The Siuslaw news. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1960-current, May 08, 2021, SATURDAY EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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On The Record
George Warren Har-
mond, known as “G,”
passed away Feb. 22,
2021 at SHMC River-
bend after suffering a
He was born Sept. 19,
1944 in Wheeling, WV,
to Edwin and Marga-
ret Har-
wife of
51 years,
Harmond d a u g h -
ter Mica
Bo; son Grant; sister
Michele; and five grand
One of a kind, G was a
truly gifted artist having
worked in ceramics and
lost-wax casting before
turning his eye to the
thrill of buying and sell-
ing collectable treasures.
He loved jazz, of
which he had an ex-
tensive knowledge and
collection. G enjoyed a
good meal and wine and
loved to try new recipes.
Always ready with a new
joke or witty comment,
he will be missed by
family and friends.
A celebration of life
will be held at a later
date when we can again
gather safely.
POST—Alice Ainger
Post, 97, passed away
April 22, 2021 in Flor-
ence, Ore., where she
and her late husband
Clifford R. Post lived for
the past 30 years.
She was born Nov. 2,
1923 in Williams, Calif.,
a farming community in
the Sacramento Valley.
She was the youngest
child of Ray Ainger and
Meda Gibson Ainger
She was pre-deceased
by her siblings Harold
Ainger, Ruby Ander-
son, Ivan Ainger and Ira
Ainger — all of Califor-
Alice had no children
but enjoyed the love of
several family members
and friends who have
kept in close touch with
Alice also leaves Char-
lie, a female cat she took
in as a stray and who has
been her constant be-
loved companion these
past years while living at
an assisted living facility.
Alice was a very tal-
ented professional por-
celain painter and in-
structor. Her family and
friends have been the
recipients of many beau-
tiful art pieces.
These past few years
she became proficient
at water coloring and
enjoyed gardening from
her wheelchair. Her
sharp mind made her a
formidable adversary at
cards and there wasn’t a
puzzle she couldn’t con-
The family is very
appreciative of the ex-
cellent loving care she
received from the staff
at New Friends in Flor-
ence, Ore.
As per her wishes, no
services will be held.
Chapel Florence Funeral
Home is in charge of all
Robert Duane Peters-
dorf, passed into life
eternal on May 1, 2021.
It was the 100th Anni-
versary of his mother’s
birth, two months short
of his 80th birthday.
His passing was due to
a sudden massive stroke,
which occurred while
doing what he loved:
splitting wood with a
chainsaw in his hand.
Bob was born July 10,
1941 in Bemidji, Minn.,
to Herschel Robert Pe-
tersdorf and Maryanne
Mae (Rogers) Peters-
dorf. The family moved
west to Longview, Wash.
in 1947.
He spent his formative
years in Gardiner, Ore.,
and graduated from
Reedsport High School
in 1959. He married Pa-
mela Trammel in March
of 1963
and di-
in 1965.
He was
s o o n
af ter
ed into
Petersdorf the U.S.
and served in Vietnam
from 1965 to 1967 as a
Private 1st class.
Bob worked many
years at IGAs in Florence
before venturing out on
his own and opening
Petersdorf ’s Foodtown
He made an impact
on many people through
the years, sometimes
taking items in trade in
lieu of money when his
customers lacked the
funds to pay for their
After two devasting
fires forced him to close
the store, he worked for
Safeway as the dairy de-
partment manager until
his retirement.
He was a charter
member of the Florence
Kiwanis club, a member
of the American Legion,
the Odd Fellows and the
Florence Elks, where he
just received his 50th
year member recogni-
He enjoyed bowling
Helping Hands Coalition
Come and join us for a
Spring-time BBQ
Selling polish and hot dogs
We will also have soda, bottled water & chips.
Date: May 15, 2021
Time: 11:00 am to 2:00 pm
Location: Grocery outlet parking lot
All proceeds to stay in Florence and help those in need of a free meal.
Write a Letter to the Editor today.
Can’t Decide
Who to Vote For?
The Women on the
May 18th ballot
for education boards
understand that
inclusive &
quality education
is key to our future!
Choose These Capable &
Compassionate Members
of Our Community.
Paid for by Florence Area Democratic Club |
with a local team un-
til the pandemic halted
such activities.
Bob was also active in
local politics, helping to
incorporate Dunes City.
He served on the Dunes
City Council, Planning
Commission, as Road
Commissioner and four
terms as Mayor. He took
pride in helping to de-
velop many of the City’s
chartering policies and
principles thru its com-
prehensive plan. His
fellow road commis-
sion members will long
remember the dinner
feasts with all the trim-
mings Bob would host
for them to celebrate
their yearly accomplish-
Bob is preceded in
death by his parents and
a brother, Patrick Peters-
He is survived by his
sisters: Nancy (Lar-
ry) Johnson, Roxanne
(Mark) Gill, and Lisa
Kuydendall; his broth-
er, Jeff Petersdorf; seven
nieces, three nephews
and 22 grand-nieces and
Due to pandemic re-
strictions, no services
are currently planned.
