6A | SATURDAY, MAY 8, 2021 | SIUSLAW NEWS Oregonians reminded to be ready for 2021 wildfire season May is Wildfire Awareness Month SALEM—In observance of Wildfire Awareness Month and in response to an earlier than normal Red Flag Warning issued by the National Weather Service in April, the Oregon Public Utility Commission (PUC) is reminding Oregonians to get ready for the 2021 wild- fire season and potential power outages. “If the Labor Day Fires in 2020 taught us anything, it’s to be ready for future wild- fire events, regardless of where you live in Oregon” said Letha Tawney, PUC Commissioner. “The PUC Visit us on the web T HE S IUSLAW N EWS . COM S IUSLAW N EWS Shoppe LOCAL #MyFlorence Shop. Eat. Support. SAVE. SHOP and other state agencies are providing information ear- ly to help Oregonians avoid being caught by surprise by wildfires that may require evacuations, utilities to im- plement public safety power shut-offs, or cause wide- spread power outages.” Prepare for Wildfires Before They Happen • Register to receive alerts from official sources. Download the FEMA app and receive real-time alerts from the National Weath- er Service for up to five lo- cations nationwide. Also, sign up for emergency no- tifications with your local city and/or county, as well as outage alerts from your electric utility service pro- vider. • Develop an emergen- cy plan and make sure ev- eryone in your household knows and understands what to do in the event of an evacuation. • Create a circle of safety around your home, which is a fuel-free defensible space that can help reduce fire danger. Visit Keep Oregon UPDATE from page 1A • Indoor Recreation and Fitness Establishments: maximum 10 percent oc- cupancy or 50 people total, whichever is larger • Indoor Entertainment Establishments: maximum 10 percent occupancy or 50 people total, whichever is larger • Retail Stores: maximum 50 percent occupancy • Faith Institutions & Fu- neral Homes: indoor maxi- mum 25 percent occupancy or 150 people total, which- ever is smaller; outdoor maximum 200 people The governor was able to move the whole state out of Green for more informa- Gather food, medical sup- tion. plies, batteries, pet supplies, among other things, needed Prepare for a Potential by family members during Power Outage an outage or evacuation Wildfires can cause power for up to two weeks. Learn outages, or electric utilities more about what supplies to may elect to implement a consider. public safety power shut- • For individuals with a off (PSPS). This is a safety medical condition that re- measure designed to help quires power, please contact protect people and commu- your service provider in ad- nities in high fire-risk areas vance of an outage to reg- by proactively shutting off ister a Medical Certificate. electricity during extreme This certification provides and dangerous weather con- added benefits and helps ditions that might result in the utility ensure they meet wildfires. If a PSPS becomes your needs in the event of necessary for electric utili- an outage. Also, consider a ties to implement, the ser- backup generator or alter- vice providers will contact native location for power their customers directly. needs. Below are links to access • Keep cell phones fully the outage and PSPS infor- charged in anticipation of an mation online for the inves- outage. Consider a car-char- tor-owned utilities regulated ger for cell phones and other by the PUC: electronic devices. • Portland General Electric • Make sure your utility • Pacific Power service provider has current • Idaho Power contact information for no- Oregonians are encour- tifications by updating your aged to do the following to account online. prepare for a potential pow- er outage before the 2021 During a Power Outage wildfire season: • Contact your electric • Be two weeks ready – utility service provider to in- form them of an outage. Be- low is the contact informa- tion for the investor-owned utilities regulated by the PUC. If uncertain which utility serves your area, vis- it https://www.oregon.gov/ energy/energy-oregon/pag- es/find-your-utility.aspx. • Portland General Elec- tric – 800-544-1795 • Pacific Power – 877- 508-5088 • Idaho Power – 800-488- 6151 • Avoid downed power lines at all costs. • Stay clear of utility crews working to restore service in your community. • Use flashlights or bat- tery operated lanterns for emergency lighting. Do not use candles or other poten- tial fire hazards. • Turn off lights and un- plug electric appliances ex- cept for the refrigerator and freezer to help avoid a surge to the system when service is restored. After