The Siuslaw news. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1960-current, May 08, 2021, SATURDAY EDITION, Image 10

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    Creative Mother’s Day celebration and gift ideas for 2021
n Sunday, May 9, 2021,
millions of people will cele-
brate the special women in their
lives, particularly the mothers,
grandmothers and stepmoth-
ers who often tirelessly care
for those they love.
Created by Anna Jarvis in
the early 20th century and des-
ignated an official United States
holiday in 1914, Mother’s Day is
a special day in many families.
Apart from birth-
days, primary fe-
male caregivers
may not always
get the recog-
nition they de-
serve, nor be en-
titled to a day to kick
back and relax and let others
take the helm. Mother’s Day en-
titles them to something special.
Even though the way people
have been living has
changed during
the COVID-19
Mother’s Day
may be the first
holiday on the
calendar when the
world can finally regain some
sense of normalcy. But cau-
tion should still prevail during
Mother’s Day celebrations.
Thankfully, there are plenty
of creative ways to celebrate
mothers and mother figures
this year.
it was a safety measure, enjoy-
ing a meal on a sun-soaked patio
or overlooking a body of water
was popular. If you’re worried
about limited restaurant space
or crowds, plan a picnic at a sce-
nic location, such as a botanical
garden or county park. Include
Mom’s favorite foods and enjoy
the fresh air and delicious foods
Create a photo slideshow
Digital photos have eclipsed
prints in many people’s hearts.
But too often digital photos nev-
er get seen after they’re
initially taken. That
can change when you
compile a slideshow
Dine truly “al fresco”
Outdoor dining has become of favorite photos from
commonplace, and even before childhood and even present-day
photos that Mom is
Enjoy her hobbies & interests
sure to appreciate.
Devote a day or more to try-
Use sentimental
ing Mom’s interests and hob-
music or Mom’s fa-
bies, whether they include
vorite songs as the
hitting the links, knitting,
soundtrack, and in-
singing in the church
clude some inspira-
choir, or digging in her
tional quotations or
personal voiceovers.
This is one gift that
Send an edible gift
can be shared in person or over
If you can’t be there to cel-
group meeting apps.
ebrate with Mom in person,
have a special meal delivered to
Get involved together
her door. Then enjoy the same
An especially meaningful way foods with her via Google Meet,
to honor a mother who is always Facetime or Zoom. Don’t forget
giving her time and love is to a tasty cocktail so you can toast
become involved in a differ- the special woman in your life.
ence-making organization.
Mother’s Day celebrations can
Joint volunteerism is a great be unique, heartfelt and cus-
way to spend more time togeth- tomized based on family needs.
er working toward a worthy goal.
— Metro Creative Connection