8A | SATURDAY, MAY 8, 2021 | SIUSLAW NEWS BUSINESS BEAT 541-997-3128 290 Highway 101, Florence, OR 97439 www.FlorenceChamber.com www.facebook.com/fl orenceoregon www.twitter.com/FlorenceOrCoast May 8, 2021 Welcome New Mem- ber! NEW BUSINESS PARTNER MEMEBERS Glo Beauty Lounge & Boutique! 490 Hwy 101       541-997-1844 Glo Beauty Lounge is a full- service boutique salon. We off er Tanning, Hair services, Facials, Waxing, Lashes, Manicures, Pedicures, Teeth Whitening, and many other services. Our boutique features handmade, high quality, local goods. https://www. vagaro.com/globeautylounge/ US Bead Warehouse 3015 Hwy 101 541-997-0109 Your number one beading supply store! Check out our beautiful selection of gemstones, beads and Silver or Gold over Copper core fi ndings, jewelry making supplies and tools. 2020-2021 Corporate Underwriters Banner Bank Drift wood Shores Resort Th ree Rivers Casino Resort TR Hunter Real Estate Distinguished Sponsors 101 Th ings to Do Magazine Bi-Mart Burns’s Riverside Chapel Christina Voogd, Principal Broker Berkshire Hathaway Coast Radio Fred Meyer Stores Korando Dental Group Lofy Construction Oregon Pacifi c Bank PeaceHealth Peace Harbor Medical Center Sea Lion Caves Spruce Point Assisted Living Th e Siuslaw News Torex ATV Rentals Be sure to thank these members for their investment in our community! ‡ LIRXQGP\VPLOHLQIORUHQFHRU LI RX QGP ‡ From the Director’s Desk By Bettina Hannigan President CEO I got nuthin’. I think I can honestly say that this is how many of us are feeling right now. I hear it from many of our weary leaders and team members. As I pondered what to write this month, I thought, “What do I write to inspire and motivate our businesses and community stakeholders that actually read my monthly article?” Well, you’ve heard me say many times leaders don’t lead from their feelings – we think, and we do what needs to get ‘er done. Are we disappointed? Yes. Are we “over this”? Yes, we are. Are we going to give up? Hell, NO we are NOT! Business Matters: Science and the Florence Economy By Russ Pierson Chamber Board Past President If you’re reading this, you probably realize my day job is as an educator, but most of my education came later in life. I worked for non-profi ts and faith-based ministries for the fi rst half of my adult life, then spent a decade in construction management, and now for the past eleven years, I have worked in higher education— initially in facilities management. My roots are decidedly blue-collar. I am not an ivory tower kind of guy. Th is past pandemic year I have picked up trash from the college parking lot, vacuumed several times, done dishes, and crawled under desks to unplug PCs. I like Unfortunately, some folks are so “over it” they’re taking it out on their own community. Political polarization, fear, and ‘my way or the highway’ attitudes are making a pandemic-sized crisis even more diffi cult. Th ink you’re right? Don’t we all. I know that like many, I bite my tongue until it bleeds, and my ears burn with opinions that I don’t agree with. But we still see our community trying to bring what we can to the table in this topsy-turvy world, investing their time, talents, and resources to enhance our traumatized society. Please join the team. We don’t have to agree on everything to team up for Florence. Sometimes the best way to get over our feelings is to adopt an attitude of GRATITUDE! Don’t want to? I understand, but let’s do it anyway. How about we start with where we live? Even through this horrifi c pandemic, Florence is still one of the most beautiful places on the planet. We can hike, fi sh, golf, shop, eat, and play in a place many from all over the world come to vacation. And we get to live here! We have a powerful Chamber of Commerce advocating for our businesses and a City that is staff ed with talented people that genuinely care about our community. We have much to be grateful for. Over my diversifi ed career I’ve learned many powerful lessons, on the top of the list is “Humility will get you everywhere.” And I’ve learned things from people I didn’t like, even if it’s just “I don’t want to be like (blank).” Sometimes when we listen with our hearts, we will hear what is missing from the conversation. Th is applies to business and to our personal lives. When we’re selling a product or a service, many times the way to connect is to stop talking and listen with our ears, our eyes, and especially our hearts. Florence, we have the biggest heart of any community I know. Let’s give each other the benefi t of the doubt, smile behind the masks, be kind fi rst, and continue to be proud Florentinians #TOGETHER. to “get ‘er done”. But I also believe in science. Scientists make mistakes all the time. But that is the genius of the “scientifi c method”. You observe something and propose a way of understanding or adapting or using that thing. You test your theory, let others know what you did and how they might replicate the results, and you put it all out there for others to try, to tweak and to test. Your favorite tennis shoes? Th ey’re a product of science. Th e internet, cars, heart surgery, refrigeration, electricity, your titanium hip joint—it’s all science. I still remember how I felt on Sunday, June 20, 1969 as a pre-teen boy watching Neil Armstrong take that “one giant leap for mankind” as part of the Apollo 11 mission. Science again. So I cannot understand how science has become a matter of opinion used as a political wedge between us. It seems to have begun at a meta level with something like the changes in the climate that have become increasingly obvious. But somehow this has taken a tragic turn through the pandemic era with the polarized responses to public health measures. Th e best way to restore the local economy is to end this pandemic, and wishing it away or arguing with one another won’t stop the virus. Almost all of us know a scientist—our doctor, nurse practitioner or other healthcare provider. Talk to them, get your questions answered, get the vaccine and fi nd a mask that doesn’t drive you crazy. Viruses continue to mutate until they’re stopped through herd immunity. We are racing against these mutations, to beat back the virus before a new mutation enables the virus to fi nd its way past the defense off ered by the available vaccines. Let’s beat this thing and get back to work! Listen to science. ‡ RU \ V P LO H L Q IO R U H Q FH ‰É à ü¿‰t t¬ Þ Ã« ‰Ã t¦¦ t€¿²Ãà !¦²¿‰¬€‰ó LIRXQGP\VPLOHLQIORUHQFHRU * * # ‡ LIRXQGP\VPLOHLQIORUHQFHRU P'"9 [I 9?e !Lø ‡ LIRXQGP\VPLOHLQIORUHQFHRU !" # ‡ LIRXQGP\VPLOHLQIORUHQFHRU $%& #' () !!0 & !. " !. /!"! ‡ LIRXQGP\VPLOHLQIORUHQFHRU +!(",- "!. " !. + ",- +!. /!" ! %-/.!(", ‡