turning off all the lights, turn one light on to know when power has been restored. • Use generators safely – Do not run the generator inside the home or garage or anywhere near a window or vent, as these spaces can capture deadly levels of car- bon monoxide. Learn more about proper use of a gen- erator to avoid hazardous conditions. • Check on elderly neighbors or individuals with special needs who might need additional as- sistance. extreme risk due to stabi- lizing hospitalization levels under guidance from OHA. “Thank you, Oregon. It’s because of the smart choic- es you have made — wear- ing masks, avoiding large gatherings and getting vac- cinated — that COVID-19 infections have not contin- ued to spike,” Brown said. “Your actions have saved lives. Please keep it up and follow health and safety precautions when you are out in public so that we can continue to protect one an- other.” On Tuesday, Brown pre- dicted that the rate that Oregonians are getting vac- cinated would prevent a fu- mass vaccination clinic will be held on Friday, May 14, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Florence Events Center, 715 Quince St. People can schedule an appointment at www.lanecounty.org/vax- clinics. Appointments are recommended, but walk- ins will be welcome. Prime and Boost doses of the Pfizer vaccine will be available for people. This event is conducted by Lane County Sheriff ’s Search and Rescue, through Lane County Government, Lane County Health & Hu- man Services and the City of Florence. “It’s because so many Oregonians continue to get vaccinated that we are able to lift our extreme risk health and safety restric- tions across Oregon today. It’s because of vaccines that so many Oregonians will be able to hug mom again this year. So please, stay safe, and support a local small business this weekend,” Brown said. People can learn more about the virus, and how to get vaccinated, at: • https://coronavirus.or egon.gov/Pages/living- with-covid-19.aspx • https://all4oregon.org/ • https://lanecounty.org/ coronavirus • https://lanecounty.org/ vaxclinics Get Results...List With Tim. Tim Sapp Owner / Principal Broker 541 999-8230 Dunewood Dr #76 – Cleared, level lot over- looking natural areas, with deeded lake and nature preserve ac- cess. Beautiful new de- velopment with curving streets, underground utilities and Hece- ta Water. $115,000. #3045-21086875 New Listing 1749 Highway 101 • 541-997-1200 O FF B AYSTREET B ISTRO 3pm to 9pm Thur. to Sun. Early bird 3pm to 4pm 15% off your bill Dine-in only Closed Mon., Tue., Wed. ture designation of extreme risk. “The sooner we can get a significant majority of Oregonians vaccinated, the sooner we can get back to our regular lives,” she said. The governor encouraged people to reach out to their health care providers if they have concerns or questions about the vaccines, which have been proven to be safe and effective. In addition, vaccines are becoming more widely available through vaccina- tion clinics and pharma- cies. All COVID-19 vac- cinations are free and no insurance is required. In Florence, the next Th e Siuslaw News is excited to keep the tradition of celebrating with our FROM BabyTO Graduate 8TH GRADE • HIGH SCHOOL • COLLEGE Now is the time to reserve your graduates a spot in this special section just for them. Grad’s Name Covered heated porch, In-door dining and ToGo’s Reservations highly recommended LOCATED IN OLD TOWN 541-590-3569 165 Maple Street, Florence, OR Offbaystreetbistro.com Natural Gas Tips • If required to evacuate, no need to shut off natural gas. • If natural gas applianc- es do not operate properly once electricity is restored, call your natural gas service provider. • If natural gas service is shut off, do not turn on yourself. Call your natural gas service provider to re- store service. • If you smell natural gas, evacuate immediately and call 911 For additional informa- tion on fire prevention and preparedness, visit: www.or- egon.gov/puc/safety/Pages/ Power-Outage-Prep.aspx. SAMPLE School: Birth Date: Parents: Grandparents : Deadline is Friday, May 28, 2021 LEGACY PORTRAITURE Portraits that will show your innermost self. SUPPORT Email photo and below information to advertising@thesiuslawnews.com Will Publish June 5, 2021 Enclose Check for $35.00 and mail to RODGER BENNETT PHOTOGRAPHY 1234 Rhododendron Drive #7 | Florence, Oregon 97439 541-991-0777 | www.photobyrodger.com “Baby to Graduate Review” Siuslaw News P.O. Box 10, Florence, OR 97439 Or stop by our offi ce at 148 Maple St. (in Old Town Florence) Grad’s Name: School: Birth Date: Parents: Grandparents: Your Name: Address: Phone: