demos and much more! Call Anthony at 541.735.4836 CCB#197439 D-070 CONSTRUCTION/CONTRACTORS Approved Budget Next Year 2021/2022 TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS Beg. Fund Bal./Net Working Capital 1,063,281 1,052,144 1,338,644 Fees, Licenses, Permits, Fines, Assessments & Other Service Charges 1,504,532 754,825 957,244 Federal, State and All Other Grants, Gifts, Allocations and Donations 19,000 52,750 21,350 Revenue from Bonds and Other Debt 0 0 0 Interfund Transfers / Internal Service Reimbursements 60,000 73,151 50,000 All Other Resources Except Current Year Property Taxes 4,000 4,000 4,025 Current Year Property Taxes Estimated to be Received 330,710 325,900 334,583 Total Resources 2,981,523 2,262,770 2,705,846 FINANCIAL SUMMARY – REQUIREMENTS BY OBJECT CLASSIFICATION Personnel Services 421,158 422,802 484,957 Materials and Services 562,400 576,000 593,800 Capital Outlay 1,004,700 340,250 146,250 Debt Service 186,754 115,150 115,150 Interfund Transfers 60,000 73,151 50,000 Contingencies 600,000 515,000 900,000 Special Payments 0 0 Unappropriated Ending Balance and Reserved for Future Expenditure 146,511 220,417 415,689 Total Requirements 2,981,523 2,262,770 2,705,846 FINANCIAL SUMMARY – REQUIREMENTS AND FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT EMPLOYEES (FTE) BY ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT OR PROGRAM* Name of Organizational Unit or Program FTE for that unit or program CARPET CLEANING 997-3825 NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING Adopted Budget This Year 2020/2021 tfc For clean as a whistle, call Major credit cards accepted A public meeting of the Port of Siuslaw will be held on May 19, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. at the Port Office located at 100 Harbor St., Florence, Oregon and via Zoom. Contact Kelly for a Zoom invita- tion. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021 as approved by the Port of Siuslaw Budget Committee. A summary of the budget is presented below. A copy of the budget may be inspected or obtained at 100 Harbor Street, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. or online at This budget is for an annual budget period. This budget was prepared on a basis of accounting that is the same as the preceding year. Contact: Kelly or David 541-997-3426 Email: FINANCIAL SUMMARY - RESOURCES Actual Amount Last Year 2019/2020 BLINDS / WINDOW TREATMENTS Blinds • Shades • Draperies • Shutters We Design ~ We Install CONSTRUCTION , Inc. New Homes, tfc Additions Remodels & Home Repair CCB#164861 D-077 ELECTRICAL SIUSLAW VALLEY ELECTRIC, INC. RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL CONTRACTING Ore. BBR No. 8689 Public Notices Continued from Previous Page 1710 Laurel Way - Airport Industrial Park Store Hours: Mon. thru Fri., 8 A.M. to Noon Forrest G. Grigsby • Stanton E. Grigsby P.O. Box 1216 • D-085 Phone 997-8821 FAX 997-3723 EXCAVATING DEQ#37263 Ray Wells, Inc CB# 91052 E XCAVATING • S EPTIC S YSTEMS • S UBDIVISIONS L AND C LEARING • P AVING • T RUCKING B RUSH & D EBRIS R ECYCLING • D EMOLITION P H . 541-997-2054 • F AX 541-997-3499 • 1-877-201-0652 P.O. B OX 3467 • 1770 L AUREL P L . • F LORENCE , OR 97439 D-0136 LEGAL / BANKRUPTCY SERVICES Call today for a FREE & confi dential meeting with an experienced attorney 503.820.9359 1849 Hwy 126 Unit A-10 , Florence, OR 97439 Fax: 503.213.5876 • dan@garnerlawoffi D-182 PEST CONTROL For What’s Bugging You Environmentally Responsible Free Inspections 541-997-4027 Graphic Winners You can claim your $10 Gift Certifi cate to the Siuslaw News via email: or telephone (541-997-3441). The value is equal to 13 consecutive Siuslaw News issues. You may add it to your current subscription or share with a friend. Graphic Search National Nurses Day May 12, 2021 Good Luck Here is how it works… We will put a graphic or photo in the box to the left. You find it somewhere in the classifieds. To enter your name into the drawing for a gift certificate Email Name, phone # and where you found it to: Deadline for submitting: 2PM Thursday Please claim prize within 2 weeks of winning. ROLAND FORTIN found the National Physical Fitness & Sports Month Graphic on Page 5B (Front wheel of 2012 SUBARU OUTBACK). He has won a Gift Certificate towards a Siuslaw News Subscription. Saturday’s Graphic CCB#79884 D-230 ROOFING / CONTRACTORS McLennan Construction, Inc. Off ering all types of ROOFING Great References, Senior Discounts Licensed & Insured • Established 2002 541-521-7303 D-266 CCB#150484 WINDOWS DO WINDOWS! Yes! WE Window Cleaning Commercial • Residential Connie, Bill & Mike Spinner–997-8721 Siuslaw News Business & Service Directory P.O. Box 10 • 148 Maple Street, Florence, Oregon 97439 (541) 997-3441 • Fax: (541) 997-7979 7B