The family will gath-
er on July 10, his 80th
birthday, for inurnment
at the Scottsburg Cem-
Chapel Florence Funeral
Home is in charge of ar-
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Help shape the future of the
Port of Siuslaw!
The Port of Siuslaw is in the process of upda ng its
Strategic Business Plan and has partnered with the
Lane Council of Governments to help engage local
businesses, community members, and other stake-
holders. As part of this process, the Port of Siuslaw
is asking for input from community members and
stakeholders like you.
The survey will assist the Port in iden fying what the
Port is doing well, what the Port could improve on,
what kinds of projects and ac vi es you think the
Port should pursue, and how you currently interact
and engage with the Port. Your feedback will help
guide the development of the Port of Siuslaw’s
Strategic Business Plan and shape Port ac vi es in
the future.
We want to hear from you!
Tell us what you think by scanning the QR code:
You can also take the survey on the Port’s
home webpage:
hƩ p://
Due to Covid restrictions the
family has not had been able to
hold a memorial, so in lieu of
that here is a remembrance in his
honor. Jay L. Tank was born Jan-
uary 19, 1943 in San Pedro, CA
to Charles E. Tank and Lois Jane
Fey. He passed away one year ago
on May 8, 2020. His father was a
career Navy man, and his mother
was a nurse in the Navy prior to
his parent’s marriage. Th ey lived
in California, Michigan and Ha-
waii when Jay was in the 5 th , 6 th
and 7 th grades. Th ey returned to
live in El Cajon, CA where his
father retired from the Navy. Jay
graduated from Grossmont High
School in 1961. He earned an AA
degree from Grossmont College
in 1964, and then joined the Air
Force in 1965. He was a staff ser-
geant serving in the Air Police and
was stationed in Th ule, Green-
land. Upon an honorable dis-
charge in 1969, he joined the San
Diego County Marshal’s Offi ce.
He was Honor Man of his graduat-
ing class of the San Diego County
Marshal’s Training Academy. He
earned a BA degree in Public Ad-
ministration from San Diego State
University in 1976. He retired as
a Sergeant in 1998. Th e Marshal’s
Department merged with the
San Diego Sheriff ’s Department
in 2000 and he technically re-
tired as a Sheriff . He then worked
part-time as an on-call and con-
ducted background checks. He
was the Gun Range Master and
maintained Sharp Shooter status
throughout his career. He com-
peted in many pistol contests
through the years winning medals
in local, state, and international
competitions. He became a huge
SDSU Aztec fan and an avid fan of
college football. He also contin-
ued his lifelong passion of archery.
From 1960 to 1962, he and Linda
Bartholomew (from Helix) dated!
Th en in 1982, they met up again
at Linda’s high school reunion and
married in 1984.
Jay was a much-respected gen-
tleman and loved by all! We re-
ceived many correspondences
when he passed away giving many
accolades regarding his life. He
was especial-
ly noted to
have a sense
livening up
things with
his quick wit
affi ni-
ty for trivia.
He knew all
the answers
on Jeopardy!
He lived by
example of
how to form
interpersonal relationships and
develop lasting friendships. He
also had a tremendously positive
impact on the careers of many
co-workers. He was a well-re-
spected supervisor who treated
people with fairness and respect.
Th e young cadets learned much
from him including how to play
Jay and Linda moved to Flor-
ence, Oregon in 2005 where Jay
joined the Elks Lodge and they
became very active members. Lin-
da was a Lady of Elk and they trav-
eled and camped with the Rolling
Elks. Jay held the positions of Loy-
al Knight, Chaplain, Esquire (for
fi ve years) and was Offi cer of the
year in 2009. He volunteered for
a multitude of activities!! He was
a member of the American Legion
and VFW. He was one of the fi rst
two male members of Ladies of
Jay is survived by his loving
wife, Linda, stepdaughter Jill
Hamblin, stepson David (Jeanne)
Hamblin, loving step granddaugh-
ter Hannah Hamblin, brother
Dennis Tank, nephew Brian Tank,
Cousins Jean Allstead, Patricia
(Gerald) Marriner, Cheryl Turner
and Charles (Lorraine) Jespersen.
He was preceded in death by his
parents, nephew Sean Tank, niece
Shannon Tank and cousin Kent
Turner. Th e compassionate care
of Jay by hospice was appreciated
by the family thus they wish that
donations be sent to Peace Harbor
Hospice – 400 9 th St Florence, OR
97439 or a charity of your choice.